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Hong Kong and the Interior of China are leading clothing exporters in the world. Together they accounted for nearly 29 percent of the global clothing exports in 1999. The paper is basically divided into two parts. Firstly, it discusses that high world market share is an indicator of competitiveness for the product. From United Nations statistics, it was identified that Hong Kong and the Interior of China were competitive in certain discrete clothing items and a trend was apparent in the production shift of labour intensive clothing items from Hong Kong to the Mainland as witnessed from 1987-1993. With the revised statistical classification system in clothing items released by United Nations, second part of the paper further investigates the broad clothing categories of knitted and woven garments from 1987-1998. It was discovered that Hong Kong was traditionally more competitive hi knitted garments while the Interior of China possessed advantages hi the manufacture of woven items. Taking the labour cost  相似文献   

Extrapyramidal movement disorders are common in chronic schizophrenia, and may be an intrinsic feature of the illness as well as related to antipsychotic drug treatment. Similar dysfunctions at illness onset may have implications for outcome, and for under- standing the mechanisms of illness. The objectives were to examine the clinical correlates of pre-treatment movement disorders at first episode of psychosis, and determine associations with neuropsychological function and striatal structure. Never medicated subjects were recruited from consecutive admissions to Early Psychosis Programs with defined catchment areas in Hong Kong, China, and Halifax, Canada. Standardized clinical, neuropsychological and brain imaging assessments were carried out at baseline and following acute and long term treatment with typical or atypical antipsychotic drugs. At the Hong Kong site, we studied 84 subjects with first episode psychosis (n = 10 with EPS). At the Halifax site, we studied 40 subjects with first episode psychosis (n = 17 with EPS), and 23 healthy comparison subjects. Subjects with movement disorders prior to treatment (EPS+) had higher total PANSS scores at baseline (mean elevation 19.9% Hong Kong, P = 0.016; 14.7% Halifax, P = 0.049). In subjects treated with atypical antipsychotics (all Halifax), EPS+ status at baseline predicted more movement disorders at long term follow up (P = 0.0005). In both cohorts, EPS+ subjects had poorer acute symptomatic treatment response assessed with the PANSS (Hong Kong P = 0.005; Halifax P = 0.017). Neuropsychological impairment related to executive dysfunction appeared greater in a small sam- ple of EPS+ subjects (Hong Kong, effect size 0.26-0.27, P < 0.05). Caudate volumes were 4.5% larger in EPS+ compared with EPS-subjects (Halifax P = 0.042), and correlations between striatal volumes and age were different in the EPS+ group. In conclu- sion, pre-treatment EPS is present in a substantial minority of subjects with first episode psychosis, appears to persist at long term follow up, and is associated with poorer response of symptoms to treatment. Selective impairment of executive function and stria- tal enlargement provides evidence of abnormalities of brain function and structure associated with this aspect of early psychosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the "push" factors, which are the factors explaining the phenomena of the moving out of the textile and clothing industry in Hong Kong. The focus was put on its relationship to the time and the decision preference level. Data were collected by a questionnaire survey with 85 successful replies. A three dimensional contingency table was formulated to analyse the situation.  相似文献   

Fashion changes frequently, on monthly, seasonal to yearly basis. In different periods of time, people tried to use different theories to explain the concept of fashion change. Traditional views including trickle down theory, collective selection theory, mass market theory and subculture leadership theory. From the viewpoint of contemporary thoughts, symbolic interactionist theory of fashion and the power of the fashion industry were discussed and used to examine fashion images prevailing in Hong Kong. Hong Kong young consumers were selected as study samples. Focus group interviews and questionnaire survey were used as qualitative and quantitative method. Results shows that to accept fashion change, status (working or studying) had influence in interpreting fashion images. In addition, male and female students had different opinion on selected statements of the symbolic interactionist theory of fashion but no difference was found between working subjects. Marketing implications are discussed with refere  相似文献   

Recently, there were debates about the specificity of lateral middle fusiform in face processing. The debates focused on whether these areas were specialized in face processing or involved in processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level. The present study aims to investigate the neural mechanism of face processing, using Chinese characters as comparison stimuli. Chinese characters are greatly similar to faces on a variety of dimensions, among which the most significant one is that both faces and Chinese characters not only are extremely familiar to literate Chinese adults but also are processed at individual level. In the present study, faces and Chinese characters activated bilateral middle fusiform with great correlation. Greater activities were observed in the right fusiform face area (FFA) for faces than for Chinese characters. These results demonstrate that FFA is specialized in face processing per se rather than the processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level.  相似文献   

The three areas of China: Inland in China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan Province, are among the largest exporters of textiles and apparel in the world. They are the largest suppliers to the United States, which is the largest importing market in the world. In this research, export performances of the three areas to the United States are investigated. Analyses indicate that since the 1980s, textile and apparel exports of Inland in China to the US and its market share grew rapidly, while exports of Hong Kong and Taiwan grew much slower, and their market shares declined. Product prices of the three areas in the US market were generally higher than the market average. Especially for apparel, while export compositions of all three areas somewhat leaned towards the lower end of the market, actual product prices were substantially higher than those in the market.  相似文献   

Based on data gathered through a questionnaire survey with 3,544 respondents in six largest cities in China, the clothing expenditures of Chinese consumers and influential factors are investigated hi this paper. It was found that regional differences exist significantly among the cities, possibly due to differences in economy, customs, culture and other factors. It was also found that the demographic and socioeconomic factors including age, gender, marital status, education level, occupation, and household income have a significant influence on clothing expenditures. Further, the interactive influences of geographic variable with demographic and socioeconomic variables on the clothing expenditures were examined. The findings should have useful implications for segmenting Chinese consumers and developing marketing strategies in China.  相似文献   

Origin of summer monsoon rainfall identified by δ18O in precipitation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A negative correlation between δ^18O in monsoon precipitation and f, the ratio of precipitable water in monsoon region to that in water source area, is hypothesized. Using the Rayleigh model, a new method for identifying origin of summer monsoon rainfall is developed based on the hypothesis. In order to validate the method, the isotopic data at New Delhi, a typical station in the southwest monsoon region, and Hong Kong, a typical station in the southeast monsoon region, were collected and analyzed for case studies. The case studies indicate that the water source areas of the monsoon rairdall at the two stations identified by the method are accordant with the general atmosphere circulation patterns. The method developed in this paper is significantly important for tracing the origin of summer monsoon precipitation.  相似文献   

Hong Kong clothing firms have invested overseas from as early as the late 1950s in order to evade or minimise the impact of quantitative restrictions for export to developed countries. Under global trading and production involvement, the Offshore Direct Investment (ODI) activities of Hong Kong clothing firms have actually spread and penetrated into the clothing industry of different continents in the world. This paper studies empirically on Dunning's eclectic model for the offshore investment of Hong Kong clothing firms with emphasis on the rationale behind the shift and the locations chosen for initial and recent investments.  相似文献   

The accuracy of MODIS aerosol products from the NASA Terra Satellite is validated in comparison with the results of sun-photometer observations in Beijing and Hong Kong. By analyzing the MODIS aerosol products within the period of August 2000 to April 2003, it is believed that human activities are the main source of aerosols in the eastern part of China. This is based on the facts that all areas with relatively high values are consistent with regions of dense population and fast economic development, such as the North China Plain, the Sichuan Basin and the Pearl River Delta. It is also supported by the distribution of 舗gstr鰉 exponents showing that most aerosols in the eastern part of China are closely related to human activities, excepting the strong sandstorm episodes occurring in spring, fall and winter. In contrast to developed countries, the 舗gstr鰉 exponent of urban area in China is lower than its surroundings, indicating that the contribution of local floating dust and soot attributed to human activities is significant. Results presented in this paper provide important data for further research on climatic change and environmental study.  相似文献   

生态足迹在中国城市发展中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用生态足迹分析法的基本原理和计算模型,以2005年各城市统计年鉴为依据,对中国不同城市2004年的可持续发展进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:2004年香港生态足迹最大,为4.8676 hm2/cap,而香港的生态承载力仅为0.0399 hm2/cap,需求是供给的122倍,上海生态足迹仅次于香港,以下依次是北京、天津、青岛、沈阳、深圳和重庆.2004年香港生态效率最高,为3.9299万元/hm2,深圳次之,以下依次是上海、沈阳、青岛、北京、天津和重庆.与香港相比,中国内地城市生态效率还有很大的差距.  相似文献   

香港是世界著名的旅游目的地和客源地,为了探讨内地游客对香港旅游感知及评价,利用内容分析法,以去哪儿网上114篇有关香港的网络游记为研究样本,借助Rost-CM6进行文本分析,从区划名称、旅游景点、交通、住宿、美食及购物等方面,对赴港内地游客的旅游感知进行分析,探讨其对香港旅游的情感评价;研究发现:内地游客对香港旅游感知,主要是香港城市旅游景区,其次是行政区划,而后依次是交通、美食、住宿及购物,且对香港具有丰富且积极的情感评价。  相似文献   

香港与大陆上市公司非公允关联交易比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过构建六大非公允关联交易的预警指标并结合统计检验分析方法,以2006年度A股和H-A股各41家单位相关数据,对大陆和香港如何规制关联交易进行比较,发现H-A股发生非关联交易的可能性小于A股,主要原因在于香港的法律环境比较优越,上市规则比较严格和规范.对关联交易的各项规制比大陆严格,尤其是对关联交易信息披露的要求大大制约了非公允关联交易的发生率.所以,规范上市规则、严格关联交易信息披露是抑制非公允关联交易的有效途径.  相似文献   

现代汉语常用词"进行"在两岸四地的使用同中有异,此外还有一定程度的融合趋向,因此可以作为了解四地语言状况异同及其发展变化的一个窗口。大陆"进行"的使用与台港澳三地差异最大,主要表现为频率最高、"传统"用法最多,最具有"形式动词"的典型特征,另外在新时期还有明显的用法拓展,而其他三地则更具多样性,并且相互之间也有一些细微的差别。  相似文献   

介绍了随中国机械工程学会代表团参观了香港理工大学的大体情况,并阐述看法与感受认为香港理工大学的许多方、面值得国内大学借鉴和学习,高等工程教育应该以实用为本。  相似文献   

香港因殖民地统治,形成了与内地完全不同的文化背景,"港式中文"就是这种文化背景的的产物。与内地相比,香港语文教学的理念不同,重工具性,轻人文性,强调创造性;语文课堂教学语言、教学文字不同,香港的课堂语言是粤语,使用繁体字;语文教学的课程目标不同,重在培养学生阅读、写作、聆听、说话和思维等语文能力,重在对学生自学能力的培养、对文化的认识。香港所使用的教材、采用的教学方法、考试范围等也与内地不同。香港的教师和学生与内地相比也表现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

本文研究数据来自两岸大中学校实施的问卷调查,被调查词语来源认知调查结果呈现的两种状态显示两岸词语存在一定差异。语言是社会现象,词语是社会的产物,两岸自然、人文、社会环境的差异,必然使两岸词语烙上各自的印记,两岸汉语词语来源认知的差异是调查对象对于词语自身印记的反映。两岸词语差异是汉语内部的差异,随着两岸互动日渐频繁,部分词语自身的印记已开始模糊并逐渐淡化,因而两岸互动是汉语词语融通最便利最经济的途径。  相似文献   

与复杂的跨国网络与跨界互动相比,公民身份却划分了清晰的边界。香港回归中国主权后,对其公民身份的类别划分带来了极大的挑战。依照香港基本法中对居留权的定义,很大一部分——近一百六十七万人——可以享有这个权利,反映出香港与内地的跨界社会关系有着复杂历史。尽管香港与内地的社会和经济高度统一,但其边界仍然严格限制了人口从内地向香港流动。这种既统一又分离的状况导致了一种复杂的对立,部分地反映在关于居留权的争论。即使那些已经成功移民香港的内地居民也面临着各种挑战,其中最严峻的是怎样在香港这样一个住房价格最高的城市中获得可以负担的住所。因为新移民无法申请公营房屋,但这些房屋却占香港房屋总数的一半。而其私人住房的价格又是世界上最贵的。  相似文献   

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