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Study on efficient mining of the steep incline and fractured ore-bodies in Yongshaba mine of Guizhou Kailin Group, shows that ore-body is fractured and it is difficult to support the roadways in-vein. After research of the actual conditions about the ore-bodies, we have made the initial decision to adopt Reconstruction of Roof Downward Sublevel Cut-and-Fill Mining. The men work safely under the false roof supporting the top plate. However, the difficult problem is how to determine the strength of the false roof. In this case, the method based on reliability theory has been put forward. Combined with elastic mechanics and field practice, when practical value of reliable probability is 90%, the value of the false roof strength has been calculated, and the study shows stope span strongest influences the false roof strength. With the strength of artificial roof, the reasonable reinforcement design ensures the false roof can supply the demand of strength under large span and load.  相似文献   

通过混凝土中爆炸试验,实测不耦合装药系数K为2.0,2.5,3.0和3.5时,距爆源中心距离R在8~16 cm范围内的爆炸波径向动应变信号和爆后混凝土损伤变量D分布;将爆炸波分离为爆炸冲击波区、应力波区及爆生气体膨胀作用区,并就各分离区的应力峰值σmax、加卸载应变率峰值εmax、质点运动速度峰值umax与K和R之间的关系进行研究.研究结果表明:爆炸冲击波σmax为752~1 720 MPa,umax为95.9~184.0m/s,作用时间约3μS,加卸载应变率ε以(4.85~10.00)x 104/s的峰值呈周期变化,σmax,εmax和umax随K和R的增大而减小;应力波作用形式以压、拉应力为主,加卸载应变率ε和质点运动速度u在2.6~3.8μs内近似呈周期变化,σmax,εmax和umax随K和R变化复杂,且在损伤边界显著增大;爆生气体膨胀作用区以持续的拉或压应力为主,也在损伤边界显著增大,ε和u近似为0,作用时间约17μs,σmax随K的增大基本不变.  相似文献   

为了对爆炸特征进行研究,选择了Cohen类分布中的Margenau-Hill分布函数就实测爆炸波信号开展了时频能分析,实现了爆炸波信号的识别定位和爆炸冲击波、应力波和爆生气体膨胀作用下的时频域动应变能密度区分离,通过计算得到了总动应变能和各分区的动应变能。就不耦合系数K和到炮孔中心不同距离R下的各分区动应变能与爆炸后损伤之间的关系进行了对比,提出了与损伤阈值Dcri有关的动应变能阈值Ecri为岩体是否破裂的能量判据。结果表明,动应变能大于Ecri时,岩体才损伤。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种全新的研究量子体系基态的计算方案,最速逼近微扰理论。它通过逐步计入激发态的贡献来提高计算精度,且避免了瑞利-薛定谔微扰理论计算高级修正必须进行无穷求和和最陡下降微扰理论必须计算微扰哈密顿量二次和三次方矩阵元的困难,因而有更大的实用性。所举的计算实例表明,本文提出的计算方案比瑞利-薛定谔微扰理论和最陡下降微扰理论的计算精度高,而计算工作量却小得多.  相似文献   

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