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Summary The pH for the optimum activity of the midgut invertase was 5.5 in the adults ofS. ruficornis, 6.0 in its larvae and adults ofM. domestica and 6.5 in the larvae of the latter fly. The optimum temperature was 50°C. Enzyme activity was retarded by the addition of glucose and fructose.  相似文献   

Summary Among the haemocytes ofSarcophaga ruficornis, only the prohaemocytes divide. Injection of phytohaemagglutinin-P induces 100% prohaemocytes to undergo mitosis but does not induce mitosis in other cells. Mitotic stages other than the prophase are apparently very short lived.Acknowledgment. We express our gratitude to the State Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, U.P. for the grant of financial assistance to U.S.S.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis von 3 Typen neurosekretorischer Zellen im Bauchmark der indischen BlutegelHirudinaria granulosa undTheromyzon rude.  相似文献   

Riassunto Ghiandole salivari di larve diSmittia (Chironomidae) sono state incubate in vitro in presenza di timidina tritiata. Le modalità di marcatura dei cromosomi e dei nucleoli dimostrano che in questo materiale non esiste correlazione tra frequenza di marcatura del DNA intranucleolare e modalità o intensità di marcatura del DNA cromosomico. In particolare sono stati riscontrati casi in cui il DNA intranucleolare appare marcato mentre il DNA cromosomico non è in fase di replicazione. I risultati ottenuti sembrano indicare che il DNA intra-nucleolare inSmittia sia costituito da una o più unità di replicazione autonome.  相似文献   

Summary The course of the photic input from the metasoma in the ventral nerve cord of scorpion was studied. The input was found to influence the activity in a large number of neurons in the nerve cord. The phenomenon of contralateral stimulation of units at various levels of the nerve cord has heen demonstrated.Acknowledgments. The electronic equipment used for the study was obtained with the help of Prof.T. H. Bullock and the late Prof.K. Pampapathi Rao who initiated me into this field of study, through a research grant from the USAFOSR to them. I am highly grateful to Prof.Bullock for permitting me to use the equipment. I am also grateful to Dr.A. R. Kasturi Bai for her kind encouragement and Dr.S. A. T. Venkatachari for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

Summary The honeydew of the aphidSchizaphis graminum (Rondani) contains hetero-oligosaccharides (mol. wt>2200 D) having neutral sugar and uronic acid compositions similar to the pectic substances of the host plant,Sorghum biocolor (L.) Moench. These oligosaccharides are pectic fragments which result from the depolymerization of pectic substances in the phloem by aphid salivary polysaccharases.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aufgrund von Lage, Grösse und färberischem Verhalten können in der ventralen Ganglienkette des KäfersHydrophilus olivaceus 3 Typen von neurosekretorischen Zellen (A1, A2, B) unterschieden werden. Die Axone der in allen Ganglien vorkommenden A2-Zellen führen im Suboesophagealganglion und in den Thoracalganglien zu paraldehydfuchsinpositiven Bezirken, aus denen umgekehrt perlschnurartig mit Neurosekreten gefüllte Nervenfasern zu den Lateralnerven führen. Die fuchsinophilen Bezirke werden als intraganglionäre Neurohaemalorgane interpretiert.

The authors are grateful to Prof.J. P. Thapliyal for facilities and to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi for financial support.  相似文献   

Summary Using a specific technique for biogenic amines, similar cells to those described as small intense fluorescent (SIF) cells were identified in the atrioventricular valves of the opossum heart. It is suggested that these cells, under neural control, may secrete amines.  相似文献   

Monoamine-containing neurones in cultures of rat brain stem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E H?sli  W Meier-Ruge  L H?sli 《Experientia》1971,27(3):310-311

Résumé Il y a quatre groupes, 1, 2, 3 et 4, de cellules neurosécrétrices dans chaque demi-sphère du cerveau larvaire duSarcophaga ruficornis. Pendant la métamorphose, les groupes 1 et 2 deviennent antérieurs dorsaux et forment des cellules neurosécrétrices médiales de la mouche adulte; le groupe 3 devient ventral mais s'évanouit après l'éclosion de la mouche; le groupe 4 s'évanouit aussi, mais plus tôt.  相似文献   

Résumé La raffinose a été découverte pour la première fois dans l'insecteS. calcitrans, une mouche suceuse de sang. Le sucre est présent dans les ufs fraîchement pondus, dans les larves au troisième stage, dans les pupes blanches et dans les toutes jeunes mouches. On a aussi discuté le róle probable de ce sucre.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Monoaminhaltige Neurone konnten mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie in Hirnstammgewebe, welches während mehrerer Tage in vitro gezüchtet wurde, nachgewiesen werden. Reserpin und Natriumborhydrid bewirkten eine deutliche Abnahme dieser Fluoreszenz. Diese Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin, dass Neurone, welche während mehrerer Tage in vitro gezüchtet wurden, die Fähigkeit haben, Monoamine zu speichern und/oder zu synthetisieren.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mittels Ionenaustausch-Chromatographie konnten 37 freie Ninhydrin-positive Stoffe in adulten Tsetse-Fliegen,Glossina palpalis, aufgetrennt werden. Die meisten Derivate der Aminosäuren wurden vor der Asparaginsäure aus der Harzsäule eluiert, was auf ihre saure Natur hindeutet.

The financial assistance received from the University for my visit to Zürich is greatly appreciated. I wish to thank the staff (Entomology Section) of the Nigerian Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research, Kaduna, for the supply ofGlossina palpalis pupae.  相似文献   

Summary The pH and temperature for the optimum activity of trypsin from the midgut ofSarcophaga ruficornis andMusca domestica was 7.5 and 8.0 respectively and 50°C. The enzymic activity increased with the increase in incubation period and enzyme concentration.Thanks are due to Prof.R. Rakshpal for guidance.  相似文献   

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