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T clusters, based on J distinct, contributory partitions (or, equivalently, J polytomous attributes). We describe a new model/algorithm for implementing this objective. The method's objective function incorporates a modified Rand measure, both in initial cluster selection and in subsequent refinement of the starting partition. The method is applied to both synthetic and real data. The performance of the proposed model is compared to latent class analysis of the same data set.  相似文献   

An algorithm to maximize the agreement between partitions   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

blocs and legislative measures are partitioned into types so that, as nearly as possible, votes by each bloc for each type of measure are either all YEAs or all NAYs. A probability model is given for the partitions into blocs and types, and for the pattern of YEAs and NAYs given the partitions. The Alternating Randomized Combination algorithm is presented for searching for high probability partition pairs. The probability of each bloc and type in the final optimal partition pair is estimated by Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The final partition identifies 18 blocs of Senators, and 14 types of legislative measures. The blocs and types are delineated in a table reporting all decisive votes in the 103rd Congress. The blocs are characterized by the types of measures in which they vote against the majority party.  相似文献   

Minimum sum of diameters clustering   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The problem of determining a partition of a given set ofN entities intoM clusters such that the sum of the diameters of these clusters is minimum has been studied by Brucker (1978). He proved that it is NP-complete forM3 and mentioned that its complexity was unknown forM=2. We provide anO(N 3 logN) algorithm for this latter case. Moreover, we show that determining a partition into two clusters which minimizes any given function of the diameters can be done inO(N 5) time.Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR 0271 to Rutgers University. We are grateful to Yves Crama for several insightful remarks and to an anonymous referee for detailed comments.  相似文献   

k consisting of k clusters, with k > 2. Bottom-up agglomerative approaches are also commonly used to construct partitions, and we discuss these in terms of worst-case performance for metric data sets. Our main contribution derives from a new restricted partition formulation that requires each cluster to be an interval of a given ordering of the objects being clustered. Dynamic programming can optimally split such an ordering into a partition Pk for a large class of objectives that includes min-diameter. We explore a variety of ordering heuristics and show that our algorithm, when combined with an appropriate ordering heuristic, outperforms traditional algorithms on both random and non-random data sets.  相似文献   

The paper presents methodology for analyzing a set of partitions of the same set of objects, by dividing them into classes of partitions that are similar to one another. Two different definitions are given for the consensus partition which summarizes each class of partitions. The classes are obtained using either constrained or unconstrained clustering algorithms. Two applications of the methodology are described.  相似文献   

Divisive hierarchical clustering algorithms with the diameter criterion proceed by recursively selecting the cluster with largest diameter and partitioning it into two clusters whose largest diameter is smallest possible. We provide two such algorithms with complexitiesO( N 2) andO(N 2logN) respectively, where denotes the maximum number of clusters in a partition andN the number of entities to be clustered. The former algorithm, an efficient implementation of an algorithm of Hubert, allows to find all partitions into at most clusters and is inO(N 2) for fixed . Moreover, if in each partitioning the size of the largest cluster is bounded byp times the number of entities in the set to be partitioned, with 1/2<=p<1, it provides a complete hierarchy of partitionsO(N 2 logN) time. The latter algorithm, a refinement of an algorithm of Rao allows to build a complete hierarchy of partitions inO(N 2 logN) time without any restriction. Comparative computational experiments with both algorithms and with an agglomerative hierarchical algorithm of Benzécri are reported.
Résumé Les algorithmes de classification hiérarchique descendante utilisant le critère du diamètre, sélectionnent récursivement la classe de plus grand diamètre et la partitionnent en deux classes, dont le plus grand diamètre est le plus, petit possible. Nous proposons deux tels algorithmes, avec des complexités enO ( N2) etO(N 2 logN) respectivement, où désigne le nombre maximum de classes d'une partition etN le nombre d'objets à classifier. Le premier algorithme, une implantation d'un algorithme de Hubert, permet de construire des partitions avec au plus classes et est enO(N 2) pour fixé. De plus, si dans chaque bipartition le nombre d'objets de la plus grande classe, est borné parp fois le nombre d'objets de l'ensemble à partitionner, où 1/2≤p<1, cet algorithme permet de construire une hiérarchie complète de partitions en tempsO(N 2 logN). Le second algorithme, un raffinement d'un algorithme de Rao, permet de construire une hiérarchie complète de partitions en tempsO(N 2 logN) sans aucune restriction On présente également des résultats de calcul comparatifs pour les deux algorithmes et pour l'algorithme de classification hiérarchique ascendante de Benzécri.

ConsiderN entities to be classified, with given weights, and a matrix of dissimilarities between pairs of them. The split of a cluster is the smallest dissimilarity between an entity in that cluster and an entity outside it. The single-linkage algorithm provides partitions intoM clusters for which the smallest split is maximum. We consider the problems of finding maximum split partitions with exactlyM clusters and with at mostM clusters subject to the additional constraint that the sum of the weights of the entities in each cluster never exceeds a given bound. These two problems are shown to be NP-hard and reducible to a sequence of bin-packing problems. A (N 2) algorithm for the particular caseM =N of the second problem is also presented. Computational experience is reported.Acknowledgments: Work of the first author was supported in part by AFOSR grants 0271 and 0066 to Rutgers University and was done in part during a visit to GERAD, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. Work of the second and third authors was supported by NSERC grant GP0036426 and by FCAR grant 89EQ4144. We are grateful to Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth for making available to us their program MTP for the bin-paking problem and to three anonymous referees for comments which helped to improve the presentation of the paper.  相似文献   

Maximum sum-of-splits clustering   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ConsiderN entities to be classified, and a matrix of dissimilarities between pairs of them. The split of a cluster is the smallest dissimilarity between an entity of this cluster and an entity outside it. The single-linkage algorithm provides partitions intoM clusters for which the smallest split is maximum. We study here the average split of the clusters or, equivalently, the sum of splits. A (N 2) algorithm is provided to determine maximum sum-of-splits partitions intoM clusters for allM betweenN – 1 and 2, using the dual graph of the single-linkage dendrogram.
Résumé SoientN objets à classifier et une matrice de dissimilarit és entre paires de ces objets. L'écart d'une classe est la plus petite dissimilarité entre un objet de cette classe et un objet en dehors d'elle. L'algorithme du lien simple fournit des partitions enM classes dont le plus petit écart est maximum. On étudie l'écart moyen des classes, ou, ce qui est équivalent, la somme des écarts. On propose un algorithme en (N 2) pour déterminer des partitions enM classes dont la somme des écarts est maximum pourM allant deN – 1 à 2, basé sur le graphe dual du dendrogramme de la méthode du lien simple.

We present a hierarchical classification based on n-ary relations of the entities. Starting from the finest partition that can be obtained from the attributes, we distinguish between entities having the same attributes by using relations between entities. The classification that we get is thus a refinement of this finest partition. It can be computed in O(n + m 2) space and O(n · p · m 5/2) time, where n is the number of entities, p the number of classes of the resulting hierarchy (p is the size of the output; p < 2n) and m the maximum number of relations an entity can have (usually, m ? n). So we can treat sets with millions of entities.  相似文献   

We examine the problem of aggregating several partitions of a finite set into a single consensus partition We note that the dual concepts of clustering and isolation are especially significant in this connection. The hypothesis that a consensus partition should respect unanimity with respect to either concept leads us to stress a consensus interval rather than a single partition. The extremes of this interval are characterized axiomatically. If a sufficient totality of traits has been measured, and if measurement errors are independent, then a true classifying partition can be expected to lie in the consensus interval. The structure of the partitions in the interval lends itself to partial solutions of the consensus problem Conditional entropy may be used to quantify the uncertainty inherent in the interval as a whole  相似文献   

Dendrograms are widely used to represent graphically the clusters and partitions obtained with hierarchical clustering schemes. Espaliers are generalized dendrograms in which the length of horizontal lines is used in addition to their level in order to display the values of two characteristics of each cluster (e.g., the split and the diameter) instead of only one. An algorithm is first presented to transform a dendrogram into an espalier without rotation of any part of the former. This is done by stretching some of the horizontal lines to obtain a diagram with vertical and horizontal lines only, the cutting off by diagonal lines the parts of the horizontal lines exceeding their prescribed length. The problem of finding if, allowing rotations, no diagonal lines are needed is solved by anO(N 2) algorithm whereN is the number of entities to be classified. This algorithm is the generalized to obtain espaliers with minimum width and, possibly, some diagonal lines.Work of the first and second authors has been supported by FCAR (Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche) grant 92EQ1048, and grant N00014-92-J-1194 from the Office of Naval Research. Work of the first author has also been supported by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) grant to École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montréal and by NSERC grant GP0105574. Work of the second author has been supported by NSERC grant GP0036426, by FCAR grant 90NC0305, and by an NSF Professorship for Women in Science at Princeton University from September 1990 until December 1991. Work of the third author was done in part during a visit to GERAD, Montréal.  相似文献   

Reduced K-means (RKM) and Factorial K-means (FKM) are two data reduction techniques incorporating principal component analysis and K-means into a unified methodology to obtain a reduced set of components for variables and an optimal partition for objects. RKM finds clusters in a reduced space by maximizing the between-clusters deviance without imposing any condition on the within-clusters deviance, so that clusters are isolated but they might be heterogeneous. On the other hand, FKM identifies clusters in a reduced space by minimizing the within-clusters deviance without imposing any condition on the between-clusters deviance. Thus, clusters are homogeneous, but they might not be isolated. The two techniques give different results because the total deviance in the reduced space for the two methodologies is not constant; hence the minimization of the within-clusters deviance is not equivalent to the maximization of the between-clusters deviance. In this paper a modification of the two techniques is introduced to avoid the afore mentioned weaknesses. It is shown that the two modified methods give the same results, thus merging RKM and FKM into a new methodology. It is called Factor Discriminant K-means (FDKM), because it combines Linear Discriminant Analysis and K-means. The paper examines several theoretical properties of FDKM and its performances with a simulation study. An application on real-world data is presented to show the features of FDKM.  相似文献   

Consider N entities to be classified (e.g., geographical areas), a matrix of dissimilarities between pairs of entities, a graph H with vertices associated with these entities such that the edges join the vertices corresponding to contiguous entities. The split of a cluster is the smallest dissimilarity between an entity of this cluster and an entity outside of it. The single-linkage algorithm (ignoring contiguity between entities) provides partitions into M clusters for which the smallest split of the clusters, called split of the partition, is maximum. We study here the partitioning of the set of entities into M connected clusters for all M between N - 1 and 2 (i.e., clusters such that the subgraphs of H induced by their corresponding sets of entities are connected) with maximum split subject to that condition. We first provide an exact algorithm with a (N2) complexity for the particular case in which H is a tree. This algorithm suggests in turn a first heuristic algorithm for the general problem. Several variants of this heuristic are Also explored. We then present an exact algorithm for the general case based on iterative determination of cocycles of subtrees and on the solution of auxiliary set covering problems. As solution of the latter problems is time-consuming for large instances, we provide another heuristic in which the auxiliary set covering problems are solved approximately. Computational results obtained with the exact and heuristic algorithms are presented on test problems from the literature.  相似文献   

Two properties of tree metrics are already known in the literature: tree metrics on a setX withn elements have 2n?3 degrees of freedom; a tree metric has Robinson form with regard to its minimum spanning tree (MST), or to any such MST if several of them exist. Starting from these results, we prove that a tree metrict is entirely defined by its restriction to some setB of 2n?3 entries. This set is easily determined from the table oft and includes then?1 entries of an MST. A fast method for the adjustment of a tree metric to any given metricd is then obtained. This method extends to dissimilarities.  相似文献   

A Binary Integer Program to Maximize the Agreement Between Partitions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research note focuses on a problem where the cluster sizes for two partitions of the same object set are assumed known; however, the actual assignments of objects to clusters are unknown for one or both partitions. The objective is to find a contingency table that produces maximum possible agreement between the two partitions, subject to constraints that the row and column marginal frequencies for the table correspond exactly to the cluster sizes for the partitions. This problem was described by H. Messatfa (Journal of Classification, 1992, pp. 5–15), who provided a heuristic procedure based on the linear transportation problem. We present an exact solution procedure using binary integer programming. We demonstrate that our proposed method efficiently obtains optimal solutions for problems of practical size. We would like to thank the Editor, Willem Heiser, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments that resulted in improvements of this article.  相似文献   

k-Adic formulations (for groups of objects of size k) of a variety of 2-adic similarity coefficients (for pairs of objects) for binary (presence/absence) data are presented. The formulations are not functions of 2-adic similarity coefficients. Instead, the main objective of the the paper is to present k-adic formulations that reflect certain basic characteristics of, and have a similar interpretation as, their 2-adic versions. Two major classes are distinguished. The first class is referred to as Bennani-Heiser similarity coefficients, which contains all coefficients that can be defined using just the matches, the number of attributes that are present and that are absent in k objects, and the total number of attributes. The coefficients in the second class can be formulated as functions of Dice’s association indices. The author thanks Willem Heiser and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Let G = (V, E,w) be a graph with vertex and edge sets V and E, respectively, and w: E → a function which assigns a positive weight or length to each edge of G. G is called a realization of a finite metric space (M, d), with M = {1, ..., n} if and only if {1, ..., n} ⊆ V and d(i, j) is equal to the length of the shortest chain linking i and j in Gi, j = 1, ..., n. A realization G of (M, d), is called optimal if the sum of its weights is minimal among all the realizations of (M, d). A cutpoint in a graph G is a vertex whose removal strictly increases the number of connected components of G. The Metric Cutpoint Partition Problem is to determine if a finite metric space (M, d) has an optimal realization containing a cutpoint. We prove in this paper that this problem is polynomially solvable. We also describe an algorithm that constructs an optimal realization of (M, d) from optimal realizations of subspaces that do not contain any cutpoint. Supported by grant PA002-104974/2 from the Swiss National Science Foundation. Published online xx, xx, xxxx.  相似文献   

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