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E A DeYoe  D C Van Essen 《Nature》1985,317(6032):58-61
V2 is a visual area of the macaque monkey which is at the second level in a recently proposed hierarchy of cortical visual areas. Histochemical staining for cytochrome oxidase (CO) in V2 reveals a pattern of alternate thick and thin CO-rich stripes separated by CO-sparse interstripes. These subregions receive distinct inputs from neurones in CO-rich and CO-sparse zones arrayed within the superficial layers of V1 (refs 4, 5). Are output projections from V2 to higher visual areas also segregated? Using an anatomical double-label paradigm, we have now demonstrated that V2 cells projecting to two of its major target areas, MT and V4 (refs 6, 7), are arranged in stripe-like clusters which are largely segregated from one another and which are closely related to the pattern of CO stripes. Concomitant electrophysiological recordings from V2 indicate that groups of cells having similar receptive field properties are clustered within the subregions defined by these anatomical techniques.  相似文献   

Nadler JW  Angelaki DE  DeAngelis GC 《Nature》2008,452(7187):642-645
Perception of depth is a fundamental challenge for the visual system, particularly for observers moving through their environment. The brain makes use of multiple visual cues to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of a scene. One potent cue, motion parallax, frequently arises during translation of the observer because the images of objects at different distances move across the retina with different velocities. Human psychophysical studies have demonstrated that motion parallax can be a powerful depth cue, and motion parallax seems to be heavily exploited by animal species that lack highly developed binocular vision. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that underlie this capacity. Here we show, by using a virtual-reality system to translate macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) while they viewed motion parallax displays that simulated objects at different depths, that many neurons in the middle temporal area (area MT) signal the sign of depth (near versus far) from motion parallax in the absence of other depth cues. To achieve this, neurons must combine visual motion with extra-retinal (non-visual) signals related to the animal's movement. Our findings suggest a new neural substrate for depth perception and demonstrate a robust interaction of visual and non-visual cues in area MT. Combined with previous studies that implicate area MT in depth perception based on binocular disparities, our results suggest that area MT contains a more general representation of three-dimensional space that makes use of multiple cues.  相似文献   

A spatially organized representation of colour in macaque cortical area V2   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Xiao Y  Wang Y  Felleman DJ 《Nature》2003,421(6922):535-539
Neurons responding selectively to different colours have been found in various cortical areas in macaque monkeys; however, little is known about whether and how the representation of colour is spatially organized in any cortical area. Cortical area V2 contains modules that respond preferentially to chromatic modulation, which are located in thin cytochrome oxidase stripes. Here we show that within and beyond these modules, gratings of different colours produce activations that peak at different locations. Optical recording of intrinsic signals revealed that the peak regions of the responses to different colours were spatially organized in the same order as colour stimuli are arranged in the DIN (German standard colour chart) colour system. Nearby regions represented colours of a similar hue. We found that the set of colour-specific regions formed 0.07-0.32-mm-wide and approximately 1.3-mm long bands that varied in shape from linear to nearly circular. Our finding suggests that thin stripes in V2 contain functional maps where the colour of a stimulus is represented by the location of its response activation peak.  相似文献   

Mixed parvocellular and magnocellular geniculate signals in visual area V4.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
V P Ferrera  T A Nealey  J H Maunsell 《Nature》1992,358(6389):756-761
Visual information from the retina is transmitted to the cerebral cortex by way of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus. In primates, most of the retinal ganglion cells that project to the LGN belong to one of two classes, P and M, whose axons terminate in the parvocellular or magnocellular subdivisions of the LGN. These cell classes give rise to two channels that have been distinguished anatomically, physiologically and behaviourally. The visual cortex also can be subdivided into two pathways, one specialized for motion processing and the other for colour and form information. Several lines of indirect evidence have suggested a close correspondence between the subcortical and cortical pathways, such that the M channel provides input to the motion pathway and the P channel drives the colour/form pathway. This hypothesis was tested directly by selectively inactivating either the magnocellular or parvocellular subdivision of the LGN and recording the effects on visual responses in the cortex. We have previously reported that, in accordance with the hypothesis, responses in the motion pathway in the cortex depend primarily on magnocellular LGN. We now report that in the colour/form pathway, visual responses depend on both P and M input. These results argue against a simple correspondence between the subcortical and cortical pathways.  相似文献   

R T Born  R B Tootell 《Nature》1992,357(6378):497-499
The early stages of primate visual processing appear to be divided up into several component parts so that, for example, colour, form and motion are analysed by anatomically distinct streams. We have found that further subspecialization occurs within the motion processing stream. Neurons representing two different kinds of information about visual motion are segregated in columnar fashion within the middle temporal area of the owl monkey. These columns can be distinguished by labelling with 2-deoxyglucose in response to large-field random-dot patterns. Neurons in lightly labelled interbands have receptive fields with antagonistic surrounds: the response to a centrally placed moving stimulus is suppressed by motion in the surround. Neurons in more densely labelled bands have surrounds that reinforce the centre response so that they integrate motion cues over large areas of the visual field. Interband cells carry information about local motion contrast that may be used to detect motion boundaries or to indicate retinal slip during visual tracking. Band cells encode information about global motion that might be useful for orienting the animal in its environment.  相似文献   

Pack CC  Born RT 《Nature》2001,409(6823):1040-1042
A critical step in the interpretation of the visual world is the integration of the various local motion signals generated by moving objects. This process is complicated by the fact that local velocity measurements can differ depending on contour orientation and spatial position. Specifically, any local motion detector can measure only the component of motion perpendicular to a contour that extends beyond its field of view. This "aperture problem" is particularly relevant to direction-selective neurons early in the visual pathways, where small receptive fields permit only a limited view of a moving object. Here we show that neurons in the middle temporal visual area (known as MT or V5) of the macaque brain reveal a dynamic solution to the aperture problem. MT neurons initially respond primarily to the component of motion perpendicular to a contour's orientation, but over a period of approximately 60 ms the responses gradually shift to encode the true stimulus direction, regardless of orientation. We also report a behavioural correlate of these neural responses: the initial velocity of pursuit eye movements deviates in a direction perpendicular to local contour orientation, suggesting that the earliest neural responses influence the oculomotor response.  相似文献   

C Dehay  G Horsburgh  M Berland  H Killackey  H Kennedy 《Nature》1989,337(6204):265-267
In several species, the peripheral input from the eyes partly determines the pattern of interconnections between the visual areas of the two cerebral hemispheres through the fibre tract termed the corpus callosum. In the macaque monkey, the neurons projecting through the callosum are largely restricted to area 18 throughout ontogeny, whereas area 17 is characterized by few or no callosal projections. Here, we show that suppressing the peripheral input by prenatal removal of the eyes leads to a marked reduction in the extent of area 17, resulting in a large shift in the position of the histologically identifiable boundary between the two areas. Even so, the boundary continues to separate an area rich with callosal connections (area 18) from one poor in such projections (area 17), indicating there is no effect on the callosal connectivity of area 17. In contrast, in area 18, eye removal results in many more neurons with callosal projections than in normal animals. The results suggest that the factors that determine the parcellation of cortical areas also specify their connectivity.  相似文献   

基于商用V2O5/TiO2催化剂,通过模拟SCR脱硝试验装置的宏观试验及原位傅里叶变换红外的微观分析手段,对SO2催化氧化机理及硫酸氢铵(ABS)的形成机理进行了研究。结果表明,SO2吸附在催化剂表面后先与V5+-OH基团反应生成了金属硫酸盐中间产物(VOSO4),继而转化为SO3,O2与温度都对该反应有促进作用。催化剂上ABS生成主要有2种机理:一是由吸附态NH3与气相或弱吸附态SO2反应生成,二是由金属硫酸盐(VOSO4)与气相NH3直接反应生成。催化剂上ABS大约在200℃生成,在450℃分解。且NO能与ABS中的NH4+反应而促进其分解,但此反应与脱硝反应共存且为竞争关系。  相似文献   

本试验利用 X 射线物相分析、电解萃取、化学相分离和扫描电镜对 W6Mo5Cr4V2钢进行了真空离子渗碳的试验研究.结果指出,随着渗层碳浓度增加,碳化物数量明显增加:同时碳化物由低碳相(M_6C)向高硬度高碳相(M_2C,MC)转化.这两者均使渗碳层耐磨性提高;渗层淬火奥氏体量增加.在渗层含碳量为1.08~1.45%的范围内,耐磨性随含碳量的增加而提高。  相似文献   

将李代数到伴随模局部导子的概念推广到任意有限维模, 从而将一般线性李代数sl(2,C)到其任意单模的局部导子求解问题等价地转化为解相关线性方程组, 进而利用系数矩阵的秩与增广矩阵的秩相等, 确定了3维单李代数sl(2,C)到两类单模V(3)和V(4)的局部导子空间.  相似文献   

A vanadium carbide coating on steel‘s substrates was prepared through B4C reducing V2O5 in molten salt bath. The thickness of VC-coating reached 14-18μm at 920℃ for 6h, and the hardness of VC-coating reached HV2200-HV2400. The sliding wear resistance of the VC-coating is not only 3350 times of that of SCN-coating, but also more excellent than that of other VC-coatings, prepared through aluminum reducing V2O5 or through TD processing. The experimental results indicate that the different VC-coating resistances to wear and corrosion increase with a raise of the free carbon contents in VC-coatings. The continuous service life of a tongue grooves of the high speed cigarette machines, with this VC-coating, reached good results of 140-150days.  相似文献   

Spent selective catalytic reduction(SCR) catalysts are defined as hazardous wastes because of the toxicity of V2O5 to the ecological environment. Recycling of V2O5 and TiO2 from the spent SCR catalysts has strikingly social and environmental benefits as well as economic values. In this work, a “NaOH + Na2CO3” system was employed to recycle 99.2% of anatase/rutile TiO2 nanospheres with a nanospherical morpholo...  相似文献   

通过共溶剂水热法制备五氧化二钒纳米棒,使用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM、EDS)、电化学工作站和蓝电测试系统对样品的形貌结构和电化学性能进行分析。结果表明,所得样品均为纯V2O5相,结晶度较高;金属离子掺杂后V2O5的形貌由棒状变成微球状。CV曲线结果表明,该材料作为锂离子电池正极材料时具有良好的可逆性;掺杂金属铜离子的V2O5表现出更好的电化学性能,初始比容量为273.30mA·h/g,在循环50次后,容量保持率为99.04%;金属铜离子的掺杂可进一步提高材料的电化学性能。  相似文献   

6W-5Mo-4Cr-2V高速钢深冷处理微观组织结构的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
借助SEM、TEM和X-射线衍射仪研究了深冷处理对6W-5Mo-4Cr-2V高速钢微观组织结构的影响。研究表明,深冷处理不仅可使残余奥氏体减少,而且可细化马氏体孪晶,促使析出纳米级碳化物,并附着在马氏体孪晶带上,深冷处理既能提高材料的硬度,也使材料的韧性略有增加。对磨损表面进行SEM观察发现,深冷试样的磨损形貌迥异于未深冷试样,说明它们的磨损机制不同。深冷处理使6W-5Mo-4Cr-2V高速钢耐磨性提高的主要原因是马氏体孪晶的细化和碳化物的析出。  相似文献   

为解决非线性光学活性有机分子透明性差及裂解温度低的问题,设计合成了2-乙酰氨基-4,5-对硝基二苯基噻唑和2-氨基-4.5-对硝基二苯基噻唑化合物,并研究了其热性能、光学性能.由于杂环的引人,较好地改善了其透明性能,并提高了其裂解温度.  相似文献   

载钒量对蜂窝状V2O5/ACH催化剂同时脱硫脱硝活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
蜂窝状活性炭(ACH)经850°C水蒸气活化、用等体积的偏钒酸铵和草酸的混合溶液浸渍,经干燥、煅烧和预氧化后制得新型V2O5/ACH催化剂。考察了V2O5担载量对蜂窝状V2O5/ACH同时脱硫脱硝反应活性的影响,并采用BET、FT-IR和TPD等手段表征了不同V2O5担载量时V2O5/ACH催化剂的物理化学特性。结果表明:V2O5担载量(质量百分数)为1%~5%时,随担载量的增加,新鲜催化剂的脱硫活性增加,脱硝活性降低。NH3气氛再生提高了较低担载量(1%~3%)时催化剂的脱硫活性,降低了较高担载量(5%)的脱硫活性。但NH3再生显著提高了催化剂的脱硝活性,且随V2O5担载量的降低这种促进作用愈加显著。为获得理想的同时脱硫脱硝活性,催化剂的适宜V2O5担载量为1%~3%。  相似文献   

对从废钒触媒中回收五氧化二钒实验的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酸浸取方法对废钒触媒中钒的回收实验进行了改进,提高了钒的水解率和回收率,控制了溶液的pH值,使钒的回收更完全,pH值更容易控制.  相似文献   

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