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太行山南缘的构造特征、区域演化史及应力场一直是众多学者所研究的热点。豫西焦作北山地区位于太行山背斜的东南方向,太行山山前大断裂由此穿过,造成该地区构造特征的复杂性。在对豫西地区的区域地质背景分析的基础上,通过大量野外构造现象调查,分析了豫西焦作北山地区构造的几何学特征;在此基础上,探讨了研究区的构造演化史及其动力学机制。研究结果表明:豫西焦作北山地区构造现象比较复杂,区域构造以断裂构造和宽缓波状褶曲为主,伴随发育许多拖曳褶皱、推覆构造、次级小断层等构造现象。显著的地貌标志、构造标志和地层缺失等地质现象都印证了凤凰岭断层的存在;研究区构造演化主要受燕山期的太行山背斜和凤凰岭大断层的控制。该研究完善了太行山南部山前断裂发育特征及其演化的基础地质资料,并对豫西地区构造控矿规律有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

豫西地区土地质量评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对豫西地区土地质量评价就是对土地的自然属性和社会属性进行全面分析和鉴定,准确地反映土地的自然潜力,为合理地、有效地利用土地资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   

根据沉积层序、构造变形样式及地层接触关系,将黔南拗陷沉积盖层划分为3大构造层,并重新划分黔南拗陷的构造区划。通过野外地质调查并结合地球物理资料,按黔南拗陷断裂特征及其不同部位构造变形强度的差异,将黔南拗陷划分为叠瓦冲断变形区和褶皱冲断变形区。黔南拗陷具有东西分带、上下分层的特点。依据各构造单元变形强度等相关要素的评价,优选出长顺凹陷为相对稳定的油气保存区,结合该区的石油地质条件,指出长顺凹陷为下步油气勘探的有利区带。  相似文献   

豫西地区构造样式与油气勘探的探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析豫西地区构造样式,通过构造样式对本区进一步油气勘探的方向进行探讨。方法通过野外调研、地震剖面勘探及区域构造背景进行综合分析。结果厘定出4种主要构造样式,即挤压构造、伸展构造、反转构造和垂直构造;与现今勘探结果对比,构造样式与研究区油气聚集有着密切的联系。结论本区油气勘探应注重于伸展构造和挤压构造发育的区块。  相似文献   

桂东南地区断裂构造分形特征与金银成矿关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分形理论的盒维数方法,以研究区1:20万区域地质图和1:5万区域矿产图作为研究对象,并到野外进行实地调研作为补充,对桂东南地区北东向和北西向进行分形统计,并用计算机Surfer7.0软件对分维值进行趋势分析。结果是:桂东南地区断裂分维值为1.61,鸡笼顶、望天洞等矿区分维值为1.62—1.82,属于断裂结构较复杂、构造活动性偏强地区,且北东向断裂分维值高于北西向断裂。金银矿化均落入分维高值区。矿带受北东向断裂分维梯度带控制,与陆川—岑溪断裂位置相一致,矿化密集区则集中于北西向断裂分维趋势的3个高值区,与北西向断裂叠加有关。桂东南地区断裂带中,南部比东北部对成矿更为有利。  相似文献   

从分析贺西地区板块发展演化入手,剖析了该区侏罗系的油气地质背景,指出印支末期该区形成的3个规模较大的沉降带具有形成油气田的地质条件。该区侏罗系烃源岩厚度较大,油气资源丰富,具有较好的油气储集与封盖条件,侏罗系是本区油气勘探的重要领域。最后预测了该区的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

本文通过罗山矿区构造特征的分析研究,进一步评价煤炭的资源潜力。根据目前地质勘探及钻孔揭露情况,区内主采煤层主要集中在童子岩组第三段上亚段(P1t^3-3);随着煤田勘探工作的不断深入,有望在童子岩组第三段的中亚段(P1t^3-2)和下亚段(P1t^3-1)找到可采煤层,甚至可以揭露到童子岩组第一段含煤地层。罗山矿区的煤炭资源总量突破千万吨是有可能的,对缓解福建省煤炭资源的紧张局面具有战略意义,对下一步普查地质工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

本文通过对基底构造特征、塔里木板块与周围板块的相互作用历史的研究,分析了塔中地区沉积构造演化和应力场演变过程,并对构造的形成机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对基底构造特征、塔里木板块与周围板块的相互作用历史的研究,分析了塔中地区沉积构造演化和应力场演变过程,并对构造的形成机制进行了探讨.  相似文献   

为阐明南堡凹陷老爷庙地区断裂构造特征及其对油气成藏的控制作用,运用构造解析原理对断裂演化与油气成藏要素耦合性进行深入分析。研究认为,老爷庙地区断裂系统分为基底断裂和盖层断裂两大类,垂向发育的火成岩是深、浅两套断裂系统的韧性传递带。始新世正向伸展断陷形成的NNE、NE向基底断裂系统呈多期铲式扇样式;渐新世斜向伸展断陷形成的NEE走向的盖层断裂系统,以地垒-地堑和多米诺样式为主;新近纪,在热沉降背景下受深部断裂走滑变形影响,盖层中沿主干断层发育花状和复"Y"字样式。老爷庙地区主干断层的多期断陷作用利于烃源岩的沉积和成熟,也是油气埀向运移的主要通道;背斜主体带和侧斜坡带是有利成藏区。  相似文献   

鲁西隆起晚中生代以来北西向正断层特征及物理模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鲁西隆起区伸展构造极为发育,通过野外地质调查对隆起区北西向正断层的几何学特征进行研究,采用平衡剖面演化方法,选取横穿该区北西向断层的一条剖面,定量计算正断层横向上和垂向上晚中生代以来各主要构造演化阶段的构造运动学参数,并通过构造物理模拟实验详细解析鲁西隆起区伸展变形过程。研究结果表明,北西向控凹断层在三叠纪后皆发生负反转,晚中生代鲁西隆起受到强烈拉伸,伸展构造主要发生在19~20 km以下的深尺度范围内,断层切割深度加大。断裂带上普遍发育断层角砾岩、碎裂岩及断层泥。古近纪伸展作用以浅层拉伸为主,鲁西伸展量和伸展率最大,伸展作用强烈,对应北西向正断层的活动速率值也达最大值,同时发育大规模、范围广的半地堑。新近纪,伸展率很小,北西向正断层活动性大大减弱,至第四纪,断层几乎不再活动,反映鲁西隆起基本处于稳定。鲁西隆起晚中生代的伸展与华北克拉通构造变革相一致,而新生代的强烈伸展主要受控于太平洋板块与欧亚板块俯冲方向与速度的改变以及印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞。  相似文献   

本井田构造线主要走向为北东和北北西两组。它们的反接复合形成了大量轴向辗转弯曲的宽缓皱及走向辗转弯曲、力学性质复杂和位移方式多变的断裂构造。井田经历的构造演化为纬向系-先北西西系-中新华夏系-后北西西系-北北西系。  相似文献   

The angular unconformity between the Tuchengzi Formation and the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Chengde area is commonly regarded as the direct evidence of boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous systems, and as the evidence of tectonic transformation interfaces in Mesozoic Era in the West Liaoning-North Hebei. Moreover, the lower boundary age of the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Chengde was to be thought about 135 Myr in the past. Based on the detailed study and systematic sampling in Yixian-Beipiao, Lingy- uan, Chengde and Luanping areas in the field, the authors obtained the following isotopic ages by means of LA-ICP-MS dating: In the Lingyuan area, the Zhangjiakou Formation and the Yixian Formation are in angular unconformable contact; the age range of the Zhangjiakou Formation volcanic rock is from 133 to 130 Myr (seven samples), and that of the Yixian Formation volcanic rock is from 126 to 121 Myr (eleven samples). In the Luotuoshan of Chengde, the Tuchengzi Formation and the Zhangjiakou Formation are in angu- lar unconformable contact; the age at the lower Zhangjiakou Formation is about 124 Myr (one sample), which reflects that the age range of the lower Zhangjiakou Formation is from 129 to 124 Myr combined with the previous study. In the Luanping basin, there is the larg- est sediment gap in upper Mesozoic, whose lower boundary age is confined in 131 to 130 Myr. In the Yixian-Beipiao area, the second Member of the Yixian Formation, making up more than 3/4 thickness of the Yixian Formation, was formed in 126 to 119 Myr, and the age of the Yixian Formation at the bottom is about 132 Myr. Moreover, the upper boundary age of the Tuchengzi Formation is about 136 Myr in the West Liaoning-North Hebei region. Based on the above isotopic data combined with the geological characteristics in the field in the West Liaoning-North Hebei region, it reflects that there was a widespread tectonic event in the period of 136 to 126 Myr (mainly in 130-126 Myr) in the West Liaoning-North Hebei, and it formed th  相似文献   

The angular unconformity between the Tuchengzi Formation and the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Chengde area is commonly regarded as the direct evidence of boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous systems, and as the evidence of tectonic transformation interfaces in Mesozoic Era in the West Liaoning-North Hebei. Moreover, the lower boundary age of the Zhangjiakou Formation in the Chengde was to be thought about 135 Myr in the past. Based on the detailed study and systematic sampling in Yixian-Beipiao, Lingyuan, Chengde and Luanping areas in the field, the authors obtained the following isotopic ages by means of LA-ICP-MS dating: In the Lingyuan area, the Zhangjiakou Formation and the Yixian Formation are in angular unconformable contact; the age range of the Zhangjiakou Formation volcanic rock is from 133 to 130 Myr (seven samples), and that of the Yixian Formation volcanic rock is from 126 to 121 Myr (eleven samples). In the Luotuoshan of Chengde, the Tuchengzi Formation and the Zhangjiakou Formation are in angular unconformable contact; the age at the lower Zhangiiakou Formation is about 124 Myr (one sample), which reflects that the age range of the lower Zhangjiakou Formation is from 129 to 124 Myr combined with the previous study. In the Luanping basin, there is the largest sediment gap in upper Mesozoic, whose lower boundary age is confined in 131 to 130 Myr. In the Yixian-Beipiao area, the second Member of the Yixian Formation, making up more than 3/4 thickness of the Yixian Formation, was formed in 126 to 119 Myr, and the age of the Yixian Formation at the bottom is about 132 Myr. Moreover, the upper boundary age of the Tuchengzi Formation is about 136 Myr in the West Liaoning-North Hebei region. Based on the above isotopic data combined with the geological characteristics in the field in the West Liaoning-North Hebei region, it reflects that there was a widespread tectonic event in the period of 136 to 126 Myr (mainly in 130-126 Myr) in the West Liaoning-North Hebei, and it formed the late Mesozoic regional angular unconformity. Moreover, the lower boundary ages of the late Mesozoic regional angular unconformity in different areas are different, and the tectonics and the creature assemblage are different in the strata at the top and bottom of the regional angular unconformity. It implies that the late Mesozoic regional angular unconformity is a regional interface of tectonic transformation in Mesozoic Era in the West Liaoning-North Hebei.  相似文献   

内蒙古西部盆地是一个发育在前中生代基底上的中生代盆地,其内部被两个隆起带分隔为六个拗陷,并沉积了侏罗-白垩系两套生油层系,与有关储集岩、盖层相组合,具有形成多种类型油气藏的可能性.如能加快该盆地油气勘探步伐,则有可能获得一定的突破.  相似文献   

庙会是民众为祈求、酬报神灵而周期性举办的宗教集会。皖西地区的庙会主要有佛教类、道教类、行业神类和其它类四种。本区庙会的内容主要是娱乐赛神和物资交流,具有祈求子嗣的生殖崇拜、祈望超生的灵魂崇拜和祛灾求吉的神灵崇拜信仰功能,以及文化娱乐、经济贸易和社会救济的功能。  相似文献   

西部开发是近代美国历史的重要内容,美国各级政府以优惠的土地商品化方针鼓励移民西迁并开垦荒地,通过改善交通运输条件、扶持教育、加强灌溉、引进外资等一系列措施使西部经济发展、繁荣起来,其开发西部的成功经验能给我们的西部大开发提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

在沉积建造及区域大地构造背景分析的基础上 ,对研究区石炭纪构造单元进行划分 .重点解剖了柴达木 华北板块 ,其二级构造单元自北而南可划分为北部活动大陆边缘带、中部祁连 阿拉善类克拉通及南部宗务隆裂陷槽 .北部活动大陆边缘带的三级构造单元有沙拉扎山 宗乃山火山岛弧、查干础鲁 霍尔森弧后盆地及图克木大陆边缘块断区 .祁连 阿拉善类克拉通进一步划分为阿拉善隆起区、祁连 走廊 贺兰坳陷区及中南祁连隆起区等三个三级构造单元 .在详细论述各单元沉积及构造特征的基础上 ,指出石炭系油气勘探有利区块 .  相似文献   

平原地区普通高校开展定向越野运动的实践与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了普通高校开展定向越野运动的重要性,同时从选材、校内训练、集中山区训练以及注意的事项等几个方面,探讨了如何解决困扰平原地区普通高校开展定向越野运动的实践与方法.  相似文献   

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