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八哥[Acridotheres cristatellus critatellus(Linnaeus)]是我国南方常见的留鸟之一。自陕西南部及长江以南各省均有记录。八哥亦是扬州六市、五县的优势留鸟之一。笔者从1989年以来,对八哥进行了一些考证。八哥在我国古典作品中记载为鸜鹆、鸲鹆、(口别)(口别)鸟、八八儿、八哥等。在《春秋》、昭、二五年记载:“有鸜鹆来巢”。这是我国对八哥较早的记载。后来在《周礼·考工记》中记载:“鸜鹆不踰济”,这是对八哥在我国分布区系的较早认识。《周礼、考工记》中所述的济,是指古济水,古济水与江、淮、河称四读。济水与长江、淮河、黄河合称四大水系。济水发源于河南省济源县王屋山,济水故道过黄河南流,东流入山东,跟黄河并行入海,以后下游被黄河所夺。“鸜  相似文献   

冤句县始置于秦,废于金,存续1300多年。冤句县故城是古济水流域的一座历史名城。它的繁荣对周边诸县的经济发展起了辐射带动作用。由于黄河泛滥的影响,这座历史名城至今还沉睡于地下,罕为人知。济水、曹州故城、济阳故城、漆园故城的存在,《括地志辑校》和考古新发现,是探寻冤句故城的重要标志物和佐证材料。今菏泽市牡丹区王浩屯镇通土固集村一带,是冤句故城遗址的大致方位。  相似文献   

冤句县始置于秦,废于金,存续1300多年。冤句县故城是古济水流域的一座历史名城。它的繁荣对周边诸县的经济发展起了辐射带动作用。由于黄河泛滥的影响,这座历史名城至今还沉睡于地下,罕为人知。济水、曹州故城、济阳故城、漆园故城的存在,《括地志辑校》和考古新发现,是探寻冤句故城的重要标志物和佐证材料。今菏泽市牡丹区王浩屯镇通堌集村一带,是冤句故城遗址的大致方位。  相似文献   

关于先秦政区的划分,古代有州制的传说。其说法甚多,见于先秦典籍者,主要有《禹贡》九州、《职方》九州、《尔雅》九州、《吕览》九州四种。 《禹贡》九州。《左传·襄公四年》曰:“芒芒禹迹,画为九州”。传说大禹治理洪水后,把足迹所到之处划为九个大区域,称为九州。《禹贡》曰:“禹别九州。”是九州为冀、兖、青、徐、扬、荆、豫、梁、雍。《禹贡》是我国最早的地理著作,记载了大禹治水的经历、九州的划分、山川的方位及脉络。《禹贡》九州除冀州外,余八州皆言疆界。“济、河惟兖州”。《传》曰:“东南据济,西北距河。”《疏》云:“据,谓跨之。距,至也。”济,古济水;河,河水,今黄河。古代,济、河二水经常改道。其时河水自今河南省武陟县东北流至浚县西,折北至今河北省平介县北,东北流分为“九河”,最北一支为干流,北流至深县南,折东北至静海入海。济水分河北济水与河南济水。《禹贡》“导水”曰:“导沇水,东流为济,入于河。”此为河北济水。“(河)溢为荥,东北出陶丘北.又东至于河,又东北会于汶,又北东入于海。”此为河南济水。“河、济惟兖州”之“济”,指河南济水。其时济水自今河南省荥阳北分河水东出,经封丘县南,至今山东省东明县南码头集入山东境,折东北经定陶县北入古巨野泽,出泽北至东阿县  相似文献   

李霞 《科技信息》2011,(6):402-402
黄河安危,事关大局。人民治黄60多年来,黄河防洪治理与开发取得了辉煌成就,防洪工程体系不断完善,抗洪能力大大增强。但是仍有很多问题没有解决,洪水隐患还没有彻底根除,抗御洪劳灾害的能力还比较低。我们要以人民群众生命安全高于一切大局出发,扎扎实实地做好每一项防汛准备工作,决不能有丝毫的麻痹思想和侥幸心理。在加快防洪工程建设的同时,必须深入实践科学发展观,坚持“以人为本”理念,强化黄河防汛抢险队伍建设,切实把加强防汛抢险队伍建设作为大事来抓,在黄河两岸筑起“铜墙铁壁”,确保黄河岁岁安澜。  相似文献   

<正> 一、一般情况河南省位于黄河中上游,境内河道纵横,湖库、坑塘众多,分别属于长江、淮河、黄河和海河四大水系。全省有大型水库21座,中型水库84座,大小河流1500多条,以黄河及淮河为主。黄河横贯河南省北部,淮河横贯东南,西南部的白河、丹江向南流入汉水,北部的淇河、卫河汇入海河水系。全省可供养殖的水面达300万亩。在这些水域中栖息着十分丰富的枝  相似文献   

在中国8大河流(长江、珠江、淮河、黄河、海河、辽河、松花江、雅鲁藏布江)中,淮河具有特殊性,表现在:自然属性方面,水系不完整,至今没有独立入海口;经济属性方面,淮河流域是中国东部经济发展的"凹陷地带",流域没有形成独立城市群;文化属性方面,淮河没有形成独立的地域文化体系,北部属于黄  相似文献   

“背靠黄河没水吃?”,这话乍听起来是稀奇的,但又是不可否认的事实。 为了解决济南夏天水荒问题,前几年在黄河边上建了一座自来水厂,每天能向济南市区提供20万吨自来水,确实是“背靠黄河有水吃”;但是,一到枯水期,黄河断流,无水可取,这不是“背靠黄河没水吃”吗?再说,济南至今还没有一座蓄黄河水的水库,又如何吃上黄河的水!  相似文献   

分析了清代黄河人工改道方略提出了背景;在公元1855年前,黄河长期夺占淮河流入黄海的河道并使其严重淤塞,造成了黄河经常性的决溢灾害,而防止黄河决溢灾害所普遍采用的加高堤防的方法收效甚微,导致了当时苛些治黄专家建议废弃黄河现行的老河道,采用人工方法将黄河导入一条流经山东省并注入渤海的新河道,作者分析了这些专家所建议的黄河新道的合理性;同时分析了作为控制黄河洪水的一种可供选择的方法--采用人工方法将黄  相似文献   

济水是中国古代著名的"四渎"之一,但历史文献中对这条古代河流的记载十分有限.<尚书·禹贡>最早提出"三伏三见"的特性,但是,学术界对于这个问题长期存在两种截然不同的说法,至今聚讼不定.基本上认为济水"三伏三见"是曾经存在的,这可以从济水的流经区域及其水资源环境等方面得到论证.  相似文献   

根据汾河入黄段黄河小北干流河道的地形及特性,分析了汾河入黄段摆动范围及其原因,简述了黄河夺汾对汾河的影响,及黄河堵串工程修建之后对汾河入黄位置的作用。  相似文献   

江苏岸外海底沙脊群的物质来源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对江苏岸外海底沙脊群的沉积物的粒度、矿物和孢粉以及沉积结构、构造的分析研究,并与苏北废黄河水下三角洲、古长江水下三角洲、现代长江水下三角洲以及长江三角洲平原第四纪地层的沉积物的对比分析,指出江苏岸外海底沙脊群的沉积物主要是晚更新世冰期古长江入海的物质。  相似文献   

The concentrations of total suspended matter (TSM) and the compositions of organic stable carbon iso- topes of TSM and bottom sediments were analyzed to study the sources of TSM and sediments and the transportation processes. For this study, 284 TSM samples and 64 sediment ones taken from 67 stations along 7 transects and in 5 layers were collected in the southern Yellow Sea on the cruise in May, 1998. The main sediment transportation pattern in the southern Yellow Sea was obtained by analyzing the distribu- tion characteristics of TSM concentration and particulate organic carbon δ~(13)C values. It was confirmed from the pat- tern that the bottom layer plays a more important role than the surface one in the transportation processes of terrigenous material to the central deep-water area of the southern Yel- low Sea. The Yellow Sea circulation is an important control factor in determining the sediment transportation pattern in the southern Yellow Sea, The carbon isotope signals of sedi- mentary organic matter confirmed that the main material in sediments with high sedimentation rate in the Shandong subaqueous delta originated from the modern Yellow River. The terrigenous sediments in the deep-water area of the southern Yellow Sea are mainly from the abandoned Yellow River and the modern Yellow River, and a small portion of them are from the modern Yangtze material. The amount of terrigenous material from Korean Peninsula and its influen- ce range are relatively limited. The conclusions derived from TSM and stable carbon isotopes were further confirmed by another independent material source tracer-PAHs.  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝时期,黄河是北方地区水上交通的大动脉。曹魏及北魏等北方政权对黄河航运积极开发,三门峡及其以东峡谷航道不断得到整治。黄河上游部分河段及整个中下游河段都有航运利用。“黄河也曾千帆过”是这一时期并不少见的情形。受水文及政治因素影响,各河段的航运状况不尽相同。  相似文献   

Green tides have occurred in the Yellow Sea successively from 2007 to 2011. Genetic analysis of the 5-year green-tide-forming algae needs to be performed to determine the source of the biomass and understand the mechanism of the green tide blooms. In this study, free-floating green algae were collected at different sites in the Yellow Sea in 2010 and 2011. Data on 182 free-floating samples and 155 attached Ulva samples from previous studies on the Yellow Sea green tides from 2007 to 2009 were also taken into consideration. Morphology observation and molecular phylogenetic analyses indicated that the Yellow Sea green tides were dominated by a single species, Ulva prolifera, from 2007 to 2011. Considering that at least five Ulva species inhabit the north coast of China, the unialgal composition of the green tides implied that (1) there may be some special physiology and propagation pathways of U. prolifera for its rapid expansion, (2) the mechanisms of the Yellow Sea green tide formation were similar for the last five years, and (3) the intra-species genetic variation and population structure of U. prolifera need to be studied to determine the exact origin of the bloom-forming biomass.  相似文献   

中线南水北调主要是为了解决黄潍海平原广泛缺水的问题,需北调的水量很大,汉江水量有限,解决不了问题,只有从长江的三峡水库调水,由于三峡水库海拔低,而现在设计的汉水北调运河海拔高,所以汉水北调运河不能延伸到三峡水库,只有再开凿一条海拔较低的从三峡水库取水的江水北调运河,向北京地区调水,不应从汉江或长江调取,而应就近从黄河调取,可以兼顾引黄入晋,水量不成问题,以系统工程的观点综合考试中线调水工程,经济效益好。  相似文献   

黄、东海沿岸海表温度变化与厄尔尼诺的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黄、东海沿岸8个长期水文观测站多年海表温度资料,分析黄、东海沿岸海表温度的季节和年际变化特征,重点分析在1982—1983年和1997—1998年两次厄尔尼诺年期间的异常变化,以及ENSO影响黄、东海沿岸海表温度的可能机制。结果表明,在厄尔尼诺发生年,夏季风较弱,鄂霍次克海高压加强,西太平洋副高位置偏南,强度偏强,江淮流域及长江中下游降水偏多,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏低。黄、东海沿岸海表温度受到ENSO和PDO(太平洋年代际振荡)的影响和调制,在厄尔尼诺发生的前冬半年及当年,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏低;在厄尔尼诺发生次年,黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏高。厄尔尼诺对黄、东海沿岸海表温度变化的影响通过海洋和大气2个通道,1982—1983年海表温度异常以负异常为主,1997—1998年海表温度异常以正异常为主;ENSO期间,北赤道流减弱,黑潮流量减少,海表温度降低。海表温度受局地气温影响显著,如果ENSO期间东亚气温升高,则黄、东海沿岸海表温度偏高。  相似文献   

In the east of Xiaolangdi, many river terraces are developed at the exit of the Yellow River Gorges. Among them the terraces in Kouma, Yanshi of Henan Province are most typical, where the Yellow River developed three staircase terraces, among which the altitude of gravel stratum of the topmost terrace is 30-35 m higher than the river level.The top of the gravel stratum was covered by 60 m eolian loess deposits which have many brownish-red paleosol strips.And the paleosol $14 is at its bottom. Research on systematic magnetostratigraphy and paleosol-loess matching indicates that the bottom age of the loess on the topmost terrace is 1165 ka. Therefore, it can be concluded that the terrace develops no later than 1.165 Ma and the situation that the Yellow River runs through Sanmen Gorges and inpours into East China Sea happened at least before 1.165 Ma.  相似文献   

How did the Yellow River develop and evolve? Whendid it form? The geoscientists have concerned these im-portant questions for a long time. They have done a lot ofresearches on these issues and gotten a lot of valuableresults, while there are still many controversies. In general,it mainly includes several points as follows. According tothe transition of the fluviolacustrine strata, biological fos-sils and geologic structure in Lanzhou and Yinchuan, Linmade a conclusion that the Yellow River…  相似文献   

黄河以其高含沙量、善淤、善决、善徙闻名于世。历史时期,黄河下游河道曾多次变迁。综观其河道迁徙,北宋前多在现行黄河以北,向东北流入渤海;南宋至清末,改行今河道以南,向东南经淮河注入黄海;清末至今,复向东北入渤海,河道多呈西南—东北向、西北—东南向或西—东向,与区域内新构造运动断裂线方向相一致  相似文献   

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