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介绍了一种用运用小波分析寻找类星体PKS1510-089射电波段光变周期的方法.收集了PKS1510-089在射电37和22GHz波段较为完备的观测数据,获得了从1990~2005年的射电光变曲线.使用小波分析方法较好地分析和认证了类星体PKS1510-089的光变周期值,结果表明:(ⅰ)PKS1510-089在射电37GHz有T1=(1.80±0.06)a和T2=(0.90±0.07)a的周期,(ⅱ)在射电22GHz有T1=(1.80±0.06)a的周期,(ⅲ)从等值线图的连续性,发现T1=(1.80±0.06)a为PKS1510-089的主周期,T2=(0.90±0.07)a可能为T1=(1.80±0.06)a的半周期.这些结果与Xie在2004,2005,2008年以及Wu在2005年,Liu和Fan在2007年采取其他数据分析方法获得的结果是一致的.预测最近的一次大爆发将发生在2011年1月.  相似文献   

Young S  Axon DJ  Robinson A  Hough JH  Smith JE 《Nature》2007,450(7166):74-76
It is now widely accepted that most galaxies undergo an active phase, during which a central super-massive black hole generates vast radiant luminosities through the gravitational accretion of gas. Winds launched from a rotating accretion disk surrounding the black hole are thought to play a critical role, allowing the disk to shed angular momentum that would otherwise inhibit accretion. Such winds are capable of depositing large amounts of mechanical energy in the host galaxy and its environs, profoundly affecting its formation and evolution, and perhaps regulating the formation of large-scale cosmological structures in the early Universe. Although there are good theoretical grounds for believing that outflows from active galactic nuclei originate as disk winds, observational verification has proven elusive. Here we show that structures observed in polarized light across the broad Halpha emission line in the quasar PG 1700+518 originate close to the accretion disk in an electron scattering wind. The wind has large rotational motions (approximately 4,000 km s(-1)), providing direct observational evidence that outflows from active galactic nuclei are launched from the disks. Moreover, the wind rises nearly vertically from the disk, favouring launch mechanisms that impart an initial acceleration perpendicular to the disk plane.  相似文献   

G Kanbach  C Straubmeier  H C Spruit  T Belloni 《Nature》2001,414(6860):180-182
Black holes become visible when they accrete gas, a common source of which is a close stellar companion. The standard theory for this process (invoking a 'thin accretion disk') does not explain some spectacular phenomena associated with these systems, such as their X-ray variability and relativistic outflows, indicating some lack of understanding of the actual physical conditions. Simultaneous observations at multiple wavelengths can provide strong constraints on these conditions. Here we report simultaneous high-time-resolution X-ray and optical observations of the transient source XTE J1118+480, which show a strong but puzzling correlation between the emissions. The optical emission rises suddenly following an increase in the X-ray output, but with a dip 2-5 seconds in advance of the X-rays. This result is not easy to understand within the simplest model of the optical emission, where the light comes from reprocessed X-rays. It is probably more consistent with an earlier suggestion that the optical light is cyclosynchrotron emission that originates in a region about 20,000 km from the black hole. We propose that the time dependence is evidence for a relatively slow (<0.1c), magnetically controlled outflow.  相似文献   

利用芬兰Metshovi射电望远镜22和37 GHz的观测数据,得到了Mkn 421从1986年1月到2005年1月的历史光变曲线.使用DCF方法进行周期分析,结果表明:(1)Mkn 421在射电22 GHz波段具有约(3.85±0.10)yr的周期,在射电37 GHz波段具有约(4.05±0.10)yr的周期.这两个周期值的平均值为3.95 yr,是Mkn 421的最小周期,Liu等人在光学波段发现的(23.1±1.1)yr的周期可能是这个周期叠加的结果;(2)用Mkn 421在射电22和37 GHz波段的准同时数据得到射电22~37 GHz波段的谱指数,谱指数和射电流量密度之间有较强的相关.  相似文献   

Hada K  Doi A  Kino M  Nagai H  Hagiwara Y  Kawaguchi N 《Nature》2011,477(7363):185-187
Powerful radio jets from active galactic nuclei are thought to be powered by the accretion of material onto the supermassive black hole (the 'central engine'). M87 is one of the closest examples of this phenomenon, and the structure of its jet has been probed on a scale of about 100 Schwarzschild radii (R(s), the radius of the event horizon). However, the location of the central black hole relative to the jet base (a bright compact radio 'core') remains elusive. Observations of other jets indicate that the central engines are located about 10(4)-10(6)R(s) upstream from the radio core. Here we report radio observations of M87 at six frequencies that allow us to achieve a positional accuracy of about 20?microarcseconds. As the jet base becomes more transparent at higher frequencies, the multifrequency position measurements of the radio core enable us to determine the upstream end of the jet. The data reveal that the central engine of M87 is located within 14-23R(s) of the radio core at 43?GHz. This implies that the site of material infall onto the black hole and the eventual origin of the jet reside in the bright compact region seen on the image at 43?GHz.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields play a key role in most astrophysical systems, from the Sun to active galactic nuclei. They can be studied through their effects on atomic energy levels, which produce polarized spectral lines. In particular, anisotropic radiation 'pumping' processes (which send electrons to higher atomic levels) induce population imbalances that are modified by weak magnetic fields. Here we report peculiarly polarized light in the He I 10,830-A multiplet observed in a coronal filament located at the centre of the solar disk. We show that the polarized light arises from selective absorption from the ground level of the triplet system of helium, and that it implies the presence of magnetic fields of the order of a few gauss that are highly inclined with respect to the solar radius vector. This disproves the common belief that population imbalances in long-lived atomic levels are insignificant in the presence of inclined fields of the order of a few gauss, and opens up a new diagnostic window for the investigation of solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

运用J=rc×mvc+J′公式计算刚体相对瞬心的动量矩等于把质量集中在(以瞬心和质心的联线为直径的)圆周上的任一点相对瞬心的动量矩和刚体相对于圆上这点的动量矩之和.  相似文献   

Rotational breakup as the origin of small binary asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Walsh KJ  Richardson DC  Michel P 《Nature》2008,454(7201):188-191
Asteroids with satellites are observed throughout the Solar System, from subkilometre near-Earth asteroid pairs to systems of large and distant bodies in the Kuiper belt. The smallest and closest systems are found among the near-Earth and small inner main-belt asteroids, which typically have rapidly rotating primaries and close secondaries on circular orbits. About 15 per cent of near-Earth and main-belt asteroids with diameters under 10 km have satellites. The mechanism that forms such similar binaries in these two dynamically different populations was hitherto unclear. Here we show that these binaries are created by the slow spinup of a 'rubble pile' asteroid by means of the thermal YORP (Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effect. We find that mass shed from the equator of a critically spinning body accretes into a satellite if the material is collisionally dissipative and the primary maintains a low equatorial elongation. The satellite forms mostly from material originating near the primary's surface and enters into a close, low-eccentricity orbit. The properties of binaries produced by our model match those currently observed in the small near-Earth and main-belt asteroid populations, including 1999 KW(4) (refs 3, 4).  相似文献   

Prokaryotic origin of the actin cytoskeleton.   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
F van den Ent  L A Amos  J L?we 《Nature》2001,413(6851):39-44
It was thought until recently that bacteria lack the actin or tubulin filament networks that organize eukaryotic cytoplasm. However, we show here that the bacterial MreB protein assembles into filaments with a subunit repeat similar to that of F-actin-the physiological polymer of eukaryotic actin. By elucidating the MreB crystal structure we demonstrate that MreB and actin are very similar in three dimensions. Moreover, the crystals contain protofilaments, allowing visualization of actin-like strands at atomic resolution. The structure of the MreB protofilament is in remarkably good agreement with the model for F-actin, showing that the proteins assemble in identical orientations. The actin-like properties of MreB explain the finding that MreB forms large fibrous spirals under the cell membrane of rod-shaped cells, where they are involved in cell-shape determination. Thus, prokaryotes are now known to possess homologues both of tubulin, namely FtsZ, and of actin.  相似文献   

Tobie G  Lunine JI  Sotin C 《Nature》2006,440(7080):61-64
Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, has a massive nitrogen atmosphere containing up to 5 per cent methane near its surface. Photochemistry in the stratosphere would remove the present-day atmospheric methane in a few tens of millions of years. Before the Cassini-Huygens mission arrived at Saturn, widespread liquid methane or mixed hydrocarbon seas hundreds of metres in thickness were proposed as reservoirs from which methane could be resupplied to the atmosphere over geologic time. Titan fly-by observations and ground-based observations rule out the presence of extensive bodies of liquid hydrocarbons at present, which means that methane must be derived from another source over Titan's history. Here we show that episodic outgassing of methane stored as clathrate hydrates within an icy shell above an ammonia-enriched water ocean is the most likely explanation for Titan's atmospheric methane. The other possible explanations all fail because they cannot explain the absence of surface liquid reservoirs and/or the low dissipative state of the interior. On the basis of our models, we predict that future fly-bys should reveal the existence of both a subsurface water ocean and a rocky core, and should detect more cryovolcanic edifices.  相似文献   

本文介绍了Struts、Spring、Hibernate的框架结构原理,深入研究了三者架构的工作原理,并且根据struts+spring+Hibernate架构的轻量级J2EE的技术给出了实例的实现过程,具有一定的的应用价值。  相似文献   

Disruption of fragmented parent bodies as the origin of asteroid families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michel P  Benz W  Richardson DC 《Nature》2003,421(6923):608-611
Asteroid families are groups of small bodies that share certain orbit and spectral properties. More than 20 families have now been identified, each believed to have resulted from the collisional break-up of a large parent body in a regime where gravity controls the outcome of the collision more than the material strength of the rock. The size and velocity distributions of the family members provide important constraints for testing our understanding of the break-up process, but erosion and dynamical diffusion of the orbits over time can erase the original signature of the collision. The recently identified young Karin family provides a unique opportunity to study a collisional outcome almost unaffected by orbit evolution. Here we report numerical simulations modelling classes of collisions that reproduce the main characteristics of the Karin family. The sensitivity of the outcome of the collision to the internal structure of the parent body allows us to show that the family must have originated from the break-up of a pre-fragmented parent body, and that all large family members formed by the gravitational reaccumulation of smaller bodies. We argue that most of the identified asteroid families are likely to have had a similar history.  相似文献   

Mayer L  Kazantzidis S  Mastropietro C  Wadsley J 《Nature》2007,445(7129):738-740
The known galaxies most dominated by dark matter (Draco, Ursa Minor and Andromeda IX) are satellites of the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies. They are members of a class of faint galaxies, devoid of gas, known as dwarf spheroidals, and have by far the highest ratio of dark to luminous matter. None of the models proposed to unravel their origin can simultaneously explain their exceptional dark matter content and their proximity to a much larger galaxy. Here we report simulations showing that the progenitors of these galaxies were probably gas-dominated dwarf galaxies that became satellites of a larger galaxy earlier than the other dwarf spheroidals. We find that a combination of tidal shocks and ram pressure swept away the entire gas content of such progenitors about ten billion years ago because heating by the cosmic ultraviolet background kept the gas loosely bound: a tiny stellar component embedded in a relatively massive dark halo survived until today. All luminous galaxies should be surrounded by a few extremely dark-matter-dominated dwarf spheroidal satellites, and these should have the shortest orbital periods among dwarf spheroidals because they were accreted early.  相似文献   

The Milky Way is known to be an abundant source of gamma-ray photons, now determined to be mainly diffuse in nature and resulting from interstellar processes. In the soft gamma-ray domain, point sources are expected to dominate, but the lack of sensitive high-resolution observations did not allow for a clear estimate of the contribution from such sources. Even the best imaging experiment revealed only a few point sources, accounting for about 50% of the total Galactic flux. Theoretical studies were unable to explain the remaining intense diffuse emission. Investigating the origin of the soft gamma-rays is therefore necessary to determine the dominant particle acceleration processes and to gain insights into the physical and chemical equilibrium of the interstellar medium. Here we report observations in the soft gamma-ray domain that reveal numerous compact sources. We show that these sources account for the entirety of the Milky Way's emission in soft gamma-rays, leaving at most a minor role for diffuse processes.  相似文献   

Nimmo F  Spencer JR  Pappalardo RT  Mullen ME 《Nature》2007,447(7142):289-291
Enceladus, a small icy satellite of Saturn, has active plumes jetting from localized fractures ('tiger stripes') within an area of high heat flux near the south pole. The plume characteristics and local high heat flux have been ascribed either to the presence of liquid water within a few tens of metres of the surface, or the decomposition of clathrates. Neither model addresses how delivery of internal heat to the near-surface is sustained. Here we show that the most likely explanation for the heat and vapour production is shear heating by tidally driven lateral (strike-slip) fault motion with displacement of approximately 0.5 m over a tidal period. Vapour produced by this heating may escape as plumes through cracks reopened by the tidal stresses. The ice shell thickness needed to produce the observed heat flux is at least 5 km. The tidal displacements required imply a Love number of h2 > 0.01, suggesting that the ice shell is decoupled from the silicate interior by a subsurface ocean. We predict that the tiger-stripe regions with highest relative temperatures will be the lower-latitude branch of Damascus, Cairo around 60 degrees W longitude and Alexandria around 150 degrees W longitude.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that galaxies in the early Universe could have grown through the accretion of cold gas, and that this may have been the main driver of star formation and stellar mass growth. Because the cold gas is essentially primordial, it has a very low abundance of elements heavier than helium (referred to as metallicity). If funnelled to the centre of a galaxy, it will result in the central gas having an overall lower metallicity than gas further from the centre, because the gas further out has been enriched by supernovae and stellar winds, and not diluted by the primordial gas. Here we report chemical abundances across three rotationally supported star-forming galaxies at redshift z?≈?3, only 2?Gyr after the Big Bang. We find 'inverse' gradients, with the central, star-forming regions having lower metallicities than less active ones, which is opposite to what is seen in local galaxies. We conclude that the central gas has been diluted by the accretion of primordial gas, as predicted by 'cold flow' models.  相似文献   

Sagy A  Reches Z  Fineberg J 《Nature》2002,418(6895):310-313
A large impact by a comet or meteorite releases an enormous amount of energy, which evaporates, melts and fractures the surrounding rocks. Distinctive features of such impacts are 'shatter cones', deformed rocks characterized by hierarchical striated features. Although such features have been used for decades as unequivocal fingerprints of large-body impacts, the process by which shatter cones form has remained enigmatic. Here we show that the distinctive shatter-cone striations naturally result from nonlinear waves (front waves) that propagate along a fracture front. This explains the observed systematic increase of striation angles with the distance from the impact. Shatter-cone networks, typically spanning many scales, can be understood as hierarchical bifurcations of the fracture front, which is generated by the immense energy flux carried by the initial, impact-generated, shock waves. Our quantitative predictions based on this theory are supported by field measurements at the Kentland and Vredefort impact sites. These measurements indicate that shatter cones near to the impact site were formed by fractures propagating at nearly the Rayleigh wave speed of the host rocks, whereas the furthest shatter cones observed (about 40 km from the impact site) were formed by fronts moving more slowly. These results provide insight into impact dynamics as well as dissipative mechanisms in solids subjected to sudden, extremely intense fluxes of energy.  相似文献   

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