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The geotectonic evolution of the northern South China Sea (SCS) is controlled by the Eurasian, the Pa-cific and the Indian-Australian Plates. With regard to its tectonic evolution, the northern margin composed of faulted terraces and basins and deposited …  相似文献   

日喀则群沉积厚度、沉积速率及剥蚀速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对日喀则弧前盆地日喀则群沉积的详细研究,对日喀则群的沉积厚度、沉积速率做了近似的计算.日喀则群现今保存下来的厚度平均为3 000 m,恢复其原始沉积厚度为4 800 m,从而计算得出沉积速率为34 cm/ka(未脱压校正值为22 cm/ka),主沉积期的沉积速率为308 cm/ka(未脱压校正);并且与其他几个白垩纪同类盆地进行对比,得出白垩纪此类盆地发育过程中,沉积速率的平均值为27.75 cm/ka.根据近似恢复的弧前盆地和剥蚀区的范围,计算得出沉积盆地沉积物充填总量最小90 750 km3,最大137 500 km3;物源区剥蚀速率最小0.1 mm/a,最大0.45 mm/a.  相似文献   

Seep carbonates were collected from the Alaminos Canyon lease area, Gulf of Mexico. The carbonates are present as slabs and blocks. Bivalve shell and foraminifer are the dominant bioclasts in carbonate. Pores are common and usually filled with acicular aragonite crystals. XRD investigation shows that aragonite is the dominate mineral (98%). Peloids, clotted microfabirc and botryoidal aragonite are developed in carbonate and suggest a genesis linked with bacterial degradation of the hydrocarbons. The δ^13C value of bioclasts in carbonate is from -4.9‰ to -0.6‰, indicating that the carbon source is mainly from sea water as well as the small portion incorporation of the seep hydrocarbon. The microcrystalline and sparite aragonite shows the δ^13C value from -31.3‰ to -23.4‰, suggesting that their carbon is derived mainly from microbial degradation of crude oil. ^14C analyses give the radiocarbon age of about 10 ka. Rare earth elements (REE) analyses of the 5% HNO3-treated solution of the carbonates show that the total REE content of the carbonates is low, that is from 0.752 to 12.725 μg·g^-1. The shale-normalized REE patterns show significantly negative Ce anomalies. This suggests that cold seep carbonate is most likely formed in a relatively aerobic environment.  相似文献   

Carbon isotopes of pedogenic carbonate are often used to study paleoenvironments, but the existence of detrital carbonate changes the carbon isotopic composition. To develop an experimental method to determine existence of detrital carbonate in carbonate nodules, and to avoid it during isotope analysis, 23 pedogenic carbonate nodules in Miocene loess from the Loess Plateau of China were studied through micromorphology and carbon isotope analysis. The difference in carbon isotopic composition between matrix carbonate (B) and pore carbonate (A) (δ13C(B-A)) ranges from 0.27‰ to 0.44‰ in nodules containing detrital carbonate and –0.16‰ to 0.13‰ in nodules where detrital carbonate is absent. The latter is within measurement error, but the former is beyond it. Here we propose an isotopic approach to determine if nodules contain detrital carbonate: if δ13C(B-A) is within the measurement error, the nodules do not contain detrital carbonate, and vice versa. We suggest that it is better to analyze pore carbonate instead of matrix carbonate when using carbon isotope of carbonate nodules to reconstruct paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

Ge  Lu  Jiang  ShaoYong  Yang  Tao  Yang  JingHong  Wu  NengYou  Zhang  GuangXue  Liu  Jian 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(16):1700-1707
At modern cold seeps,the anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM)is the dominant pathway for methane consumption in marine sediments.AOM,which is mediated by a consortium of methane oxidizing archaea and sulfate reducing bacteria,is proposed to be responsible for authigenic carbonate formation.A methane-derived carbonate chimney was collected from the Shenhu area, northern South China Sea.The membrane lipids and their very low carbon isotopic compositions(?115‰to?104‰)in the Shenhu chimney suggest the presence of an AOM process.Three specific archaeal and bacterial biomarkers were detected,including Ar,DAGE 1f,and monocyclic MDGD.Their strongly depleted??13C values(?115‰to?104‰),which are lower than those of the normal marine lipids in sediments,reveal biogenic methane as their origin.The carbonate deposits exhibiting a chimney structure indicate that a vigorous methane-rich fluid expulsion may have occurred at the seafloor.We propose that the decomposition of gas hydrates at depth is the likely cause of seepage and cold seep carbonate formation in the Shenhu area.  相似文献   

分别采用不同的地层学方法对西藏贡扎地区的两条相邻上白垩统剖面进行了年代地层划分.根据将建立在贡扎Ⅰ上白垩统剖面上的锶同位素演化曲线与W. H .Burke等的同时代锶同位素演化曲线对比,剖面上岗巴村口组顶界年龄值约为81.4 Ma;根据在贡扎Ⅱ剖面上划分出的12个浮游有孔虫化石带确定的岗巴村口组顶界年龄值约为67.0 Ma.作者认为岗巴村口组顶界年龄值存在明显差别是受诸多因素影响,在对地层进行年代地层研究中,要不断提高各种地层学方法的分辨率,并尽可能采用综合的地层学方法.  相似文献   

西藏措勤地区的下白垩统岩石地层单位评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西藏区域地质调查大队在1:100万日喀则幅区调中将措勘地区划分为两个地层小区,各自建立了下白垩统的岩石地层系统.作者根据在该区测制的下白垩统连续地层剖面及相关地质调查,认为这两个地层小区并不存在;建议在措勤地区建立统一的下白垩统岩石地层系统,从下至上划分为则弄组、多尼组和郎山组.  相似文献   

The occurrence of seep carbonates is one of the characteristic features for cold seep sites at continental margins.The carbonates documented the venting history of methane-rich fluid.Compared to the chemoherm carbonates and carbonate pavements which formed on the sediment-water interface,chimney-like seep carbonates precipitated around fluid conduits below the sediment-water interface therefore better recording information of the past fluid flow and composition.Here the chimney-like seep carbonate samples from the northeastern Dongsha area of the South China Sea were studied to understand the origin and nature of the venting fluids and their potential relationship with gas hydrate deposits underneath the seafloor.Based on the occurrence,morphology,petrology,mineralogy and C-and O-isotope compositions,combined with present and past bottom water temperatures and the timing of methane release events,the oxygen isotopic fractionation between calcite and water were used to estimate the equilibriumδ18O values of the precipitating fluids.Theδ13C values ranging from 56.33‰to 42.70‰V-PDB and thus clearly show that the studied chimneys were mainly derived from biogenic methane oxidation.The calculated equilibriumδ18O values of the precipitating fluids ranged from 1.9‰0.3‰to 0.6‰0.3‰V-SMOW,with an average of 1.4‰0.3‰V-SMOW which is heavier than those of seawater even at the last glacial maximum.It is considered that the formation of chimney-like carbonates was closely related to methane hydrate dissociation in the area.The methane hydrates contributed as much as45.7%of water to the venting fluids.It is suggested that the climate and environmental changes(e.g.sea-level lowering,down-cutting canyons and mass wasting)are the major mechanisms maybe responsible for the destabilization of methane hydrates in the study area.The extensive occurrence of seep carbonates indicates that a large amount of the methane released from methane hydrate dissociation has been effectively captured and sequestered by microbial anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM)before it escapes into the water column.  相似文献   

在西藏革吉县赛利普地区测制了多条捷嘎组剖面,详细描述了阿母弄勒捷嘎组剖面,首次将区内捷嘎组细分为两个岩性段,讨论了捷嘎组的岩性组合特征及横向变化规律.在捷嘎组内建立了一个圆笠虫生物组合带和一个腹足类生物组合带,确定捷嘎组的时代为早白垩世阿普特晚期至阿尔布期.认为赛利普地区捷嘎组从早到晚空间上由北向南火山活动趋于强烈,出现了偶发火山碳酸盐台地→间歇火山碳酸盐台地→火山爆发-溢流相的空间变化规律.  相似文献   

藏南定日县贡扎上白垩统浮游有孔虫生物地层新资料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了西藏南部定日的上白垩统浮游有孔虫生物地层新资料,在厚291 m的贡扎剖面中共采集了699个有孔虫样品,平均的样品间距约40 cm,每两个样品间的间距代表约50 000a的时间间隔.根据获得的有孔虫化石及其在地层中的分布,识别出和建立了剖面的12个浮游有孔虫化石带,较为准确地确定了相邻化石带的界线,在此基础上对剖面进行了年代地层的划分.  相似文献   

西藏措勤盆地北部下白垩统层序地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
措勤盆地北部下白垩统下部川巴组和多巴组可识别沉积层序单元11个,平均延时约1.8 Ma;上部郎山组层序单元12个,平均时限2.1 Ma左右.川巴组和多巴组层序TST以陆源碎屑沉积占优,HST以生物碎屑滩相为特色,层序结构普遍为TST≥HST;郎山组沉积层序发育在碳酸盐台地背景下,TST具向上加深相序,HST为向上变浅相序,多HST≥TST结构.提出并总结了层序结构的物源供应/碳酸盐生产速率与相对海平面之间的关系、成因格架变化的构造演化意义、弧背盆地层序地层标识特点.  相似文献   

塔河油田XX井区白垩系层序—古地理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析钻井、测井资料的基础上,采用井—震结合的方法对塔河油田西北部白垩系高分辨率层序地层和古地理进行了研究,将白垩系划分为1个巨旋回、3个超长期旋回、6个长期旋回、16个中期旋回层序。总体上显示为水进到水退的沉积旋回,可识别出辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲和湖泊3种沉积沉积体系,代表了湖盆演化所形成的3个阶段。综合地震属性分析,探讨了各长期旋回层序古地理特征,本区白垩系物源主要由古天山提供,沉积相带主要呈南北向展布,各类砂体向南部逐渐尖灭,受现今南高北低的构造格局控制,易形成构造—岩性复合圈闭。  相似文献   

A new early angiosperm leaf species is reported from the Xinzhuang Formation of Wuhe County,Anhui Province,It is probably of Barrenian or slightly later in geological age,The fossil leaf is small,no more than 0.6 cm both in length and in width,The leaf vens are well preserved and clearly visble under a low poer microscope.Leaf architectural analysis shows that such a leaf should belong to the first leaf rank of Hickey ,i.e the most primitive one.There are no early angiosperm leaves published colpletely similar to our.A new species name of Dicotylophyllum minutissimum sp.nov.is established for the present leaf fossils.  相似文献   

Natural gas (methane) hydrates, the crystalline solids composed mainly of methane and water, are present in marine sediments of the continental margins and polar permafrost under a delicate balance of temperature (< 7℃) and hydrostatic pressure (> 50×10…  相似文献   

塔里木盆地奥陶系碳酸盐岩碳氧稳定同位素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中-下奥陶统碳酸盐岩储层是塔里木盆地塔中地区的主要油气产层.利用碳氧稳定同位素的分布特征和变化规律,可分析影响碳酸盐岩沉积环境和成岩作用的因素.中-下奥陶统的碳酸盐岩可在垂向上把δ13C和δ18O值的变化趋势划分为三段,二者的变化趋势是一致的.中-上奥陶统岩层碳氧稳定同位素比值明显下降,证明中-下奥陶统经历过一次短暂的抬升暴露和随后的大面积海水加深淹没事件.海水淹没时期,大量C转到海水之中,海水中沉淀出的碳酸盐岩的δ13C值相对较低.  相似文献   

以地质背景和岩石组构分析为基础,对酒泉盆地青西凹陷下沟组湖相热水沉积岩中的重晶石矿物进行了流体包裹体研究.结果表明,重晶石胶结物中主要发育富液两相、含子矿物三相、单一液相和单一气相四类原生流体包裹体,碎屑状重晶石主要发育富液两相和少量单一液相包裹体.显微测温结果显示,重晶石胶结物和碎屑状重晶石的成矿流体为NaCl-H2O体系,温度分别为160~200℃和120~140℃,盐度(NaCl)分别为20%~22%和18%~20%,密度分别为1.06~1.2 g/cm3和1.06~1.11 g/cm3,成矿压力分别为150~180 MPa和30~45MPa.结合锶同位素分析,认为成矿流体属于深循环的下渗湖水与岩浆水共同构成的中低温、中高盐度和中偏高密度混合热卤水.成矿流体经历了早期阶段的热液沸腾作用和混合作用的叠加耦合而形成重晶石胶结物,较晚期阶段热液混合稀释沉淀作用则形成碎屑状重晶石.两者应属于同一热流体不同阶段和不同方式的化学沉淀产物,重晶石胶结物形成于喷流口内;碎殚屑状重晶石形成于相对远离喷流口的开放系统,有更多大气水(湖水)的注入而使得其热流体温度、盐度、密度和压力相比重晶石胶结物均有所下降.重晶石矿物流体特征和成因研究,可为研究区下沟组湖相热水沉积岩热流体性质、来源和成因分析奠定基础.  相似文献   

内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗哈日根台苏木地区上二叠统林西组深水外陆棚灰黑色泥页岩沉积中发育大量的碳酸盐岩结核。这些结核呈透镜状、结核状及丘状,在产状上与现代海底发育的及古代的冷泉碳酸盐岩极为相似。通过对碳酸盐岩结核的微观组构、物质成分和碳同位素特征的研究,发现碳酸盐岩结核中发育较多的气孔构造、生物化石及草莓状黄铁矿;碳、氧同位素结果显示碳酸盐岩结核的碳同位素存在明显的负偏,表明其中有有机来源的碳。这些特征与现代海底由于天然气渗漏形成的冷泉碳酸盐岩特征一致,因而推测研究区发育的碳酸盐岩结核为古代海底天然气渗漏形成的冷泉碳酸盐岩。这表明在林西组沉积时期,海底存在天然气水合物,可能与海底早期沉积的灰黑色泥页岩中甲烷的释放有关。烃源岩潜力分析也表明,研究区大量发育的灰黑色泥页岩具有一定的生烃潜力,林西组具有较好的油气勘探前景;但是由于地层时代较老,成岩作用及构造运动的影响,现今的勘探难度较大。  相似文献   

济阳坳陷白垩系沉积特征及其控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
济阳坳陷白垩系沉积特征的研究程度较低,使得这一层位的油气资源勘探存在较大风险。在系统观察岩心的基础上,结合测井、地震等资料,对济阳坳陷白垩系沉积特征进行了综合研究,并探讨了沉积的主要控制因素。结果表明,研究区白垩系主要发育的沉积相类型有:杂乱堆积的冲积扇相;纵向上呈粒度向上变细的河流相;中等成分成熟度和结构成熟度的三角洲相;杂色砂泥岩呈薄互层沉积的滨浅湖亚相。北西向断层的活动对沉积起到主要的控制作用,在其控制下,白垩纪济阳坳陷为一相互分割的山间盆地,湖瓮范围时大时小,湖水深度不断变化,总体湖水较浅,主要发育滨浅湖亚相。  相似文献   

探讨羌塘盆地基底构造,为油气远景评价提供依据.通过对十多年来积累的地质、地球物理资料和物性资料的研究,在羌塘盆地识别出2个基底界面,一是前寒武系结晶基底顶面的密度(重力异常)界面,二是上三叠统顶部的磁性(航磁异常)界面.根据最新的航磁异常资料,对晓三叠世-早白垩世被动大陆边缘裂陷-拗陷盆地的基底构造单元进行分析,划分出2个Ⅰ级构造单元,4个Ⅱ级构造单元,23个Ⅲ级构造单元.在此基础上识别出3个裂陷槽、2个隆起带,圈定出3个相对应的生烃凹陷,2个发育礁、滩相碳酸盐岩储集层的隆起带,圈定了3个油气运移集聚的远景区.  相似文献   

探讨西藏多巴—班戈地区燕山晚期花岗岩类岩体的成因,评价找矿前景.通过对花岗岩类岩体的地质、地球化学、成分演化程度、分异程度和氧化状态的分析,结果表明,早白垩世花岗岩的岩石组合为英云冈长岩-花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩,属偏铝质—过铝质高钾钙碱性I型,具弱的斜长石分离结晶,形成于火山弧环境,角闪岩部分熔融而来; SiO2含量低...  相似文献   

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