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从总体上看,唐宋文人是以一种实用的心态对待佛道思想的。但在唐五代时期,三教的合流尚显杂凑、硬涩,故此时佛道思想在词中的表现也就相对单调。而至宋代,文人的援释道入儒象盐之溶于水一样已达深融无迹的境地,相应地宋词中也就出现了很多体现文人在佛道方面的修养、情趣,词情与佛性道理息息相通的作品。  相似文献   

The relations between man and nature reflected by evolution of Neolithic production tools in the Three Gorges region of Yangtze River is discussed in this paper.Our results show that there is a good correlation between the percentage vibration of cutting tool types and the environmental evolution indicated by the natural profile nearby.It is possible for ancestors from the Three Gorges region to learn the advantage of mortise and tenon in the early Neolithic Age because they used the stones as vital tools for processing woods.The hunting method in the early Neolithic is throwing,which was inherited in the mid-Neolithic Age when hunting with arrow and bow was developed.Fishing tools are found at the same period.Numbers of net sinkers and spinning wheels unearthed from the strata of the Western Zhou Dynasty from Zhongba Site reveal the fact of fishing with net,while a mass of fishbone pits indi- cate the powerful productivity brought by new production tools.Quantity of stone spades and stone hoes proves that cultivation agriculture by hoe is extremely attached importance by the ancestors in the Three Gorges region.Moreover,the developed agriculture in Daxi Culture at Zhongbao Island benefits from the landform,climate,traffic location,etc.Otherwise,the reason that the farming tools declined in the late Neolithic Age is related to the extreme flood during the early Xia Dynasty and the fishing hunting preference of some ancient settlements.This research shows that ancestors of the Three Gorges region during the Neolithic Age attached importance to fish hunting and cultivation, fought against the natural environment by production tools,constantly created and improved them, then comprehensively utilized them to evolve the relations between man and nature.  相似文献   

Environmental archaeology of archaeological sites on both sides of the Dachang section in the Daning River,the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River,shows that riverbed evolution has a great influence on the distribution of archaeological sites during the prehistorical and historical period,and it restricts human activity and the development of ancient culture.Field investigation,dating data,paleocurrent analysis of 100 gravels on the riverbed and archaeological excavation reveal that the riverbed of the Dachang section developed in the Shuangyantang region during the early stage,after about 30 kaBP it shifted westward gradually and reached the present place.Along with the westward shift,the focus of ancient culture changed for several times.In the Western Zhou Dynasty’s period,the east riverbank of the Daning River was the main residential area.During the Han Dynasty,along with the westward shift,the living space of ancient people was no longer confined to the east riverbank and the focus of culture moved westward.Then the Zhangjiawan site became the main dwelling district.In the late Han Dynasty, the villages were flooded and the ancients had to immigrate to a high place.Tombs of the Han and the Jin Dynasties outcropped on the flood plain of the east bank because their surface sediments were eroded by several flood events and the westward shift of the riverbed.  相似文献   

The global climate underwent tremendous changes during the transition from the Last Glacial Period to the Holocene. At almost the same time, human society transitioned from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic. Therefore, the relationship between climate change and human activity during this period has become a research hotspot.Yunnan Province is a region with a great abundance of Paleolithic archaeological sites in China; however, Neolithic sites are relatively few. There has also been relatively little research on paleoclimatic conditions during the Paleolithic-Neolithic transition in Yunnan. Phytoliths, as a highly durable and long-lasting form of plant microfossils, can be an important means for reconstructing paleoclimates. In this study, we examined the Naminan site in Jinghong, which was occupied during the transitional period from the Paleolithic to Neolithic. Based on our analysis of the phytolith record at Naminan, we reconstructed the climatic conditions for each of the archaeological strata and discussed possible human activities. The results show that Naminan experienced a sequence of warming followed by cooling and warming, which is consistent with previous paleoclimate research in other areas of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区经济可持续发展的时空分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
应用模糊数学主成分分析法,从时间和空间角度对重庆三峡库区经济可持续发展进行分析,总结了其经济可持续发展的时空分布特点,即在时间上呈增长趋势,空间上极不平衡,各区县经济发展水平差距较大。并针对性地提出调整产业结构、转变增长方式等促进经济发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

广东旧石器时代文化面貌和南方其它地区有较多的共性。新石器时代考古学文化受到来自岭北日益强烈的影响。青铜文化的外来影响主要来自吴越和楚,也打上了中原文化因素的深刻烙印,并与西南桂、云、贵、川地区存在一定的交往关系。主要分布于西江流域的青铜器墓葬应是岭北越人南迁后的产物。不同文化间的交流和影响往往呈现出复杂局面,较为先进的文化对周边其他文化产生强烈的影响,而弱势文化对强势文化的影响是局部的、偶然的。  相似文献   

基于ESDA与GIS技术,利用三峡库区重庆段各区县1998-2011年人均GDP数据,对该区域经济发展的空间格局及其时空演变进行了分析,结果表明:三峡库区重庆段经济空间分异明显且呈显著的空间正相关,在整体格局上呈现出一定的集聚态势;全局上看,三峡库区重庆段经济相对差异在缩小,从局部来看,空间集聚表现在重庆主城和渝东北库区,而库区中段的集聚态势表现不强烈;万州区在有关政策扶持下,经济发展加快,有望成为带动渝东北库区经济发展的增长极.  相似文献   

洛阳盆地平原区全新世地貌环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对洛阳盆地平原区典型剖面的物质组成、测年数据和考古遗址空间分布特点的综合分析显示,该地区全新世地貌环境经历了伊、洛河一、二级阶地形成、阶地面接受洪积冲积物质和风尘物质不断加积、伊、洛河夹河滩地不断扩大的演变过程.二级阶地形成于全新世初期,一级阶地形成于约3.1 ka BP,阶地形成的原因以气候变化为主,因此两级阶地为气候阶地;夹河滩地自晚全新世开始,因伊、洛河汇流点东移而不断扩大;引起滩地扩大的根本原因是人类活动的不断加强.  相似文献   

Based on archaeological research findings in the Three Gorges region as well as the distribution of prehistoric sites in this area,the following conclusion can be derived:the unique physical and geographical conditions and variations in the Three Gorges region make local people of different ages seek their survival and development in the favorable environment along the riverbanks.Environment evolution has direct impact on the selection of location for survival.The increase of sites quantity reflects the favorable natural environment,but the decrease just reflects the consequence of such natural disasters as flood.  相似文献   

黄河下游河道的走向,历来是史家争议之焦点。但史家关于三代前下游河道的研究却少之又少.所以本文从记载黄河下游河道的古今文献、考古资料等,勾勒出历史时期黄河下游的河道应在今日山东地区。  相似文献   

为明确三峡库区渗漏水对长江下游地区的影响,根据长江径流量的时空分布变化、三峡库区的地质构造、区域水量平衡等,分析长江下游地区地下水的污染源头。结果表明:三峡库区存在深部断裂和暗河系统,库区渗漏水可能通过深部循环通道向长江下游和流域外排泄;长江下游的地下水污染源头不仅包括源区污染、采矿业污染、农业污染、城市生活和工业固废污染,还包括通过深部循环通道的上游污水排泄;上游的水源保护对下游的地下水污染治理至关重要。  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝至唐中叶的六个世纪里,儒家经学在少去了汉代利禄政治的喧闹环境下平静而自在地发展,“春秋学”表现尤为典型,它经历了恢复与发展、分离与整合、创新与蜕变几个不同的阶段。特别是中唐时期啖助等人颠覆汉魏注疏之言,舍传求经,创“新春秋学派”,为唐宋儒家文化的复兴开启了思想大门。  相似文献   

三峡库区重庆段具有重要的生态地理位置,酸雨是这一地区根本性的生态环境问题之一.以酸雨敏感性机理为基础,运用GIS于RS技术分析了这一特殊生态地理区域酸雨敏感性的高低分布规律及其空间分异特征.结果表明:研究区酸雨以高度敏感为主,其次是中度敏感;各区县中石柱、武隆、万州是酸雨最为敏感的地区,都市区及周边区县主要以轻度以下敏...  相似文献   

考古发掘材料表明,旧石器时代中晚期,古人类就一直生活、劳动在浙江境内,并留下了许多珍贵的化石和文化遗迹,翻开了浙江历史光辉篇章的第一页.回顾浙江旧石器时代考古的历程,并对一些重要发现或问题作一评估,可为今后深入研究浙江人类早期发展史提供比较切实的帮助.  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区生态功能区划研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
生态功能区划是实施区域生态环境保护建设和科学管理的基础.以长江三峡库区(重庆段)沿江区域受库区蓄水影响的23个区县为研究对象,确立能够反映生态功能区划的目的、区域分异规律、区域生态环境特征和范围的指标,采用定量分析(系统聚类方法)和定性分析(图形叠置法)的方法,将重庆三峡库区划分为6大生态功能区.为重庆三峡库区的生态系统管理提供初步的管理框架和尺度范围.  相似文献   

三峡词家群落的崛起,是三峡音乐文学繁荣的主要标志。三峡词家群落拥有重庆、恩施、宜昌、武汉四个群落。文章从文学文化和音乐文化相结合的角度,凭借翔实的材料对三峡词家群落崛起的原因、共性特征、个性特点、地域分布、创作实绩等几方面作了客观科学的分析和较为宏观的展示。  相似文献   

长江三峡库区地质环境复杂,是一个滑坡多发区域,滑坡的发生严重危及人民生命财产安全。通过对三峡库区丰都县白沙沱滑坡灾害勘查研究,阐述了该滑坡区的地形地貌、水文地质条件、各层岩土体结构特征及物质组成、变形特征、主要影响因素以及物理力学特征,考虑到三峡库区的蓄水影响,在不同工况下对滑坡体进行稳定性计算,并结合抗剪强度指标的敏感性分析,对该滑坡的稳定性进行分析及评价。结果表明在不同工况条件下该滑坡体不同剖面的稳定性存在潜在危害,甚至可能整体失稳破坏;同时,内摩擦角为滑坡稳定性的敏感因子,对滑坡的稳定性影响程度至关重要。这为滑坡防治与治理提供合理的设计依据,同时说明研究该滑坡的意义重大。  相似文献   

油桐(Vernicia fordii)是起源于中国的油料树种;利用油桐种子提炼的桐油是非常重要的工业原料,在中国古代工业及世界近现代工业生产中产生过巨大影响。油桐开发、利用从唐代以来已有较多文献资料介绍,中国现代经济史研究中也一直把油桐种植史作为热点之一,但在考古发现中却一直未获得过古代油桐树实物标本。2013年,重庆市文化遗产研究院、重庆师范大学研究人员在重庆市丰都县瓦啄嘴遗址考古发掘工作中,从一座宋代瓷窑火膛里发现了宋代油桐树实物材料,这是在中国国内首次发现古代油桐树实物标本。所发现的材料包括10枚油桐树种子和一些树干(木炭)标本。从种子形态观察,所发现油桐应属于三年桐的栽培品种。木炭标本的切片观察结果,也证明该标本属于油桐树木材。该发现表明:文献中记录三峡地区广泛种植的油桐应属于三年桐系列,三峡地区很可能是我国三年桐品种经济林发源地。木材消耗量巨大的瓷窑烧造生产中,把油桐树作为燃料利用,反映宋代三峡地区古居民对油桐树的开发利用,已形成了油料资源(种子)、柴薪资源(树干)的经济林综合利用模式。该经济林经营模式对今天的三峡库区生态文明建设具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

以湖北省的206个传统村落为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析方法、时间断面法和历史文献,分析湖北省传统村落的时空演变特征,以完整展现其空间关系和区域演化过程,发现:湖北省传统村落历史发展大致经历了隋唐五代以前的萌芽期、宋元辽金的发展期和明清繁盛期的三个阶段;空间格局呈集聚、均衡性较低的空间分布特征,具体表现为以鄂西南为高值聚集区、鄂东北为中值聚集区、鄂东南为低值聚集区,整体空间分布类型与湖北地貌类型具有密切关系;流域格局上,湖北省传统村落沿河流分布特征明显,主要分布在距河流15 km范围内;高程格局上,湖北省传统村落主要集聚在山地,并大致经过了“山地—丘陵/平原—山地”发展的时序性;类型特征呈现农耕型偏鄂西南分布,商贸型呈沿边型分布,军事型偏鄂东北分布和工艺型偏鄂东南分布的基本特征.  相似文献   

李调元辑《全五代诗》百卷,首次对五代诗歌进行了断代的整理辑录。但该书收录的诗人中,有些则属于唐人或宋人,明显超出了"五代诗"的断限范畴。通过对该书误收的十八位唐代诗人和四位宋代诗人生平事迹进行考察,就其选目失误作出全面的辨正,应该说是很有必要的。  相似文献   

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