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Summary Potassium and sodium from isolated pig hypothalamic vesicles cause a dose dependent release of noradrenaline. The releasing effect of nicotine is less pronounced than that of acetylcholine. No addition of the effects could be observed by simultaneous incubation with calcium and potassium or calcium and nicotine. The effect of potassium is abolished by tetracain.

Ausgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Doubly refracting lipoid droplets can be demonstrated in normal and pathological sera by means of alcohol ether extraction. This is not possible with ether extraction alone.(2) These lipoid droplets can be demonstrated only, or almost only, when they are precipitated out of alcohol or ether alcohol  相似文献   

Summary (1) No double refractile Iipoid droplets can be obtained by alcohol ether extraction from urine or from urinary protein as it is possible from blood serum.(2) The conclusion is drawn that the double refractile lipoids droplets in urinary sediment do not pass through the glomeruli and therefore are not reabsorbed by the tubuli, but that they come from the own lipoproteins of the epithelial cells of renal tubuli and pass into urine by dissolution and desquamation of these cells.  相似文献   

Summary By filtering heated filtrates of the cultures ofMycobacterium tuberculosis human, bovine and avian type respectively through the dextran-gel Sephadex 50, it is possible to separate the tuberculoproteins from the other inactive constituents in a simple manner.  相似文献   

Summary The active principle ofPsilocybe mexicana Heim, a mexican mushroom with hallucinogenic properties, has been isolated in crystalline form. The compound has been given the namePsilocybin; it possesses indole characteristics and contains phosphorus. A second substance, closely related toPsilocybin but found only in traces, has been calledPsilocin.  相似文献   

Summary Two proteinases from the digestive tract of the oriental hornet larvaVespaorientalis were investigated. One hydrolyzes the chymotrypsin substrates ATEE and APNE, the other one the trypsin substrates BAEE and BANA. They belong to the serine proteases, and split B-chain of oxidized insulin in a way similar to that of vertebrates.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft sei für finanzielle Unterstützung gedankt.  相似文献   

Summary A new alkaloid from the lyophilized mycelia of aClaviceps purpurea strain, N-[N-(d-Lysergyl)-l-valyl]-l-phenylalanyl-d-prolin-lactam, has been isolated and characterized. From its fast methanolysis it is deduced that the previously reported N-(d-Lysergyl)-l-valinmethylester is actually an artefact. The biogenetic significance and its possible role in biogenesis of Ergocristine is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cortisol-21-sulphate has been identified in the urine of three patients with Cushing's syndrome before and after total adrenalectomy (substitution with 200 mg F orally). The identification was based upon the following data: Identical behaviour of the standard cortisol-21-sulphate and the unknowns in two different paper chromatographic systems; positive methylene blue reaction and UV-contact-photogram; identical absorption spectra in concentrated sulphuric acid; correspondence with free cortisol of the steroid moiety liberated by dioxan solvolysis and formation of adrenosterone following treatment with chromic acid. The data support evidence that cortisol-21-sulphate may originate not only from the human adrenal gland but also from extra-adrenal sources, presumably the liver.  相似文献   

Summary Findings in the human ovary confirmed the fact already pointed out in animal ovaries that under the influence of oestrogens the germinal epithelium is capable of forming new oocytes. Whether the germinal epithelium of the mature woman can form new oocytes under normal conditions cannot be determined as yet, but the present findings allow the conclusion that neo-oogenesis during the reproductive period of women seems possible. Further investigations, now in progress, are required to determine this possibility.  相似文献   

Summary On the perfused rabbit heart a constant infusion of tyramine released noradrenaline continuously and independently of the external Ca++ concentration. In contrast, noradrenaline release by DMPP was only transient and required the presence of Ca++.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Sedimentation coefficient, intrinsic viscosity, amino acid composition and myosin binding capacity of actin from calf's heart were determined. The results are in fair agreement with values published for actin from other sources. No influence of strophantin-g or strophantin-k on the velocity of polymerization and the viscosity and thixotropy of f-actin could be detected.  相似文献   

Summary Blinded crabs (Carcinus maenas andMaja verrucosa) show compensatory eye stalk movements on rotation about a vertical axis, in water and in air. On a sudden arrest of the turntable typical after-effects are observed, which show a striking resemblance to those known from vertebrates. All these reactions are abolished after bilateral elimination of the so-called thread hairs within the statocysts (experiments onMaja). In fresh preparations these hairs can be seen to follow the slightest movements of the surrounding fluid, swaying around their point of attachment.Elimination of the thread hairs does not diminish, but does markedly delay the compensatory eye stalk movements of a blinded crab on rotation about horizontal axes. The latter reactions are abolished if in addition the hook hairs (i.e. the sense hairs of the statolith-bearing type) are destroyed.It is concluded that the statocyst of crabs is a staticdynamic sense organ: the hook hairs are position receptors, the thread hairs react to angular displacements about all three main body axes; the group hairs may have no sensory function at all.Rotation sense may be expected to occur in other Crustacea possessing thread hairs or similar receptors in their statocysts as well.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described by which sex chromatin can be easily and routinely determined in the cell nuclei of the root sheath of a single pulled human hair.  相似文献   

Summary The steroidal alkaloid solanidine (solanid-5-ene-3-ol, II) which occurs in the potato plantSolanum tuberosum L. has been synthesized from demissidine (5-solanidane-3-ol, I), an alkaloid from the Mexican wild potatoSolanum demissum Lindl. The synthesis involves the following steps: 5-solanidane-3-one, 2,4-dibromo-5-solanidane-3-one, solanid-4-ene-3-one, 3-acetoxy-solanida-3,5-diene, and solanidine (II).

Solanum-Alkaloide. XVII. Mitteilung. — XVI. Mitteilung:K. Schreiber undG. Adam, Exper.17, 490 (1961).  相似文献   

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