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基于湿地现状分布数据,对珠江流域湿地现状被保护情况进行综合评价,并以湿地生物多样性保护为目标,运用系统保护规划的理论和方法,综合考虑GDP、人口密度等社会经济因素,以Marxan作为空间优化模型构建珠江流域的湿地保护优先格局,优先建立的保护单元共87个,面积共27 681.79 km2,最终形成合理保护网络,并针对各子流域进行评估确定湿地保护空缺,提出合理优化格局构建建议.结果表明,珠江流域保护体系缺失严重,亟需重构湿地保护体系:1)珠江流域上游的湿地保护空缺主要集中在高原山区湖泊、河流湿地广泛分布区域;2)对于珠江中下游区域,重在面向大型湿地空缺建立大型自然保护区,强化重要生态储备资源的保护与修复;3)对人为干扰最为强烈、经济活动最为繁荣的珠江三角洲区域,则重在对粤港澳大湾区区域的保护空间合理构架湿地公园或湿地小区,并因地制宜地开展针对性的滨海湿地修复项目,缓解围填海活动;4)海南岛及南海各岛诸河区域湿地保护空缺主要位于海南岛东侧与西侧部分地区,应根据各区域保护强度与发展程度不同,建立以不同类型的自然保护区、自然公园构成的以保护湿地为主的自然保护地体系.研究结果在一定程度上可作为珠江流域湿地保护体系调整的参考依据.   相似文献   

林涛 《工程与建设》2006,20(5):437-439
土地是有限的不可再生资源,节约用地是我国城市可持续发展的必由之路。文章从适度城镇化、控制城市人均建设用地标准、控制年批租土地数量、建设节约型工业园、积极开发利用城市地下空间等方面阐述了节地的途径,并提出了城市规划的应对策略,旨在对合理利用土地资源、建设节约型城市有所裨益。  相似文献   

Systematic conservation planning (SCP) is a widely accepted biodiversity-focused approach to selecting priority areas for protection. Since freshwater ecosystems are globally in urgent need of more conservation and the development of freshwater protected areas has lagged behind such need, SCP is proposed to be widely applied in freshwater conservation. As SCP originates from terrestrial realms, freshwater-specific characteristics should be con- sidered when applied to freshwater systems. The chal- lenges mainly include difficulty in data collection for freshwater species and uncertainty in classification of coarse-filters for representation, while also considering the maintenance of natural connectivity in fresh waters and taking longitudinal, lateral, and climate-change-caused threats into account. Only by addressing these issues may the representativeness and persistence of freshwater bio- diversity be ensured in the proposed conservation network. Though challenging at times, the application of systematic approaches in freshwater conservation planning has been widely attempted throughout the last 12 years and applied in different freshwater ecosystems at different scales. In addition, the consideration of freshwater-specific issues has been becoming more and more comprehensive. This review divides the whole process of SCP into successive steps while discussing detailed applications of freshwater planning at each step. First, according to the review, each step attempts to explore many alternatives, such as usingsurrogates from the species level to the ecosystem level (or a combination within this range) to represent the spatial variation of freshwater biodiversity, deriving raw data from various sources to use for planning, applying different techniques to expand or integrate data, setting various target forms to ensure representativeness or persistence, considering existing protected areas in different ways in the process of planning, using priority principles in various paradigms for both representativ  相似文献   

水土保持的生态效益价值分析--以重庆市南岸区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在基于GIS技术的水土保持项目规划基础上,探索生态经济学的视角来分析评价城市化发展过程中水土保持工作的生态效益,并以货币的价值形式测评.测评结果,项目区水土保持的直接经济价值预测值为1207.61万元,生态经济价值预测3017.75万元,潜在的生态价值是直接经济收入的2.5倍.因此,在水土保持规划过程中,城区的生态效益价值分析是不能忽视的.  相似文献   

Jukes TH 《Nature》1970,225(5238):1173

Slater E 《Nature》1970,225(5234):773

农村规划理论长期落后于农村建设实践,农村规划工作现存很多问题,新农村建设战略推动了农村规划理论的研究.沟通式规划理论在我国农村规划中具有其适用性,实际应用中要加强沟通式规划的机制、主体、程序等方面的研究.  相似文献   

农村规划理论长期落后于农村建设实践,农村规划工作现存很多问题,新农村建设战略推动了农村规划理论的研究。沟通式规划理论在我国农村规划中具有其适用性,实际应用中要加强沟通式规划的机制、主体、程序等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Goldston D 《Nature》2008,454(7205):680

保护生物学是生命科学中新兴的一门综合性学科。其目的是研究生物多样性保护的方法和途径。生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,是人类的共同财富,由于近几十年来人口数量的剧增和经济的不断发展,人类对生物资源的过度剥夺和对生物生活环境的破坏和污染,已造成生物多样性急剧下降和物种的灭绝,因此保护生物学显得尤其重要。本文就其内涵、研究热点、生物多样性的保护等方面作了介绍。  相似文献   

Nicholls H 《Nature》2011,472(7343):287-289

Buckley R 《Nature》2010,467(7319):1047

Wu CI  Shi S  Zhang YP 《Nature》2004,428(6979):213-214

Rodrigues AS 《Nature》2007,450(7171):E19; author reply E20
Using data on the global distribution of mammal, bird and amphibian species, Grenyer et al. conclude that planning based on individual taxa does not provide efficient solutions for the conservation of other taxa. They also report that the performance of existing global conservation strategies-endemic bird areas, biodiversity hotspots and global 200 ecoregions-in representing those taxa is often no better (and in some cases worse) than random. I argue here that the methodology used by Grenyer et al. was not appropriate for purported globally comprehensive analyses. Focusing on analyses of rare species as an example, I demonstrate how the data actually reveal substantial cross-taxon surrogacy and good performance of existing global conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Prioritizing global conservation efforts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wilson KA  McBride MF  Bode M  Possingham HP 《Nature》2006,440(7082):337-340
One of the most pressing issues facing the global conservation community is how to distribute limited resources between regions identified as priorities for biodiversity conservation. Approaches such as biodiversity hotspots, endemic bird areas and ecoregions are used by international organizations to prioritize conservation efforts globally. Although identifying priority regions is an important first step in solving this problem, it does not indicate how limited resources should be allocated between regions. Here we formulate how to allocate optimally conservation resources between regions identified as priorities for conservation--the 'conservation resource allocation problem'. Stochastic dynamic programming is used to find the optimal schedule of resource allocation for small problems but is intractable for large problems owing to the "curse of dimensionality". We identify two easy-to-use and easy-to-interpret heuristics that closely approximate the optimal solution. We also show the importance of both correctly formulating the problem and using information on how investment returns change through time. Our conservation resource allocation approach can be applied at any spatial scale. We demonstrate the approach with an example of optimal resource allocation among five priority regions in Wallacea and Sundaland, the transition zone between Asia and Australasia.  相似文献   

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