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太空美术是建立在太空科学与宇航学发展基础上的美术形式,同时具有科学与艺术的特质。它把科学知识融入了图像世界,成为我们了解太空世界的重要方式之一,太空美术和太空摄影相近,但又是不可代替的两种视觉语言形式,太空美术在传播科学知识、科学思想和科学文化中发挥着不可替代的作用,并且给现时期的科学传播提供了一种新的路径模式和启示。  相似文献   

赛博空间包涵着丰富的人类理性的精神内涵,亦具有工具理性、操作理性、沟通理性和价值理性等层次.工具理性与价值理性能在赛博空间的"座架"上获得共在与互动,人亦能在其互动中获得不断提升和全面发展.  相似文献   

My review of Ike Kamphof’s “Webcams to Save Nature: Online Space as Affective and Ethical Space” focuses on the question how the engagement of the spectator of the described websites is temporally structured and how the discrepancy between the instantaneity of affective response and the duration of moral engagement is solved. I propose to draw on Alexander Nehamas’ philosophy of beauty as an in-between, bringing affect and ethics closer together.  相似文献   

康德的空间学说是整个理论哲学批判的奠基石。一般经验的可能性、综合先天命题学说的确立、知识构成的二分、现象和物自体的划界等,确切地表明了空间学说在康德理论哲学中的奠基作用。维也纳学派的领袖和理论奠基人莫里茨.石里克分别在"空间的观念性、嵌入和心理-物理问题"(1916)、"当代物理学中的空间与时间"(1917)两篇论文以及《自然哲学》、《普通认识论》、《论哲学的问题及其相互关联》等著作中,对康德的空间学说展开猛烈的批评,批评性的文字散布在从1910至1936年间的论文和著作中。石里克的这些批判性和建构性的论证,不仅瓦解了康德对空间-欧式几何、知识-直观的旧有教条,也提供了科学与哲学关系的新见解,是二十世纪知识理论研究和心灵哲学中值得重视的一个环节。  相似文献   

"赛博空间"的产生给人们的休闲方式带来了革命性的变革,亦赋予休闲以换位、转移、增强智力等新的实质内涵.呈现出便捷性、自主性、虚拟性、精神性等传统休闲方式所不曾有的休闲特征.赛博空间休闲的价值本真就在于使人真正成其为人.  相似文献   

The Kohonen self-organizing map method: An assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The “self-organizing map” method, due to Kohonen, is a well-known neural network method. It is closely related to cluster analysis (partitioning) and other methods of data analysis. In this article, we explore some of these close relationships. A number of properties of the technique are discussed. Comparisons with various methods of data analysis (principal components analysis, k-means clustering, and others) are presented. This work has been partially supported for M. Hernández-Pajares by the DGCICIT of Spain under grant No. PB90-0478 and by a CESCA-1993 computer-time grant. Fionn Murtagh is affiliated to the Astrophysics Division, Space Science Department, European Space Agency.  相似文献   

高风险总是需要更大的责任担当,但是在风险越来越高的现代技术活动中却难以寻找到合适的责任担当者。通过对美国挑战者号航天飞机失事事件和"三鹿奶粉"事件的分析,有助于深化对技术风险的理解,寻找妨碍技术风险的责任担当的主要因素。  相似文献   

没有纯客观的宇宙探索,在宇宙观与伦理观的相互建构中,伦理性贯穿于人类外空探索的始终。一方面,外空探索具有重要的伦理效应,对伦理观的生成、转换、规范等具有基础与推动作用,另一方面,目前的外空探索在目的、手段、制度、价值基点等方面又存在诸多伦理困境。超越自我中心与合理自我主体地位的辩证统一,是外空探索的重要伦理原则。对外空探索进行发展伦理研究,提升我国及发展中国家的外空综合实力,对外空探索的合理化、可持续,意义重大。  相似文献   

语义网格的基础理论、模型与方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目"语义网格的基础理论、模型与方法研究"针对互联网信息有效共享的基础科学问题进行了研究,旨在突破现有数据模型的局限,建立新的网络资源有效共享的模型、理论和方法。本文主要介绍了该项目启动3年来在建立语义资源空间模型的理论和方法方面取得的一些重要进展。  相似文献   

社会空间辩证法的由来   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
空间问题和"空间的生产"是人文社会科学领域持续研究的重点之一。社会空间辩证法是"空间的生产"理论的主要方法论。它产生于两重批判的基础之上:一是对传统容器空间观的批判,另一是对经典马克思主义作家忽视空间要素及其作用的批判。社会空间辩证法概念系通过列斐伏尔的奠基,哈维等人的发扬,最后由索加正式予以提出。  相似文献   

In order to establish patterns of materialization of the beliefs we are going to consider that these have defined mathematical structures. It will allow us to understand better processes of the textual, architectonic, normative, educative, etc., materialization of an ideology. The materialization is the conversion by means of certain mathematical correspondences, of an abstract set whose elements are beliefs or ideas, in an impure set whose elements are material or energetic. Text is a materialization of ideology and it is any representation of the Reality represented by symbolic means. In all text T we can observe diverse topological structures: Metric Textual Space, Textual Topology and a Textual Lattice.  相似文献   

空间不只是客观的物质存在形式,也是人的一种认识,具有历史、社会和实践的性质,是“属人的现实”。因此空间及宇宙万物也都是人所规定、创造和生产的产物。正是人类在不同的发展阶段,创造和生产出不同的空间形式。它不仅包括物质空间和社会空间、精神空间和理念空间,也包括虚拟空间和网络空间。每个人都生活在一定的空间:每个人都应该自觉、积极地投身空间的创造、设计、改造和生产。  相似文献   

In this paper I offer a fresh interpretation of Leibniz’s theory of space, in which I explain the connection of his relational theory to both his mathematical theory of analysis situs and his theory of substance. I argue that the elements of his mature theory are not bare bodies (as on a standard relationalist view) nor bare points (as on an absolutist view), but situations. Regarded as an accident of an individual body, a situation is the complex of its angles and distances to other co-existing bodies, founded in the representation or state of the substance or substances contained in the body. The complex of all such mutually compatible situations of co-existing bodies constitutes an order of situations, or instantaneous space. Because these relations of situation change from one instant to another, space is an accidental whole that is continuously changing and becoming something different, and therefore a phenomenon. As Leibniz explains to Clarke, it can be represented mathematically by supposing some set of existents hypothetically (and counterfactually) to remain in a fixed mutual relation of situation, and gauging all subsequent situations in terms of transformations with respect to this initial set. Space conceived in terms of such allowable transformations is the subject of Analysis Situs. Finally, insofar as space is conceived in abstraction from any bodies that might individuate the situations, it encompasses all possible relations of situation. This abstract space, the order of all possible situations, is an abstract entity, and therefore ideal.  相似文献   

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