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寤烘瀯涓讳箟璁や负,"鎰忎箟寤烘瀯"鏄暣涓涔犺繃绋嬬殑鏈€缁堢洰鏍?浠庝紶鎾鐪?瀵煎悜鎬ф槸鎬濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇?鎰忎箟寤烘瀯"鐨勪富鏃ㄥ拰鏍规湰,浠峰€兼€ф槸鎬濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇?鎰忎箟寤烘瀯"鐨勫墠鎻愬拰杞戒綋.鎬濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇?鎰忎箟寤烘瀯"蹇呴』鍧氭寔瀵煎悜鎬у拰浠峰€兼€х殑缁熶竴.  相似文献   

鎴樺浗鏃舵湡鐨勯噸鍐滃璇存湁涓や釜涓嶅悓鐨勪綋绯讳竴鏄互銆婂晢鍚涗功銆嬨€併€婄瀛愩€嬩负浠h〃鐨勬硶瀹堕噸鍐滃璇?涓€鏄互銆婂悤姘忔槬绉嬨€嬩负浠h〃鐨勪紶缁熼噸鍐滄€濇兂.鍟嗛瀰鍙婂晢闉呭娲剧殑閲嶅啘瀛﹁,闆嗕腑瑙佷簬銆婂晢鍚涗功銆嬬殑鏈夊叧璁鸿堪,骞惰姒傛嫭涓?鍐滄垬"鐞嗚.銆婂悤姘忔槬绉嬨€嬬殑閲嶅啘鐞嗚,鏄タ鍛ㄩ噸鍐滄€濇兂鐨勭户缁拰鍙戝睍.  相似文献   

閮搏鑻ユ槸涓€浣嶅湪涓浗缈昏瘧鏂囧鍙蹭笂鍗犳湁閲嶈鍦颁綅鐨勭炕璇戝.浠栫殑缈昏瘧鐞嗚涓庡疄璺?鐗瑰埆鏄瘲姝岀炕璇戜笌鎴忓墽缈昏瘧鐨勬垚灏?涓嶄絾褰卞搷鐫€鍒涢€犵ぞ,涔熷奖鍝嶇潃涓€涓椂浠g殑璇戝潧鍜屾枃鍧?瀵归儹娌嫢缈昏瘧鎬濇兂鐨勭爺绌?灏嗘湁鍔╀簬瀵?浜斿洓"鏂版枃瀛﹀強"浜斿洓"缈昏瘧鏂囧鐨勭爺绌?涔熸湁鍔╀簬瀵逛腑鍥界幇浠f枃瀛﹀彶鍙婄幇浠g炕璇戞枃瀛﹀彶鐨勬⒊鐞?  相似文献   

濡備綍绐佸嚭甯堣寖鐗硅壊鏄垜浠湪閽㈢惔鏁欏涓墍闈复鐨勪竴涓壈娣辫棰?闅忕潃楂樼瓑闄㈡牎鏁欒偛鏁欏鏀归潻鐨勬繁鍏?鎴戜滑蹇呴』瀵规暀瀛﹀唴瀹广€佷换鍔°€佺洰鏍囧拰鏃堕棿鍋氬嚭鏀归潻.鎴戜滑瑕佺粨鍚堣嚜宸辩殑瀹炶返缁忛獙,纭珛璧风郴缁熴€佸畬鍠勭殑鏁欏鐞嗚涓庢寚瀵兼€濇兂.鏃犺鎬庢牱鍙樺寲鎴戜滑閮藉簲鐗㈣楂樺笀閽㈢惔鐨勬暀瀛︾悊蹇典笌鐗硅壊,鐢ㄤ弗璋ㄧ瀛︾殑鎬佸害杩庢帴鏂版椂鏈熺殑鎸戞垬.  相似文献   

浜轰綔涓轰汉鐨勫瓨鍦?鍏锋湁浠峰€兼€?鏄竴鍒囦环鍊肩殑鍩虹銆佷緷鎹拰鐩爣.浜烘槸浠峰€肩殑涓讳綋鍙堟槸浠峰€肩殑鐢熶骇鑰呭拰寤剁画鑰?鏁欒偛瑕佷互浜轰负鏈?鍘诲欢缁拰浼犳挱浜虹被鐨勭煡璇嗗拰浠峰€?蹇呯劧瑕佷笌浜虹殑浠峰€煎瓨鍦ㄧ浉鑱旂郴.浜虹殑瀛樺湪浠峰€奸棶棰樹篃蹇呯劧浼氬奖鍝嶅埌鏁欒偛鐨勬晥鏋?浠ュ瓨鍦ㄤ环鍊肩殑瑙嗚鍘昏В璇?鑳藉杩涗竴姝ヨ璇?鍏崳鍏€?杩欎竴绀句細涓讳箟鑽h颈瑙傜殑鏀挎不娣卞埢鎬у拰鍐呮兜鐨勭悊璁轰环鍊兼€?  相似文献   

闅愬柣鐞嗚鐨勭爺绌跺凡鏈変簩鍗冨骞寸殑鍘嗗彶,浼犵粺鎶婂畠浣滀负璇楀銆佷慨杈炲鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎鍐呭.濡備粖闅愬柣鐮旂┒宸茬粡绐佺牬浜嗕慨杈炶寖鐣?闅愬柣琚涓烘槸浜虹被璁ょ煡鐨勫熀鏈ā寮?鏈枃涓昏浠嬬粛浜嗛殣鍠荤殑鍔熻兘,闃愯堪浜嗛殣鍠诲璇█鍙戝睍鐨勫奖鍝嶅強鍏舵枃鍖栧唴娑?杩涜€屾帰璁ㄤ簡闅愬柣鐞嗚涔嬩簬鏁欏鐨勬剰涔?  相似文献   

鍥介檯浜ゆ祦鐨勬棩鐩婇绻?瀵瑰綋浠eぇ瀛︾敓鑻辫鍙h浜ら檯鑳藉姏鎻愬嚭浜嗘洿楂樼殑瑕佹眰.搴旂Н鏋佸煿鍏诲鐢熺殑浜ら檯绛栫暐,浣垮鐢熷敖鍙兘鍦版帉鎻″彛璇〃杈炬椂鎵€闇€鐨勫悇绉嶇瓥鐣ュ舰寮?杩欏浜庝紭鍖栧ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇彛璇暀瀛?鎻愰珮瀛︾敓鏁翠綋浜ら檯鑳藉姏鍏锋湁閲嶈鐨勬剰涔?  相似文献   

鍏枃鏄紶杈捐疮褰诲厷鍜屽浗瀹剁殑鏂归拡鏀跨瓥銆佸彂甯冭鏀挎硶瑙勫拰瑙勭珷銆佸疄鏂借鏀挎帾鏂界殑閲嶈鏂芥斂宸ュ叿,鍏锋湁鏋佸己鐨勮鑼冩€с€佸簞閲嶆€у拰濞佷弗鎬?鍏枃鎵х瑪浜哄彧鏈夊叿澶囩浉搴旂殑鐭ヨ瘑鍜岀礌璐?骞朵娇涔嬫湁鏈虹粨鍚堜笌骞宠 鍙戝睍,鎵嶈兘鍦ㄥ啓浣滄椂鍏呭垎鍙戞尌涓诲姩鎬у拰鍒涢€犳€?鎵嶈兘鍐欏嚭楂樿川閲忕殑鍏枃.  相似文献   

从过渡语理论看大学英语第二课堂建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杩囨浮璇寚鐨勬槸浜岃/澶栬瀛︿範杩囩▼涓?瀛︿範鑰呬娇鐢ㄧ殑浠嬩簬姣嶈鍜岀洰鐨勮涔嬮棿鐨勮瑷€浣撶郴,瀹冩棦鍏峰瀛︿範鑰呮瘝璇殑鐗瑰緛,涔熷甫鏈夌洰鐨勮鐨勭壒鐐?骞堕€愭笎鍚戠洰鐨勮闈犺繎.杩囨浮璇悊璁哄湪瀵煎悜涓婂疄鐜颁簡浠庝互鏁欏涓轰腑蹇冪殑瑙傜偣鍚戜互瀛︿範涓轰腑蹇冪殑瑙傜偣鐨勬牴鏈浆鍙?骞朵负澶у鑻辫绗簩璇惧爞寤鸿鎻愪緵涓€瀹氱殑鐞嗚鏍规嵁.  相似文献   

鐢变簬浠庝簨鑻辩編鏂囧鏁欏鐨勬暀甯堢悊璁烘按骞冲弬宸笉榻愩€佹暀甯堝瀛︾敓鏂囪壓鐞嗚鎺ュ彈鑳藉姏鐨勬€€鐤戙€佸晢鍝佺粡娴庢椂浠f枃瀛﹀拰鏂囪壓鐞嗚鏇查珮鍜屽绛夊洜绱?閫犳垚鏂囧瀛︿範鍜屾枃瀛︽柟鍚戞瘯涓氳鏂囧啓浣滀腑缂轰箯绉戝鐨勫垎鏋愭柟娉?鏈爺绌跺皢鎺㈢储灏嗘枃鑹虹悊璁哄紩鍏ユ湰绉戞瘯涓氱敓鐨勮鏂囧啓浣滆绋嬩腑鐨勫繀瑕佹€у拰鍙鎬?浠庤€屽缓鏋勪互鏂囪壓鐞嗚涓轰腑蹇冪殑鑻辫涓撲笟鏂囧鏂瑰悜姣曚笟璁烘枃鍐欎綔鐨勬柊妯″紡.  相似文献   

Language markedness is a common phenomenon in languages, and is reflected from hearing, vision and sense, i.e. the variation in the three aspects such as phonology, morphology and semantics. This paper focuses on the interpretation of markedness in language use following the three perspectives, i.e. pragmatic interpretation, psychological interpretation and cognitive interpretation, with an aim to define the function of markedness.  相似文献   

何延凌 《科技信息》2008,(4):258-258
Language is a means of verbal communication. People use language to communicate with each other. In the society, no two speakers are exactly alike in the way of speaking. Some differences are due to age, gender, statue and personality. Above all, gender is one of the obvious reasons. The writer of this paper tries to describe the features of women's language from these perspectives: pronunciation, intonation, diction, subjects, grammar and discourse. From the discussion of the features of women's language, more attention should be paid to language use in social context. What's more, the linguistic phenomena in a speaking community can be understood more thoroughly.  相似文献   

王慧 《科技信息》2008,(10):240-240
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's only novel, was published in December of 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. The book did not gain immediate success, but it is now thought one of the finest novels in the English language. Catherine is the key character of this masterpiece, because everybody and everything center on her though she had a short life. We can understand this masterpiece better if we know Catherine well.  相似文献   

The Williston Basin is a significant petroleum province, containing oil production zones that include the Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician, Upper Ordovician, Middle Devonian, Upper Devonian and Mississippian and within the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The oils of the Williston Basin exhibit a wide range of geochemical characteristics defined as "oil families", although the geochemical signature of the Cambrian Deadwood Formation and Lower Ordovician Winnipeg reservoired oils does not match any "oil family". Despite their close stratigraphic proximity, it is evident that the oils of the Lower Palaeozoic within the Williston Basin are distinct. This suggests the presence of a new "oil family" within the Williston Basin. Diagnostic geochemical signatures occur in the gasoline range chromatograms, within saturate fraction gas chromatograms and biomarker fingerprints. However, some of the established criteria and cross-plots that are currently used to segregate oils into distinct genetic families within the basin do not always meet with success, particularly when applied to the Lower Palaeozoic oils of the Deadwood and Winnipeg Formation.  相似文献   

理论推导与室内实验相结合,建立了低渗透非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度确定方法。首先借助油藏流场与电场相似的原理,推导了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度计算公式。其次基于稳定流实验方法,建立了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度测试方法。结果表明:低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的启动压力梯度确定遵循两个等效原则。平面非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各级渗透率段的启动压力梯度关于长度的加权平均;纵向非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各渗透率层的启动压力梯度关于渗透率与渗流面积乘积的加权平均。研究成果可用于有效指导低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的合理井距确定,促进该类油藏的高效开发。  相似文献   

As an American modern novelist who were famous in the literary world, Hemingway was not a person who always followed the trend but a sharp observer. At the same time, he was a tragedy maestro, he paid great attention on existence, fate and end-result. The dramatis personae's tragedy of his works was an extreme limit by all means tragedy on the meaning of fearless challenge that failed. The beauty of tragedy was not produced on the destruction of life, but now this kind of value was in the impact activity. They performed for the reader about the tragedy on challenging for the limit and the death.  相似文献   

Location based services is promising due to its novel working style and contents.A software platform is proposed to provide application programs of typical location based services and support new applications developing efficiently. The analysis shows that this scheme is easy implemented, low cost and adapt to all kinds of mobile nework system.  相似文献   

正The periodicity of the elements and the non-reactivity of the inner-shell electrons are two related principles of chemistry,rooted in the atomic shell structure.Within compounds,Group I elements,for example,invariably assume the+1 oxidation state,and their chemical properties differ completely from those of the p-block elements.These general rules govern our understanding of chemical structures and reactions.Using first principles calcula-  相似文献   

We have developed an adiabatic connection to formulate the ground-state exchange-correlation energy in terms of pairing matrix linear fluctuations.This formulation of the exchange-correlation energy opens a new channel for density functional approximations based on the many-body perturbation theory.We illustrate the potential of such approaches with an approximation based on the particle-particle Random Phase Approximation(pp-RPA).This re-  相似文献   

正The electronic and nuclear(structural/vibrational)response of 1D-3D nanoscale systems to electric fields gives rise to a host of optical,mechanical,spectral,etc.properties that are of high theoretical and applied interest.Due to the computational difficulty of treating such large systems it is convenient to model them as infinite and periodic(at least,in first approximation).The fundamental theoretical/computational problem in doing so is that  相似文献   

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