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EstimationofFiredPolynomialEffectsofMixedModelsBasedonPBIBTAOJingxuan(DepartmentofMathematics,XinyangNormalCollege.Xinyang464...  相似文献   

We discuss the properties of an ordinal consistency matrix on the base of its directed graph, which benefit deriving the ranking of the compared alternatives.  相似文献   

IdentificationofSubsetAutoregresiveModelUsingSimulaatedAnnealingZhuXiangyang&ZhongBinglinDepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,S...  相似文献   

In this paper a method for modelling and forecasting of a class of nonstationary time series with Kalmnan filter using moving window is proposed. The procedure of the method is as follows: in terms of parameter estimation during recursive process by using LSM, the state space equation is constructed, then the Kahnan filter using moving window is made to get the data with reduced level of observation noise. Finally, the precise parameter estimation can be obtained by using the LSM again. The algorithm is carried on recursively. Good results for estimating and forecasting are shown by simulation, examples. The algorithm of Kalman filter using moving window proposed by us is introduced in this paper, which can guarantee the precision and convergence of Kalman filter.  相似文献   

AModelofVaryinDistanceLeslieMatrixoftheGiantPanda’sPopulationatWuYiPeng,WolongXUEJueminHANChunlianShanxiUniversity,030006S...  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to uncover benefits and risks of Integrated Product Service Offering (IPSO) in a systematic manner. To do so, it adopts an explorative longitudinal in-depth case study (development of an IPSO based on a new technology) and adds insights to the existing literature. The article first proposes a theoretical and generic framework termed the PCP (Provider - Customer - Product) triangle with associated information flow and uncertainty. Second, various types of benefits and risks are presented based on the framework. Among others, the benefit of keeping IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) with the provider and the risk of regulation change are new findings from the case study. In addition, the case study reveals that IPSO is regarded as a positive contributor to innovation. Applying the framework and classification of benefits and risks as norms to other cases has yet to be done for verification. However, the framework contributes scientifically to a better understanding of the benefits and risks of IPSO. In addition, this framework is advantageous with its easiness to understand, which contributes practically to the dissemination of IPS0 insight to industry.  相似文献   

This paper presents a game model to estimate the efficiency of park-and-ride facilities using game theory. By analyzing the composition and behavior of different user groups who are likely to use park-and-ride facilities, it illustrates their mode choice inclination. The equilibrium is determined by parking charge, journey times, users' behavior and users' relationship. Economy benefit is also analyzed at last. A numerical example is given to show that the true "vin-win" is not just determined by user and society, but also related to user groups' mutual effect.  相似文献   

UsingtheMethodofMaximizingDeviationtoMakeDecisionforMultindicesWangYingmingDepartmentofAutomation,XiamenUniversity,361005,P....  相似文献   

TheManagementandResearch ofGeographicalNamesUsingGeographicalInformationSystemTheManagementandResearchofGeographicalNamesUsin...  相似文献   

DiscussionAboutthePaper"TheEigen-ProblemofMatrixinMax-Algebra-AnalysisforOperatingPeriodofAClassofDEDS"WANLiangqiao(Dept.ofMa...  相似文献   

The structure of the Scottish tourism industry underwent a significant change upon the demise of the Area Tourist Board (ATB) on the 1st April 2005. The membership based ATB provided a means for engagement between institutional policy makers and private sector businesses. This engagement appears to have dissolved with the replacement structure being ineffective in bridging between the two parties. The aim of this paper is to examine the structural dynamics of the Scottish tourism industry focusing upon events that rotate around the demise of the Area Tourist Board (ATB) and attempt to explain why there has been an apparent breakdown in engagement. The material is drawn from interviews with industry participants and also primary documentary sources, many of which are available online. The analysis is conducted using Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM). The findings highlight the current incoherent structure at the level of the ‘Area’. Upon the demise of the ATB, Area Tourism Partnerships (ATPs) were set up, not to replace ATBs, but to provide a mechanism to serve Area needs. However, the demise of the ATB created a vacuum for an effective mechanism to deal with individual practitioner issues. This has led to the formation of groups but at the level of the locality. These local tourism groups are autonomous and analytically viable. The ATP is inadequate to bridge the gap between VisitScotland and these local groups. Whilst direct engagement between VisitScotland and these local groups has been enabled with the Challenge Fund, the conditions attached to an award compromise the autonomy of the groups. However, two ATPs have proposed the need for membership based groups to operate at the Area level. This suggests the return to a pseudo-ATB style structure.
Stephen A. HarwoodEmail:

UsingGeneticAlgorithmstoImprovetheSearchoftheWeightSpaceinCascade-CorrelationNeuralNetwork¥E.A.Mayer,K.J.Cios,L.Berke&A.Vary(...  相似文献   

A new architecture of wavelet neural network with multi-input-layer is proposed and implemented for modeling a class of large-scale industrial processes. Because the processes are very complicated and the number of technological parameters, which determine the final product quality, is quite large, and these parameters do not make actions at the same time but work in different procedures, the conventional feed-forward neural networks cannot model this set of problems efficiently. The network presented in this paper has several input-layers according to the sequence of work procedure in large-scale industrial production processes. The performance of such networks is analyzed and the network is applied to model the steel plate quality of continuous casting furnace and hot rolling mill. Simulation results indicate that the developed methodology is competent and has well prospects to this set of problems.  相似文献   

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