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1 IntroductionIn the last two decades of the 2 0 th century,environmental problems have been prominentin the political agenda.As different environmental problems have arisen,environmentalpolicy has been directed to address an increasing range of concerns.Although environmen-tal policy often takes the form of the so- called′command- and- control′approach,the ques-tion of how to use market mechanisms in environmental policy has also been widely dis-cussed ( Jinnan,1994;Yining and Zheng,1995 …  相似文献   

Systemic Practice and Action Research - Fall armyworm (FAW) infestation in African countries presents significant threats to maize production. Such infestation has major economic implications in...  相似文献   

ANovelApproachtoCombinationofForecastsGAORenxiangInstituteofAppliedMathematics,AcademiaSinica,Beijing.1O0080,ChinaZHANGShiyin...  相似文献   

A Study on Integrated Model of Decision Support Systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 IntroductionToday,systems integration has been becoming a challenge issue lying the front of DSStheories and applications. Numbers of new models,technologies and methods have beenintroduced to develop DSS with the developmentand inter- permeation of sy…  相似文献   

The conventional data warehouse can only analyze historical data. This paper proposes a concept of agent-based real-time data warehouse in BI system, With this model we can improve the real-time performance of data warehouse. On the other hand, the BI system flexibility is enhanced in this model, which makes it much more efficient to manage the distributed environment.  相似文献   

This article views a particular example of action research through the theoretical lens provided by the Concerns Based Adoption Model of professional development. A small group of teachers in Lesotho, used action research to investigate their understanding and practice in the midst of externally initiated change. Data was collected from teachers’ discussions during the 2 years of the project. Teachers interacted during planning sessions; lesson observations and reflection meetings. Results indicated that these teachers’ development and change through action research corresponded with the seven levels of the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) which are awareness, information, personal concerns, management, consequences, collaboration and refocusing. The demonstrated resonance between CBAM and action research is significant, given the differing orientations of the two models. There is a need however to conduct further studies with larger samples and possibly from diverse areas to further explore the relationship between the Concerns-Based Adoption Model and action research.  相似文献   

The Choice of a Forecasting Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, several criteria for forecasting model selection are proposed, and some empirical comparison results are given.  相似文献   

The Software Costs Estimation Based on UML Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UML is a standard modeling language used in object-oriented analysis and design. Function point analysis is a method used to measure the size of an application, It is independent of the implementation programming language. Its measuring result can be compared between different development processes. This paper presents a method to use the requirements analysis model of UML to analysis the application‘s function points, so software developer can use it to estimate the project‘s size and cost. An improved method is given at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

The enterprises’ social responsibility (CSR) importantly depends upon behavior and its important factors like values, culture, ethics and norms. This article investigates how employees’ ethical behavior defines CSR. Article includes a comprehensive literature review, and empirical results of survey about employees’ perception of ethical behavior and relations between employees’ ethical attitudes and CSR. Sample consists of more than 900 employees in Slovenian enterprises, collected in last decade. Trends about employee’s perceptions of ethical, economic, environmental, and social attitudes, show increasing importance of ethical and environmental attitudes, and decreasing importance of striving for economic performance. Social attitudes remain unchanged over the entire decade. Employees’ ethical perceptions positively and significantly impact their attitudes toward social and environmental concerns. Their impact on attitudes toward giving priority to economic results is negative and significant. The considered relations were controlled by demographic variables mediating the relationship only for economic concern. Results of trends and relations confirm the significant influence of employees’ ethical behavior on CSR. The developed solution enables improvement of CSR considering importance of influences of employees’ ethical attitudes on aspects of CSR. The proposed solution reduces unexplained part of CSR related to ethical behavior and develops requisitely holistic methodological framework for future consideration of other behavior factors in enterprise.  相似文献   

In contemplating better ways to manage, Stafford Beer says the big problem is that you are not determining absolute facts: you are establishing a set of conventions. Hence his view, that a model is neither true nor false: it is more or less useful. And while this paper suggests Beer’s Viable Systems Model (VSM) is overwhelmingly more, rather than less useful, that the VSM and its founding theories are virtually unknown at the level of everyday management begs the question, why? Over time we have learned about the usefulness of the VSM compared to other management theories, when used in the contest of the organisational strategic planning process. Thus through a sequence of diagrams based on Beer’s original drawings, we show how the VSM came to underpin a process for strategic planning in one organisation. The paper has three aims; to attach an everyday ‘common speak’ understanding to some of Beer’s work, to demonstrate how we have learned to appreciate the usefulness of the VSM and its associated diagrams and conventions and to suggest a link between the Action Research change methodology and Beer’s work.  相似文献   

Toward the problem of judgement of enterprise crisis degree, the paper adopts fuzzy classification and fuzzy recognition method, forms enterprise character objective function in fuzzy condition, and brings forward to solve approach of optimal fuzzy classification center matrix, optimal fuzzy recognition matrix and optimal index weight under different crisis degree. By using the method in enterprise crisis early-warning example, it can distinguish enterprise crisis degree effectively.  相似文献   

We usually decide to accept or reject the offer based on the utility function in the traditional automatic negotiation of E-commerce so that we reject the offers whose utility is lower than a specified value. Here we evaluate the acceptability based on the fuzzy set theory and the membership function. Since different issues have different effect on the negotiators, we state the combined concession in the multi-issue negotiation for the negotiators. We put forward a more practical negotiation model than the traditional negotiation model and give an example of its application in E-commerce.  相似文献   

1  IntroductionWavelet analysis is one of the newestsubjects developing quickly in the pastfew decades,with theoretical significance and a wide range of application.Wavelet analysis was notused in the study of statistics until a few years ago.And discussions of nonlinear waveletestimating are focused mainly on two kinds of models. The first one is the modelconsidered by Donoho and his coauthors[1— 3] :yi =f( xi) εi,i =1 ,… ,n =2 J 1 ( 1 )wherexi=in∈ [0 ,1 ] ,ε1 ,… ,εnare independente…  相似文献   

Based on DAGF Algorithm, an evaluation model about the result of enterprise‘s technological innovation is proposed. Furthermore, establishment of its system of evaluation indicators and DAGF Algorithm are discussed in detail. Besides, the result of the case shows that the model is fit for evaluation of the result of enterprise‘s technological innovation.  相似文献   

TheStatisticalModelofMeasuringErrorsforTrackingRadar(III):TheAsymptoticNormalityofParametersEstimationQIQuanyueP.O.Box.1303-1...  相似文献   

In this paper,the problem of the synthetic prediction pattern of multiple modelsystems has been considered,Three synthetic prediction patterns have been presented and someof their properties have been analysed.  相似文献   

A Tree Structure Storage Model of BOM   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1  The Structure Analysis of BOMIn recentyears civil enterprises in increasing numbers begin to recognize the significance ofimplementing MRP .One key step of implementing MRP is building dependable BOM( Bill of Material) .so a reliable and high flexible BOM storage form should be built.Billof Material,BOM,which is the Technique document on illuminating the productstructure,is used to demonstrate the structure and relationship between the final product( never processed in current en…  相似文献   

StudyonaModelofFluidDynamicSystems¥LIMinshan;LUXianqing;MEIShengwei;DONGYali(NorthernJiaotongUniversity,DepartmentofMathemati...  相似文献   

OntheGeometricModeloftheApportionmentProblemOntheGeometricModeloftheApportionmentProblem¥LIYanlin;YANGShoulian(DepartmentofMa...  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical model of real-time simulation is given, and the problem of convergence on real-time Runge-Kutta algorithms is analysed. At last a theorem on the relation between the order of compensation and the convergent order of real-time algorithm is proved.  相似文献   

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