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This paper is addressed to a study of the stability of heat and wave equations with memory.The necessary and sufficient conditions of the exponential stability are investigated by the theory of Laplace transform. The results show that the stability depends on the decay rate and the coefficient of the kernel functions of the memory. Besides, the feedback stabilization of the heat equation is obtained by constructing finite dimensional controller according to unstable eigenvalues. This stabilizing...  相似文献   

Zhu  Shihao  Shi  Jingtao 《系统科学与复杂性》2022,35(4):1458-1479

This paper is concerned with an optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurance firm under the criterion of mean-variance. The driving Brownian motion and the rate in return of the risky asset price dynamic equation cannot be directly observed. And the short-selling of stocks is prohibited. The problem is formulated as a stochastic linear-quadratic control problem where the control variables are constrained. Based on the separation principle and stochastic filtering theory, the partial information problem is solved. Efficient strategies and efficient frontier are presented in closed forms via solutions to two extended stochastic Riccati equations. As a comparison, the efficient strategies and efficient frontier are given by the viscosity solution to the HJB equation in the full information case. Some numerical illustrations are also provided.


一类线性切换系统的能控性和能观测性的充要条件   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
循环不变子空间是常用于控制科学和信号处理理论的重要数学工具之一。用循环不变子空间的性质研究了切换系统的能控性和能观测性。先给出了切换系统能控性、能达性和能观测性的概念,并讨论了循环不变子空间的性质。然后用循环不变子空间的性质研究了周期线性切换系统的能控制性、能达性及能观测性,得到线性周期切换系统完全能控和完全能观测的充分必要条件。最后给出一般线性切换系统完全能控和完全能观测的充分条件和必要条件。  相似文献   

考虑存在多种期权合同市场和实时市场的情况下购买者最优采购策略问题.研究了t当实时市场价格、最终顾客需求是随机变量,零售商(同时也是期权合同购买方)面对多种期权合同种类和实时市场时,选择最优期权合同种类组合的策略,推导出期权合同最优组合满足的充分必要条件.求出了最优期权合同组合中的每种期权合同最优购买数量.分析了当可供选择的期权合同种类增加时.零售商利润变化情况.最后,通过数例说明了结论的应用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the global controllability of a class of n-dimensional affine nonlinear systems with n- 1 controls and constant control matrix. A necessary and sufficient condition for its global controllability has been obtained by using the methods recently developed. Furthermore, we generalize the above result to a class of affine nonlinear systems with a block-triangular-like structure. Finally, we will give three examples to show the applications of our results.  相似文献   

多层线性规划问题可行解的充要条件和单纯形算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究多层线性规划问题。先对可行解提出几个必要与充分条件, 然后在这些条件的基础上设计出一种单纯形算法。最后通过求解一个三层规划问题为例来说明这种方法。  相似文献   

In this paper,two alternative theorems which differ from Theorem 10.2.6 in [1] andTheorem 1 in [3] are presented for a class of feasible direction algorithms.On the basis of alternativetheorems,furthermore,two sufficient conditions of global convergence of this class of algorithms areobtained.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn the last two decades of the 2 0 th century,environmental problems have been prominentin the political agenda.As different environmental problems have arisen,environmentalpolicy has been directed to address an increasing range of concerns.Although environmen-tal policy often takes the form of the so- called′command- and- control′approach,the ques-tion of how to use market mechanisms in environmental policy has also been widely dis-cussed ( Jinnan,1994;Yining and Zheng,1995 …  相似文献   

矿业经济、资源、环境协调发展控制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨明  潘长良  刘中 《系统工程》2004,22(2):52-55
从维护资源存量不变的角度出发,运用矿业生产的投入产出关系和现代控制理论,建立生产发展与资源、环境相协调的控制论模型,在矿业发展满足国民经济建设需要的前提下,以资源(广义)恢复量补偿资源消耗量从而保持资源存量不变为目标.对矿业生产实行闭环控制,并通过模型求解,给出最优投资控制策略。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the issue of stabilization for discrete-time dynamical systems (DDS) by event-triggered impulsive control (ETIC). Based on some relatively simple threshold constants, three levels of event conditions are set and thus the ETIC scheme is designed. Three cases for ETIC with and without time-delays and data dropouts are studied respectively, and the criteria on exponential stability are derived for the controlled DDS. The stabilization in the form of exponential stability is achieved for DDS under the designed ETIC with or without time-delays. And in the case of the ETIC data dropouts, the conditions of exponential stabilization are derived for DDS and the maximal allowable dropout rates for ETIC are estimated. Finally, one example with numerical simulations is worked out for illustration.  相似文献   

基于RTI的试验指挥控制信息化系统应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风洞试验指挥控制信息化系统建设的背景,引入了HLA(High Level Architecture)中的RTI(Run-Time Infrastructure)作为信息分布式集成的解决方案。文中分析了传统模式的不足,提出了采用RTI的途径和有利因素,并针对信息化系统中数据监控功能的实现进行了初步工程设计。最后,对RTI在类似领域的应用前景进行了展望,提出了试验指挥控制信息化集成的一种可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

在实际应用中,对于带参数的最优控制问题,有时当参数发生微小的扰动时,目标泛函相差甚远.针对这类敏感性问题,采用在性能指标中引入罚函数的方法,建立一类考虑参数敏感因素的最优控制问题模型,同时提出了一种新的数值算法,以避免新模型求解中涉及目标泛函二次变分计算的难题.数值仿真结果证明了模型和算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

探讨漂浮基双柔臂空间机器人存在关节力矩输出死区与外部干扰时的姿态角度运动跟踪及柔性抑振的控制问题。引入含有刚性运动与柔性模态的混合轨迹概念,提出基于运动、振动一体化的积分滑模神经网络自适应控制方案。此方案的优点是不但通过补偿项消除了死区斜率与边界参数不确定及最优逼近误差上确界未知的影响,确保了刚性运动的鲁棒性,而且能同时主动地抑制两臂杆的柔性振动,从而提高轨迹跟踪性能。仿真算例结果表明方案能有效地实现运动、振动一体化控制。  相似文献   

时变大滞后过程的专家模糊控制设计与仿真   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
周彦  何小阳  王冬丽 《系统仿真学报》2006,18(10):2786-2789
目前工业过程中的大滞后控制问题仍然是公认的难题,而被控对象参数或结构的时变性更增加了控制的难度。鉴于此,提出一种两层结构的专家模糊控制方案:基本控制级采用仿人智能模糊控制策略,将模糊控制与仿人智能控制技术结合起来,充分利用模糊控制不需要被控对象的数学模型、鲁棒性好,和仿人智能控制抗滞后性强的优点;专家智能协调级吸收专家经验以及仿人智能控制思想,实时调整控制器的比例因子和量化因子。通过MATLAB仿真分析,证明了该方案具有较好的动静态响应特性和较强的鲁棒性,是解决时变大滞后过程控制问题的有效方法。  相似文献   

为了确定采用激光半主动制导的末段脉冲修正迫弹的攻击区域,建立了导引头目标捕获域模型,分析了迫弹受到的脉冲控制力及控制力矩,推导出六自由度有控弹道方程组,给出了脉冲最大修正区域模型,并提出了攻击区建模和仿真的方法.利用上述模型对给定启控条件下的攻击区进行了仿真计算,得到了不同导引头参数及不同脉冲冲量作用下的攻击区域图.结果表明,提供的模型及仿真方法适用于该类弹箭攻击区的求解,对于导引头、脉冲发动机的设计也有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

灰信息下决策的效用函数理论和交互式多目标决策过程的灰效用函数特征陈国安,王文平(东南大学管理学院,南京210018)UtilityTheoryforDecision-makingwithGreyInformationandGreyUtilityFun...  相似文献   

Platoon formation of highway vehicles is a critical foundation for autonomous or semiautonomous vehicle control for enhanced safety,improved highway utility,increased fuel economy,and reduced emission toward intelligent transportation systems.Platoon control encounters great challenges from vehicle control,communications,team coordination,and uncertainties.This paper introduces a new method for coordinated control of platoons by using integrated network consensus decisions and vehicle control.To achieve suitable coordination of the team vehicles based on terrain and environmental conditions,the emerging technology of network consensus control is modified to a weighted and constrained consensus-seeking framework.Algorithms are introduced and their convergence properties are established.The methodology employs neighborhood information through on-board sensors and V2 V or V2 I communications,but achieves global coordination of the entire platoon.The ability of the methods in terms of robustness,disturbance rejection,noise attenuation,and cyber-physical interaction is analyzed and demonstrated with simulated case studies.  相似文献   

为满足控制策略研究的需要,提出了一种母管制并列运行机组的分布式建模方法.首先将母管划分为若干由源/汇、管段组成的基本单元:再为每一基本单元建立零静差近似分布解耦传递函数矩阵模型:最后对相邻基本单元光滑连接,构成整体仿真模型.其零静差管路分布模型和光滑联接算法分别提高了模型仿真的稳态和动态精度.基本单元进一步扩展为组合单元,实现大母管系统的分层建模.该建模方法广泛适用于由源、汇和蒸汽传输母管组成的总线型多源/汇网络.仿真实验结果验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

双能量源纯电动汽车再生制动模糊控制与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高蓄电池-超级电容双能量源纯电动汽车的再生制动能量回收率,通过分析再生制动系统的工作原理,提出了双能量源纯电动汽车的制动力分配方案,并根据汽车制动强度和蓄电池、超级电容的荷电状态等参数,设计了制动力分配的模糊控制策略。利用电动汽车仿真软件ADVISOR2002,结合典型的道路循环工况对双能量源纯电动汽车的制动力分配模糊控制策略进行了整车运行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,双能量源纯电动汽车的制动能量回收率明显改善,有利于合理利用双能量源存储系统的有限能量,延长纯电动汽车的续驶里程。  相似文献   

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