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本文针对磷化铁(FeP_2)气氛下高温退火非掺杂半绝缘磷化铟(IP SI-InP)材料,应用正电子寿命谱及热激电流谱学技术,研究了该材料在电子辐照前后的缺陷情况.研究发现,该材料经电子辐照后缺陷浓度在增大,且形成了复合体的缺陷结构.电子辐照后的正电子湮没平均寿命增加了18 ps,对应的热激电流谱(TSC)也出现了相应的缺陷峰.本文还对缺陷的特性、影响材料的性能等进行了简要的论述.  相似文献   

在10-300K的温度范围内,测量了用液封直拉法(LEC)生长的n-InP经高温退火后形成的未掺杂SI-InP晶体的正电子寿命谱,用PATFIT和MELT两种技术分析了正电子寿命谱。常温下的结果表明,SI-InP中存在甸空位VIn或与杂质的复合体缺陷。观察到在10-220K之间正电子的平均寿命τm随温度的升高而减小,表明上述缺陷是带负电荷的铟空位VIn的氢复合体;但是在低温下还存在正电子浅捕获态。  相似文献   

碘掺杂聚乙炔的正电子湮没谱和结构缺陷转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在室温下测量了Bi2-xPbxSr2CaCu2-xMgxO8+δ超导体的正电子寿命,发现正电子体寿命τb随着Pb含量x的增加而减小,测量了转变温度Tc结果表明,Mg替换不影响电子结构,Pb替换使电子从Cu-O面迁移到Bi-O层,并导致Cu-O面空穴浓度增加,转室温度Tc减小。  相似文献   

含Zn,Ag或Sc的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金正电子寿命谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在深低温到室温的不同温度下,测量了不同时效状态的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金和含Zn,Ag或Sc的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金的正电子寿命谱,对e^+寿命谱特征参数的分析表明,峰值时的使热空位大量回复,缺陷的数目减少,在深低温下,空位主要以单空位形式存在且随温度升高而激活运动复合成多空位,Zn或Ag的加入对空间的运动复合有束缚作用,而Sc却有助于空位的运动复合,所有实验样品低温下基体电子密  相似文献   

本文研究了反式碘掺杂聚乙炔[CH(I_3)_y]_x在室温下正电子湮没寿命随掺杂浓度y的变化关系,发现y约在0.0025和0.043处寿命谱出现明显的突变.计算了杂质势和链间耦合积分.用链间耦合随掺杂浓度增强的概念,说明了出现上述两个突变的原因和主要元激发的转变,解释了磁化率随掺杂浓度变化的实验规律,讨论了三个区域的导电模型和电导率随温度的变化关系.  相似文献   

采用固相反应方法制备了La0.67Ca0.33Mn1-xFexO3(0 x 0.2)的一系列样品.分别用X射线衍射、正电子湮没技术对样品进行了检测,结果表明:在整个掺杂范围内样品单相性很好,随着掺杂量的增加,样品中铁磁与反铁磁团簇的相互竞争和由于电子局域化而引起的极化导致了正电子寿命的变化.  相似文献   

高温超导体YBaCuO光掺杂效应的正电子寿命谱研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
报道了YBaCuO高温超导体进行光掺杂的基本情况,提供了正电子寿命与光掺杂量之间的变化关系,讨论了光掺杂机理,并将实验结果与理论模型进行了对比.  相似文献   

Two samples of high purity InP extracted from the same wafer were examined by positron annihilation spectrum analysis after having been, processed by means of thermal Neutron Transmutation Doping (NTD). Compared with the as grown sample with an average positron lifetime of 246 ps at 300 K, the high dose doped one has an average lifetime of 251 ps and the lower dose doped one 248 ps measured under the same condition, indicating that some defects have been introduced in the NTD process. Annealing experimental results show a steady decrease in the average lifetime with increasing annealing temperature up to 550°C. And a peak in lifetime curve around 500°C was observed which may be attributed to defects related structure conversion. Temperature experiments conducted on the low dose doped sample from 150K to 290 K suggest the existence of vacancy-impurity complex which have given rise to an abnormal reduction of average lifetime with increasing temperature. Also a n-type InP sample (A61) was irradiated with thermal neutrons in another reactor and the lifetime results display an increase of 15 ps. Furthermore, to study epithermal neutron irradiation effects on InP, measurements were performed on an n-type InP sample (N119) along with one p-type sample (P118) after having been irradiated with high fluence of epithermal neutrons. The former has an average lifetime of 262 ps and the latter 247 ps after irradiation. The results prove that on some occassion epithermal neutrons can produce sizable defects in InP. Foundation item: Supported by the Science Foundation of Hubei Province (203980532) Biography: WEN Xiang-e (1976-), male, Master candidate, Research direction; majar research interest is defects in semiconductor materials using positron annihilation spectroscopy.  相似文献   

SrTi_(1-x)FexO_(3-d) ceramics were prepared using a traditional solid-state reaction method. From X-ray diffraction(XRD) result, we found that the doped Fe~(3+) dissolved in the lattice, and no secondary phase was observed. Cation vacancies in perovskite oxides were identified via positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy(PALS) measurements. Undoped and Fe-doped SrTiO_3 ceramics and single-crystal SrTiO_3 were measured by PALS at room temperature. The results show that the main defects in undoped SrTiO_3 ceramics are Ti-related defects, and the isolated Ti vacancy lifetime is about 183.4 ps. With the increase of Fe~(3+), the concentration of the Ti vacancies decreases accompanied by the appearance of the V 'Sr-nVggO(defect association of Sr vacancies and multiple O vacancies) vacancy defect complexes.  相似文献   

本文在研究高斯拟合60Co分辨程序物理的基础上,进一步阐明通过测量具有较长 寿命的任意样品的寿命谱,确定正电子湮没谱仪分辨函数的方法.  相似文献   

用正电子寿命方法研究3Cr2W8V模具钢的热疲劳。通过对不同循环次数的热疲劳样品的正电子寿命谱和表面显微硬度的测量,发现表面显微硬度HV和平均正电子寿命τ随疲劳循环次数N的变化呈现出类周期振荡特征。讨论了正电子寿命变化所反映出的材料中的缺陷变化,进而初步分析了热疲劳的微观机制。  相似文献   

利用正电子湮没寿命谱研究了几种不同成分Fe基形状记忆合金预应变过程中缺陷结构的变化,并讨论了这一变化对合金形状记忆效应的影响  相似文献   

本文用正电子湮没寿命方法研究了形变纯铜缺陷产生的特点及其运动规律,讨论了位错密度和形变量之间的关系以及正电子寿命方法研究形变缺陷的适用范围。对试样所作的TEM观测得到与正电子寿命方法定性一致的结果。  相似文献   

在深低温到室温的不同温度下,测量了不同时效状态的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金和含Zn,Ag或Sc的Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr合金的正电子寿命谱。对e+寿命谱特征参数的分析表明:峰值时效使热空位大量回复,缺陷的数目减少。在深低温下,空位主要以单空位形式存在且随温度升高而激活并运动复合成多空位。Zn或Ag的加入对空位的运动复合有束缚作用,而Sc却有助于空位的运动复合。所有实验样品低温下基体电子密度都比室温的高,δ'相析出长大使合金基体的电子密度提高,而S'相析出则使合金基体的电子密度降低。Zn,Ag或Sc的加入都增加了基体电子密度,有利于合金强度的提高。  相似文献   

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