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Summary The latent potency of organ development in a normally functionless evagination on the upper border of the imaginal disc, causes double forms of the presumptive wingleaf of caterpillars in lepidoptera. Triple forms of the wing-leaf consist of one double form and one simple form of the original imaginal disc of the wing and one regenerate, orvice versa.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrolysis of carbon tetrachloride in aqueous solutions by X-rays is changed quantitatively and qualitatively when alcohol is added to the solutions. This change is conform with a new theory of the actions of radiations published recently by one of the authors.  相似文献   

Summary Contrary toGaffron, 1934, it has been shown that when flies flee from the catching hand, this reaction is merely due to optical stimuli (experiments with flies behind glass). Air movements play no part in this connection (experiments with blinded flies).  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the dye gallocyaninchromalum combines quantitatively with ribonucleic acid. 1 molecule gallocyanin is equivalent to approximately 15 phosphorus atoms. The quantitative combinationin vitro is not disturbed by proteins.

Ausgeführt mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHauptreferat, gehalten vor der Schweizerischen Medizinisch-Biologischen Gesellschaft in Genf am 31. August 1947, anläßlich der 127. Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.  相似文献   

Summary The relation of the threshold current dose to the temperature constitutes a function of the chain-line type (hyperbolic function).From the dependence of the recovery time after galvanonarcosis upon the temperature it is concluded that by the passage of direct current molecular arrangements on surfaces are reversibly disturbed.  相似文献   

Summary Purified elastase prepared by adsorption on synthetic zeolite in proper concentrations causes the coagulation of blood. Elastase was found to have no direct coagulative action on purified fibrinogen. Its coagulating action is due to the fact that it reacts with prothrombin to form thrombin. The reaction between prothrombin and elastase is independent of the presence of either platelets, thromboplastin or Ca-ions.  相似文献   

Summary InOligarces paradoxus, the chromosomal behaviour was compared during pedogenetic development of and . The -egg undergoes a single non-reductional maturation division, the -egg shows two divisions which result in reduced nuclei. After maturation in the -egg, the number of chromosomes is restored by endomitosis. The nuclei of germ-line cells contain a high number of chromosomes (: 74\2-82; : at least 58) in both sexes. In somatic nuclei, the number is diminished by elimination to 10 in , to 5 in .  相似文献   

Résumé La notion d'«alimentation optimale», préconisée parMacCollum, est soumise à une critique au cours de laquelle l'auteur montre les difficultés qui se présentent lorsque l'on veut préciser cette notion. Il relève le rôle encore peu clair que joue la flore intestinale pour la synthèse de substances essentielles à l'alimentation de l'homme. La quantité optimale nécessaire n'est en matière d'alimentation pas une valeur stable, car elle dépend de la situation générale du métabolisme, ainsi que le prouvent certains exemples de la physiologie des vitamines B.Une méthode particulièrement adéquate, spécifique pour reconnaître une situation optimale de l'alimentation, est donnée dans la méthode d'autosélection («self selection»), plus spécialement sous la forme développée parC. P. Richter. On peut trouver bien des analogies entre les résultats expérimentaux et certains faits connus de l'alimentation humaine. En ce qui concerne le régime optimal pour l'homme, seules les expériences sur l'homme sont déterminantes, comme elles ont été entreprises aux Etats-Unis au cours de la dernière guerre chez des volontaires.Les recherches expérimentales sur l'effet que les vitamines et d'autres substances alimentaires déterminent sur le développement des infections et des tumeurs malignes montrent qu'au régime alimentaire suboptimal et optimal s'oppose le régime superoptimal.

Vortrag, gehalten am 23. Oktober 1946 in der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel.  相似文献   

Summary The afferent impulses from the ampullae ofLorenzini ofScyllium show, both in the intact animal and in the isolated preparation, a steady discharge at constant temperature with a frequency reaching a maximum at an average of 20° and decreasing continuously at higher and lower temperatures. The discharge stops between 5° and 30° on the average. Rapid cooling causes a temporary rise in frequency, while rapid warming causes a temporary drop in frequency. While the ampullae are not sensitive to a mechanical stimulus, they react definitely to a change in temperature of 0.05°C. The ampullae thus behave like the cold receptors of the homoiotherms.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of different jellies is measured under various conditions. This property may be of value for the structural analysis of these systems.  相似文献   

Summary Lycomarasmin is a plasma poison produced byFusarium lycopersici Sacc., the pathogen of tomato wilt. In a dilution of 10–2 and 10–3 mol it causes a pathological wilting of tomato plants and usually disturbs their water balance; in a dilution of 10–4 mol it only disturbs the latter.In the present paper, we develop the theory that in sufficient concentration lycomariasmin damages or destroys thesemipermeability of the plasma boundary layer.In a dilution of 10–2 and 10–3 mol of lycomarasmin the semipermeability of the plasma membranes iscompletely destroyed. Thus on the one hand the conditions for osmotic pressure disappear and irreversible pathological wilting appears, and on the other hand cellular fluid passes into the transpiration current of the cell-membrane and leads to a momentary excess humidity, particularly in the leaf-tissues, and thus also to a momentaryexcess transpiration.The water-deficit regularly observed in wilt-literature is therefore not the cause of pathological wilting but, just as the wilting itself, a consequence of the distruction of the semipermeability of the plasma boundary layer.In a dilution of 10–4 mol lycomarasmin apparently only affects the permeability of the exterior plasma boundary layer forwater, but not for sugars etc. Therefore it only produces an excess of fluid in the leaf tissues and thus an excess transpiration, but no definite inactivation of the plasma membrane and therefore also no pathological wilt.  相似文献   

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