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My talk is titled "the Importance of Science and Technology for China". Yet I begin not with what science can do for a nation, I begin personally - with what has drawn me personally to science. It is joy. I experience, quite selfishly and privately, joy when I engage in one of the greatest adventures of the mind: discovering  相似文献   

Recently we learned from our colleagues in China that Professor Shi Changxu has received the highest national scientific award from the President of China.It is a great honor to have this opportunity to celebrate with Professor Shi on such an auspicious occasion. I came to know Professor Shi,when I first returned to China in the early eighties and we have since become good friends.Over the past few decades,I have come to learn that he is an extremely dedicated researcher with a very strong sense of how to help China develop its science and technology capabilities  相似文献   

Professor Shi Chanxu received the Top Scientists Award of China in early 2011.This is a very important event.As a materials scientist originally from China,I am very happy to hear this news.I see this award as a great encouragement,not only for people working in the field of Materials Science and Engineering, but also for all scientists and technologists in China. Professor Shi is one of the most famous materials scientists in the world,and has also made great contributions to the strategic development of science and engineering in China.I had the opportunity to listen  相似文献   

I.ipid homeostasis is referred to as the maintenance of stable levels of plasma and cellular lipids and is the result of coordinated regulation of various lipid metabolic pathways. Disruption of lipid homeostasis of- ten results in the development of metabolic disorders including obesity, diabetes and fatty liver formation. With the support from NSFC, Dr. I.i Peng's laboratory from Tsinghua University has discovered that CI- DE proteins (Cidea, Cideb and Fsp27) are important regulators of lipid homeostasis and has delineated no- vel molecular pathways in controlling the development of metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

I have met Professor Shi Changxu only a few times at meetings in China.One encounter that I can never forget is a meeting held in Beijing late December 2002.I was invited to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Centre for Interfacial Materials of the Institute of Metal Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the CAS program of "Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scientists".Professor Shi was the Chair of the Experts Panel at the meeting.Of course the meeting went very well,and the centre was supported  相似文献   

时钟 《世界科学》2006,(12):42-45
“Home is where I work,and I work everywhere.”——Alfred Nobel“家即是我工作的地方,我随处工作。”这就是阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔一生的写照,也是他留给后人的可贵的精神财富。阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔1833年生于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,1896年12月10日在意大利San Remo的家中逝世。今年的12月10日是他逝世110周年纪念日。德国汉堡郊外Geesthacht小镇边上GKSS Research Center的原址,即是当年诺贝尔做炸药实验的基地,至今仍保留有他当年做实验的巨大石掩体。那  相似文献   

Compared with industrial robots, advanced robots present unique characteristics on theory basis, techniques and application fields, which is listed in high technology development prog rams of many developed countries. Attention of many scientists a/I over the world has been focused on advanced robot-related research that has become one of most important research topics in automation. In this article, after an overview of development and trends in advanced robots investigation, design and applications, the common technologies and fundamental science problems of advanced robots are discussed, and an advice on advanced robot development strategy in China is given.  相似文献   

<正>Prof.Zhu Jiang's laboratory and colleagues at Shanghai Institute of Hematology affiliated to Rui-Jin Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine published their finding as a Feature Article in Molecular Cell(2014,53(3):407—419),which was entitled"Rig-I modulates Src-mediated AKT activation to restrain leukemic stemness.Retinoic acid inducible gene I(Rig-I)is well-known as a cytosolic sentry molecule that detects viral  相似文献   

沈复兴 《科学通报》1992,37(2):188-188
对任何拓扑空间I,令C(I)(C~*(I))表示I上所有(有界)实值连续函数的集合。C(I),C~*(I)均构成有单位元的可换环,同时又是分配格。50年代以来,对环C(I),C~*(I)的一阶理论,它们与I的相互关系都已被广泛研究。1980年,Cherlin还证明,对大多数拓扑空间I,环C(I)的初等理论  相似文献   

游宏 《科学通报》1989,34(20):1526-1526
若I为R的理想,λ_1:R→R/I,则S_t(λ_1):S_t(R)→S_t(R/I)的核,记为S_t(R,I),是由所有的x_(ij)(a)(a∈I)在S_t(R)中生成的正规子群。令φ表S_t(R,I)到E(R,I)上的同态映射,映射的核记为K_2(R,I)。由文献[1]知K_2(R,I)(?)CentSt(R,I)。当R为交换  相似文献   

张立昂  李路阳  黄雄 《科学通报》1996,41(20):1896-1898
设Π是最大化问题,A是关于Π的近似算法。对Π的每一个实例I,记 R_A(I)=OPT(I)/A(I), 其中OPT(I)是I的最优值,A(I)是算法A求得的近似解的值。记 R_A=inf{4r≥1:对所有的实例I,R_A(I)≤r}, R_A称作A的性能比。如果及_A<+∞,则称A具有常数比。关于Π的多项式时间近似方案  相似文献   

With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ((;rant Nos. 21321002, 1107.9005, 21033009 and 21103181) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (the National Basic Research Program of China, (;rant Nos. 2011CBA00503 and 2013CB933100), Prof. Bao Xinhe's team at the State Key I.aboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, developed a new process of direct, nonoxidative conversion of methane to ethylene, aromatics, and hydrogen, which is published in Science (2014, 344:616 619).  相似文献   

蓝运祺 《科学通报》1990,35(5):397-397
记I为[0,1],S′为单位圆周,C~0(I,I)和C~0(S,S′)分别是I和S′上的连续自映射全体.设f∈C~0(I,I)或C~0(S,S′),以P(f)和R(f)分别记f的周期点集和回复点集。  相似文献   

Take me by the tongue:And I'll know you.Kiss til you're drunk.And I'll show you.Want the moves like jagger.I got the moves like jagger.I got the mo,v, es like jagger  相似文献   

王芳贵 《科学通报》1997,42(5):556-556
设R是整环,其商城为K.设I≤K是R的分式理想,令I~(-1)=|X∈K|XI≤R|,I_υ=(I~1)~(-1)及 _t=|B_υ|B是I的有限生成子分式理想|.当I=I_υ时,I称为υ-分式理想,当I=I_t时,I称为t-分式理想.在许多情形下,可用υ-理想与t-理想成功地刻划某些整环 也可以定义ω分式理想并用ω理想成功地刻划GCD整环与UFD.称R的一个分式理想I为ω-分式理想,指的是若J_x≤I,其中x∈K,J是有限生成的理想且J~(-1)=R,则必有X∈I.对任何分式理想I,Iω=|X∈R|存在一个有限生成理想J,使得J_(-1)=R,J_X≤I|,这是包含I的最小的ω分式理想.称I是有限型分式理想,如果存在一个有限生成子分式理想B≤I,使得B_ω=I_ω,这是有限生成概念的一个自然推广、我们有定理1 对整环R,以下各条等价:  相似文献   

1978年6月14日,我偶然观察到虹霓是几乎沿它的圆弧切线振动的线偏振光;随即由光的反射和折射规律算出,若振动平行于圆弧切线的光的强度为I‖,振动垂直于圆弧切线的光的强度为I⊥,则对于钠黄光来说,虹的I‖/I⊥=25.33,霓的I‖/I⊥=9.367.算出结果后,我感到虹霓的偏振现象如此显著,观察偏振的  相似文献   

范植华 《科学通报》1985,30(7):551-551
文献[1]把时序层次的离散性应用于A型循环,获得可原形向量化算法。本文旨在把文献[1]的成果推广到包含控制结构的I0型循环。定义1 任给一个I0型循环。倘若其闭体具有离散层次,则称该循环也有离散层次。例1.DO 1 I=1,1000,21 IF(A(I).LT.0)A(I)=0  相似文献   

周作领 《科学通报》1982,27(12):765-765
设I=[0,1]和C°(I,I)表,到自身全体连续映射的集合。设f∈C°(I,I),用P(f),Ω(f)和ent(f)分别表f的周期点集,非游荡集和拓扑熵。结合 Bowen-Franks (Topology,15(1976),337—342)和Block(Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,72(1978)576—580)的工作,作者最近完成下述定理的证明。  相似文献   

爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1爱的标志 I“计算机技术已进入我们的企业” 1科学与幽默@缪印堂  相似文献   

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