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华北夏季降水年代际变化与东亚夏季风、大气环流异常   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用华北夏季降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对华北夏季降水、东亚夏季风年代际变化特征及大气环流异常进行研究,发现一些有意义的结果:华北夏季降水变化存在明显的8a、18a周期,东亚夏季风变化18a、28a周期性比较明显,二者年代际变化特征明显,但华北夏季降水变化和东亚夏季风变化的周期不完全一致.华北夏季降水量变化在60年代中期发生了突变,东亚夏季风变化在70年代中期发生了突变.华北夏季降水与东亚夏季风变化存在很好的相关关系,强夏季风年,华北夏季降水一般偏多,弱夏季风年,华北夏季降水一般偏少,但又不完全一致.东亚夏季风减弱是造成华北夏季降水减少的一个重要因素,但不是唯一因素,华北夏季降水减少还与环流异常密切相关.在地面上,青臧高原地区、华北地区气温下降造成华北低压系统活动减少,不利于降水.在850 hPa层上,东亚中纬度的西南季风和副热带高压南部的偏东风、西北部的西南风异常减弱,使得西南气流输送水汽很多难以到达30°N以北的地区,而副热带高压西部外围偏东南、偏南气流输送到华北地区的水汽也大量减少,水汽不足造成华北夏季降水偏少.在500 hPa高度场上,80年代欧亚遥相关型表现与50年代相反,变为欧洲( )、乌拉尔山(-)、中亚( )形势,这种环流使得乌拉尔山高压脊减弱,贝加尔湖至青藏高原高空槽变浅,纬向环流表现突出,不利于冷暖空气南北交换.同时在500 hPa气温场上,80年代,西伯利亚至青藏高原西北部的冷槽明显东移南压到蒙古至华北地区,锋区位于华北以东以南位置,使得华北地区冷暖空气交汇减少,降水也因此减少.华北夏季降水减少是由于东亚夏季风减弱和大气环流异常造成的.  相似文献   

北半球冬季准定常行星波传播的年代际变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈文 《自然科学进展》2006,16(4):485-489
通过利用NCEPNCAR再分析资料对1958—2004年共46个冬季北半球大气准定常行星波传播的年代际变化进行分析,发现气候态意义下的准定常行星波沿高纬度由对流层向平流层的传播和在对流层内向低纬度的传播之间存在显著的反相振荡关系. 进一步的研究还表明,准定常行星波传播的年代际变化与北极涛动有密切的联系;北极涛动的正位相对应于在对流层有异常强的从中高纬度向低纬度对流层顶附近的波动传播,同时通过极地波导向平流层的传播明显减弱.其结果不仅说明大气内部的准定常行星波与纬向平均流相互作用可以产生年代际尺度的变化;而且提供了平流层变化影响对流层大气环流长期变化的一种动力学机制.  相似文献   

宁夏冬季气温变化与大气环流异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961~2015年冬季(12月到次年2月)宁夏20个气象站月平均气温资料,NCEP/NCAR发布的500 h Pa位势高度场和海平面气压场,200 h Pa、850 h Pa风场月平均再分析资料,运用线性倾向估计、M-K法及合成分析等方法,在研究宁夏冬季平均气温的年际变化及年代际变化特征的基础上,分突变前后的冷、暖期时段进一步分析大气环流场不同影响因子与宁夏冬季气温异常的关系,揭示宁夏冬季气温异常的成因。结果表明:(1)宁夏冬季平均气温由冷变暖的趋势非常显著,在1985年之前为冷期,1985年以后为暖期;冬季平均气温年代际变化在20世纪增暖趋势显著,21世纪后上升趋势趋于平缓。(2)不仅500 h Pa位势高度场的乌拉尔山高压脊和西太平洋副高是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的主要系统,海平面气压场的西伯利亚高压也是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的关键系统;高低空的偏北气流和偏南暖湿气流异常流场也对宁夏冬季气温变化造成一定影响。  相似文献   

根据19582002年的再分析资料,研究了夏季西太平洋副高的年代际变化及其与南半球环流变化的联系.20世纪70年代末之后,副高偏向西南,强度增强,但这种变化趋势在6—8月间逐渐趋弱.从全球范围看,最显著的变化发生在南半球,南极涛动趋于正位相,索马里急流偏强,致使副高偏向西南,强度增强.同时,由于副高在夏季期间向北移动,南半球环流变化对副高的影响在6-8月间逐渐减弱,这与副高的变化趋势相吻合.  相似文献   

根据1958-2002年的再分析资料,研究了夏季西太平洋副高的年代际变化及其与南半球环流变化的联系.20世纪70年代末之后,副高偏向西南,强度增强,但这种变化趋势在6-8月间逐渐趋弱.从全球范围看,最显著的变化发生在南半球,南极涛动趋于正位相,索马里急流偏强,致使副高偏向西南,强度增强.同时,由于副高在夏季期间向北移动,南半球环流变化对副高的影响在6-8月间逐渐减弱,这与副高的变化趋势相吻合.  相似文献   

为了研究厄尔尼诺和南方涛动(ENSO)现象影响热带大气季节内振荡(ISO)的年代际变化特征,利用奇异值分解(SVD)、小波分析和经验正交函数分析(EOF)等方法对热带大气ISO强度指数、赤道中东太平洋海温及热带大气环流场进行了分析。计算结果显示,20世纪70年代中期以前,ENSO对热带大气ISO的影响较弱;70年代中期以后,ENSO对热带大气ISO的影响加强。造成上述年代际变化的原因与热带大气环流的年代际变化有关,因此,ENSO对热带大气ISO的影响也存在年代际变化。  相似文献   

不同平均强度热盐环流的年代际波动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于美国国家大气研究中心的CCSM3(community climate system model version 3)模式,对淡水扰动试验下不同平均强度热盐环流(thermohline circulation,THC)的年代际波动特征及北大西洋气候响应特征进行研究。结果表明,百年以上尺度的THC变化对其年代际尺度波动产生显著影响,高平均强度下THC的年代际波动周期更长、更显著。对不同平均强度下北大西洋海、气要素与THC在年代际尺度上的相关分布进行分析,发现在高平均强度下,THC与海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)的相关呈现为经向三核型分布,与海平面气压(sea lever pressure,SLP)的相关呈现为类NAO(North Atlantic oscillation)分布,而在低平均强度下,则不存在这2种模态分布;同时,在不同平均强度下,THC与各要素间的相关程度也不同,高平均强度下相关程度更高。  相似文献   

我国东部梅雨雨区的年际和年代际的变化分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
从气候学的角度,利用1961-2000年梅雨期我国东部180站的逐日降水资料生成了历年的梅雨期雨区,采用累积距平、滑动平均值和Morlet小波分析等方法研究了梅雨期雨区边界和面积指数的年际和年代际变化以及雨区边界在地域上的差异及其梅雨量与边界和面积指数的关系.结果表明:近40年来雨区边界的平均位置为:28.3°N~32.0°N,呈准水平的带状分布.雨区边界40年来经历了一个振荡期即20世纪60年代~70年代末期雨区逐渐北进;80年代初期~90年代末期雨区逐渐南撤,从地域上可将雨区分为西部和东部两个部分而且二者都存在主要周期为6年.雨区面积指数从变化趋势近40年来也只经历了一个振荡过程:60年代初期~80年代初期为雨区面积指数的下降期;80年代中期~90年代末期为雨区面积指数的上升期,其主要周期为4年.在年际(6年)变化时间尺度上,梅雨量的变化落后面积指数的变化1~2年,雨区面积的变化落后于西部和东部雨区边界变化约1~1.5年;在年代际(16年)变化的时间尺度上雨区面积与雨区边界的变化趋势几乎相反,梅雨量则表现出比雨区面积和边界变化更长的周期.总的来说,近40年雨区边界和面积指数受10年以下的周期影响较大.不论雨区边界还是雨区面积指数在80年代初期都为其突变期.  相似文献   

利用云南122个气象站1961-2015年逐日最低气温和平均气温资料,分析了云南冬季寒潮的活动规律以及大气环流异常特征.结果表明:①1961-2014年(近50 a)云南冬季寒潮频次(强度)呈减少(减弱)趋势,1984年为寒潮频次(强度)由多(强)转少(弱)的一个转折点.云南冬季寒潮存在8a左右的显著性变化周期;②云南...  相似文献   

西北太平洋生成热带气旋的年代际变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了分析热带气旋年代际变化的特征和造成这种变化的原因,利用西北太平洋编号台风资料对1949~2003年55 a的西北太平洋热带气旋特点进行分析,发现西北太平洋生成的热带气旋不管是频数还是生成位置都存在明显的年代际变化,根据热带气旋频数的年代际变化,把研究的55 a分成低频时期(LFP)和高频时期(HFP)分别加以考察.结果发现:热带气旋生成的高低频时期海气条件存在明显的差异,HFP的海温、对流、涡散度和切变条件都有利于西北太平洋热带气旋的生成,而LFP则明显存在物理量场的相反异常.这表示HFP的海气环境相比LFP更有利于热带气旋生成,说明了变化的海气条件是引起热带气旋频数和生成位置年代际变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

The spatial shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is analyzed by using the Twentieth Century Reanalysis version 2 dataset and identifying NAO action centers directly on winter mean sealevel pressure (SLP) anomaly maps. The spatial shift of the NAO is characterized by four NAO spatial shift indices: the zonal and meridional shifts of the NAO southern and northern action centers. It is found that the zonal and meridional shift trends of the NAO action centers move along a path of southwest-northwest direction. Spectral analysis shows that the four NAO spatial shift indices have periodicity of 2-6 years and the NAO index has periodicity of 2-3 years in terms of high-frequency variations. On a decadal time scale, the NAO spatial shift indices are closely (positively) related to the NAO index, which is in agreement with previous studies of the relationship between the NAO index and the spatial shift of the NAO pattern. However, there is no relationship between the NAO index and the meridional shift of the northern action center on an interannual time scale. The significant relationship between the NAO index and the interannual variability of NAO spatial shift indices is very likely to be associated with synopticscale Rossby wave breaking, which generates surface pressure anomalies and thus affects the phase and pattern of the NAO. The correlations of winter westerly winds over 90°W-0° and the NAO index and the NAO spatial shift indices have a ’+ - + -’ structure from the Equator to the North Pole. Although there is close correlation between the NAO spatial shift indices and the strength of the zonal winds in the North Atlantic region, the effect of the zonal winds on the NAO spatial shift differs at different latitudes. Hence, the role of the zonal winds is probably a result of the NAO spatial shifts.  相似文献   

The global sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data from 1950 to 1996 were used to analyze spatial characters of interdecadal SST variations. A wavelet transform was made for the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly time series. Results show that there are three remarkable timescale SST variations: 130-month interdecadal variation, 57-month interannual variation and 28-month quasi-2-a variation. Based on this result, an El Nino event was predicted in the early part of 1997.  相似文献   

Based on the reanalysis data throughout 1948-2002 as derived from the United States National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research, it is revealed that East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) intensity weakens on an interdecadal timescale since the mid-1960s, and twice interdecadal jumps are recorded in the EASM intensity index series in the late 20th century, respectively occurring in the mid-1960s and mid- to late 1970s. Six globally coupled atmosphere-ocean models' outputs under the SRES A2 greenhouse gas and aerosol emission scenario, provided by the IPCC Data Distribution Center and the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research, are then systematically examined. It follows that the above EASM weakening is not closely related to synchro- nizing anthropogenic global warming, and, therefore, it should be qualitatively natural change process. Over the 21st century, the EASM intensity is likely increased slightly by continually intensified greenhouse effect relative to the late 20th century.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of East Asia-Pacific (EAP) teleconnection which influences East Asian summer monsoon, an index for East Asian summer monsoon circulation anomaly was defined and it was pointed out that this index can describle the interannual variation character of summer climate in East Asia, especially in the Yangtze River and Huaihe River Valley.  相似文献   

The interdecadal variation of Indonesian Throughflow and its mechanism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The interdecadal variation of the volume and heat transport of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) and its mechanism are preliminarily studied on the basis of the updated SODA data. It is found that the interdecadal variation of ITF‘s volume transport is mainly concentrated in upper 714 m and that of ITF‘s heat transport is mainly confined to upper 450 m. There is fairly consistent interdecadal variation in the depth-integrated seawater pressure above different depths in the region south of Davao, north of New Guinea and southwest of Australia. The depth-integrated pressure difference between northwest of Australia and south of Java has best correspondence with ITF‘s volume transport on interdecadal time scales. The relation between the wind stress on the Pacific and ITF‘s volume transport on interdecadal time scales is studied based on Island Rule. It is shown that both the wind stress along the zonal lines just south of Australia and the Equator act as the dominant contributors to ITF‘s volume transport, with the latter dominating the phase of ITF‘s interdecadal variation. These results indicate that the atmospheric forcing and oceanic adjustment in the tropical region both contribute significantly to the ITF‘s interdecadal variation.  相似文献   

Tomé and Miranda’s climate trend turning discriminatory model is used to identify the spatial-temporal characteristics of the interdecadal turning of winter/summer climate modes at stations and in eight sub-areas over Chinese mainland based on the 1961–2000 observations. It is found that the stations with close occurrence years of the interdecadal trend turning (ITT) and coincident trends after the ITT exhibit a zonal distribution. A view is accordingly proposed that the interdecadal turnings of climate modes in China have remarkably regional structures. The research results show that after the early 1980s, winter climate over Chinese mainland overall trends towards a “warm-wet” mode, while summer climate had an abrupt change into “warm wet” mode in the late 1980s, suggesting that the time of the “warm-wet” mode turning for winter climate is earlier than that for summer climate. The regional characteristics and test results of the ITTs in eight sub-areas suggest that winter climate exhibits a distinctive “warm-dry” trend in North China after the late 1970s, and a slight “warm-dry” trend in Northeast China, South China, and Southwest China after the late 1980s. A “warm-wet” trend appears in the rest four sub-areas (the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River Valley, briefly Jianghuai, the east of the Tibetan plateau, and the east and west of Northwest China) after the early 1980s. The summer climate trends towards a “warm-dry” mode in Northeast China, North China and the east of Northwest China after the late 1980s, but a “warm-wet” mode appears in Southwest China and the east of the Tibetan plateau after the middle 1970s, as well as in Jianghuai and the west of Northwest China after the early 1980s. Specially, summer climate in South China started a “cold-wet” trend in 1984.  相似文献   

The pathway of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Cases of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean and their evolution were examined in the paper with the statistic methods (CEOF and composite analysis) over the period of 1950–1993. Observations of oceanic temperatures in the upper 400 m revealed an obvious region of the interdecadal signals in the central North Pacific. Such signals propagated southwestward, then subducted to the subtropics. The hypothesized link for interdecadal oceanic variability between the subtropics and the tropics, especially with the western tropical Pacific was unraveled in order to detect the cause of decadal signals in the tropics. The thermal anomalies subducted in the central North Pacific east to the dateline only reach 18°N. There has been no further southward propagation since then due to a certain barrier. The origin of the interdecadal signals in the western tropical Pacific was traced to the southern tropical Pacific. There is a meridional pathway around the dateline where the signals were loaded. These variabilities were in the nature of the thermocline circulation.  相似文献   

The East Asian winter monsoon: re-amplification in the mid-2000s   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on several reanalysis and observational datasets,this study demonstrates that the East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM)recovered from its weak epoch and reamplified in the mid-2000s.Accordingly,East Asia has experienced more cold winters and significant negative surface air temperature anomalies during the recent strong EAWM epoch spanning the period 2004–2012.The associated cooling was mainly located over inland northern East Asia with a west–east orientation.The cooling generally coincided with negative winter temperature trends in eastern Eurasia in the last two decades,possibly contributing to the observed regional cooling trend when the global mean temperature is still trending up.Enhanced wintertime blocking activity around the Ural mountain region and diminished Arctic sea ice concentration in the previous September are suggested to be the responsible internal atmospheric process and external driver for the recent re-amplification of the EAWM,respectively.  相似文献   

回顾北冰洋海平面观测和研究现状,总结了北冰洋海平面变化特征和变化机制。北冰洋海平面季节变化受海冰生消、蒸发降水和陆地径流季节变化的影响,由比容变化主导;年际到年代际海平面变化受北极涛动影响显著,可用风场异常导致的淡水分布来解释。盐比容变化是深水洋盆海平面变化的主导因素,由之引起的质量变化控制陆架海域和北冰洋平均的海平面变化。近期波弗特环流区域海平面上升极快,与波弗特高压持续增强及淡水积聚有关。气候变暖会导致北冰洋海平面持续上升。海冰快速减退和格陵兰岛冰川融化对北冰洋海平面变化的影响有待深入研究。数据的短缺和观测的不确定性目前仍然制约北冰洋海平面变化的研究工作,高分辨率数值模拟有望成为未来研究的重要工具。  相似文献   

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