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饮牛沟墓地古人骨线粒体DNA的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内蒙古饮牛沟战国时期墓地的古代人群(Yng古代人群)进行分子生物学研究, 获得了线粒体高可变一区DNA序列, 初步确定了单倍型归属并搜寻其共享序列, 与现代人群对比构建系统发育树和多维尺度分析. 结果表明, 饮牛沟古代人群与现代东亚人群在母系遗传关系上较近.  相似文献   

为了探讨中国绵羊的起源,对内蒙古凉城县小双古城和板城墓地春秋战国时期24个古绵羊进行了DNA分析,分别扩增并测序了线粒体DNA控制区271 bp和细胞色素6基因300 bp序列.系统发育树和中介网络图结果显示,中国内蒙古地区古绵羊存在3个含有不同频率的单倍型类群A(73.9%),B(17.4%)和C(8.7%),细胞色素b基因的分析结果显示这3个母系世系的分化时间远早于动物的驯化时间,这揭示了中国绵羊有3个不同的母系起源.研究还发现中国古绵羊群体与中国现代绵羊群体的遗传距离最近,并且二者之间的遗传结构极为相似,这表明2500年以来中国绵羊的遗传结构就已经趋于稳定,并对现代绵羊的基因贡献起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

以青海省西宁市陶家寨墓地M5号墓中的14个个体的牙齿样本为研究对象进行线粒体DNA研究.考古学研究表明该墓葬年代为东汉-魏晋时期(距今2000 a左右),并可能为家族墓地.通过对该墓地的14个个体的高可变一区(HVRⅠ),高可变二区(HVRⅡ)测序及扩增片段长度多态性(APLP)分型,共检出8个单倍型,分属于A,B,D,Flc,Z和M,6个单倍型类群.与周边地区的古代人群相比较,实验样本与同一地区距今约4000 a前的喇家古人群在遗传结构上具有一定的连续性.而与现代人群比较发现,实验样本与羌族人群有较近的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

内蒙古赤峰地区青铜时代古马线粒体DNA分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探索中国家马的起源,对内蒙古赤峰地区大山前和井沟子遗址青铜时代9匹古马进行了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)研究,分别扩增并测序了线粒体16S rRNA基因和mtDNA控制区(D-loop)片段.结合东亚、中亚、近东、欧洲等地家马的mtDNA序列进行系统发育网络分析(phylo-genetic network).对极端保守的16S rRNA基因分析表明赤峰地区的埋藏环境适合古DNA的保存.系统发育网络显示9匹古马并没有聚集在一个聚簇中,而是分散在具有一定地理分布倾向的现代家马聚簇中.研究发现赤峰地区古马的母系遗传呈现高度多样性,对现代家马mtDNA基因池的形成具有重要的贡献,从一个侧面反映了中国家马起源的复杂性.  相似文献   

对内蒙古将军沟战国时期墓地古代人群(jjg古代人群)DNA进行研究,使用4对套叠引物对线粒体基因组的高可变一区(364bp)进行了扩增和测序,从11例古代样本中得到了9个DNA序列.与现代人群对比构建系统发育树和多维尺度分析.结果表明将军沟古代人群与现代东亚人群在母系遗传关系上较近,推测将军沟古代人群可能是赵国为巩固边疆统治,防御匈奴而从中原迁来的移民.  相似文献   

山普拉墓地位于新疆维吾尔自治区和田地区洛浦县城西南14km处,14C测定该墓地年代为公元前217至公元283年,属于古代新疆的于阗国遗存.实验通过4对套叠引物对山普拉古代居民线粒体基因组的高可变一区(364bp)进行扩增和测序,同时选择编码区6个位点做限制性片段长度分析(RFLP,Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism).从16例山普拉个体中得到了13个真实可靠的线粒体DNA数据.对线粒体DNA单倍型类群分析结果表明,山普拉古代居民同时具有西部欧亚大陆和东部欧亚大陆特有的单倍性类群,是一混合人群.多维尺度分析以及U3亚型的中介网络图分析表明,山普拉古代人群与伊朗人群及奥塞梯人群有一定母系遗传联系.  相似文献   

中国猛禽类线粒体DNA遗传多态性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类线粒体DNA的研究在种群生物学和进化生物学研究方面越来越显示出重要的作用,特别是在遗传多态性和基因流研究方面更具特殊意义。简要回顾了鸟类线粒体DNA的研究历史,并分析了中国猛离线粒体DNA遗传多态性的研究现状及进展,要点:1.猛禽类线粒体基因组大小存在遗传多态性,2:猛禽类线粒体DNA的进化速率与哺乳类相同,3;种间或种内存在丰富的遗传变异;4.不同地理种群存在mtDNA克隆群的连续性。  相似文献   

从15例扎滚鲁克古代人牙齿样本中提取扩增线粒体DNA, 确定其单倍型归属, 并结合相关现代人群进行了系统发育分析和多维尺度分析. 结果表明,扎滚鲁克古代人群与现代中亚人群有较近的母系遗传关系, 是欧亚混合人群. 与以前的新疆古代人群研究相比, 该人群东部欧亚序列的成分明显增多, 这可能与人群所处的地理及历史时代相关.  相似文献   

用12种限制性内切酶(BamHⅠ,EcoRⅠ,EcoRⅤ,XhoⅠ,PstⅠ,MspⅠ,XbaⅠ,PvuⅡ,HindⅢ,HaeⅢ,SacⅠ,HpaⅡ)对秦岭大熊猫线粒体DNA进行了酶切。测定和分析了每种酶所产生片段的数量和大小,并与四川大熊猫的限制性片段进行了比较,发现在相同的6种酶的16个酶切位点中有一个不同,表明这两地群体间存在着线粒体DNA的多态性。其研究结果为进一步研究和保护大熊猫提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

新疆察吾呼沟古代居民线粒体DNA序列多态性分析   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
从距今2 500~3 000年的新疆察吾呼沟墓地的9例古代人骨中成功地提取出古DNA分 子. 用4对套叠引物对线粒体DNA高可变Ⅰ区进行了PCR扩增和测序, 得到9个364 bp的线粒 体序列. 从GenBank搜索其共享序列并与欧洲、 亚洲序列进行系统发育分析, 结果表明, 早在青铜至早期铁器时代, 在我国新疆天山中部地区已经有蒙古人种存在. 察吾呼沟古代 居民应是一个欧洲和东亚人种混合的古代群体.  相似文献   

The archaeological site of Sampula cemetery was located about 14 km to the southwest of the Luo County in Xinjiang Khotan, China, belonging to the ancient Yutian kingdom. 14C analysis showed that this cemetery was used from 217 B.C. to 283 A.D. Ancient DNA was analyzed by 364 bp of the mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I (mtDNA HVR-I), and by six restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) sites of mtDNA coding region. We successfully extracted and sequenced intact stretches of maternally inherited mtDNA from 13 out of 16 ancient Sampula samples. The analysis of mtDNA haplogroup distribution showed that the ancient Sampula was a complex population with both European and Asian characteristics. Median joining network of U3 sub-haplogroup and multi-dimensional scaling analysis all showed that the ancient Sampula had maternal relationship with Ossetian and Iranian.  相似文献   

The archaeological site of Sampula cemetery was located about 14 km to the southwest of the Luo County in Xinjiang Khotan,China,belonging to the ancient Yutian kingdom.~14C analysis showed that this cemetery was used from 217 B.C.to 283 A.D. Ancient DNA was analyzed by 364 bp of the mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region I (mtDNA HVR-I),and by six restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) sites of mtDNA coding region.We successfully extracted and sequenced intact stretches of maternally inher- ited mtDNA from 13 out of 16 ancient Sampula samples.The analysis of mtDNA haplogroup distribution showed that the ancient Sampula was a complex population with both European and Asian characteristics.Median joining network of U3 sub-haplogroup and multi-dimen- sional scaling analysis all showed that the ancient Sampula had maternal relationship with Ossetian and Iranian.  相似文献   

In this study, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis was carried out on 9 Bronze Age horses recovered from Dashanqian and Jinggouzi archaeological sites in Chifeng region, Inner Mongolia. China to explore the origin of Chinese domestic horses. Both mtDNA 16S rRNA gene and control region (D-loop) fragments of ancient horses were amplified and sequenced. The analysis of the highly conservative 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the burial environment of Chifeng region is suitable for the preservation of ancient DNA (aDNA). Combing 465 mtDNA D-loop sequences representing different breeds from East Asia, Central Asia, Near East and Europe, we constructed a phylogenetic network to investigate the relationship between ancient and modern horses. The phylogenetic network showed that the 9 horses were distributed into different modern horse clusters which were closely related to them representing a certain geographical distribution. Our results showed that the maternal genetic line of the ancient horses in Chifeng region was highly diversified, which contributed to the gene pool of modern domestic horses and suggested a complex origin of domestic horses in China.  相似文献   

In this study, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis was carried out on 9 Bronze Age horses recovered from Dashanqian and Jinggouzi archaeological sites in Chifeng region, Inner Mongolia. China to explore the origin of Chinese domestic horses. Both mtDNA 16S rRNA gene and control region (D-loop) fragments of ancient horses were amplified and sequenced. The analysis of the highly conservative 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the burial environment of Chifeng region is suitable for the preservation of ancient DNA (aDNA). Combing 465 mtDNA D-loop sequences representing different breeds from East Asia, Central Asia, Near East and Europe, we constructed a phylogenetic network to investigate the relationship between ancient and modern horses. The phylogenetic network showed that the 9 horses were distributed into different modern horse clusters which were closely related to them representing a certain geographical distribution. Our results showed that the maternal genetic line of the ancient horses in Chifeng region was highly diversified, which contributed to the gene pool of modern domestic horses and suggested a complex origin of domestic horses in China.  相似文献   

The 364-bp nucleotide sequence in hypervariable region I (HVRI) of mitochondrial DNA is successfully amplified from 9 out of 11 individuals of an ancient population buried in the Jiangjungou Cemetery in Inner Mongolia dated back to the Warring States Period in China. Nine fragments with different variations are obtained. A phylogenetic tree and a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot are constructed using mtDNA sequences from the ancient population and several modern Asian populations. The results show that ancient population shares a closer genetic relationship with East Asian populations than with North and Central Asian populations. The genetic and historical evidence raise the possibility that the population might be the immigrants from Zhongyuan area, sent by the King Wuling of Zhao State to guard the nation against the attack from Huns.  相似文献   

Pitfalls in the analysis of ancient human mtDNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The retrieval of DNA from ancient human specimens is not always successful owing to DNA deterioration and contamination although it is vital to provide new insights into the genetic structure of ancient people and to reconstruct the past history. Normally, only short DNA fragments can be retrieved from the ancient specimens. How to identify the authenticity of DNA obtained and to uncover the information it contained are difficult. We employed the ancient mtDNAs reported from Central Asia (including Xinjiang, China) as an example to discern potentially extraneous DNA contamination based on the updated mtDNA phylogeny derived from mtDNA control region, coding region, as well as complete sequence information. Our results demonstrated that many mtDNAs reported are more or less problematic.Startim, from a reliable mtDNA phylogeney and combining the available modern data into analysis, one can ascertain the authenticity of the ancient DNA, distinguish the potential errors in a data set, and efficiently decipher the meager information it harbored. The reappraisal of the mtDNAs with the age of more than 2000 years from Central Asia gave support to the suggestion of extensively (pre)historical gene admixture in this region.  相似文献   

对10个古代个体的线粒体DNA高可变Ⅰ区进行了扩增和测序. 基于和林格尔古代人群与现今相关欧亚人群的mtDNA序列, 进行了系统发育分析和多维尺度分析. 研究结果表明, 和林格尔古代人群在母系遗传上与现在北亚人群的亲缘关系最近. 结合考古学、 人类学以及分子生物学的研究, 推断这个古代人群是从蒙古高原以及外贝加尔地区南下迁移至今天的内蒙古和林格尔地区的游牧人.  相似文献   

西藏马线粒体DNA D-loop区的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西藏拉萨和泽当两个地区23匹西藏马的线粒体DNA控制区(mtDNA D-loop)部分片段进行序列分析, 检测出16个单倍型, 包括32个核苷酸多态性位点(其中转换位点31个, 缺失位点1个), 占所分析位点总数的9.27%. 单倍型多样性(h)和核苷酸多样性(π)分别为0.93±0.04和2.51%±0.16%, 表明西藏马的遗传多样性较丰富. 基于23匹西藏马序列以及现代欧亚马群的mtDNA序列, 进行了系统发育分析和多维尺度分析. 结果表明, 西藏马在母系遗传关系上与近东、 中亚以及欧洲家马有较近的亲缘关系, 与东亚的蒙古马以及韩国马亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

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