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针对我国煤层气勘探开发的难题,从煤层气藏的气源和保存条件入手,深入分析了生物气作为气源在浅层低煤阶煤层气藏形成中的重要性,并研究了盖层条件、水文地质条件及甲烷菌的生气条件在浅层低煤阶煤层气藏的形成和保存过程中所起的作用.认为中国煤层气的勘探开发不应受氧化带的限制,在煤层上覆封盖条件较好的浅层寻找浅层低煤阶煤层气藏可能获得良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机回归的煤层含气量预测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨煤层含气量的有效预测方法,将支持向量机回归方法用于建立煤层含气量预测模型。利用所选的测井参数,采用基于小样本理论的支持向量机回归方法建立测井参数与煤层含气量的关系模型,对煤层含气量进行预测。实例分析表明,选取适当的测井参数,利用支持向量机回归方法建立的煤层气含量预测模型,其预测结果与实测结果的误差小。  相似文献   

The secondary biogenic coalbed gas, a new genetic and energy source type of coalbed gas in China, has been found in Xinji, Liyazhuang and Enhong areas. The essential characteristics of this type of gas are: (i) the major component of the gas is methane, with C1/C1-5 value higher than 0.99, indicating that the gas is part of dry gas; (ii) theδ13C1 value is in the range of -61.7‰to -47.9‰, mostly lower than -55‰, which is much lower than the estimatedδ13C1 value of thermogenic methane according to the thermal evolution degree of the coal rocks (with R0 value from 0.87% to 1.43%), showing the characteristics of the secondary biogenic gas; (iii) theδ5D value of methane ranges from -244‰to -196‰; (iv)δ13C 2 value ranges from -26.7‰to -15.9‰andδ13C 3 value ranges from -10.8‰to -25.3‰, indicating that the heavier hydrocarbons have a thermogenic origin; (v) the content of CO2 is very low, andδ13CCO2 value changes greatly, reflecting a characteristic of secondary change; (vi)δ15N2 value ranges mainly from -1‰to +1‰, indicating N2 derived significantly from air. The negative linear correlation between the contents of N2 and CH4 reflects the activity of bacteria bearing surface water infiltrating into coal beds. The comprehensive tracing indices show that the coalbed gas in the studied areas is the mixed gas of primarily secondary biogenic gas and a part of remnant thermogenic gas. The uplift of coal beds and the development of faults in the studied areas create favorable conditions for the formation of the secondary biogenic gas.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the flowing ground water impacting on coalbed gas content   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hydrogeological condition affects the coal-bed gas storage dramatically. In an area of stronger hydrodynamics, the coal has a lower gas content, while a higher gas content exists in an area of weaker hydrodynamics. Obviously, the flowing groundwater is harmful to coalbed gas preservation. But few researches focus on the mechanism of how the flowing water diminishes the coalbed gas content Based on the phenomenon that the flowing groundwater not only makes coalbed gas content lower, but also fractionates the carbon isotope, this research puts forward an idea that it is the water solution that diminishes the coalbed gas content, rather than the water-driven action or the gas dissipation through cap rocks. Only water-soluble action can both fractionate the carbon isotope and lessen the coalbed gas content, and it is an efficient way to take gas away and affect the gas content.  相似文献   

构造地球化学是介于构造地质学和地球化学之间的一门新兴的边缘交叉学科,论述了它在研究各种地质建造和构造的物质组成特征、所经历的构造地球化学作用及其过程、规律和动力学机制.在对多个地区研究的基础上,探讨了矿床构造地球化学与构造成矿学密切相关的研究领域.研究得出了在一定的构造背景下,在以构造动力为主导的成矿作用过程中,成矿物质的分异、运移、富集成矿的特征、机理、影响因素和特殊规律,并初步探讨了矿床构造地球化学的理论机理和实际工作的研究方法.  相似文献   

Thermal simulation experiment of gas generation from the peat and the coals were performed using the high temperature and pressure apparatus, at temperature ranging from 336.8-600℃, a pressure of 50MPa and two heating rates of 20℃/h and 2℃/h, and the evolution and formation of coalbed gas components were studied. Results show that for the coals, the gaseous products are mainly composed of hydrocarbon gases. However, for the peat the content of hydrocarbon gases in gaseous products is lower than that of non-hydrocarbon components. In the generated hydrocarbon gases methane is predominant and heavy hydrocarbon gases (C2-5) are present in small amount. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide (CO2) predominates the generated non-hydrocarbon gases, and hydrogen (H2) and sul-furated hydrogen (H2S) are existent in trace amount. It is also observed that temperature is the main factor controlling the evolution of coalbed gas generation. With increasing vitrinite reflectance, methane rapidly increases, CO2 sightly increases, and C2-5 hydrocarbons first increase and then decrease. The peat and Shanxi formation coal have a higher generative potential of coalbed gases than coals and Taiyuan formation coal, respectively, reflecting the effect of the property of organic matter on the characteristics of coalbed gas component generation. In this study, it is found that low heating rate is favorable for the generation of methane, H2 and CO2, and the decomposition of C2-5 hydrocarbons. This shows that heating time plays an important controlling role in the generation and evolution of coalbed gases. The results obtained from the simulation experiment in the study of coalbed gases in natural system are also discussed.  相似文献   

通过声震法影响煤层气吸附和渗流特性的原理,设计了一种用于煤样对煤层气的吸附/解吸和渗流特性研究的测试系统。该系统以压力试验机为主体,由智能声波发生器、吸附及渗流、加压、变形测试、气体供给。测试等6部分组成。介绍了实验装置的功能和操作方法。实验结果表明该装置完全能够满足加声场与不加声场条件下煤层气的吸附和渗流实验需求。  相似文献   

The mechanism of production increasing for the pinnate horizontal well is analyzed with the simulation technique. It is pointed out that the whole horizontal well-bore spreading widely and evenly in coal layers makes the stratum pressure drop evenly and fast, which increases the chance of desorption and diffusion and area controlled. This is the basic reason that the pinnate horizontal well can increase production. How such stratum parameters as permeability, Langmuir constants and adsorption time constant affect the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well is also studied with numerical simulations. Either for the vertical well or the pinnate horizontal well, bigger stratum permeability, steeper relative permeability curve, smaller residual gas saturation, higher gas content and stratum pressure are more favorable for gas production increasing. Langmuir constants decide the change of desorption quantity and influence the gas production through changing the extent of steep of isothermal adsorption curves in the pressure dropping area. The adsorption time constant only influences the time that gas production arrives at the maximum value for the vertical well, but it almost has no influence on the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well because the equivalent adsorption time constant is reduced.  相似文献   

介绍了韩城矿区煤层气空间数据库的系统组成、设计思路及其在煤层气资源评价中的意义。该空间数据库由属性数据库和图形数据库组成。属性数据库是在Visual Foxpr06.0平台上以全矿区2^#、3^#、5^#、11^#煤层为对象建立起来的。图形数据库是在MAPGIS6.0平台上建立基本地理图形信息、基础地质图形信息、水文地质图形信息、盖层图形信息、煤层气储集层图形信息、储层基底图形信息和专题图形信息等。该空间数据库的建立,可方便查询该区与煤层气有关的地质资料,同时为煤层气合理开发利用和管理决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

井下注气强化煤层气抽采效果的工程试验与数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高特低渗透煤层的煤层气抽采效果,在重庆天府矿业公司850 m深井,采用注入组分为78%的N2的方法,进行了强化注抽煤层气的工业性试验.分别试验了单孔与多孔干扰情况下自然涌出、负压抽采、注气涌出、边注边抽和间歇注气试验.结果表明:在常规抽采达到极限后进行注气,甲烷抽采时间-浓度曲线呈现先上升后下降的单峰波形状态,间歇注抽的甲烷浓度高于边注边抽的甲烷浓度,但衰减较快,注气距离短,长时边注边抽的注抽效果好于间歇注抽效果.注气孔网间距4 m,渗透率1.112×10-4mD的煤层,连续注抽5 d后,抽采率由卸压后负压极限抽采的52.4%提高到58.6%.建立了空气注采甲烷的渗流理论方程,计算了合理的注气孔网间距、注气时间、压力等技术参数,讨论了注气技术方法的适用条件和辅助技术,为推广这一技术提供了工程与理论参考.同时,提出了抽采后注气的变定解条件渗流方程解算的科学问题.  相似文献   

Characteristics of gas geochemistry in Yangbajing geothermal field, Tibet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CO 2 is a main component of gases in the Yangbajing geothermal field, usually higher than 85 in volume; others are N 2, H 2S, H 2, CH 4, etc. Helium R/R a ratios, ranging from 0.14 to 0.46, indicate a crustal component to be dominant in the gases. δ 13C-CO 2 values and δ 34S-H 2S values are in the range -7.72‰--11.33‰ and 0.2‰-8.3‰, respectively. The gases are inferred to mostly derive from the partial melting of the Nyainqentanglha core complex. The gases of shallow and deep reservoirs are distinctive in chemical compositions and δ 34S-H 2S values, which shows their different flowing paths and physical-chemical processes. Sulphur does not approach isotopic equilibrium between H 2S and SO 2- 4 species in both reservoirs. Significance of steam chemical monitoring is also discussed.  相似文献   

扬子区页岩气和煤层气联合开发的地质优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优选煤层气和页岩气联合研究与开发的有利区域,以扬子地区二叠系龙潭组及其上下部组合地层为研究对象,分析页岩气和煤层气的资源分布特点;讨论成藏地质条件及气藏聚集模式,依据龙潭组及其上下部地层组合的分布特征和埋深、页岩气和煤层气的资源潜力等条件,确定优选区域。研究认为,龙潭组在上扬子和下扬子普遍发育;上扬子滇东-黔西等区煤层气资源丰富;上扬子龙潭组及其与局部由长兴组相变而成的大隆组组合,下扬子大隆组—龙潭组—孤峰组组合均发育富含有机质泥页岩,厚度较大、分布连续,有机质含量高,母质类型好,成熟度高,具有页岩气成藏的良好地质条件和丰富的资源潜力,且存在页岩气和煤层气资源的重叠组合性;至少在上、下扬子分别形成三种和两种地层空间气藏聚集模式。上扬子川南资阳、自贡及重庆、黔西北地区和下扬子苏南句容盆地,可作为开展页岩气和煤层气联合研究与开发的优选区域。  相似文献   

依据气液两相流理论,建立煤层气井气水两相井液进泵运动规律的数学模型,给出适应于煤层气井泵充满度的算法,通过求解井液进泵的数值模型及仿真分析,得到煤层气井不同工况下抽油泵内液面和泵充满度的瞬时动态变化规律,以及泵充满度与冲次、泵入口气液比、泵入口压力等参数间的相互关系。利用余隙容积系数与泵内压强的关系和气体压缩膨胀的多变特性,分析出低沉没度下泵发生气锁的条件并给出预防措施。结果表明:降低冲次、减小余隙容积和泵入口气液比以及增大沉没压力可以有效提高泵的充满度,而且泵入口气液比对泵效的影响尤为显著;考虑抽油泵余隙内自由气体的作用后,随着余隙容积系数的增加,泵的充满度逐渐降低。  相似文献   

抚顺矿区煤层气资源条件综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对抚顺矿区煤层气地质特征、储层特征及煤层气资源量的系统而深入分析,认为该区煤层气资源条件良好,主煤层巨厚而集中、煤阶相对较高、煤岩类型有利于煤层气的生成、主煤层顶板的巨厚油页岩有利于煤层气的保存、且含气量相对较高、渗透性好、1200m以浅的煤层气资源量还有41.65×108m3。同时对矿区井下瓦斯抽放利用和煤层气利用的下游市场进行了评述,指出抚顺矿区是使我国煤层气产业走出困境,寻求突破的最佳试验战场。  相似文献   

目前煤层气注气数值模拟软件中均以扩展Langmuir模型模拟多组分气体吸附/解吸,以拟稳态单孔扩散模型和Fick定律描述煤层基质中气体扩散,虽然简单,便于应用,但存在较大局限性。以试验数据为依据,评价扩展Langmuir、IAS和2D PR-EOS多组分气体吸附模型可靠性,并建立Maxwell-Stefan双扩散模型模拟气体扩散过程。最后,将双扩散模型与煤储层气水两相多组分渗流模型耦合,利用IMPES方法求解研究煤层气注气过程。研究表明:2D PR-EOS模型预测结果优于扩展Langmuir和IAS模型;注气初期基质中多组分气体吸附和甲烷解吸速率较快,之后逐渐变缓;该模拟方法可以较为准确地模拟煤层气衰竭和注气开发过程,预测煤基质中气体各组分浓度分布,为煤层气注气开发的研究及现场应用提供有效的技术手段。  相似文献   

煤层气注气开采多组分流体扩散模型数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解决低渗透煤层气开发遇到挑战,依据双重介质扩散渗流和多组分吸附平衡理论,建立了注气开采煤层气多组分流体扩散渗流模型,利用数值方法研究了注气开采煤层气的增产机理.研究表明,注入二氧化碳气体不但减少了煤层甲烷的分压,加速了煤层甲烷的解吸,而且二氧化碳气体比甲烷气体更易吸附,竞争吸附置换煤层甲烷分子,从而提高了煤层气产量,结果表明注气开采煤层气是提高我国低渗透煤层气产量的有效途径。  相似文献   

煤层甲烷运移模型的非稳态模型考虑了气体体积分数梯度的影响,使得求解复杂,计算量大,给实际应用带来困难.针对此问题,采用Femlab商业数值模拟软件,对所建的非稳态模型进行了模拟求解.结果表明:该软件模拟的产气量与资料显示的实测数据有较好的拟合关系,分布曲线能够较好的预测煤层中甲烷气的运移和分布规律.该软件的模拟结果有较高的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

针对霍林河盆地良好的地质特征,为发展煤层气资源预测分析.指出煤的镜质组反射率多在0.5%~0.6%之间,煤质含气量最高为7.7 m/t.煤质中煤层气含量以及煤层气中甲烷含量随深度加大而迅速增加.400 m以下为甲烷带,400m以上为甲烷-氮气带.并对含气量进行了预测,500m以下煤层气含量约3.0~7.7m3/t煤计,霍林河盆地煤层气远景储量在268.5×108~689.2×108m3之间.同时,指出了有利于煤层气形成和勘探的有利地段,9-73孔,21-11孔附近地区为最有利煤层气勘探区.  相似文献   

峰峰、大城、开平矿区深部煤层含气量预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得峰峰、大城、开平矿区的深部煤层含气量,基于其浅部煤储层压力、镜质组反射率、试井实测资料以及钻孔剖面温度,采用煤级-吸附-压力方法,分析三个矿区深部储煤层温度、镜质组反射率梯度及煤储层压力梯度,结合煤的等温吸附特征,预测其深部煤层含气量.结果表明,峰峰、大城、开平矿区均处于正常地温梯度带;煤化作用受地层埋深控制,深层镜质组反射率梯度分别为0.13%/hm、0.17%/hm、0.08%/hm;煤储层压力梯度大多低于0.98 MPa/hm;煤层饱和吸附量随煤级的增加而增大,800~2 000 m煤层原位含气量预测为3.40~13.03 m3/t.  相似文献   

Following the researches of helium isotopic compositions in mantle-derived xenoliths in eastern China,this study reported noble gas abundances and isotopic compositions of mantle-derived xenoliths from Kuandian of Liaoning Province, Huinan of Jilin Province and Hannuoba of Hebei Province. Compared with the middle ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and other continental areas, mantle-derived xenoliths in NE China are characterized by slightly low noble gas abundances, 3He/4He equivalent to or lower than that of MORB, 40Ar/36Ar lower than that of MORB, 38Ar/36Ar and Ne-Kr-Xe isotopic ratios equivalent to those of atmosphere. These results indicate the heterogeneity of subcontinentai lithospheric mantle beneath northeastern China, that is, a MORB reservoir-like mantle beneath Kuandian and an enriched/metasomatized mantle beneath Huinan. Low 40Ar/36Ar ratios in the three studied areas may imply that a subducted atmospheric component has been preserved in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle.``  相似文献   

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