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Recently ,hazardscausedbysuspendedparticu latematter (SPM ) ,especiallybyparticleswithdiam etersmallerthan 1.0 μm (PM 1.0 ) (calledsub mi cronparticles) ,havereceivedmuchattentionintheenvironmentalresearch[1] .Combustion processcaninherentlyresultintheformationofsub micronparti clesanditisamajorsourceofatmosphericloadingofsuch particles .Thesecombustiondevicesincludesmelters,coalcombustion ,waste to energyincinera tors ,andcementkilns .Althoughenvironmentalreg ulationsaredesignedandusedunde…  相似文献   

Based on the mass fraction size distribution of aluminum (AI), an improved method for effectively identifying the modes of particulate matter from pulverized coal combustion is proposed in this study. It is found that the particle size distributions of coal-derived particulate matter actually have three modes, rather than just mere two. The ultrafine mode is mainly generated through the vaporization and condensation processes. The coarse mode is primarily formed by the coalescence of molten minerals, while the newly-found central mode is attributed to the heterogeneous condensation or adsorption of vaporized species on fine residual ash particles. The detailed investigation of the mass fraction size distribution of sulfur (S) further demonstrates the rationality and effectiveness of the mass fraction size distribution of the AI in identifying three particle modes. The results show that not only can the number of particle modes be identified in the mass fraction size distributions of the AI but also can their size boundaries be more accurately defined. This method provides new insights in elucidating particle formation mechanisms and their physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

燃烧过程中铅颗粒粒径分布的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用高3.4m、内径0.15m的一维炉实验台,对燃烧中铅颗粒的粒径分布进行实验研究。铅元素以醋酸铅溶液的形式通过空气雾化引入到燃烧液化石油气的炉膛中。使用切割粒径从0.48~12.63μm的8级A ndersen撞击器和切割粒径从0.030~10.0μm的12级静电低压撞击器(ELP I)进行采样,同时对铅颗粒物的质量浓度粒径分布和数量浓度粒径分布进行了测量。使用场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)对铅颗粒微观形貌进行了观察。结果表明:在质量方面,铅颗粒主要集中在亚微米区间,质量浓度的峰值在0.2~0.6μm之间;在数量方面,铅颗粒主要集中在0.03~0.4μm区间,数量浓度的峰值在0.2~0.3μm之间。  相似文献   

使用高3.4m、内径0.15m的一维炉实验台,对燃烧中铅颗粒的粒径分布进行了实验研究。铅元素以醋酸铅溶液的形式通过空气雾化引入到燃烧液化石油气的炉膛中。使用切割粒径从0.48~12.63μm的8级Andersen撞击器和切割粒径从0.030~10.0μm的12级静电低压撞击器(ELPI)进行采样,同时对铅颗粒物的质量浓度粒径分布和数量浓度粒径分布进行了测量。使用场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)对铅颗粒微观形貌进行了观察。结果表明,在质量方面,铅颗粒主要集中在亚微米区间,质量浓度的峰值在0.2~0.6μm之间;在数量方面,铅颗粒主要集中在0.03~0.4μm区间,数量浓度的峰值在0.2~0.3μm之间。  相似文献   

采用分子动力学方法和Quantum Sutton-Chen(Q-SC)多体势,对含有5万个液态金属铜(Cu)原子系统在凝固过程中的晶体成核与生长规律及纳米团簇微观结构转变特性进行了模拟跟踪研究.运用Honeycutt-Andersen(HA)键型指数法和新的原子团类型指数法(CTIM-2)分析了金属Cu原子的成键类型和原子团簇微观结构演变特性.结果发现:在以1.0×1013K/s速度冷却时,体系最终形成晶态与非晶态结构共存的混合结构,非晶转化温度约为673K,结晶起始温度为373K.在以4.0×1012K/s速度冷却时,结晶起始温度为673K,系统形成以1421和1422二种键型或由其构成的面心立方(fcc)(12000120)和六角密集(hcp)(1200066)基本原子团为主体的晶态结构,尤其是由1421键型构成的面心立方基本原子团在晶核生长和纳米团簇结构形成过程中占主导地位.形核和生长过程对凝固微观结构演变特性有重要的影响.  相似文献   

粒度对煤的自燃倾向性表征影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为了使活化能这一指标科学有效的应用于煤的自燃倾向性的鉴定,利用热重分析仪器,对两种煤的不同粒度的煤样进行了自燃的实验研究,试验曲线结果表明,煤样粒度越细,TG曲线和DSC曲线向低温方向移动,煤样的着火提前,运用热重动力学方法计算得到煤的活化能,发现粒度越小,活化能值也越小,越容易着火,即其白燃倾向性增大。粒度是一个重要的影响因素。  相似文献   

对增压锅炉烟气发生器设计结构方案的燃烧流场应用商业程序FLUENT进行了数值模拟.在NO生成模型中,考虑了"热力" NO及"瞬发" NO的生成,模拟了不同过量空气系数和不同负荷工况下的燃烧流场,分析了过量空气系数、压力、温度对燃烧室内NOx生成特性的影响.  相似文献   

Flavonols are plant pigments that are ubiquitous in nature. Morin and other related plant flavonols have come into recent prominence because of their usefulness as anticancer, anti-tumor, anti-AIDS, and other important therapeutic activities of significant potency and low systemic toxicity. The heat of combustion of morin (molecular formula, C15H10O7·H2O) in oxygen was measured by a rotating-bomb type combustion calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpy of combustion of morin at T = 298.15 K was determined to be Δc H m (C15H10O7·H2O, s) = −(5 937.99 ± 2.99) kJ · mol−1. The derived standard molar enthalpy of the formation of morin in solid powder state at T = 298.15 K, Δf H m (C15H10O7·H2O, s), was −(1 682.12 ± 3.58) kJ · mol−1, which provide an accurate data of the stability of morin to the pharmacy and pharmacology. Biography: HOU Hanna(1956–), female, Visiting researcher, Associate professor of Hubei University of Education, research direction: thermochemistry.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对气体水合物生成过程的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在玻璃试管中就添加物和铁丝对HCFC141b(CH3CCl2F,R141b)水合物生成过程的影响进行了观察研究.首次发现铁丝与十二烷基苯磺酸钠的适当组合可以促使R141b水合物快速结晶成核和生长,并就它们对R141b水合物生成过程的影响机理作了进一步探索,发现:在恒温槽温度一定时,阴离子表面活性剂种类和铁丝与试管壁面的接触点共同决定了R141b水合物的最初结晶成核位置;阴离子表面活性剂种类决定了结晶成核后水合物的生长区域;十二烷基苯磺酸钠水溶液浓度越高,R141b水合物的生长越快;一水合草酸钾对R141b水合物的生成过程则没有明显影响.  相似文献   

为减少化石燃料的使用,开发清洁、低碳、可再生的新型能源,对微纳米铁粉燃料开展燃烧实验研究。通过微纳米铁粉的比表面积实验、热重分析实验、X射线衍射实验,得到不同粒径铁粉的比表面积、热重曲线以及X射线衍射图谱。分析粒径对比表面积、热重曲线的影响,研究不同粒径铁粉在40 K/min升温速率下的燃烧特性参数和燃烧动力学参数。并用粒子群算法拟合出微纳米铁粉的燃烧速率微分方程,建立微纳米铁粉的燃烧模型。结果表明:除了50 nm铁粉以外,随着粒径增大,铁粉的着火点温度、最高燃烧速率温度、燃尽温度、活化能、指前因子均增大。50 nm铁粉会在高温下发生熔化并凝结,使得燃尽温度上升,燃尽时间延长,不利于反应正常进行。对于粒径在50 nm~2μm范围内的铁粉,可以通过本文建立的铁粉燃烧速率微分方程近似计算不同粒径微纳米铁粉的燃烧特性参数和燃烧动力学参数,误差在允许的范围内。  相似文献   

等离子体喷涂中涂层形成的模拟   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为预测等离子体喷涂所获得涂层的孔隙率、表面粗糙度等性质及其与喷射的熔融颗粒的直径、速度、温度等参数间的关系,采用基于对涂层形成机理分析所建立的一组基本法则,并假设被喷涂的处于熔融状态的颗粒的直径、温度、速度及撞击于基板的位置均为Gauss型分布,对涂层形成进行了模拟研究。结果表明:涂层中总是存在孔隙;熔融颗粒的平均直径愈大,则所得涂层孔隙率愈小;涂层愈厚,其表面也愈粗糙;随着熔融颗粒平均速度或平均温度的升高,涂层孔隙率与表面粗糙度均减小,这与实验观察一致。  相似文献   

文章以贵州高砷煤为研究对象,运用固定床管式炉对钙基材料在煤燃烧过程中的除砷脱硫性能及影响因素进行了系统研究,并对燃煤灰渣进行了X-射线衍射分析和扫描电镜观察,简单地探讨了钙基材料的除砷脱硫机理。实验结果表明:在燃烧温度为1 050℃,钙基材料用量n(Ca)/n(S)=2.0时,粒径越小的钙基材料除砷脱硫效果越好,钙基材料在一定的条件下具有良好的同时除砷脱硫的性能;其除砷脱硫的机理是钙基材料的加入促进了As2O3和SO2的扩散,并且与As2O3和SO2生成了Ca3(AsO4)2和CaSO4以固相停留在燃煤灰渣中,从而降低了砷和硫挥发进入大气的程度。  相似文献   

The control of particulate matter (PM) emissions from coal combustion becomes an urgent work due to their adverse effects on human health. Coal blending is a promising option for submicron particulate (PM1) reduction. This study addressed the effects of coal blending on the formation and properties of particulate matter in combustion process. Coal blends from lignite and bituminous coal, with different blend ratios (9:1, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7 and 1:9), were combusted in a drop tube furnace. The mass size distribution, concentration, elemental composition and morphology of the particulate matter generated under O2/N2 and O2/CO2 conditions were characterized. Particulate matter was collected by a low pressure impactor (LPI), which aerodynamically segregated particulates into thirteen fractions with sizes ranging from 0.03 to 9.8 μm. The results showed that coal blending reduced PM1 generation, compared with the calculated average values from the combustion of constituent coals. This indicated that the mineral interactions had a great effect on PM1 reduction. The blend ratio also played an important role in the suppression of PM1 generation. In this experimental study, PM1 generation suffered a maximum suppression at the blend ratio of 7:3. The O2/CO2 atmosphere affected the formation and properties of the PM1 during coal blends combustion. Compared with the O2/N2 combustion, the interaction of minerals was weakened under O2/CO2 combustion, thus the suppression of PM1 generation decreased after coal blending. Compared with the calculated values, the concentrations and percentages of Ca, Fe in PM1 decreased, but the concentrations of Ca, Fe, Si and Al in coarse particulates (PM10+) increased after coal blends combustion. The interactions between the aluminosilicates in the bituminous coal and volatile elements Ca, Fe in the lignite were thought to contribute to the suppression of PM1 generation during the com-bustion of coal blends.  相似文献   

研究了一个带有非线性温度依赖界面动力学的颗粒生长数学模型,分析颗粒界面的演化及其形态稳定性.利用渐近展开方法,获得颗粒生长的渐近解以及界面扰动的变化率.当界面动力学增加时,界面动力学过冷减小,颗粒增长速度也减小,非线性温度依赖界面动力学使得颗粒界面生长倾向于稳定.与忽略界面动力学的情形比较,非线性界面动力学显著减弱了球颗粒的生长速度.  相似文献   

Parameter estimation plays a critical role for the application and development of S-shaped growth model in the agricultural sciences and others.In this paper,a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm based on the diffusion phenomenon(DPPSO) was employed to estimate the parameters for this model.Under the sense of least squares,the parameter estimation problem of S-shaped growth model,taking the Gompertz and Logistic models for example,is transformed into a multi-dimensional function optimization problem.The results show that the DPPSO algorithm can effectively estimate the parameters of the S-shaped growth model.  相似文献   

浸没燃烧蒸发过程单个气泡传热传质模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浸没燃烧蒸发器是一种利用高温气体与低温液体直接接触传热的高效蒸发设备,其现有传热传质模型较为繁琐。该文从传质推动力角度出发建立了高温气泡在水中上升过程的传热传质模型,计算结果与文献报道的实验数据、模拟结果基本吻合。利用该模型计算可得出,浸没燃烧蒸发过程中,液体平衡温度随气体初始温度的升高或气泡内初始水蒸汽含量的增大而升高,接触时间在一定范围内的增加使得液体平衡温度随之降低,超出1 s后对液体平衡温度影响不大。  相似文献   

Nanoparticles are thought to induce more severe health impacts than larger particles. The nanoparticles from coal-fired boilers are classified into three size fractions with a 13-stage low pressure impactor. Their physicochemical properties are characterized by the high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF). The results show that coal-derived nanoparticles mainly consist of individual primary particles of 20–150 nm and their aggregates. Inorganic nanoparticles primarily contain ash-forming elements and their aggregates have a dense structure. Organic nanoparticles are dominated by the element carbon and their aggregates have a loose structure. Nanoparticles from the same boiler have a similar composition and are primarily composed of sulfur, refractory elements and alkali/alkaline elements. Some transition and heavy metals are also detected. For different boilers, greater differences are observed in the production of the nanoparticles and their composition, possibly due to the use of low-NO x burners. Coal-derived nanoparticles have a small size, large specific surface area and complicated chemical composition, and thus are potentially more harmful to human health. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50721005, 50706013 and 50720145604)  相似文献   

POSS/PS复合材料的结构与燃烧性能   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以离子型八(四甲基铵)笼形倍半硅氧烷(OctaTMA_POSS)作为聚苯乙烯(PS)的添加剂制备POSS/PS复合材料.结果表明;20%和30%的POSS添加量可使其在PS中形成纳米纤维并呈网状分布,使复合材料的热释放速率峰值分别降低31.7%和54.6%,CO释放速率峰值分别降低55.3%和66.1%,CO浓度峰值降低66.2%和70.8%,CO2释放速率峰值分别23.8%和53.1%,CO2浓度峰值降低31.1%和62.0%.  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光烧蚀技术,在引入垂直于烧蚀羽辉轴线外加直流电场的前后,分别在1,3,5Pa的室温氩气环境下沉积制备了一系列纳米硅晶薄膜,其中衬底与羽辉轴线平行.扫描电子显微镜(SEM)的检测结果表明,在同一直流电压下制备的纳米Si晶粒平均尺寸和面密度均随气体压强的增加而增大.保持气压不变,引入电场后所制备的纳米Si晶粒平均尺寸相对于无外加电场时增大,而面密度减小.结合纳米晶粒气相成核生长动力学,对实验结果进行了定性分析.  相似文献   

燃烧过程中有害物质的富集与超细颗粒物的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燃煤排放的超细颗粒物及其上富集的有害物质已对环境和人类健康造成了巨大危害.通过对烟煤在沉降炉内燃烧试验研究,综合分析了煤粉粒径、燃烧温度、氧气含量对一次颗粒物形成的影响,并探讨了烟煤的膨胀特性及其对颗粒物形成的影响;采用最新的采样方法和系统从空气动力学直径角度对多台燃煤锅炉除尘器入口、出口的飞灰颗粒进行13级分级取样,得到了除尘器前后飞灰颗粒、元素的质量粒径分布规律、元素分布富集规律及不同除尘器对不同粒径颗粒的除尘效率;揭示了有害元素在超细颗粒物上的分布规律;针对燃后区化学团聚促进作用进行了实验研究,发现团聚剂能较好促进超细颗粒物团聚,使烟尘排放减低50%.  相似文献   

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