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文章在分析前人研究成果的基础上,总结归纳了塔克拉玛干沙漠降水云系的基本类型、特征、环流形势和云系演变的一般规律.云系类型归纳起来可以分为四大类:冷锋涡旋云系类,南支槽盾状云系类,大槽、低涡云系类,副热带西风急流云系类.这四类云系只要进入塔里木盆地活动,都会影响塔克拉玛干沙漠降水或大风、沙尘天气.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠西北边缘植被特征与生态保护策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
塔克拉玛千沙漠西北地区属于暖温带干旱荒漠气候,植物区系包括中亚成分、古地中海成分等,分布着荒漠生态系统、自然绿洲生态系统和自然水域生态系统,在过境河流两岸分布着草垫带—森林带—固定沙包带—流沙带,植被类型有草甸植被、森林植被、灌木植被、沙生植被和盐生植被。水分状况是导致区域植被变化的主要因素,人类活动也在影响植物群落演替变迁。本通过实地调查.分析了区域生态系统、植被群落类型及其结构特征和植被动态演替,分析了各种植被类型的生态与生产功能。并对合理利用水资源、保护绿洲、荒漠过渡带值被、优化荒漠边缘带生态系统、促进绿洲可持续发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

浮游球衣菌是污水好氧生化处理中的知名菌种,对污水中有机物和重金属有很强的降解和去除作用.本文经分离纯化后,对单个菌株进行连续培养.该菌株在极低营养环境(A培养基)中呈现树枝状向四周辐射的菌落,在普通琼脂平板,呈光滑园形隆起的白色菌落.对数期的细胞10~12 min分裂一次;单胞菌体和短丝体阶段均强烈摆动.培养4 d后,菌丝达十几个到数十个细胞长时,丝体相互缠结成团,丝体中细胞大量逸出胶鞘.电镜片显示,菌体细胞两端均有纤维状鞭毛并相互连接成丝体,胞外有宽厚的半透明胶鞘.该菌具有在低营养环境中强力吸取营养的特性,以及快速繁殖和强烈的活动性,与其在污水处理中的卓越效果可能有关联.长丝体缠结成团时,丝体中细胞大量逸出,仅含胶质鞘团块的比重必然减轻,这可能是污泥膨胀的主要原因.在培养后期溶解氧(DO)有明显下降,也可能与污泥澎胀有因果关系.  相似文献   

基于形态学的散乱点云轮廓特征线提取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用逆向工程领域切片技术和数学形态学方法提取点云的轮廓特征线.空间散乱点云密度高且无拓扑关系,通过切片分层可将空间点云转换为不同层的平面切片点云.借鉴图像处理方法,将切片点云转换成二值图像,使用形态学运算提取其轮廓像素,将轮廓像素转换为轮廓特征点并采用B样条曲线拟合成轮廓特征线.实验验证该方法可以得到高质量轮廓线,并可以有效地解决"多环"切片难以正确提取轮廓特征的问题.  相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠东南缘新月形沙丘为研究对象,分析3个不同发育规模和相反风向作用后沙丘表面沉积物粒度参数,得出以下结论:1)新月形沙丘表面沉积物以砾石和极粗沙为主,二者总占比79.09%,与之对应的,沉积物概率累积曲线多以蠕移质为主,其次为跃移质.沙丘形态及其表面微地貌变化,使得沉积物粒度特征在沿风向的不同断面呈现3种模式:迎风坡脚最粗、沿迎风坡经丘顶/脊线至背风坡脚逐渐变细,分选丘顶/脊线最好、由此分别至迎/背风坡脚变差;迎风坡上/下部最粗、由此至迎/背风坡脚变细,分选丘顶/脊线最好、由此至迎/背风坡脚变差;迎风坡上/下部最粗、由此至迎/背风坡脚变细,分选迎风坡脚最好、沿迎风坡经丘顶/脊线至背风坡脚变差.2)随沙丘高度增加,迎风坡和背风坡沉积物先变细后变粗,丘顶/脊线逐渐变粗,但分选性均变好;两翼角沉积物粒径差值增大,粒径粗、分选好的短翼角变为长翼角.3)相对于区域主风向(NE),反风向(SW)作用后,迎风坡沉积物变细、分选变差,丘顶变粗、分选变好,背风坡脚变细、分选无明显变化.迎风坡表面和背风坡脚细沙、极细沙和粉沙总占比增加,砾石和极粗沙总占比减少;丘顶正相反.   相似文献   

以塔克拉玛干沙漠高大沙垄区垄间地防沙治沙工程下风向沿主风向连续分布的4个新月形沙丘为研究对象,研究了沙丘表面不同部位表层沙粒粒度特征,明确防沙治沙工程对沙丘表面沙粒粒度的影响,揭示沙丘表面沙粒粒度空间分布规律.主要结论:防沙治沙工程对于风沙环境的影响是显著的,表现为在防沙治沙工程影响区范围内沙丘表层沙粒明显细化.本文的相关研究结果将为阐明类似人为扰动条件下沙丘表面气流场和沙粒运移规律提供基础数据.  相似文献   

对甘肃西峰地区晚第三纪红土和第四纪风成典型黄土的化学元素、矿物组成和矿物颗粒形态特征研究揭示出,该区红土下部(6.2MaB.P.前)是红化的土壤物质与其它物质一起经流水搬运再堆积的产物;中部(6.2Ma~3.4MaB.P.)未发现再搬运的痕迹,是风尘堆积经风化和间歇性地下水位波动作用所形成的;上部(3.4~2.6MaB.P.)是典型的风尘堆积-土壤序列。由于干旱区的存在是黄土高原风尘堆积的前提条件  相似文献   

简单有向连通图关联矩阵右逆的图特征及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究n阶简单有向连通图的n-1传导矩阵,引入了图真值向量及运算,得出n阶简单有向连通图关联矩阵右逆的图特征;提出了一种寻找简单有向连通图全部生成树的方法。  相似文献   

通过化学选矿的方法研究了氧化铜矿形态学特征对铜浸出率的影响.以硫酸为浸出剂对某氧化铜矿的两种矿样进行酸浸试验.分别研究浸出剂用量、浸出时间以及料层厚度等影响因素.同时,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察原矿和尾矿中铜的形态学特征,即A矿样中铜矿物以薄膜的形式覆盖在脉石矿物表面;B矿样中铜矿物呈颗粒状与脉石矿物共生.酸浸试验结果表明:在相同的条件下,A矿样的铜浸出率要远高于B矿样.这是因为A矿样中铜矿物具有更大的比表面积,与硫酸的接触面大,反应更加充分.  相似文献   

一些植物花粉的微形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对一些植物的花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜下的观察研究,详细描述了它们的形态特征,以期为其植物系统学研究提供新的,有价值的性状依据。  相似文献   

The physio-chemical and chemical features of water in natural conditions are controlled by the weath-ering of bedrocks,local climate,landforms and other geo-environmental parameters. In order to un-derstand the characteristics of water and the origins of the dissolved loads in the rivers and in the ground waters of the Taklimakan Desert,western China,we studied the ions in the water samples col-lected from rivers and wells. We collected water samples from four rivers (Keriya River,Cele River,Tumiya River and Yulongkashi River) in the southern desert and ground water samples from many parts of the desert. Major cations and anions were measured using ion-chromatograph and titration with HCl. The total dissolved solids (TDS),pH and conductivity were examined on site by a portable multi-parameter analyzer. The data show that the water in the rivers of southern Taklimakan is still of fresh water quality and slight alkalinity,although the TDS is comparatively higher than that of many other rivers of the world. The ground water is fresh to slightly saline,with TDS a little higher than that of river water in the study area. The concentration of ions is slightly different between the four rivers in the southern Taklimakan. However,the chemistries of ground water in all samples are to a large degree controlled by sodium and chloride. The ions in the ground water are concluded to be mainly from dissolving of evaporites,consistent with the dry climate in the region,whereas the ions in the rivers are mainly from rock weathering. Low-level human imprints are recognized in the ground water samples also.  相似文献   

The Tadm Desert Highway shelterbelt, located in hinterland of Taklimakan Desert, is irrigated by underground saline water, with three to thirty gram per litter mineral degrees. The sustainability and stability are affected by multifarious stress. The structural and functional characteristics of shelterbelt are studied to probe into correlation between environment and shelterbelt. On basis, decision analysis is applied to study ecological stability of the Tarim Desert Highway shelterbelt, to screen out limited factors, to establish general index system, and to evaluate the stability of the shelterbelt nowadays. Finally, the concept of ecological stability is utilized to manage the artificial ecosystem. The results show that the artificial ecosystem is relatively flimsy, whose stability can be increased by adjusting stand structure and improving the nutrient cycle.  相似文献   

简支梁桥荷载试验横向分布系数分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在桥梁设计的内力分析中,横向分布系数的简化计算方法有多种.但通过荷载试验结果来分析桥梁在成桥状态下的实际横向分布系数,有待深入研究.本文通过对简支梁桥跨中挠度与横向分布系数之间的关系进行理论分析,认为可通过实测跨中挠度计算各梁的横向分布系数,并以某桥的荷载试验为例,以此分析成桥后梁与梁之间的实际横向联系效果.  相似文献   

以库布齐沙漠北部横向沙丘及其流经的3条孔兑为研究对象,在每个孔兑切割的沙丘区域划定样方,采用基于MATLAB平台的遥感影像沙脊线提取算法提取沙丘脊线,通过ArcGIS9.3量算每个样方的沙丘个数、脊线总长、脊线平均长度、沙丘间距、平均沙丘走向以及缺陷密度等参数,着重通过沙丘地貌格局参数的变化分析横向沙丘地貌格局的空间变异以及干旱区河流对其的影响.结果表明:1顺风向(由西至东)上沙丘脊线平均长度呈线性增长、缺陷密度降低,沙丘走向逐渐稳定在230°~50°方向,平均间距变大,沙丘地貌格局逐渐由分散向聚拢方式转变;垂直风向(由北至南)上沙丘地貌格局参数由中心向南北两侧略有降低,沙丘类型由复合横向沙丘向简单新月形沙丘过渡,复合横向沙丘占沙丘类型的80%;2流经沙漠的孔兑通过自身切割作用与风水交互作用使得横向沙丘分割为相互独立的区域,每个区域独立发育且互不影响,同时孔兑的存在改变了沿岸下风向3~5km区域的地貌格局,更新了下风向沙物质来源,但不会改变沙丘整体走向.  相似文献   

The Tarim Desert Highway is the longest highway crossing the mobile desert in the world. The highway and its sand protection system were established in 1995. This great project must have significant effect on the aeolian environment in its neighborhoods. In 2004, we investigated the topographic changes of ground surface within the sand protection system and its external adjacent area in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert. The results showed that (i) the original topographic patterns of ground surface were greatly changed, and erosion as well as deposition was distributed clearly on the ground surface, affected by the road and its sand protection system; (ii) sediment deposited in the sand protection system gradually heightened the ground surface, but each part in the system changed differently: in the sand-blocking belt, a transverse sand ridge was formed in the same direction as the upright sand barrier; in the sand-binding belt, sediment was aggraded on the original surface in a certain thickness; at the initial stages since the establishment of the sand protection system, erosion had taken place in the un-stabilized area named by the deposition belt between the sand-blocking belt and the sand-binding belt, the inner of sand-binding belt, the windward slope of dunes in the sand-binding belt, and the neighboring leeward area of the sand protection system.  相似文献   

位于内蒙古阿拉善盟的巴丹吉林沙漠是中国第二大沙漠,以其存在世界上最高的沙山以及约100个湖泊而著称.现今湖面海拔一般为1 150~1 200m,前人研究认为在过去3万年以来的某些时期存在更高的湖面.假设沙丘洼地的形态基本保持不变,可以根据现今湖泊洼地的三维形态来模拟高湖面时期的湖泊群分布特征和总面积.以90m分辨率的DEM数据为基础,对若干典型洼地等高面面积随高程的变化进行了分析,发现可以用幂函数和多项式2种非线性方程模拟.多数情况下需要多项式,但一般只要达到3阶就可以精确拟合.对于湖泊洼地,由于很少有湖水最大深度的数据,湖底最低高程往往是未知的.利用湖面以上的等高面数据建立拟合程度最佳的非线性函数可以反推最低高程,但仍然存在不确定性.这一点对恢复历史上的高湖面形态并没有影响.  相似文献   

基于梁格理论建立在用简支梁桥空间梁格有限元计算分析模型,分析了纵梁间不同横向连接形式的模拟及虚拟横梁间距、截面特性值的取值对荷载横向分布的影响特征和规律.同时,提出了基于梁格法调整纵梁间横向弯矩传递有效值及虚拟横梁截面特性值的在用简支梁桥荷载横向分布实用计算方法,并通过与实际桥梁结构静载试验的挠度、应力等结果的对比,验证了方法的正确性.  相似文献   

This article takes the two segments of the Ming Great Walls, Dabian and Erbian, and their associated barracks and forts as geographical references. Based on a detailed scrutiny of historical records of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and on field surveys, the southern boundaries of the sand dunes and sand shifts of the Mu Us Desert in the Ming and Qing dynasties are carefully reconstructed. A comparison of the southern boundaries of the sand dunes and sand shifts of the Mu Us Desert in Ming and Qing with the modern boundary revealed in remote sensing imagery clearly shows that the southern boundary of dunes and shifts in the Mu us Desert has expanded only in a few areas and on a small scale. In the area to the south of Changle Fort, along the direction of annually prevailing winds, sand drifts have penetrated through the Jialu River valley into the loess region and have formed a sand strip of 32 km long and 3 km wide. To the east of Qingping Fort, sand drifts penetrated toward the eastern loess region through the Luhe River valley and have formed another sand strip of 8 km long and 2 km wide. Generally speaking, though the intensity of human activity has been increasing in this area since the Ming Dynasty, the Mu Us Desert has not significantly expanded toward the southeast or southwest. The sand-loess boundary in the southern fringe of the Mu Us Desert has been almost unchanged since the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   

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