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Biological soil crusts serve as an important biological factor contributing to the sand fixation. This study was conducted to investigate the temporal-spatial variability of microorganism in crusts relating to locations, soil layers of sand dunes and seasons. At moss-dominated inter-dune areas, higher soil nutrient and water concentrations were likely to maintain the microbial activities. Bacteria showed the highest capabilities of settlement and growth in inter-dunes in both spring and autumn. Soil water content reached the highest value in soil crusts in the inter-dune areas, especially in spring. Variations of quantities of actinomyces and fungi basically showed the consistent trend in different locations of sand dunes. With the deepening of soil layers, vertical distribution of quantities of each microorganism group showed different characteristics because environmental factors fluctuated in both spring and autumn. Among different microorganism groups, bacteria were predominant, actinomyces the next and fungi the least in both spring and autumn in all soil layers (0-20 cm). The proportion of bacteria and soil water content were higher in spring than those in autumn in all soil layers (0-20 cm). No consistent trends were found in actinomyces and fungi. The results showed that the quantities of microorganisms were significantly positive correlated with organic matter content, soil water content, total N, total P, available P, available K, pH, electrical conductivity, total salt content,catalase, urease, phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(AM)结构存在于多种红树植物根内,但目前对于红树林中AM真菌的研究还未能完全揭示其存在的原因和状况。研究通过对海南东寨港红树林中不同潮位16种红树植物根内AM侵染情况、AM真菌孢子密度以及土壤理化因子开展调查,以了解东寨港红树林中AM真菌的存在状况及其影响因素。结果表明12种红树植物与AM真菌存在共生关系,其中海漆(Excoecaria agallocha)、许树(Clerodendrum inerme)、水黄皮(Pongamia pinnata)和黄槿(Hibiscus tiliaceus)侵染率较高,均高于55%;16种植物根际土壤中均检测到AM真菌孢子,每25 g土壤的平均孢子密度为(25.7±2.7)个。方差分析表明,不同宿主植物根内AM侵染情况差异显著;潮位对AM侵染率和孢子密度均具有显著影响,表现为高潮位显著高于中、低潮位,而中低潮位间无显著差异。线性回归分析表明土壤含水率、电导率和有效磷含量可能是影响东寨港红树林生境中AM侵染率和孢子密度的主要土壤因子。  相似文献   

The research on the respondence and feedback of modern sand deserts to the climate change is an important component part in the studies on the global climate change. Deserts respond to the climate change, meanwhile, they affect the climate with their feedback of peculiar environment during the respondence. Many researches on desert climate have been carried out at home and abroad. However, there is little research on the respondence and feedback of modern fixed, semi-fixed and mobile deserts in arid areas to the climate change, in which the factor analysis as well as the parameter changing effects is especially the difficult problem all along. In this note, the parameters of the respondence and feedback of Gurbantunggut Desert to the climate change are measured and analyzed, some variable parameters of water-heat exchange are obtained, and a numerical model of desertification is developed according to a series of climate change of about 40 years and the variable relations of meteorological and physical features of the sand surface in Gurbantunggut Desert.  相似文献   

Eolian loess is widely distributed on the various geomorphic surfaces between 700–2400 m a.s.l. on the northern slope of the Tian Shan. It is formed in a synchronous manner with dust transported from the Gurbantunggut Desert in the Junggar Basin. The thickest section of loess was found in the Shawan and Shihezi regions. Paleomagnetic and climatic proxy analyses of over 71 m of a loess-paleosol sequence on the highest terrace of the Qingshui He (River) in the Shawan show that the paleomagnetic Bruhues/Matuyama (B/M) boundary lies at the bottom of paleosol S8, at a depth of 69.5 m, and the bottom of the sequence was estimated to be ∼0.8 Ma. This implies that the extremely dry climatic conditions in the Junggar Basin and the initial Gurbantunggut Desert were present at least by 0.8 Ma. High-resolution grain size series demonstrate that this area and desert expansion experienced two dramatic periods of desert expansions that occurred at ∼0.65 Ma and 0.5 Ma, respectively; and the subsequent continuous enhancement led to the environment presently observed. This tremendous environmental effect, caused by large-scale expansion of the desert and arid region of inner Asia, might be an important driving force for the global temperature drop that occurred in the mid-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Ephemeral plants in the southern part of Gurbantunggut Desert were systematically monitored from 2002 to 2004 and the meteorological data and soil moisture during the same period were analyzed. The results show that the ephemeral plants germination and growth are sensitive to the changes of water and heat condition. The time for daily temperature over 0℃ in early spring in 2003 was delayed nearly 10 d compared with that in 2002, while the soil water changed little in the same period. Observation showed that there were 28 ephemeral species germinated in 2002, their life period was about 70 d in spring, and the maximum cover of ephemeral synusia reached 46.4%. However, only 17 ephemeral species germinated in 2003, their life period was about 50 d in spring, and their maximum cover was only 20.8%. The height of ephemeral plants was significantly higher in 2002 than that in 2003. It can be seen that ephemeral plant germination and growth in spring are strongly dependent on temperature. The changes of water conditions can affect ephemerals germination and growth as well. Because no heavy precipitation occurred during summer in 2002, only a few ephemerophytes were observed in autumn after ephemerals completed their life circle in early spring. However, about 60 mm precipitation was recorded from July to August both in 2003 and in 2004. Some ephemerals such as Erodium oxyrrhynchum and Carex physodes, etc. covered the dune surface rapidly with a cover 〉10%. Therefore, the ephemerals not only germinate in autumn after the early spring, some species may germinate in summer if adequate rainfall occurs. The study on responses of ephemerals growth to water and heat conditions not only has a certain ecological significance but also contributes a better understanding to the effect of climate changes on the desert surface stability.  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,用野外采集的植物根际土壤和野生葱属植物根段作为接种体接种三叶草(TrifoliumrepensL.).观察三叶草菌根侵染率,统计其根际土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的孢子密度和种类、并与原始接种土壤比较.结果表明:用不同植物群落的土样作为接种物,三叶草菌根侵染率和根际AMF种类和密度有很大差异,但菌根真菌种类数目较多;用不同种葱属植物根段接种,三叶草菌根的侵染率差别明显,根际土壤孢子的种类数目较少但菌根真菌有很高的相似性.  相似文献   

几种野生花卉丛枝菌根发育状况的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丛枝菌根是自然界中,植物与真菌形成的分布最广泛的一类互惠共生体。作者对山东省的6种重要野生花卉小黄花菜(Hemerocallis minorMill.)、萱草(Hemerocallis fulvaL.)、琥珀千里光(Senecio ambraceusTurcz.)、矮鸢尾(Iris chamaeiris)、甘野菊(Dendranthema lavandulaefolium)、锦鸡儿(Catagana sinicaRehd.)的AM真菌的侵染状况、典型结构的发育状况以及其根际土壤中AM真菌的孢子密度和根际AM真菌的相对多度和频度进行了研究。结果表明,所调查的6种野生花卉都被AM真菌侵染,且可观察到典型结构泡囊,其根际土壤中AM真菌孢子密度也相当丰富。在本次调查中共分离到了5个属的AM真菌,其中无梗囊霉属和球囊霉属真菌是野生花卉根际AM真菌的优势类群。  相似文献   

This study was conducted on the desert riparian forest along the lower reach of the inland Tarim River, which is located in the arid region of Northwest China. Fifteen plant species in 10 families were collected from five monitoring sections, and examined for the infection ofarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The impact of different soil factors on AMF infection rate and intensity was compared using the principal component analysis (PCA) method. The results indicate that 11 species are AM and only 4 are non-AM plants. The estimated capacity of AMF infection depends on families of plants and also the parameters (infection rate, infection intensity, fungal spore density) used. The density of fungal spores was relatively higher in Phragmites communis and Populus euphratica in Graminaceae and Salicaceae families, respectively. The infection rate was above 50% in all the AM plants, except Calligonumjunceum. The highest infection rate appeared in Alhagi sparsifolia (97%) and Glycyrrhizainflata (92%). However, when compared by AMF infection intensity, Tamarix spp. became the top one, followed by Alhagi sparsifolia, and Glycyrrhiza inflata was in the middle range of all the species. The PCA has identified that soil total salt, moisture, organic matter, total nitrogen, total P, available K and pH were closely associated with the AMF infection.  相似文献   

为了从种子层面了解种子大小对物种生存繁衍具有的适应意义,在古尔班通古特沙漠70个固定样地中采集了87种植物种子,通过测量种子大小,结合野外调查数据,分析了不同种子大小物种的丰富度与多度的空间格局。结果发现:1)古尔班通古特沙漠植物种子大小可分为:A(0.1mg%SM%1rag)、B(1mg%SM%10rag)、C(10mg〈SM%100mg)、D(100mg〈SM〈1000mg)、E(1000mg〈SM〈5000mg)5种类型;2)C型、D型、E型种子物种丰富度与总物种丰富度变化格局相同,随经度、海拔和年均降水的增加物种数目极显著增加,但随纬度增加物种数目极显著降低;3)C型、D型2类种子物种多度与总物种多度的变化格局相同,随经度、海拔和年均降水的增加物种多度极显著增加,但随纬度增加物种多度极显著降低,E型种子植物则相反。本研究证明不同种子大小对物种分布会产生不同的影响,其中大种子物种随降雨的增加优势度将降低,所以在未来的沙漠植物保护中要加大对梭梭、白梭梭、沙拐枣等大种子植物的保护力度。  相似文献   

采用盆栽受控试验法,研究NaCl胁迫条件下丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)对尖瓣海莲(Bruguiera sexangula var.rhynchopetala)幼苗生物量变化的影响.研究结果表明:随着盐浓度的增加,AMF能增加尖瓣海莲幼苗植株的叶面积和平均生物量、提高株高增长率和直径增长率;在高盐环境下,AMF能有效缓解盐害对尖瓣海莲造成的不利影响.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal status of the four most common ephemeral plant species, Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC., Ceratocephalus testiculatus (Crantz) Bess., Eremopyrum orientale (L.) Jaub et. Spash and Veronica campyIopoda Boiss growing in an area dominated by Tamarisk shrubs (Tamarix spp.) was investigated. Samples of the four ephemerals and their rhizosphere soils were collected from underneath and beyond the canopies of the Tamarisk shrubs. Plant mycorrhizal status and soil AM fungal spore densities and community structures were analyzed and compared under and beyond the shrub canopies. The mycorrhizal colonization rates of the ephemerals and spore densities in their corresponding rhizosphere soils were significantly lower under the shrub canopies than beyond. The number of AM fungal species under the shrubs (12) was also lower than beyond the canopies (19). When soil properties in the rhizospheres of the four ephemerals were examined, available N and P and total P, organic matter content, total salt content and electrical conductivity (EC) were all higher under the canopies than beyond. In contrast, soil available K and pH showed no such trend. A total of 21 AM fungal species were isolated from rhizosphere soils of the four ephemerals. Five belonged to Acaulospora, one to Archaeospora, thirteen to Glomus and two to Paraglomus. We conclude that the canopies of Tamarix spp. exerted some influence on the AM status of the ephemerals and on the AM fungal communities and some of the properties of their rhizosphere soils.  相似文献   

 丛枝菌根技术是目前矿区生态修复的重要手段之一。通过向紫穗槐接种丛枝菌根(AM),研究接种后2~14 个月间菌根对紫穗槐生长和土壤改良的影响。结果表明,与不接种相比,接种AM 极显著提高植物成活率7.2%~9.7%,株高极显著增加34%~62%、冠幅极显著增加39%~65%;极显著提高菌根侵染率16%~21%,极显著提高菌丝密度50%~70%;菌根侵染率、菌丝密度与土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮含量显著或极显著正相关;接种AM 能够显著降低土壤pH 值,提高土壤有机碳、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、碱解氮含量;球囊霉素相关土壤蛋白是土壤有机质的重要组成部分,可以灵敏反映土壤质量的变化。接种AM能够促进采煤沉陷区紫穗槐的生长发育和土壤改良。  相似文献   

为考察非根际土壤中丛枝菌根网(后简称菌根网)和碳酸钙互作对香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)幼苗氮磷养分的影响,模拟构建了植物根际和非根际隔室装置,采用尼龙网隔离实现根际与非根际隔室菌根网互联,在根际隔室中种植香樟幼苗并接种丛枝菌根真菌,在非根际隔室施加或未施加外源碳酸钙,培养期结束后测定植物生物量和氮、磷含量。结果显示:菌根网对香樟幼苗植株生物量,氮、磷摄取量及氮磷比有明显影响;施加碳酸钙明对幼苗植株氮含量、氮摄取量及氮磷比有明显的影响;在施加碳酸钙后菌根网明显提升了幼苗植株生物量,氮含量及氮、磷摄取量,叶片氮、磷摄取量和根的氮磷比;在菌根网存在时施加碳酸钙可明显提高植株氮含量、根和叶的氮摄取量以及根的氮磷比;菌根网与碳酸钙的交互作用明显影响了幼苗植株氮含量,氮、磷摄取量和氮磷比,但对幼苗植株生物量无明显影响。研究结果提示非根际喀斯特土壤中互联菌根网和碳酸钙相互作用能够促进植物对氮磷养分的吸收利用。  相似文献   

Holocene climatic change in Hunshandake Desert   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Research on the geological data of Hunshandake Desert in China monsoon region revealed that Holocene summer monsoon had experienced six prevailing periods and seven weakening periods. The climatic humidity and the vegetation had also undergone the similar periodical variation influenced by the monsoon periodicity. The period when summer monsoon prevailed or winter monsoon weakened and climatic humidity and vegetation coverage relatively increased, corresponded to the global warming events;whereas the period when summer monsoon weakened or winter monsoon prevailed and climatic humidity and vegetation coverage relatively decreased, corresponded to the arid events in middle to low latitudes and the cold events in North Atlantic. As for the changing regularity of summer monsoon intensity there were two distinct periodicities of 1456 years and 494 years, also these two periodicities had global significance.  相似文献   

Zhao Jinli  He Xueli 《自然科学进展》2007,17(11):1296-1302
Clonal plants in Mu Us sandland change the sandy enviroment. The clonal plant is a kind of resource in restoration of the Mu Us sandy landscape. Soil samples at depth of 50 cm in the rhizosphere of the clonal plants were collected in 4 replicates at each location and divided into sections corresponding to 0—10, 10—20, 20—30, 30—40 and 40—50 cm depths in two representative sites from north to south in Mu Us sandland, northwestern China, in July 2005. Clonal plants included Psammochloa villosa and Hedysarum leave. The colonization and ecological distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were investigated in the rhizosphere of clonal plants in Mu Us sandland. The results showed that the clonal plants established well symbiosis with AM fungi; AM fungal species and spatial distribution were significantly related with the host plants and soil factors. Of 16 AM fungal taxa in three genera isolated and identified, Glomus multicaule was only observed in the rhizosphere of Psammochloa villosa; Glomus aggregatum, Glomus hydembadensis, Glomus constrictum and Acaulospora rehmii only appeared in the rhizosphere of Hedysarum leave. The depth of soil layers observably affected the spore density and the frequency of colonization (%F). The maximal %F and spore density occurred in the 10—20 cm layer at the site of Ordos Sandy Land Ecological Station, but which occurred in the 0—10 cm layer in Shanxi Yulin Rare Sandy-plants Conversation Field. AM fungal status and colonization might be used to monitor desertification and soil degradation.  相似文献   

Clonal plants in Mu Us sandland change the sandy enviroment. The clonal plant is a kind of resource in restoration of the Mu Us sandy landscape. Soil samples at depth of 50 cm in the rhizosphere of the clonal plants were collected in 4 replicates at each location and divided into sections corresponding to 0—10, 10—20, 20—30, 30—40 and 40—50 cm depths in two representative sites from north to south in Mu Us sandland, northwestern China, in July 2005. Clonal plants included Psammochloa villosa and Hedysarum laeve. The colonization and ecological distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi were investigated in the rhizosphere of clonal plants in Mu Us sandland. The results showed that the clonal plants established well symbiosis with AM fungi; AM fungal species and spatial distribution were significantly related with the host plants and soil factors. Of 16 AM fungal taxa in three genera isolated and identified, Glomus multicaule was only observed in the rhizosphere of Psammochloa villosa; Glomus aggregatum, Glomus hydembadensis, Glomus constrictum and Acaulospora rehmii only appeared in the rhizosphere of Hedysarum leave. The depth of soil layers observably affected the spore density and the frequency of colonization (%F). The maximal %F and spore density occurred in the 10—20 cm layer at the site of Ordos Sandy Land Ecological Station, but which occurred in the 0—10 cm layer in Shanxi Yulin Rare Sandy-plants Conversation Field. AM fungal status and colonization might be used to monitor desertification and soil degradation.  相似文献   

The Tarim Desert Highway is the longest highway crossing the mobile desert in the world. The highway and its sand protection system were established in 1995. This great project must have significant effect on the aeolian environment in its neighborhoods. In 2004, we investigated the topographic changes of ground surface within the sand protection system and its external adjacent area in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert. The results showed that (i) the original topographic patterns of ground surface were greatly changed, and erosion as well as deposition was distributed clearly on the ground surface, affected by the road and its sand protection system; (ii) sediment deposited in the sand protection system gradually heightened the ground surface, but each part in the system changed differently: in the sand-blocking belt, a transverse sand ridge was formed in the same direction as the upright sand barrier; in the sand-binding belt, sediment was aggraded on the original surface in a certain thickness; at the initial stages since the establishment of the sand protection system, erosion had taken place in the un-stabilized area named by the deposition belt between the sand-blocking belt and the sand-binding belt, the inner of sand-binding belt, the windward slope of dunes in the sand-binding belt, and the neighboring leeward area of the sand protection system.  相似文献   

The formation mechanisms of the mega-dunes and lakes in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert,China,is the focus of extensive academic research in the field of geoscience,and an often debated topic is whether atmospheric precipitation on the mega-dune can infiltrate to recharge groundwater.In the present study,the probability distribution functions and the return period analysis of extreme daily precipitation based on long-term precipitation records for the southern margin of Badain Jaran Desert and 2-year observation of hinterland precipitation were used to classify precipitation in the desert region.The data of automatic weather station and eddy covariance system in the desert hinterland were used to analyze evaporation on the mega-dune surface after various rain events.The results showed that the rain events in the desert could be divided into three categories.The first is conventional precipitation(CP),which is below 5 mm,accounting for roughly 90%of all rain events in the desert.The second and third categories are ordinary annual maximum(OAM)and extreme precipitation(EP),in which precipitation is roughly 20 mm and more than 40 mm,respectively.The atmospheric precipitation of CP and OAM evaporated from the megadune surface in 1–3 days and 3–4 weeks,respectively.Following an EP event,the mega-dune evaporation was negatively influenced by the upper dry sand layer,and a lengthy period was required for its complete removal.The accumulative evaporation and accumulative precipitation of all three types of rain events indicated that local atmospheric precipitation had no significant contribution to recharging the groundwater system in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert.This research will benefit comprehensive elucidation of the formation mechanism of lakes in the hinterland of Badain Jaran Desert.  相似文献   

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