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Zusammenfassung In Parenchymzellen der Epithelkörperchen von Affen (Macaca cyclopis) und Wachteln (Coturnix coturnix japonica) lassen sich zwei Typen von Proteingranula histochemisch unterscheiden. Die cytophysiologische Wertung dieser Granula wurde diskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit corneal cells were cultivated for 21 days and then exposed to Na2 35SO4, a precursor of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG). All 3 cell types of the cornea, the fibroblasts, the epithelial as well as the endothelial cells, synthesize GAG. The fractionation-patterns of the epithelial and endothelial GAG are almost identical and differ clearly from the one of fibrolastic GAG.Supported by SNSF, grant No. 3.534.71.  相似文献   

Rabbit corneal cells were cultivated for 21 days and then exposed to Na235SO4, a precursor of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG). All 3 cell types of the cornea, the fibroblasts, the epithelial as well as the endothelial cells, synthesize GAG. The fractionation-patterns of the epithelial and endotherlial GAG are almost identical and differ clearly from the one of fibroblastic GAG.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In langfristiger Kultur wurde mit peroxidasekonjugiertem Antikörper (monospezifisch gegen H- und L-Kette) die submikroskopische Lokalisation der Immunoglobulin H- und L-Kette in den menschlichen Lymphoblastoidzellen an das endoplasmatische Retikulum gebundene beziehungsweise freie Polysoma gefunden.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Konvulsive Dosen von Strychnin (0,25–0,8 mg/kg) erhöhten die Inipulsaktivität von Einzelfasern im N. opticus der Katze; die Hemmungsphasen in den on- und off-Antworten blieben jedoch bei 68 von 69 untersuchten Fasereinheiten erhalten. Die Ergebnisse beweisen die Existenz einer strychninresistenten Hemmung in der Retina.  相似文献   

Occurrence of 5-hydroxytryptamine in chick retina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was found in chick retina. 5-HT level in chick retina was increased by the administration of pargyline and decreased by reserpine, but remained unchanged with tryptophan.  相似文献   

Primary cilia are a class of cilia that are typically solitary, immotile appendages present on nearly every mammalian cell type. Primary cilia are believed to perform specialized sensory and signaling functions that are important for normal development and cellular homeostasis. Indeed, primary cilia dysfunction is now linked to numerous human diseases and genetic disorders. Collectively, primary cilia disorders are termed as ciliopathies and present with a wide range of clinical features, including cystic kidney disease, retinal degeneration, obesity, polydactyly, anosmia, intellectual disability, and brain malformations. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the functions of primary cilia on some cell types, the precise functions of most primary cilia remain unknown. This is particularly true for primary cilia on neurons throughout the mammalian brain. This review will introduce primary cilia and ciliary signaling pathways with a focus on neuronal cilia and their putative functions and roles in human diseases.  相似文献   

Mechanism of neurogenesis in adult avian brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Adult neurogenesis in birds offers unique opportunities to study basic questions addressing the birth, migration and differentiation of neurons. Neurons in adult canaries originate from discrete proliferative regions on the walls of the lateral ventricles. They migrate away from their site of birth, initially at high rates, along the processes of radial cells. The rates of dispersal diminish as the young neurons invade regions devoid of radial fibers, probably under the guidance of other cues. The discrete sites of birth in the ventricular zone generate neurons that end up differentiating throughout the telencephelon. New neurons may become interneurons or projection neurons; the latter connect two song control nuclei between neostriatum and archistriatum. Radial cells, that in mammals disappear as neurogenesis comes to an end, persist in the adult avian brain. The presence of radial cells may be key to adult neurogenesis. Not only do they serve as guides for initial dispersal, they also divide and may be the progenitors of new neurons.  相似文献   

Mechanism of neurogenesis in adult avian brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adult neurogenesis in birds offers unique opportunities to study basic questions addressing the birth, migration and differentiation of neurons. Neurons in adult canaries originate from discrete proliferative regions on the walls of the lateral ventricles. They migrate away from their site of birth, initially at high rates, along the processes of radical cells. The rates of dispersal diminish as the young neurons invade regions devoid of radial fibers, probably under the guidance of other cues. The discrete sites of birth in the ventricular zone generate neurons that end up differentiating throughout the telencephalon. New neurons may become interneurons or projection neurons; the latter connect two song control nuclei between neostriatum and archistriatum. Radial cells, that in mammals disappear as neurogenesis comes to an end, persist in the adult avian brain. The presence of radial cells may be key to adult neurogenesis. Not only do they serve as guides for initial dispersal, they also divide and may be the progenitors of new neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of i.m. administered cadmium on growth rate and nephromorphology were studied in young pullets. The growth rate of pullets treated with 0.6 mg Cd2+/kg at 48-h intervals was severely retarded, reaching only 50% of normal growth by 21 days. Such a decrease in growth rate was prevented when cadmium was given with either ferric or magnesium EDTA chelate. Electron micrographs of kidney tissue from cadmium intoxicated birds revealed massive intracellular disorganisation of proximal tubular cells, showing increased vacuolation and dilated endoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria were few and swollen with reduced cristae. Some disorganisation was noted in the group treated with MgEDTA in conjunction with cadmium, with normal morphology observed in the group treated with FeEDTA plus cadmium. In general, glomerular morphology of intoxicated pullets appeared normal, except that a 25% increase in thickness of the glomerular basement membrane was evident. No such membrane thickening was observed in any of the chelate treated groups. These findings indicate that both chelates can provide certain levels of protection, in terms of growth rate and morphology, from cadmium intoxication. The possible mechanisms by which chelates offer protection have been discussed, but many questions remain unanswered.  相似文献   

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