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不同浓度赤霉素溶液对棉花幼苗发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤霉素作为一种高效能的植物生长调节物质对棉纤维的分化和发育有着非常重要的影响。实验用不同浓度的赤霉素(GA3)溶液处理棉花幼苗,以期通过对其生根情况及茎叶发育情况的观察研究,寻找到最有利于棉花幼苗发育的最适GA3浓度。结果表明:不同浓度的GA3溶液对棉花幼苗主根、侧根及茎叶的发育均有显著影响。其中,0.2 mg/L的GA3溶液为棉花幼苗发育的最适浓度,该浓度可同时较明显地促进棉花幼苗主根、侧根及茎叶的发育。  相似文献   

在植物生长发育过程中,DELLA蛋白作为响应赤霉素(GA)信号通路负调控因子,其家族成员在植物雄蕊组织中均有表达,对植物生长发育起着重要作用.通过近几年研究发现,无论是拟南芥还是水稻,DELLA基因的突变都会导致植株的雄性不育.该文综述了DELLA蛋白基本特征、参与赤霉素信号通路的调控,以及在雄蕊发育中的作用,为今后的研究提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

利用60Coγ射线辐照籼稻93-11,获得一个性状稳定的矮化突变体材料Tm049,对其表型、节间细胞结构及生理特性方面进行了分析。研究结果表明,Tm049植株矮化、叶色略深且短而宽、分蘖少、穗型直立状、籽粒小而圆、属于dn型矮杆;第一节间和第二节间细胞体积和数目发生变化;第二叶鞘对外源赤霉素(GA3)敏感性降低;内源GA3水平略高于野生型.推测该突变体可能与GA的信号途径缺失有关.研究结果为今后该基因的定位克隆、功能分析及分子标记辅助培育理想株型的新品种奠定了研究基础.  相似文献   

水稻恶苗病菌发酵赤霉素的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以水稻恶苗病菌(Gibberella fujikuroi)“8763”作为出发菌株,经菌种分离纯化及发酵培养基的优化后发酵 9d,赤霉素的效价达到 2.190g/L,比原出发菌株提高了4.3%,获得了赤霉素的结晶。还研究了影响赤霉素发酵的多种因素,包括发酵培养基中主要原料的最佳用量,初始pH;通气量,以及添加氨基酸对产品效价的影响,对赤霉素发酵全过程的生化曲线分析表明;赤霉素合成过程中.经历了两次大量合成阶段,碳源是决定赤霉素效价高低的主要因素。  相似文献   

赤霉素对西农早蜜桃果实发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨了用赤霉素(GA3)处理西农早蜜对果实发育的影响。试验结果表明:在盛花后30d用50ppm、100ppm、150ppm GA3液处理桃幼果,可使果实膨大并增加果重,显著地提高其果实的糖酸比及硬度,但对果实维生素C含量和着色率无明显影响。  相似文献   

转基因水稻纯系对褐飞虱的抗性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用基因枪法将含潮霉素抗性基因、GUS报告基因和雪花莲凝集基因的2个质粒pWRG1515和pRSSGA1共同转化粳稻品种鄂宜105的成熟胚诱导的愈伤组织,从轰击的152块愈伤组织中共再生出26株独立转基因植株,PCR/Southern印迹法分析发现,73%的转基因植株含有所有3个外源基因,遗传分析证实外泊基因在转基因植株后代中以孟德尔方式遗传,从其R1代亲本为孟德尔3:1方式遗传的R2代中,鉴定出  相似文献   

转基因小鼠乳腺表达人乳过氧化物酶的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从人基因组PAC文库中筛选出人乳过氧化物酶(hLPO)基因,利用长片段PCR的方法获得hLPO基因5’端约3kb片段,通过酶切方法获得hLPO基因3’端约27kb片段,将这两部分拼接并克隆到乳腺特异性表达载体pBC1上,构建以山羊β-casein启动区指导的hLPO的转基因表达载体pBC1-hLPO。利用显微注射的方法获得28只FO代小鼠,经PCR检测和Southerm杂交分析证实,有5只小鼠(4♂,1♀)为整合hLPO基因的转基因阳性小鼠,整合率为17.86%,整合拷贝数在1至5之间。利用SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳和Western blot印迹分析FO、F1代共3只雌性转基因小鼠乳样,结果表明hLPO重组蛋白的特异条带不明显。  相似文献   

不同浓度GA3对萝卜和玉米种子发芽率及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究微生物代谢产物赤霉素GA3对萝卜和玉米种子发芽率及幼苗生长的影响,采用不同浓度的GA3对萝卜、玉米种子及幼苗进行处理,研究结果表明:GA3浓度为10~40mg/L时对萝卜的发芽率和幼苗生长有促进作用,其中20mg/L时发芽率最大,为84%;10mg/L时对幼苗生长促进效果最好.5~40mg/L时对玉米幼苗高度有促进作用,其中30mg/L时对玉米幼苗高度的促进作用最大,5~10mg/L时对玉米幼苗地上部分干鲜重促进作用最大,20mg/L时对玉米幼苗根部干鲜重促进作用最大.结论:适当浓度的GA3对提高萝卜种子发芽率有促进作用;10~40mg/L的GA3处理后的萝卜和玉米幼苗均表现为促进生长.  相似文献   

赤霉素诱导麻疯树雌雄花分化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究外源喷施赤霉素(GA3)对麻疯树花芽分化的影响,寻求赤霉素诱导雌花分化的适宜浓度,提高雌花比例,以3个麻疯树无性系为材料,用不同浓度的赤霉素喷施麻疯树花序芽,调查与花枝生长、花芽分化以及果实特性相关的14个性状,并进行数据分析。结果表明:赤霉素处理后,花序中花枝并未增多,雌雄花数量以及雌雄花比例均高于对照,且40 mg/L的赤霉素处理效果最佳,可显著促进雌花发育; 单花序果实数量增加,单果均质量、出籽率、百粒质量和种子含油量均显著低于对照; 在试验范围内,随着赤霉素浓度的提高,麻疯树花枝逐渐枯萎,1 200 mg/L赤霉素处理后的花枝全部枯萎,无果实采收。赤霉素的处理效果比较稳定,40 mg/L赤霉素可显著促进雌花发育。  相似文献   

Overexpression of the yeast HAL2 gene increases salt tolerance of yeast and plant. Rice HAL2-like (RHL) gene was introduced into a japonica rice cultivar HJ19 with Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Transgenic plants in R0 generation were selected on the principle of GUS-positive, RHL gene PCR-positive and normal growth. Hygromycin-resistant plants of some transgenic lines in R1 generation increased salt tolerance during the seedling and booting stage, being less damaged in the cytomembrane and stronger in leaf tissue viability under salt stress during booting period. Southern analysis of transgenic lines tolerant to salt in R1 generation showed that the RHL gene expression cassette had been successfully integrated into rice genome. Moreover, gene engineering breeding methodology and really salt-tolerant rice cultivar were discussed.  相似文献   

2—3 anti-fungal disease genes are coinserted with hygromycin phosphotransferase in the same vector. Two insecticidal genes and PPT acetyl transferase genes are placed in another one. The vectors are co-delivered to rice embryonic cellus tissue at a molar ratio of 1︰1 using the particle gun method. 55 independent regenerated lines have been obtained through screening for hygromycin resistance. Of these, 70% transgenic plants harbor 6—7 foreign genes. The genes on the same vectors are always co-delivered to rice plant. Northern blot analysis has indicated that the multiple foreign genes give stable expression. In the 6 transgenic plants carrying 6—7 foreign genes, multiple foreign genes tend to integrate in 1 or 2 genetic loci. Progeny segregation is consistent with Mendel’s 3︰1 segregation law. 8 homozygous R1 transgenic plants harboring 2—3 anti-fungal and 2 insecticidal genes are selected from large number of transgenic progeny screening for hygromycin and Basta resistance.  相似文献   

水稻生产氮肥需要量与利用率试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过中稻氮肥效应试验,结果表明:在所设处理中,随施氮量的增加,水稻产量增加,并获得了氮肥效应函数方程Y=-0.65 X2+24.88 X+443.1.通过对植株吸氮量和氮肥利用率的比较,表明当地施氮水平(每667m2施纯氮10kg)的氮肥利用率较高,净产值和产投比较大,能增加稻谷产量和产值,适合当地当前中稻生产实际.  相似文献   

The promoter fragments of wheatGstA1 and potatoGst1 have been amplified by PCR, cloned and fused respectively to the minimal promoter sequence of rice actin gene (Act1)) and its 5′ untranslated leader sequence together withGUS. The constructs with 2 chimeric promoters (WGA and PGA) have been transferred into rice in order to analyze their inducibility patterns in transgenic rice plants. The results show that: WGA and PGA are both inducible by elicitors ofPyricularia oryzae in transgenic rice cells; the intron I of riceAct1 gene is important for the heterogenic expression of monocot and dicot promoter elements in rice; and theAct1 minimal promoter and its 5′ untranslated leader sequence produced low level background expression in rice.  相似文献   

To produce selectable marker-free (SMF) transgenic rice resistant to chewing insects, the Bacillus thuringiensis cryIA(c) gene (Bt) was introduced into two elite japonica rice varieties by using two Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation systems. One system is with a single mini-twin T-DNA binary vector in one Agrobacterium strain, which consists of two separate T-DNA regions, one carrying the Bt while the other contains the selectable marker gene, hygromycin resistant gene (HPT). The other system uses two separate binary vectors in two separate Agrobacterium cultures, containing the Bt or HPT gene on individual plasmids. A lot of independent transgenic rice lines harboring both Bt and selectable marker genes were obtained. The results showed that the co-transformation frequency of the Bt gene and HPT gene was much higher by using the mini-twin T-DNA vector system (29.87%) than that by the two separate binary vector systems (4.52%). However, the frequency of the SMF transgenic rice plants obtained from the offspring of co-transgenic plants (21.74%) was lower for the mini-twin T-DNA vector system than that for the latter (50-60%). The data of ELISA implied that the expressed Bt proteins were quantitated as 0.025-0.103% of total leaf soluble proteins in the transgenic plant. Therefore, several elite transgenic rice lines, free of the selectable marker gene, were chosen. The results from both in vitro and in vivo insect bioassays indicated that the SMF transgenic rice was shown to be highly resistant to the striped stem borer and rice leaf folder. Moreover, in a natural field condition without any insecticide applied, all the transgenic rice plants were found to be not injured by the rice leaf folder, whereas the wild types were impaired seriously.  相似文献   

通过徒手切片观察了红色水稻色素着生位置,并用等离子体质谱仪、原子吸收光谱仪测定了四种微量元素(Fe、Zn、Se、Ge)的含量,比较红宝石、杂交红米和普通白米中微量元素含量,以确定其营养差异.实验结果如下:①其色素主要存在种皮和果皮中;②微量元素铁(Fe)、锗(Ge)主要存在糙米的种皮和果皮中;③红宝石糙米中各微量元素含量和四种微量元素总含量均高于普通白米,说明红宝石营养成分含量高,并且由其遗传特性所决定.微量元素锗(Ge)、硒(Se)含量在杂交红米中与亲本常规红米中的含量持平,说明通过杂交方法来提高保健稻  相似文献   

In order to investigate rice functional centromeres, OsCENH3-GFP chimeric gene was constructed and transformed into the indica rice variety, Zhongxian 3037, mediated by Agrobacturium. The integration of the exogenous genes in the transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting. The transgenic plants grow normally during their whole life time, just like Zhongxian 3037. No significant defects were detected in either mitosis or meiosis of the transgenic plants. The overlapping of GFP signals and anti-CENH3 foci in both mitotic and meiotic cells from T0 and T1 generation plants indicated that GFP had been successfully fused with CENH3, so the GFP signals can well represent the CENH3 locations on each chromosome. To evaluate the applicability of the transgenic plants to other genetic studies, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using rice centromeric tandem repetitive sequence CentO as the probe was conducted on the zygotene chromosomes of pollen mother cells (PMCs). It has been revealed that the GFP signals are overlapping with CentO FISH signals, showing that CentO is one of the key elements constituting rice functional centromeres. Immunofluorescent staining using anti-α-tublin antibody and anti-PAIR2 antibody on the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis stages of the transgenic plants further reveals that OsCENH3-GFP transgenic plants can be widely used for studying rice molecular biology, especially for tagging functional centromeres in both living cells and tissues.  相似文献   

In order to investigate rice functional centromeres, OsCENH3-GFP chimeric gene was constructed and transformed into the indica rice variety, Zhongxian 3037, mediated by Agrobacturium. The integration of the exogenous genes in the transgenic plants was confirmed by PCR and Southern blotting. The transgenic plants grow normally during their whole life time, just like Zhongxian 3037. No significant defects were detected in either mitosis or meiosis of the transgenic plants. The overlapping of GFP signals and anti-CENH3 foci in both mitotic and meiotic cells from T0 and T1 generation plants indicated that GFP had been successfully fused with CENH3, so the GFP signals can well represent the CENH3 locations on each chromosome. To evaluate the applicability of the transgenic plants to other genetic studies, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using rice centromeric tandem repetitive sequence CentO as the probe was conducted on the zygotene chromosomes of pollen mother cells (PMCs). It has been revealed that the GFP signals are overlapping with CentO FISH signals, showing that CentO is one of the key elements constituting rice functional centromeres. Immunofluorescent staining using anti-o-tublin antibody and anti-PAIR2 antibody on the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis stages of the transgenic plants further reveals that OsCENH3-GFP transgenic plants can be widely used for studying rice molecular biology, especially for tagging functional centromeres in both living cells and tissues.  相似文献   

为缩短金福菇母种的生长周期,研究了5种不同质量浓度的外源激素对金福菇营养生长阶段菌丝生长的影响,通过测定菌丝的日平均生长速度筛选出5种不同激素单独使用时的适宜质量浓度.实验结果表明,5种激素的适宜质量浓度分别为吲哚乙酸(IAA)1.0mg/L,2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)1.5mg/L,6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)1.5mg/L,赤霉素(GA)1.0mg/L,三十烷醇1.5mg/L.其中,GA对金福菇菌丝生长具有更大的促进作用,其适宜的质量浓度为1.0mg/L,长速提高15.77%.  相似文献   

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