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This paper introduces discrete Euler processes and shows their application in detecting and forecasting cycles in non‐stationary data where periodic behavior changes approximately linearly in time. A discrete Euler process becomes a classical stationary process if ‘time’ is transformed properly. By moving from one time domain to another, one may deform certain time‐varying data to non‐time‐varying data. With these non‐time‐varying data on the deformed timescale, one may use traditional tools to do parameter estimation and forecasts. The obtained results then can be transformed back to the original timescale. For datasets with an underlying discrete Euler process, the sample M‐spectrum and the spectra estimator of a Euler model (i.e., EAR spectral) are used to detect cycles of a Euler process. Beam response and whale data are used to demonstrate the usefulness of a Euler model. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Euler’s ‘On the force of percussion and its true measure’, published in 1746, shows that not only had the issue of vis viva not been settled, but that the concepts of inertia and even force were still very much up for grabs. This paper details Euler’s treatment of the vis viva problem. Within those details we find differences between his physics and that of Newton, in particular the rejection of empty space and reduction of all forces to the operation of inertia through contact. One can further see how Euler’s philosophy of science embraced explanation through mechanisms and equilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zur Erhärtung der oft formulierten Vermutung, dass hochbegabte Kinder meistens von älteren Eltern abstammen, wurde eine Serie von Untersuchungen durchgeführt an verschieden zusammengestellten Listen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten. Dabei stellte sich als wertvoll heraus, neben dem Alter des Vaters auch die Alter der beiden Grossväter heranzuziehen und die Summe dieser 3 Alter, die «väterliche Dreierzahl» zu benutzen. Im Resultat ergibt sich, dass die Alter der Väter unter 30 nur in weniger als 20% aller Fälle und zugleich «Dreierzahlen» unter 90 in weniger als 5% aller Fälle vorkommen. Die Hypothese, dass allgemein der IQ im Durchschnitt monoton mit der «Dreierzahl» wächst, wurde an einer Gruppe von 87 Schülern eines Gymnasiums getestet und durch den «Spearman rank correlation test» als signifikant mit der Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit unter 4% nachgewiesen. Eher unerwartet, scheint das Alter des väterlichen Grossvaters stärkeres Gewicht zu haben als das des leiblichen Vaters.

I should like to express my gratitude to ProfessorEduard Batschelet, Biomathematisches Institut der Universität Zürich, and ProfessorAlexander M. Ostrowski, Mathematisches Institut der Universität Basel, who both helped me in a very kind way with the significance computations and made many useful observations.

Dedicated toAlexander M. Ostrowski on his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The author reviews the background of the soil-cancer relationship. The study then goes into geocarcinogenic diseases in relation to soil composition, looking first at general factors: soil concentrations of selenium, caesiumrubidium-potassium, trace elements; natural radioactivity risks; cancer risks in connection with recycled waste water. In its final part, the study examines geocarcinogenic diseases linked with soil composition covering gastric cancer, cancer of the esophagus, urinary, breast, and bronchial cancer, pleural mesotheliomae and bone cancer.  相似文献   

E G Peeters 《Experientia》1987,43(1):74-81
The author reviews the background of the soil-cancer relationship. The study then goes into geocarcinogenic diseases in relation to soil composition, looking first at general factors: soil concentrations of selenium, caesium-rubidium-potassium, trace elements; natural radioactivity risks; cancer risks in connection with recycled waste water. In its final part, the study examines geocarcinogenic diseases linked with soil composition covering gastric cancer, cancer of the esophagus, urinary, breast, and bronchial cancer, pleural mesotheliomae and bone cancer.  相似文献   

The nineteenth-century American scientist, philosopher and teacher Joseph LeConte (1823–1901) is well-known for his writings on geology and the reconciliation of evolutionary theory and religion, but he has not been properly recognized for his contributions to the physiology and psychology of vision. This study explores and assesses his work in the latter field, showing the nature of his original investigations into human vision and the influence of his book Sight: an exposition of the principles of monocular and binocular vision, which served as the major textbook on the subject in the United States from its publication in 1881 until after the turn of the century. Grounded in neo-Lamarckian evolutionary theory, LeConte's publications on vision had a strong impact upon subsequent studies of the phenomenon of human sight.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Hitze und Histamin vermögen eine Kontraktion der Endothelzellen feiner Venen zu erzeugen. Hitze und Histaminschädigung des Mäusezwerchfells (Endothelfensterung) führt zu Kontraktionen von Endothelzellen und Mesothelialzellen. Venalot, ein Produkt aus Cumarin und Trihydroxyethyl-Rutin, vermag das Oedem zu beseitigen.

This work was partly supported by the Australian Research Grants Commission and by Schaper and Brümmer, Salzgitter-Rigelheim, Western Germany. We are most grateful for the skilful assistance of MissJ. R. Daymond and MessrsK. W. Crocker andH. F. W. Ehman.  相似文献   

西部大开发过程中存在的若干问题及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施西部大开发战略,加快西部发展,逐步缩小各地区之间的发展差距,实现区域经济协调发展,最终达到各地区经济普遍繁荣和全体人民共同富裕,既是社会主义本质特征要求,亦是国民经济持续协调发展的内在需要。近年来,虽然西部大开发已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,但仍然存在着许多问题。本文针对存在的若干问题进行了深入的揭露与研讨,同时提出了若干有益的对策建议。  相似文献   

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