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The basic granulite, which is considered to be the MORE based on geochemistry and isotopic characteristics[1], has been discovered recently as the enclaves in the Yingjiang island-arc magmatic suite on the border of Burma and west Yunnan, east of Myitkyina suture in the eastern Burma. The laser micro-area 40Ar-39Ar technique is used to date the age of garnet and cliopyroxene that is the result of the early metamorphic event. The isochron outcome is -74.4 Ma which is induced to be the age of the suduction event of the Myitkyina oceanic crust on the basis of the Cenozoic lithosphere tectonic evolution, tectonic thermal events and the age of deformation and metamorphism. The discovery of the high-grade or high-pressure metamophic rocks in the island-arc magmatic suite by the way of studying its P-T-t paths can provide a good way to study the age and process of oceanic crust subduction, slab break-off, metamorphic terrain exhumation and the evolution of paleoocean basin.  相似文献   

Ore-forming age is one of the most important data in studying the genesis of mineral deposits. Dating of sedi-ment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposits, which areone of the most important types of gold deposits in theworld, is always a difficult task for ore geologists. Themajor reason is that most of the ores in this type deposit are of various siliceous and are composed of extremely fine-grained minerals, thus it will be very difficult to de-termine their ages by using conventional isotopi…  相似文献   

Ultra-Violet Laser Ablation Microprobe (UVLAMP) extraction technique enables the direct investigation of Ar-Ar age prorde in crystals, and yields more information on rates and durations of geological process than conventional single time snapshots. Phlogopite flakes from lamprophyre at Pishan dyke in western Kunlun were dated by using an UV laser (λ= 213 nm) microprobe with spot analyses. The results show good agreement with those from the conventional ^40Ar/^39Ar step heating experiments. This indicates that the Ar isotopes are distributed homogenously in the phlogopite and the UVLAMP can be a powerful tool in the study of thermal history.  相似文献   

激光熔蚀40Ar/39Ar等时线法是第四纪年轻火山岩样品精细定年的新方法, 该方法处于逐步完善过程中。针对怎样判定获得的年龄结果是否可靠的问题, 通过对数据处理过程中所用参数的分析, 认为样品属性是决定年轻火山岩精细定年结果质量和可靠性的关键因素, 与样品测试数n值相关的加权均方差MSWD(mean square weighted deviation)是判断同一样品各测试点的数据是否符合正态分布, 能否用来客观地评价测试结果, 进而评估样品是否适合进行相关测试, 结果是否可靠的重要指标。其次, 属于同一真实年龄值样品的MSWD在99.7%置信区间的取值范围可通过计算加以确认, 并提出对于表面年龄和等时线年龄数据, 必须定量地考察相应的MSWD值, 判定在具有足够样品测试数(足够大的n值)的情况下, 是否符合概率统计的正态分布, 确定样品是否对应同一年龄真实值。在MSWD值达不到理想值1.0的情况下, 可以利用表面年龄概率密度曲线, 区分测试样品内部包含的非同源或非等时或封闭不好体系的数据, 再结合MSWD与n值关系, 适量地去除部分偏离正态分布的测试数据, 识别出可能归属多个年龄真实值的测试数据组, 并以此计算不同数据组的反等时线年龄, 获得年轻火山岩喷发的准确年龄。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal clay minerals that formed in the main metallogenic stage of the Changkeng disseminated-type gold deposit in central Guangdong were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe. The results give Ar-Ar isochron ages of 109.9 1.4 to 110.1 1.3 Ma, which are 30 to 50 Ma older than the age of silver ore bodies in the deposit. Both gold and silver mineralizations were not related to hidden granite batholith in the mining district, but probably related to evo-lution of sedimentary basins. This study shows that the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe is a sound dating tool applicable to sediment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposit.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to use CO_2 laser step-heating method to date the late Pleistocene basaltic groundmass (DF-2) from Tengchong volcanic field. Among the fourteen heating steps, ten define a good inverse isochron (MSWD = 1.4) with an age of 32.2 ± 7.1 ka (2 σ).The inverse isochron also shows that the initial argon isotopic ratio is 297.1±2.0 (2σ) which is the same as the atmospheric argon at the 2σ error level. Study indicates that it is a useful means to date young volcanic groundmass with low K content by using CO_2 laser step-heating ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar method.  相似文献   

As the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau theAltyn fault is a huge NEE strike-slip fault belt in the inner Asian continent. Its formation and evolution are closelyrelated to the uplift of the whole plateau and the mass es-cape to the east. In recent years the Altyn fault has be-come a hot point of geological study in the Tibetan Pla-teau. The formation age of the Altyn fault was argued for a long time. Some researchers emphasized that the Altyn fault had commenced since early Paleo…  相似文献   

Whole-rock and mineral separate Ar-Ar dating was carried out for the Linzizong volcanic rocks at Linzhou Basin in Tibet to constrain the time span of volcanism and the corresponding stratigraphic sequence. Sampling was based on detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic sequence of Dianzhong, Nianbo, Pana Formations, systematically from the bottom to near the top. The results indicate that the Linzizong volcanic rocks erupted from Paleocene to middle of Eocene (64.43--43.93 Ma). Among them, the Pana Formation formed from ca. 48.73 to 43.9 Ma, the Nianbo Formation around 54 Ma and the Dianzhong Formation from 64.4 to 60.6 Ma. In combination with evidence from the geochemical characteristics of the volcanic rocks, and from stratigraphy in southern Tibet, it is postulated that the age of the lowest member in the Dianzhong Formation of the Linzizong volcanic rock, which overlies unconformably the Late Cretaceous Shexing Formation, likely corresponds to the inception of the collision between Indian and Asian continents in southern Tibet.  相似文献   

A suite of Cenozoic ultra-potassic volcanic rocks and carbonatites are widespread along the Lixian-Dang- chang areas of western Qinling in Gansu Province. There are abundant mantle-derived xenoliths within these ultra-potassic volcanic rocks. Systemmatic …  相似文献   

It is difficult to date pyroclastic rocks,for almost all the dating methods,due to the multiple sources during their formation.40Ar/39Ar incremental heating results on groundmass selected from the samples show that the age spectra are meaningless geologically.However,singe crystal total fusions of CO2 lasing on the sanidine separates could yield rational 40Ar/39Ar results and distinguish their sources in this study.Timing on three formations of the Moshishan Group,after avoiding the exotic and altered grains by lasing on the single sanidine separate,was reported in this paper.The lowermost portion of the Chawan Formation gives an age of 113.7±0.3 Ma;the lower part of the Xishantou Formation was formed 116.4±0.4 Ma ago and the bottom of the Gaowu Formation took its shape at 118.4±0.4 Ma.These new ages are much younger than the previous ones,suggesting that these thick volcanic formations had been formed in very short durations.  相似文献   

We report new 40Ar/39Ar dating results obtained from total fusion and incremental-heating analyses of sanidine and biotite from three tuffs found interbedded within the fossil-bearing deposits of Liaoning, northeast China. The first is a new sample of the Bed 6 Sihetun tuff from the Yixian Formation, previously dated by our team as middle Early Cretaceous, and recently considered by Lo et al., partially reset due to metamorphism from a nearby basaltic sill. The second is the Yixian Bed 9 tuff from Hengdaozi considered by Lo et al. to be unaffected by metamorphism and whose age, based on total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite, argues for a Jurassic age for the Yixian Formation.The third tuff is a previously undated tuff from the upper part of the underlying Tuchengzi Formation. Single crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Sihetun sanidine showed homogeneous radiogenic Ar, Ca/K ratios, excellent reproducibility and gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.18 (1SD) ±0.04 (SE) Ma. Single sanidine crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Aranalyses of the Hengdaozi tuff gave a mean age of 125.0 +0.19 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Sihetun tuff. The Tuchengzi Formation tuff gave a mean age of 139.4 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.05 (SE) Ma. Detailed laser incremental-heating analyses of biotite from Sihetun, Hengdaozi, and Tuchengzi tuffs show disturbed Ar release patterns and evidence of trapped argon components. We conclude from these analyses that the total fusion dates on biotite by Lo et al. are erroneously old and isotopic dating of both biotite and sanidine from tuffs of the Yixian Formation point to a middle Early Cretaceous age. The upper part of the Tuchengzi Formation can be referred to the Early Cretaceous.``  相似文献   

排山楼金矿床40Ar-39Ar年龄及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Ar-Ar同位素测年法对辽宁排山楼金矿床矿化阶段形成的钾长石和似斑状花岗岩中的钾长石进行了测试,获得矿化阶段形成钾长石40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为(116.69±1.15)Ma,等时线年龄为(116.97±1.39)Ma,以及似斑状花岗岩中原生钾长石40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为(126.71±2.03)Ma,等时线年龄为(124.00±4.32)Ma的数据.前者代表了该矿床的形成年龄,即该矿床形成于早白垩世,后者表明金矿化不早于(126.71±2.03)Ma.这一成矿年龄与华北陆块北缘大部分金矿床的成矿年龄一致,表明华北陆块北缘绝大多数金矿床形成于中国东部中生代动力学体制发生转折的时期.  相似文献   

Highly precise 40Ar-39Ar dating results demonstrate that the ages of potash-rich volcanic rocks in western Shandong Province are 114.7–124.3 Ma, and that of the lamprophyres is 119.6 Ma. The potash-rich volcanic rocks have relatively high (87Sr÷86Sr)i ratios (0.708715–0.711418) and distinctly negative εnd values (−11.47–−17.54), and are enriched in radiogenic lead (206Pb÷204Pb=17.341−17.622, 207Pb÷204Pb=15.525−15.538, 208Pb÷204Pb = 37.563−37.684). Similarly, the lamprophyres also have quite low εnd values (−11.57–−19.64). Based on the fact that the Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of potash-rich volcanic rocks are very consistent with that of the clinopyroxene separates, and by integrating comprehensive analyses of their tectonic settings, and extensive comparisons of the Sr, Nd isotopic compositions with that of the related simultaneous rocks, it is concluded that the potash-rich volcanic rocks and lamprophyres in western Shandong Province were most possibly derived from the partial melting of enriched mantle which was caused by source contamination and metasomatism of subducted continental crustal materials.  相似文献   

Using laser 40Ar/39Ar dating method, we have gotten the metamorphic ages of lawsonite blueschist and epidote blueschist from Jiuquan, northern Qilian Mountain, NW China. The high quality laser 40Ar/39Ar dating of glaucophane from lawsonite blueschist gives an isochron age of 413±5 Ma. The isochron age obtained from phengite in epidote blueschist is 415±7 Ma. These data, combining with peak metamorphic P-T conditions and regional geological setting, allow us to infer that the lower limit of the ages of the prograde subduction metamorphism from lawsonite blueschist facies to epidote blueschist facies occurred at ca. 413–415 Ma, which also suggests that the formation of lawsonite blueschist in the northern Qilian Mountain maybe resulted from the corner flow in the cold subduction zone. This study shows that the final closing time of the northern Qilian remnant oceanic basin is about 413–415 Ma, which also represents the convergent age between the North China Craton and the Qaidam block.  相似文献   

The 40Ar-39Ar age method is employed in this work to analyze the aurif erous altered rocks from the middle-deep section of the Q875 gold-quartz vein in the Xiaoqinling area, and the results show that the main gold deposition of the Q875 occurred in ca. 128-126 Ma. As a typical gold-bearing quartz vein in this gold-rich area, the age data obtained from the Q875 also constrain on the metal logenic time of the lode gold deposits developed in the same geological settings . This geochronological study supplies new evidence for further understanding the timing of gold mineralization, the genesis of gold deposits and the geodynamic settings in Xiaoqinling area.  相似文献   

The Louzidian normal fault occurs as the eastern detachment fault of the Kalaqin metamorphic core complex. Field observations and microstructural analyses reveal that the Louzidian-Dachengzi ductile shear zone developed in its lower-plate was genetically related to sinistral strike-slips and extensional faulting. Two samples from this ductile shear zone yield 40Ar-39Ar plateau ages of 133 Ma (Bi) and 126 Ma (Kp), which are concordant with their isochron ages. The plateau age of 133 Ma (Bi) records the formation age of the ductile shear zone. The inconsistent relationship between the earlier strike-slip ductile shear zone and the later normal fault makes the Kalaqin Quasi-metamorphic core complex distinctive from Cordilleran metamorphic core complex. These ages provide important geochronological data for putting constraints on the formation age and genesis of such ductile shear zones.  相似文献   

The samples of Caledonian mylonitized granite and Jurassic meta-sedimentary rocks were collected in the north of Dangjinshan Pass, Qaidam gate fault-valley and Gesi fault-valley. Detailed studies under the microscope and electronic microscope suggest that all the samples contain the syntectonic-growing minerals such as white mica, chlorite, sericite, biotite, etc. By dating these minerals, we got a group of 40Ar/39Ar laser probe isochronal ages of 89—92 Ma and apparent ages of (46.6±6.4) Ma. The ages ranging from 97 to 46 Ma were reported for the first time in the isotopic dating researches of the Altyn Fault. The isochronal age group of (98—89) Ma indicates that a ductile strike-slip event, with low-grade metamorphism, began in late Cretaceous. This suggests that the strike-slip movement of the Altyn Fault should be related to the formation of the so-called west tectonic syntaxis in the Nepal-western Kunlun area.  相似文献   

Two ductile shear zones trending EW and NNE respectively not only controlled the tectonic framework of the northern North China, but also constrained the geodynamic background for gold mineralization in this region. Field observations and microstructural analyses reveal that the EW trending ductile shear zones are mainly contributed to dextral compressional deformation resulting from top-to- the-southeast oblique thrust shearing, whereas the NNE trending ones are genetically related to sinistral strike-slip and extensional faulting. One sample from the former yielded an 40Ar-39Ar plateau age of (219±4) Ma (Bi) and two samples from the latter gave 40Ar-39Ar plateau ages of (116±2) Ma (Bi) and (127±3) Ma (Bi). These ages provide constraints on the top-to-the-southeast oblique thrusting event occurring in Late Triassic and the sinistral extensional and strike-slip faulting event which occurred in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Manganese oxides in association with paleo- weathering may provide significant insights into the multiple factors affecting the formation and evolution of weathering profiles, such as temperature, precipitation, and biodiversity. Laser probe step-heating analysis of supergene hollandite and cryptomelane samples collected from central Queensland, Australia, yield well-defined plateaus andconsistent isochron ages, confirming the feasibility dating very-fined supergene manganese oxides by 40Ar/39Ar technique. Two distinct structural sites hostingAr isotopes can be identified in light of their degassing behaviors obtained byincremental heating analyses. The first site, releasing its gas fraction at thelaser power 0.2-0.4 W, yields primarily 40Aratm, 38Aratm, and 36Aratm (atmospheric Ar isotopes). The second sites yield predominantly 40Ar* (radiogenic 40Ar),39ArK, and 38ArK (nucleogenic components), at ~0.5-1.0 W. There is no significant Ar gas released at the laser power higher than 1.0 W, indicating the breakdown of the tunnel sites hosting the radiogenic and nucleogenic components. The excellent match between the degassing behaviors of 40Ar*, 39ArK, and 38ArK suggests that these isotopes occupy the same crystallographic sites and that 39ArK lossfrom the tunnel site by recoil during neutron irradiation and/or bake-out procedure preceding isotopic analysis does not occur. Present investigation supports that neither the overwhelming atmospheric 40Ar nor the very-fined nature of the supergene manganese oxides poses problems in extracting meaningful weathering geochronological information by analyzing supergene manganese oxides minerals.  相似文献   

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