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A new type of mutation causes a splicing defect in ATM   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Disease-causing splicing mutations described in the literature primarily produce changes in splice sites and, to a lesser extent, variations in exon-regulatory sequences such as the enhancer elements. The gene ATM is mutated in individuals with ataxia-telangiectasia; we have identified the aberrant inclusion of a cryptic exon of 65 bp in one affected individual with a deletion of four nucleotides (GTAA) in intron 20. The deletion is located 12 bp downstream and 53 bp upstream from the 5' and 3' ends of the cryptic exon, respectively. Through analysis of the splicing defect using a hybrid minigene system, we identified a new intron-splicing processing element (ISPE) complementary to U1 snRNA, the RNA component of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). This element mediates accurate intron processing and interacts specifically with U1 snRNP particles. The 4-nt deletion completely abolished this interaction, causing activation of the cryptic exon. On the basis of this analysis, we describe a new type of U1 snRNP binding site in an intron that is essential for accurate intron removal. Deletion of this sequence is directly involved in the splicing processing defect.  相似文献   

In horses, graying with age is an autosomal dominant trait associated with a high incidence of melanoma and vitiligo-like depigmentation. Here we show that the Gray phenotype is caused by a 4.6-kb duplication in intron 6 of STX17 (syntaxin-17) that constitutes a cis-acting regulatory mutation. Both STX17 and the neighboring NR4A3 gene are overexpressed in melanomas from Gray horses. Gray horses carrying a loss-of-function mutation in ASIP (agouti signaling protein) had a higher incidence of melanoma, implying that increased melanocortin-1 receptor signaling promotes melanoma development in Gray horses. The Gray horse provides a notable example of how humans have cherry-picked mutations with favorable phenotypic effects in domestic animals.  相似文献   

Mutations within the rhodopsin gene are known to give rise to autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a common hereditary form of retinal degeneration. We now describe a patient with autosomal recessive RP who is homozygous for a nonsense mutation at codon 249 within exon 4 of the rhodopsin gene. This null mutation, the first gene defect identified in autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa, should result in a functionally inactive rhodopsin protein that is missing the sixth and seventh transmembrane domains including the 11-cis-retinal attachment site. We also found a different null mutation carried heterozygously by an unrelated unaffected individual. Heterozygous carriers of either mutation had normal ophthalmologic examinations but their electroretinograms revealed an abnormality in rod photoreceptor function.  相似文献   

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder of skeletal malformations and progressive extraskeletal ossification. We mapped FOP to chromosome 2q23-24 by linkage analysis and identified an identical heterozygous mutation (617G --> A; R206H) in the glycine-serine (GS) activation domain of ACVR1, a BMP type I receptor, in all affected individuals examined. Protein modeling predicts destabilization of the GS domain, consistent with constitutive activation of ACVR1 as the underlying cause of the ectopic chondrogenesis, osteogenesis and joint fusions seen in FOP.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of the TSC-mTOR pathway in human disease   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) has a central role in the regulation of cell growth. mTOR receives input from multiple signaling pathways, including growth factors and nutrients, to stimulate protein synthesis by phosphorylating key translation regulators such as ribosomal S6 kinase and eukaryote initiation factor 4E binding protein 1. High levels of dysregulated mTOR activity are associated with several hamartoma syndromes, including tuberous sclerosis complex, the PTEN-related hamartoma syndromes and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. These disorders are all caused by mutations in tumor-suppressor genes that negatively regulate mTOR. Here we discuss the emerging evidence for a functional relationship between the mTOR signaling pathway and several genetic diseases, and we present evidence supporting a model in which dysregulation of mTOR may be a common molecular basis, not only for hamartoma syndromes, but also for other cellular hypertrophic disorders.  相似文献   

The callipyge (CLPG) phenotype (from kappa(alpha)lambda(iota), "beautiful," and pi(iota)gamma(epsilon), "buttocks") described in sheep is an inherited muscular hypertrophy that is subject to an unusual parent-of-origin effect referred to as polar overdominance: only heterozygous individuals having inherited the CLPG mutation from their sire exhibit the muscular hypertrophy. The callipyge (clpg) locus was mapped to a chromosome segment of approximately 400 kb (refs. 2-4), which was shown to contain four genes (DLK1, GTL2, PEG11 and MEG8) that are preferentially expressed in skeletal muscle and subject to parental imprinting in this tissue. Here we describe the effect of the CLPG mutation on the expression of these four genes, and demonstrate that callipyge individuals have a unique expression profile that may account for the observed polar overdominance.  相似文献   

Disruption of histone acetylation patterns is a common feature of cancer cells, but very little is known about its genetic basis. We have identified truncating mutations in one of the primary human histone deacetylases, HDAC2, in sporadic carcinomas with microsatellite instability and in tumors arising in individuals with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome. The presence of the HDAC2 frameshift mutation causes a loss of HDAC2 protein expression and enzymatic activity and renders these cells more resistant to the usual antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors. As such drugs may serve as therapeutic agents for cancer, our findings support the use of HDAC2 mutational status in future pharmacogenetic treatment of these individuals.  相似文献   

Using a candidate gene approach, we identified a novel human gene, OTOF, underlying an autosomal recessive, nonsyndromic prelingual deafness, DFNB9. The same nonsense mutation was detected in four unrelated affected families of Lebanese origin. OTOF is the second member of a mammalian gene family related to Caenorhabditis elegans fer-1. It encodes a predicted cytosolic protein (of 1,230 aa) with three C2 domains and a single carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain. The sequence homologies and predicted structure of otoferlin, the protein encoded by OTOF, suggest its involvement in vesicle membrane fusion. In the inner ear, the expression of the orthologous mouse gene, mainly in the sensory hair cells, indicates that such a role could apply to synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of congenital skull malformations provides insight into normal mechanisms of calvarial osteogenesis. Enlarged parietal foramina (PFM) are oval defects of the parietal bones caused by deficient ossification around the parietal notch, which is normally obliterated during the fifth fetal month. PFM are usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with headache, scalp defects and structural or vascular malformations of the brain. Inheritance is frequently autosomal dominant, but no causative mutations have been identified in non-syndromic cases. We describe here heterozygous mutations of the homeobox gene MSX2 (located on 5q34-q35) in three unrelated families with PFM. One is a deletion of approximately 206 kb including the entire gene and the others are intragenic mutations of the DNA-binding homeodomain (RK159-160del and R172H) that predict disruption of critical intramolecular and DNA contacts. Mouse Msx2 protein with either of the homeodomain mutations exhibited more than 85% reduction in binding to an optimal Msx2 DNA-binding site. Our findings contrast with the only described MSX2 homeodomain mutation (P148H), associated with craniosynostosis, that binds with enhanced affinity to the same target. This demonstrates that MSX2 dosage is critical for human skull development and suggests that PFM and craniosynostosis result, respectively, from loss and gain of activity in an MSX2-mediated pathway of calvarial osteogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS, MIM 209900) is a heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder characterized by obesity, pigmentary retinopathy, polydactyly, renal malformations, mental retardation, and hypogenitalism. The disorder is also associated with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and congenital heart disease. Six distinct BBS loci map to 11q13 (BBS1), 16q21 (BBS2), 3p13-p12 (BBS3), 15q22.3-q23 (BBS4), 2q31 (BBS5), and 20p12 (BBS6). Although BBS is rare in the general population (<1/100,000), there is considerable interest in identifying the genes causing BBS because components of the phenotype, such as obesity and diabetes, are common. We and others have demonstrated that BBS6 is caused by mutations in the gene MKKS (refs. 12,13), mutation of which also causes McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (hydrometrocolpos, post-axial polydactyly, and congenital heart defects). MKKS has sequence homology to the alpha subunit of a prokaryotic chaperonin in the thermosome Thermoplasma acidophilum. We recently identified a novel gene that causes BBS2. The BBS2 protein has no significant similarity to other chaperonins or known proteins. Here we report the positional cloning and identification of mutations in BBS patients in a novel gene designated BBS4.  相似文献   

The murine Elo (eye lens obsolescence) mutation confers a dominant phenotype characterized by malformation of the eye lens. The mutation maps to chromosome 1, in close proximity to the gamma E-crystallin gene which is the 3'-most member of the gamma-crystallin gene cluster. We have analysed the sequence of this gene from the Elo mouse and identified a single nucleotide deletion which destroys the fourth and last "Greek key" motif of the protein. This mutation is tightly associated with the phenotype, as no recombination was detected in 274 meioses. In addition, the mutant mRNA is present in the affected lens, providing further support for our hypothesis that the deletion is responsible for the dominant Elo phenotype.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is widely accepted that a dysregulated immune response against brain resident antigens is central to its yet unknown pathogenesis. Although there is evidence that the development of MS has a genetic component, specific genetic factors are largely unknown. Here we investigated the role of a point mutation in the gene (PTPRC) encoding protein-tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type C (also known as CD45) in the heterozygous state in the development of MS. The nucleotide transition in exon 4 of the gene locus interferes with mRNA splicing and results in altered expression of CD45 isoforms on immune cells. In three of four independent case-control studies, we demonstrated an association of the mutation with MS. We found the PTPRC mutation to be linked to and associated with the disease in three MS nuclear families. In one additional family, we found the same variant CD45 phenotype, with an as-yet-unknown origin, among the members affected with MS. Our findings suggest an association of the mutation in PTPRC with the development of MS in some families.  相似文献   

Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (OMIM 243800) is an autosomal recessive disorder that includes congenital exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, multiple malformations such as nasal wing aplasia, and frequent mental retardation. We mapped the disease-associated locus to chromosome 15q14-21.1 and identified mutations, mostly truncating ones, in the gene UBR1 in 12 unrelated families with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome. UBR1 encodes one of at least four functionally overlapping E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway, a conserved proteolytic system whose substrates include proteins with destabilizing N-terminal residues. Pancreas of individuals with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome did not express UBR1 and had intrauterine-onset destructive pancreatitis. In addition, we found that Ubr1(-/-) mice, whose previously reported phenotypes include reduced weight and behavioral abnormalities, had an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, with impaired stimulus-secretion coupling and increased susceptibility to pancreatic injury. Our findings indicate that deficiency of UBR1 perturbs the pancreas' acinar cells and other organs, presumably owing to metabolic stabilization of specific substrates of the N-end rule pathway.  相似文献   

Labrador retrievers are the most common dog breed in the world, with over 200,000 new kennel club registrations per year. The syndrome of exercise-induced collapse (EIC) in this breed is manifested by muscle weakness, incoordination and life-threatening collapse after intense exercise. Using a genome-wide microsatellite marker scan for linkage in pedigrees, we mapped the EIC locus to canine chromosome 9. We then used SNP association and haplotype analysis to fine map the locus, and identified a mutation in the dynamin 1 gene (DNM1) that causes an R256L substitution in a highly conserved region of the protein. This first documented mammalian DNM1 mutation is present at a high frequency in the breed and is a compelling candidate causal mutation for EIC, as the dynamin 1 protein has an essential role in neurotransmission and synaptic vesicle endocytosis.  相似文献   

Many human Y-chromosomal deletions are thought to severely impair reproductive fitness, which precludes their transmission to the next generation and thus ensures their rarity in the population. Here we report a 1.6-Mb deletion that persists over generations and is sufficiently common to be considered a polymorphism. We hypothesized that this deletion might affect spermatogenesis because it removes almost half of the Y chromosome's AZFc region, a gene-rich segment that is critical for sperm production. An association study established that this deletion, called gr/gr, is a significant risk factor for spermatogenic failure. The gr/gr deletion has far lower penetrance with respect to spermatogenic failure than previously characterized Y-chromosomal deletions; it is often transmitted from father to son. By studying the distribution of gr/gr-deleted chromosomes across the branches of the Y chromosome's genealogical tree, we determined that this deletion arose independently at least 14 times in human history. We suggest that the existence of this deletion as a polymorphism reflects a balance between haploid selection, which culls gr/gr-deleted Y chromosomes from the population, and homologous recombination, which continues to generate new gr/gr deletions.  相似文献   

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