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RNAs have been extracted from human placenta. Extracellular regions of M-CSFR, D1-3, D2-3 and D3 motifs have been amplified with RT-PCR. The proteins have been expressed inE.Coli. Enzyme-linked immusorbent assay (EIA) shows that recombinant D1-3 possesses binding ability 3 times that of D2-3.Kd, the dissociation constant of the former is 11 nmol/L, and that of latter is 39 nmol/L. D3 lacks binding ability. These data suggest that D2-3 is the main site for M-CSF binding, D1 is an assistant site and also contributes to the conformation of site for ligand binding.  相似文献   

Structural basis of steroid hormone perception by the receptor kinase BRI1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hothorn M  Belkhadir Y  Dreux M  Dabi T  Noel JP  Wilson IA  Chory J 《Nature》2011,474(7352):467-471
Polyhydroxylated steroids are regulators of body shape and size in higher organisms. In metazoans, intracellular receptors recognize these molecules. Plants, however, perceive steroids at membranes, using the membrane-integral receptor kinase BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1). Here we report the structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana BRI1 ligand-binding domain, determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.5?? resolution. We find a superhelix of 25 twisted leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), an architecture that is strikingly different from the assembly of LRRs in animal Toll-like receptors. A 70-amino-acid island domain between LRRs 21 and 22 folds back into the interior of the superhelix to create a surface pocket for binding the plant hormone brassinolide. Known loss- and gain-of-function mutations map closely to the hormone-binding site. We propose that steroid binding to BRI1 generates a docking platform for a co-receptor that is required for receptor activation. Our findings provide insight into the activation mechanism of this highly expanded family of plant receptors that have essential roles in hormone, developmental and innate immunity signalling.  相似文献   

The reliable three dimensional (3-D) structure of the extracellular ligand-binding domain (V106-P322) of human interleukin-6 receptor (hIL-6R) has been constructed by means of computer-guided homology modeling techniques using the crystal structure of the extracellular ligand-binding region (K52-L251) of human growth hormone receptor (hGHR) as templet. The space location of some key residues which influence the combination ability between the receptor and the ligand has been observed and the effects of point mutagenesis of the four conservative cysteine residues on the space conformation are analyzed. The results show that the space conformation of the side-chain carboxyl of E305 plays a key role in the ligand-binding ability. Furthermore, the space conformation of the side-chain carboxyl of E305 is very important for the electrostatic potential complementarity between hIL-6R and hIL-6 according to the docking method.  相似文献   

C Wiesmann  M H Ultsch  S H Bass  A M de Vos 《Nature》1999,401(6749):184-188
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is involved in a variety of processes involving signalling, such as cell differentiation and survival, growth cessation and apoptosis of neurons. These events are mediated by NGF as a result of binding to its two cell-surface receptors, TrkA and p75. TrkA is a receptor with tyrosine kinase activity that forms a high-affinity binding site for NGF. Of the five domains comprising its extracellular portion, the immunoglobulin-like domain proximal to the membrane (TrkA-d5 domain) is necessary and sufficient for NGF binding. Here we present the crystal structure of human NGF in complex with human TrkA-d5 at 2.2 A resolution. The ligand-receptor interface consists of two patches of similar size. One patch involves the central beta-sheet that forms the core of the homodimeric NGF molecule and the loops at the carboxy-terminal pole of TrkA-d5. The second patch comprises the amino-terminal residues of NGF, which adopt a helical conformation upon complex formation, packing against the 'ABED' sheet of TrkA-d5. The structure is consistent with results from mutagenesis experiments for all neurotrophins, and indicates that the first patch may constitute a conserved binding motif for all family members, whereas the second patch is specific for the interaction between NGF and TrkA.  相似文献   

对适应型住宅的概念、主要特点和建筑设计要点进行了分析阐述,对适应型住宅的设计作了进一步的探索,提出若干建议。  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of the receptor for human antidiuretic hormone.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Antidiuresis, the recovery of water from the lumen of the renal collecting tubule, is regulated by the hypothalamic release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which binds to specific receptors on renal collecting tubule cells, stimulates adenylyl cyclase and promotes the cyclic AMP-mediated incorporation of water pores into the luminal surface of these cells. We report here the isolation of the human ADH receptor gene using a genomic expression cloning approach. The gene was used to clone the complementary DNA from a human renal library. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the receptor yields a hydropathy profile characteristic of receptors with seven putative transmembrane regions. This and the comparison with other cloned receptors indicates that the ADH receptor is a member of the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Semaphorins and their receptor plexins constitute a pleiotropic cell-signalling system that is used in a wide variety of biological processes, and both protein families have been implicated in numerous human diseases. The binding of soluble or membrane-anchored semaphorins to the membrane-distal region of the plexin ectodomain activates plexin's intrinsic GTPase-activating protein (GAP) at the cytoplasmic region, ultimately modulating cellular adhesion behaviour. However, the structural mechanism underlying the receptor activation remains largely unknown. Here we report the crystal structures of the semaphorin 6A (Sema6A) receptor-binding fragment and the plexin A2 (PlxnA2) ligand-binding fragment in both their pre-signalling (that is, before binding) and signalling (after complex formation) states. Before binding, the Sema6A ectodomain was in the expected 'face-to-face' homodimer arrangement, similar to that adopted by Sema3A and Sema4D, whereas PlxnA2 was in an unexpected 'head-on' homodimer arrangement. In contrast, the structure of the Sema6A-PlxnA2 signalling complex revealed a 2:2 heterotetramer in which the two PlxnA2 monomers dissociated from one another and docked onto the top face of the Sema6A homodimer using the same interface as the head-on homodimer, indicating that plexins undergo 'partner exchange'. Cell-based activity measurements using mutant ligands/receptors confirmed that the Sema6A face-to-face dimer arrangement is physiologically relevant and is maintained throughout signalling events. Thus, homodimer-to-heterodimer transitions of cell-surface plexin that result in a specific orientation of its molecular axis relative to the membrane may constitute the structural mechanism by which the ligand-binding 'signal' is transmitted to the cytoplasmic region, inducing GAP domain rearrangements and activation.  相似文献   

Fast evolution of growth hormone receptor in primates and ruminants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pituitary growth hormone (GH) evolves very slowly in most of mammals, but the evolutionary rates appear to have increased markedly on two occasions during the evolution of primates and ruminants. To investigate the evolutionary pattern of growth hormone receptor (GHR), we sequenced the extracellular domain of GHR genes from four primate species. Our results suggested that GHR in mammal also shows an episodic evolutionary pattern, which is consistent with that observed in pituitary growth hormone. Further analysis suggested that this pattern of rapid evolution observed in primates and ruminants is likely the result of coevolution between pituitary growth hormone and its receptor.  相似文献   

Fan QR  Hendrickson WA 《Nature》2005,433(7023):269-277
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is central to reproduction in mammals. It acts through a G-protein-coupled receptor on the surface of target cells to stimulate testicular and ovarian functions. We present here the 2.9-A-resolution structure of a partially deglycosylated complex of human FSH bound to the extracellular hormone-binding domain of its receptor (FSHR(HB)). The hormone is bound in a hand-clasp fashion to an elongated, curved receptor. The buried interface of the complex is large (2,600 A2) and has a high charge density. Our analysis suggests that all glycoprotein hormones bind to their receptors in this mode and that binding specificity is mediated by key interaction sites involving both the common alpha- and hormone-specific beta-subunits. On binding, FSH undergoes a concerted conformational change that affects protruding loops implicated in receptor activation. The FSH-FSHR(HB) complexes form dimers in the crystal and at high concentrations in solution. Such dimers may participate in transmembrane signal transduction.  相似文献   

扈进冬  Shao  Honglian  Zhang  Yubao  Fu  Qiang  Sun  Chen  Wang  Jinxing  Zhao  Xiaofan 《高技术通讯(英文版)》2007,13(3):327-331
In order to develop a more efficient virus for controlling the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa hormone receptor 3 (HHR3), which is involved in the ecdysteroid regulatory pathway, was used to genetically modify wild HaSNPV. HaSNPV-HHR3 budded virus and occlusion body virus were constructed in three steps: preparation of pFastBacHaPhpP10-HHR3 donor plasmid, transposition of HHR3 into the HaBacHZ8 bacmid, and transfection of HzAM1 cells to get HaSNPV-HHR3 virus.HHR3 was proved to be expressed in the HaSNPV-HHR3 virus infected HzAM1 cells by immunoblotting. Results of bioassay indicated that the body weight of the HaSNPV-HHR3 infected larvae was lower than the larvae infected with wild virus and uninfected normal larvae, which suggests that HaSNPV-HHR3 delayed larval growth.  相似文献   

Small molecules such as NO, O2, CO or H2 are important biological ligands that bind to metalloproteins to function crucially in processes such as signal transduction, respiration and catalysis. A key issue for understanding the regulation of reaction mechanisms in these systems is whether ligands gain access to the binding sites through specific channels and docking sites, or by random diffusion through the protein matrix. A model system for studying this issue is myoglobin, a simple haem protein. Myoglobin has been studied extensively by spectroscopy, crystallography, computation and theory. It serves as an aid to oxygen diffusion but also binds carbon monoxide, a byproduct of endogenous haem catabolism. Molecular dynamics simulations, random mutagenesis and flash photolysis studies indicate that ligand migration occurs through a limited number of pathways involving docking sites. Here we report the 1.4 A resolution crystal structure of a ligand-binding intermediate in carbonmonoxy myoglobin that may have far-reaching implications for understanding the dynamics of ligand binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

Structural homology of Torpedo californica acetylcholine receptor subunits   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from the electroplax of the ray Torpedo californica is composed of five subunits present in a molar stoichiometry of alpha 2 beta gamma delta (refs 1-3) and contains both the binding site for the neurotransmitter and the cation gating unit (reviewed in refs 4-6). We have recently elucidated the complete primary structures of the alpha-, beta- and delta-subunit precursors of the T. californica AChR by cloning and sequencing cDNAs for these polypeptides. Here, we report the whole primary structure of the gamma-subunit precursor of the AChR deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cloned cDNA. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the four subunits reveals marked homology among them. The close resemblance among the hydrophilicity profiles and predicted secondary structures of all the subunits suggests that these polypeptides are oriented in a pseudosymmetric fashion across the membrane. Each subunit contains four putative transmembrane segments that may be involved in the ionic channel. The transmembrane topology of the subunit molecules has also been inferred.  相似文献   

P Schmialek 《Nature》1973,245(5423):267-268

I Issemann  S Green 《Nature》1990,347(6294):645-650

简琦 《新余高专学报》2007,12(1):115-117
在教学过程中,教师与学生处于共同活动的双边,是互为主体又互为客体的辩证关系,也即"教师为主体,学生为主体"。在这一规律的支配下,教学过程中就必然会有一种教师的教与学生的学之间的互相适应的现象,那就是教师的教要适应学生现有的学习特点和水平,学生的学也要适应教师的教学风格。在教学中,发展这种师生双方的互适应能使教学过程更协调、合作和顺利,发展它的关键是抓住发挥学生学习主动性这个互适应的交接点,并解决好有关问题。这一原理应该成为教学过程的组织和教学方法改革的重要指导原则之一。  相似文献   

A central question arising from the model of eukaryotic gene regulation by steroid hormone receptors is whether or not proteins represent pre-existing gene regulatory proteins that are activated on exposure to the extracellular signal. It has been generally believed that the ligand-binding of steroid hormone receptors triggers an allosteric change in receptor structure, manifested by an increased affinity of the receptor for DNA in vitro and nuclear target elements in vivo, as monitored by nuclear translocation. But this model has been challenged by recent reports indicating that glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors bind specifically in vitro to target DNA sequences even in the absence of hormone. On the other hand, it appears that the hormone induces protection in vivo of the glucocorticoid response element of the tyrosine amino transferase gene. Here we show that under conditions permitting minimal in vitro manipulation, the steroid-free glucocorticoid receptor in crude cytosol associates with the hsp90 heat shock protein (relative molecular mass Mr approximately equal to 90,000) to form a large 300K complex, rather than the 94K liganded receptor monomer. More importantly, we have developed an assay to demonstrate the requirement of hormone to dissociate the 300K complex by heat treatment. Specific DNA-binding activity of the receptor becomes apparent in this process, showing that DNA binding occurs but is inhibited in the large heteromeric complex. We propose a model in which receptor function is repressed by association of the receptor with hsp90. Dissociation of this complex is induced by the binding of steroid and is apparently an irreversible process.  相似文献   

针对目前渤海油田化学示踪剂存在检测精度低、用量大,微量物质示踪剂成本高等问题,研究了一种新型氟苯甲酸示踪剂的适应性,主要在研究了检测方法的基础上,利用四个油田的水样对2-氟苯甲酸、2,6-二氟苯甲酸、2,3,4,5-四氟苯甲酸三种物质的溶解性、配伍性、相互干扰性、耐盐性、热稳定性、静态吸附性等进行评价。评价结果表明,2,3,4,5-四氟苯甲酸的各项性能较好,满足渤海油田现场使用要求。  相似文献   

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