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Conservation equations of sensible entarnsy and latent entransy are established for flue gas convective heat transfer with condensation in a rectangular channel and the entransy dissipation expression is deduced. The field synergy equation is obtained on the basis of the extremum entransy dissipation principle for flue gas convective heat transfer with condensation. The optimal velocity field is numerically obtained by solving the field synergy equation. The results show that the optimal velocity field has multiple longitudinal vortices, which improve the synergy not only between the veloctiy and temperature fields but also between the velocity and vapor concentration fields. Therefore, the convective heat and mass transfers are significantly enhanced. Flow with multiple longitudinal vortices close to the optimal velocity field can be generated by discrete double-inclined ribs set in the rectangular channel. The numerical results show that the total heat transfer rate in the discrete double-inclined rib channel increases by 29.02% and the condensing heat transfer rate increases by 27.46% for Re = 600 compared with the plain channel.  相似文献   

微重力下管内凝结换热性能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了预测失重条件下航天飞行器中冷凝器的传热性能,提出了一种研究微重力场中管内凝结换热过程的方法,建立了管内环状流域层流凝结换热的数理模型。改变重力加速度g值进行仿真计算,随着g值的减小,凝结液膜变厚,使凝结换热恶化,例如在相同冷却条件下,当进口蒸气Re数为104时,g=0和g=9.8m/s2环境下的平均冷凝Nu将降低30%。并以重力场中垂直管内凝结换热的实验结果对模型进行了间接的检验。给出了预测零重力环境中管内平均凝结换热系数的准则关联式,可供航天器热控系统的热分  相似文献   

为提高油浸式变压器用片式散热器的综合换热性能,在散热器空气侧安装新型六边形翼涡流发生器,通过数值模拟研究涡流发生器的纵向间距、攻角以及形状对片式散热器换热性能的影响,并运用场协同原理从速度场和温度场相协同的角度阐述纵向涡强化换热的机理。结果表明:同等面积下六边形翼的阻力因子较矩形翼有所增大,但其努塞尔数的提高更加显著;当六边形翼C涡流发生器布置间距为60 mm、攻角45°时,速度矢量与热流矢量间的夹角最小,速度场和温度梯度场协同性最好,散热器综合换热性能最佳,比普通片式散热器的综合换热性能提高26.52%。  相似文献   

为拓展试验参数范围,支持非能动安全壳工程设计,使用遗传算法针对含有不凝性气体的冷凝传热试验建立了优化数学模型。使用罚函数法定义增广目标函数,优化描述对流传热的无量纲参数(ρ_w-ρ_b)/ρ_b。混合气源的温度、气源中空气分压以及二次侧冷却水温度为控制变量;约束条件包括二次侧制冷机的冷却功率以及混合气源的压力。优化计算得到在现有试验设施上最大化目标无量纲参数的试验参数解。优化结果指导了试验的开展,拓宽了蒸汽冷凝传热试验方法。  相似文献   

A common of two-fluid flow heat exchanger, in which the heat transfer between high- and low-temperature sides obeys Newton's law [q∝△(T)], is studied in this paper. By taking entransy dissipation minimization as optimization objective, the optimum parameter distributions in the heat exchanger are derived by using optimal control theory under the condition of fixed heat load. The condition corresponding to the minimum entransy dissipation is that corresponding to a constant heat flux density. Three kinds of heat exchangers, including parallel flow, condensing flow and counter-flow, are considered, and the results show that only the counter-flow heat exchanger can realize the entransy dissipation minimization in the heat transfer process. The obtained results for entransy dissipation minimization are also compared with those obtained for entropy generation minimization by numerical examples.  相似文献   

纵向涡发生器强化换热的场协同分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过在流道内安装三角形涡发生器可以产生纵向涡旋。本文以场协同理论为指导讨论了在较低壁温(小于120℃)条件下、Re在800-7000范围内,空气介质在强迫对流的情况下,水平加热片上安装三角形涡发生器的强化换热机制。  相似文献   

对汽车排烟余热回收装置的双斜向流线型内肋换热管进行了数值模拟研究,主要分析了内肋的结构特性参数对换热性能的影响。结果表明,流线型内肋在肋长、肋倾角、肋高度和肋间距上存在最优值,分别为38mm,45°,2.5mm和60mm。当Re=1.2×104~5×104时,与同条件下普通圆管相比,努塞尔数Nu可增加54.5%~90.7%,摩擦阻力系数f增加157.6%~204.2%;同时,双斜向流线型内肋管内场协同角从90°减小到80°,换热效果显著提升。运用场协同理论分析,发现管内场协同角在每一个内肋附近都出现骤减现象,并体现其为换热效果增强的主要原因。  相似文献   

Acid condensation rate is an important factor denoting the acid corrosion, and the reduction of the acid condensation can significantly relieve the acid corrosive effect on the wall surface and improve the security of the equipments. In this study, the characteristics of both heat transfer and acid condensation of the finned tube in heat exchanger were numerically studied. In the numerical model, we simulated the acid condensation by considering the vapor-liquid equilibrium effect and multi-component diffusion effect. Based on the H-type finned oval tube, we proposed three novel types of fins to both enhance the heat transfer and reduce the acid condensation. The parametric effects of gas temperature, acid vapor concentration, water vapor concentration, and Reynolds number were investi- gated on different fin structures. The results show that the tube bank with the new structured fins can improve the performance on both heat transfer and acid anticondensation.  相似文献   

针对在大温差传热工况下,使用对数平均温差法确定相变传热管的传热性能时产生较大偏差、不能确切的反映实际的传热情况的不足,以及根据测实数据处理的实际需要,提出了一种基于局部热流密度、应用遗传算法来处理传热性能实验数据,从而确定冷凝强化管的传热性能的方法.并用此方法对一种双侧表面强化冷凝管的实验数据进行处理,获得了管内外对流换热关联式.  相似文献   

综述了国内外EHD强化凝结换热的理论和试验研究成果,概括了以往研究的特点,指出了今后在该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

纵向涡强化通道内换热的数值研究及机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用三维数值模拟方法研究了纵向涡发生器用于层流矩形通道的流动换热特征.研究了Re(为800~3 000)、涡发生器的冲角(分别为15°、30°、45°、60°、90°)、纵向涡发生器的形状对通道平均Nu和平均阻力系数的影响,并利用场协同原理进行了分析.结果发现:纵向涡发生器产生的二次流使全场速度和温度梯度之间的平均夹角减小,换热得到强化;纵向涡能改善包括涡发生器附近区域以及下游广阔区域的场协同性,而横向涡只可以改善涡发生器附近区域的场协同性,所以纵向涡可以强化整体换热,而横向涡只可以强化局部换热;对于光通道,协同角随Re增大而增大,但对于有纵向涡发生器的通道,协同角随着Re增大而减小.同时,在面积相同的条件下三角形小翼优于矩形小翼.  相似文献   

湿法脱硫系统中应用蒸汽相变技术脱除细颗粒   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过在脱硫塔进口烟气、塔内脱硫液进口上方添加适量蒸汽等措施,在湿法烟气脱硫(WFGD)系统中进行了利用蒸汽相变原理高效脱除细颗粒的试验研究.考察了采用CaCO3, Na2CO3, NH3·H2O等3种不同脱硫剂时,WFGD系统对细颗粒的脱除性能及其脱硫剂、蒸汽添加量、液气比(体积比)、脱硫塔进口气液温差等的影响,并进行了添加蒸汽和喷雾化水的对比试验.结果表明,由于形成无机盐气溶胶细颗粒,采用CaCO3, NH3·H2O脱硫剂时,WFGD系统对细颗粒的脱除效果明显差于Na2CO3脱硫剂;在WFGD系统中应用蒸汽相变原理可显著促进细颗粒的脱除,在蒸汽添加量为0.05 kg/m3时,细颗粒数浓度脱除效率可增至60%~70%以上;液气比的影响与脱硫塔内是否存在蒸汽相变有关;提高脱硫塔进口气液温差有利于细颗粒脱除;烟气温度较高时,利用雾化液滴的蒸发替代添加蒸汽也能显著促进细颗粒的脱除.  相似文献   

设计建立了一套以水为工质的分离式热管系统实验台,系统冷凝端采用水冷套管式换热器.在此实验台基础上研究了不抽真空、有大量不凝性气体存在于分离式热管的凝结放热问题,测定了在不同的入口蒸汽温度、循环蒸汽流量、冷却水进口温度及流量条件下混合气体在圆管内凝结换热的情况,分析了这些参数对换热过程的影响.同时,还对套管内含高分压不凝性气体——空气——的水蒸汽凝结换热物理模型进行了研究,并建立了相应的数学模型.模型中除了质量守恒、动量守恒、能量守恒和界面控制方程外,还增加了流动扩散和凝结控制方程.模型结果显示蒸汽放热量与实验测定值基本吻合,偏差在8%~15%之间.  相似文献   

本文根据冷凝的控制方程和相应的边界条件,得到了传质及界面对冷凝过程影响的解析解,并对影响冷凝过程的机制和主要因素,如表征蒸汽及界面速度的因子B、表征由传质引起动量传递的因子φ以及反映传质及界面综合作用的因子ω分别进行了讨论.结果表明,传质及界面对冷凝过程有明显的影响,本文解与努塞尔解有显著差别.  相似文献   

The entropy increase principle for an isolated system and the criteria of thermal equilibrium for an isolated system and systems with prescribed temperature and volume can be derived on the basis of the concept of entropy and the first and second laws of thermodynamics. In this paper, the entransy decrease principle for an isolated system is introduced on the basis of the concept of entransy. It is found that the entransy of an isolated system always decreases during heat transfer. This principle can be tak...  相似文献   

Based on the principle of physical quantity synergy in the field of laminar heat transfer, and according to the models of zero equation and k-ε two equations for the turbulent flow, the synergy equations for both energy and momentum conservation in the turbulent heat transfer are established. The synergy regulation among heat flux, mass flow and fluid driving force, and the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement it reflects are revealed. The synergy principle of physical quantity in the thermal flow field is extended from laminar flow to turbulent flow. The principle is verified to be universal by the calculation of heat transfer enhancement in a tube with an insert of helical twisted tape. Thus, corresponding to the synergy relation among physical quantities in the turbulent flow field, the performance of convective heat transfer and flow resistance for the tubes with different heat transfer components and surface can be compared through theoretical and computational analysis, which thereby provides a guidance for designing heat transfer units and heat exchangers.  相似文献   

水平新型微肋管内流动冷凝换热及流阻特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究微肋管结构尺寸及工况等对管内流动冷凝性能的影响,采用R22为工质对4种结构的微肋管和1根Ф9.52mm光管进行了实验.根据实验结果分析了质量流速、微肋结构尺寸和管径等对冷凝换热性能的影响.实验结果表明,两根Ф9.52mm微肋管的换热系数分别比光管提高了90%和120%,而其内表面积只比光管增加了40%和70%.  相似文献   

根据成核密度的理论关系式,模拟了不同温差条件下冷凝表面的液滴生长过程,结果显示:液滴尺寸分布具有分形特征,分形维数随着温差的增大而增大;冷凝表面的热交换系数随着温差的增大也相应增大,模拟结果与实验结果相符。  相似文献   

采用石灰石/石膏法脱硫工艺,结合蒸汽相变原理,实验考察了除雾器类型、脱硫净烟气特性、蒸汽添加量及同时在除雾器上喷低温水等对细颗粒物脱除性能的影响.结果表明:在脱硫净烟气中添加适量蒸汽,可显著提高细颗粒脱除效果,且脱除效率随蒸汽添加量增加而提高;丝网除雾器比板波纹除雾器更适于凝结长大细颗粒物的脱除;脱硫净烟气特性对细颗粒...  相似文献   

在铜基表面上制备出Cu-BTA低能表面;经实验证明已稳定实现了水蒸汽滴状冷凝过程,其寿命已达2000h以上.实验还证明该表面对乙醇及乙二醇蒸汽的冷凝有强化作用,其冷凝传热系数可提高20%.对该表面维持低表面能寿命的物理构型进行了分析,为今后该种表面的制备提供参考.  相似文献   

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