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研究了具有奇异物质与暗能量作用的4维宇宙模型,获得了一些新的宇宙解,这些解可用于解释宇宙加速膨胀;采用天文观测数据确定宇宙中物质与暗能量比例,此外,还根据观测数据估计了宇宙年龄.  相似文献   

1998年的超新星观测表明当今宇宙正在加速膨胀.暗能量是指宇宙加速膨胀的宇宙介质.正的宇宙学常数L是暗能量的重要候选者,但导致宇宙加速膨胀的原因并非L莫属.洛伦兹不变性是物理学最严格的对称性之一,然而所有的量子引力理论都预言了洛伦兹对称性的破缺.基于大尺度洛伦兹破缺(LargeScale Lorentz Violation, LSLV)的宇宙学模型,讨论了有效引力理论修正的Friedmann方程,由此可以得到,大尺度上的洛伦兹破缺和宇宙学常数项的综合效应会产生后期观测到的宇宙加速膨胀.  相似文献   

近年来型超新星的观测结果表明宇宙在加速膨胀,并且驱动宇宙加速膨胀的暗能量占据宇宙总能量密度的2/3.目前,物理学家们已经根据实验观测结果提出了一些暗能量的模型.这些模型的最主要的区别是它们预测了暗能量的不同的态方程,近而给出了不同的宇宙论,但是它们的态方程参数叫都限制在-1<ω<-1/3的范围内.然而最近的观测数据似乎支持暗能量的态方程参数ω由之前的ω-1[1]演化到当今时代的ω<-1.在本文中我们考虑了一个含三个实标量场的暗能量模型来实现上述情况.在本文的讨论中我们均考虑ρm≤ρφ  相似文献   

深入研究了具有黏滞性的相互作用Sharma-Mittal全息暗能量(SM HDE)模型的宇宙学演化和几何诊断.具体地,在平坦的FRW宇宙中,通过选取暗能量和暗物质之间的相互作用项分别为Q1=3b2 Hρde和Q2=3b2 Hρdeρdm/(ρde+ρdm),讨论了不具有黏滞性、仅暗能量具有黏滞性和仅暗物质具有黏滞性这3...  相似文献   

讨论了考虑物质创生的宇宙学模型,并且利用近年来对于超新星(SNe Ia)和伽玛暴(GRBs)的光度距离的观测结果拟合出模型中的参量数值,并得到结论:如果宇宙中不断有物质创生,也能导致加速膨胀,而不一定要引入宇宙学常数或者任何形式的暗能量.  相似文献   

为了用最新的哈勃参数和物质结构增长观测值限制标准宇宙学模型,在前人相关研究的基础上,搜集了哈勃参数和宇宙物质结构增长参数的最新测量结果,考虑观测值间可能存在的关联性,整理出其中相对独立的观测值,并利用最小二乘法对不限制曲率的标准宇宙学模型和曲率为0的标准宇宙学模型进行限制,得到暗物质、暗能量和物质涨落幅度的最佳拟合值,所得结果与现在主要的观测结果一致,且限制结果所对应的约化值均在0.7左右.此外,哈勃参数显示的宇宙历史与宇宙物质涨落增长参数显示的宇宙历史一致,且由暗物质和暗能量占主导的标准宇宙模型的有效性不会受未知系统误差的影响.  相似文献   

从星系巡天的观测中可以测量宇宙中星系的分布,而这些我们观测到的可见物质只占据了宇宙组分的很小一部分.如何从观测的星系分布来联系暗物质分布,建立星系与暗晕之间的关联,从而限制宇宙学参数,一直都是星系宇宙学研究领域的一大课题.本文具体介绍了描述星系空间分布的暗晕占据分布模型的主要框架和参数形式,并介绍了模型的一个简单应用.这个模型被广泛用于解释观测到的星系分布的两点相关函数,通过模型构建星系和暗晕之间关联,可以从理论上获得不同星系样本所在暗晕质量分布的信息,这对于我们理解星系形成与演化模型以及限制宇宙学参数都有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

提出一个加速膨胀的宇宙模型.假设宇宙的外面仍然是一个物质的世界,称其为广义宇宙.宇宙就像一个吸积的黑洞.从广义宇宙的概念和宇宙是吸积的概念出发,说明宇宙是由于本身引力势能的原因在加速膨胀,不需要一种排斥能量或暗能量.  相似文献   

在标准宇宙学模型框架下,为解释当前宇宙的加速膨胀,人们引入了具有负压强的暗能量。修正的Chaplygin气体(MCG)模型是一种暗能量和暗物质的统一模型,可以用来解释当前宇宙的加速膨胀。考虑在暗能量和暗物质之间没有相互作用和存在相互作用这两种情况下,MCG模型的动力学方程和能量密度随红移z的演化,通过绘图分析得到其能量转化规律。进一步应用Om几何诊断方法,将MCG模型与宇宙学常数模型ΛCDM和Chaplygin气体(GCG)模型加以区分。  相似文献   

1998年对Ia型超新星的观测结果表明,宇宙是加速膨胀的,暗能量是可能导致宇宙加速膨胀的一个重要模型.宇宙学中状态方程w是了解暗能量本质的一个重要的物理量,我们在假定暗能量状态方程w=w(z)随红移变化的情况下,通过计算哈勃参量和光度距离,得到用光度距离来限制暗能量状态方程会有信息损失的结论,进一步比较哈勃参量和光度距离,发现哈勃参量在限制宇宙学模型和宇宙学参数方面比光度距离更有优势.  相似文献   

Dark matter is the dominant form of matter in the Universe, but its nature is unknown. It is plausibly an elementary particle, perhaps the lightest supersymmetric partner of known particle species. In this case, annihilation of dark matter in the halo of the Milky Way should produce gamma-rays at a level that may soon be observable. Previous work has argued that the annihilation signal will be dominated by emission from very small clumps (perhaps smaller even than the Earth), which would be most easily detected where they cluster together in the dark matter haloes of dwarf satellite galaxies. Here we report that such small-scale structure will, in fact, have a negligible impact on dark matter detectability. Rather, the dominant and probably most easily detectable signal will be produced by diffuse dark matter in the main halo of the Milky Way. If the main halo is strongly detected, then small dark matter clumps should also be visible, but may well contain no stars, thereby confirming a key prediction of the cold dark matter model.  相似文献   

Borgani S  Guzzo L 《Nature》2001,409(6816):39-45
Clusters of galaxies are visible tracers of the network of matter in the Universe, marking the high-density regions where filaments of dark matter join together. When observed at X-ray wavelengths these clusters shine like cosmic lighthouses, as a consequence of the hot gas trapped within their gravitational potential wells. The X-ray emission is linked directly to the total mass of a cluster, and so can be used to investigate the mass distribution for a sizeable fraction of the Universe. The picture that has emerged from recent studies is remarkably consistent with the predictions for a low-density Universe dominated by cold dark matter.  相似文献   

暗能量的射电探测——天籁计划简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宇宙中的中性氢原子产生波长为21cm的辐射,其强度在大尺度上正比于物质密度.通过射电观测这一辐射,可以获得宇宙中物质分布的大尺度结构.利用大尺度结构功率谱中的重子声波振荡信号作为标准尺,可以进行高精度的宇宙学测量,确定暗能量状态方程参数w,这提供了一种重要的暗能量观测手段.我国在射电天文及相关技术方面有一定基础,且国内即有电磁环境良好的站址,有很好的条件开展这方面的研究.如能及时着手,有可能在这一领域中取得领先,并在暗能量研究中取得突破.本文介绍了通过21cm巡天对暗能量进行观测的方法,并讨论了天籁计划具体实验设想.  相似文献   

The cold dark matter model has become the leading theoretical picture for the formation of structure in the Universe. This model, together with the theory of cosmic inflation, makes a clear prediction for the initial conditions for structure formation and predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. Testing this model requires that the precise measurements delivered by galaxy surveys can be compared to robust and equally precise theoretical calculations. Here we present a simulation of the growth of dark matter structure using 2,160(3) particles, following them from redshift z = 127 to the present in a cube-shaped region 2.230 billion lightyears on a side. In postprocessing, we also follow the formation and evolution of the galaxies and quasars. We show that baryon-induced features in the initial conditions of the Universe are reflected in distorted form in the low-redshift galaxy distribution, an effect that can be used to constrain the nature of dark energy with future generations of observational surveys of galaxies.  相似文献   

Diemand J  Moore B  Stadel J 《Nature》2005,433(7024):389-391
The Universe was nearly smooth and homogeneous before a redshift of z = 100, about 20 million years after the Big Bang. After this epoch, the tiny fluctuations imprinted upon the matter distribution during the initial expansion began to collapse because of gravity. The properties of these fluctuations depend on the unknown nature of dark matter, the determination of which is one of the biggest challenges in present-day science. Here we report supercomputer simulations of the concordance cosmological model, which assumes neutralino dark matter (at present the preferred candidate), and find that the first objects to form are numerous Earth-mass dark-matter haloes about as large as the Solar System. They are stable against gravitational disruption, even within the central regions of the Milky Way. We expect over 10(15) to survive within the Galactic halo, with one passing through the Solar System every few thousand years. The nearest structures should be among the brightest sources of gamma-rays (from particle-particle annihilation).  相似文献   

Most of the matter in the Universe is not luminous, and can be observed only through its gravitational influence on the appearance of luminous matter. Weak gravitational lensing is a technique that uses the distortions of the images of distant galaxies as a tracer of dark matter: such distortions are induced as the light passes through large-scale distributions of dark matter in the foreground. The patterns of the induced distortions reflect the density of mass along the line of sight and its distribution, and the resulting 'cosmic shear' can be used to distinguish between alternative cosmologies. But previous attempts to measure this effect have been inconclusive. Here we report the detection of cosmic shear on angular scales of up to half a degree using 145,000 galaxies and along three separate lines of sight. We find that the dark matter is distributed in a manner consistent with either an open universe, or a flat universe that is dominated by a cosmological constant. Our results are inconsistent with the standard cold-dark-matter model.  相似文献   

宇宙中物质的压力对宇宙年龄的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在标准宇宙学模型中,非相对论性物质(以下简称为物质)被视为无压的尘埃粒子[1],然而其合理性并未定量地证实过.Peebles[2]也曾提到过考虑宇宙中物质压力的必要性.目前的研究表明,在冷暗物质宇宙学模型基础上,宇宙中大尺度结构形成的高精度计算机数值模拟和理论分析都预言,在星系和星系团的中心应该有一个致密的核;然而这与目前的观测如星系团的引力透镜观测等相矛盾.最近Spergel等[3]假定冷暗物质之间存在着相互作用力,即存在着热压力,并对其做了深入研究,但也并未涉及其对宇宙年龄的影响.  相似文献   

Gravitational microlensing offers a means of determining directly the masses of objects ranging from planets to stars, provided that the distances and motions of the lenses and sources can be determined. A globular cluster observed against the dense stellar field of the Galactic bulge presents ideal conditions for such observations because the probability of lensing is high and the distances and kinematics of the lenses and sources are well constrained. The abundance of low-mass objects in a globular cluster is of particular interest, because it may be representative of the very early stages of star formation in the Universe, and therefore indicative of the amount of dark baryonic matter in such clusters. Here we report a microlensing event associated with the globular cluster M22. We determine the mass of the lens to be 0.13(+0.03)(-0.02) solar masses. We have also detected six events that are unresolved in time. If these are also microlensing events, they imply that a non-negligible fraction of the cluster mass resides in the form of free-floating planetary-mass objects.  相似文献   

Dekel A  Stoehr F  Mamon GA  Cox TJ  Novak GS  Primack JR 《Nature》2005,437(7059):707-710
There is strong evidence that the mass of the Universe is dominated by dark matter, which exerts gravitational attraction but whose exact nature is unknown. In particular, all galaxies are believed to be embedded in massive haloes of dark matter. This view has recently been challenged by the observation of surprisingly low random stellar velocities in the outskirts of ordinary elliptical galaxies, which has been interpreted as indicating a lack of dark matter. Here we show that the low velocities are in fact compatible with galaxy formation in dark-matter haloes. Using numerical simulations of disk-galaxy mergers, we find that the stellar orbits in the outer regions of the resulting ellipticals are very elongated. These stars were torn by tidal forces from their original galaxies during the first close passage and put on outgoing trajectories. The elongated orbits, combined with the steeply falling density profile of the observed tracers, explain the observed low velocities even in the presence of large amounts of dark matter. Projection effects when viewing a triaxial elliptical can lead to even lower observed velocities along certain lines of sight.  相似文献   

Boughn S  Crittenden R 《Nature》2004,427(6969):45-47
Observations of distant supernovae and the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) indicate that the expansion of the Universe may be accelerating under the action of a 'cosmological constant' or some other form of 'dark energy'. This dark energy now appears to dominate the Universe and not only alters its expansion rate, but also affects the evolution of fluctuations in the density of matter, slowing down the gravitational collapse of material (into, for example, clusters of galaxies) in recent times. Additional fluctuations in the temperature of CMB photons are induced as they pass through large-scale structures and these fluctuations are necessarily correlated with the distribution of relatively nearby matter. Here we report the detection of correlations between recent CMB data and two probes of large-scale structure: the X-ray background and the distribution of radio galaxies. These correlations are consistent with those predicted by dark energy, indicating that we are seeing the imprint of dark energy on the growth of structure in the Universe.  相似文献   

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