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Summary Protoplast fusion and nutritional complementation between auxotrophic mutants ofAspergillus nidulans andAspergillus fumigatus has been achieved. It is concluded that the nutritional complementation may be due to interspecific aneuploidy.The authors thank Mr.L. Manczinger and Mr.Gy. Oravecz for producing and characterizing the required mutants; Dr.D. Goldstein for providing the strainA. nidulans R. 21; Dr.D. Kerridge for the wild-type strainA. fumigatus 5085; and Mr.L. Nagy, MissÉva Sziráki and MissMária Pölös for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Specific antiserum againstRana esculenta lens pre- crystallin was prepared in a rabbit by injecting antigen-antibody precipitate of this crystallin obtained from immunoelectrophoresis ofesculenta total soluble lens proteins against homologous antiserum.Acknowledgments. We thank Mr.A. Wachter for the excellent technical help, Mr.Th. Hulskes and Mr.A. M. v. Egeraat for the illustrations and finally Dr.W. E. Hawkins for valuable discussion.  相似文献   

Summary Suspensions of isolated cells from rat heart were prepared and the data for viability and yield are given. Glucose uptake by the cells was mediated by a carrier system.The technical assistance of Mr.E. T. Potter, Mr.K. D. Patel and Mr.M. Griffin is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Résumé De l'éther de pétrole extrait de l'huile de l'Orejula (Cymbopetalum penduliforum Dunal, Baill) fut examiné pour son contenu en terpènes. On a isolé les sesquiterpènes tétracycliques (ishwarone). L'évidence chimique et spectral appuie la constitution chimique et sa conversion à isoishwarone.

The authors are grateful to Dr.F. Will, Mr.W. F. Kuhn and Mr.G. Vilcins for their valuable analytical data and to Dr.R. F. Dawson for the oil of orejuela and Dr.P. C. Parthasarathy for the authentic sample of isoishwarane. We wish to thank ProfessorsA. Burger andN. H. Cromwell for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

Résumé On a pu isoler le déshydrodiisoeugénol de l'arille deMyristica fragrans Houtt. (fleur de muscade).

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr.W. D. Jamieson and MrD. Embree of the Atlantic Regional Laboratory for the mass spectroscopic data and to Dr.E. von Rudloff and Mr.W. C. Haid of the Prairie Regional Laboratory (Saskatoon) for the 100 MHz NMR data.  相似文献   

Riassunto Usando fissativi contenenti TAPO é stata migliorata la visualizzazione dei componenti strutturali della parete cellulare diSaccharomyces cerevisiae; questa é stata paragonato con quella osservata precedentemente inCandida albicans.

Acknowledgment. The author thanks Mr.B. Pasquetti and Mr.M. Mari for their excellent technical assistence.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das onkogene Polyomavirus kann sich im PilzC. albicans vermehren und die Virusausbeute wird durch Urethanzugabe erhöht.

We are very grateful to Mr. G. M.Healy of the CMRL, University of Toronto, for the generous supply of media and to Mr. B.Bucz for his technical help in this work supported by a grant of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die mikrobiologische 1-Hydroxylierung vond-Norgestrel und Norethisteron durch den MikroorganismusBotryodiplodia malorum wird beschrieben. Ausserdem wurde 11-Hydroxynorethisteron isoliert und charakterisiert.

Acknowledgement. The authors want to express their appreciation to Dr.H. Smith for advice and encouragement through the course of this work. We wish to thank Dr.T. Chang, Dr.C. Hetzel and Mr.C. Kuhlman for obtaining and interpreting the mass spectra and Mr.B. Hormann for NMR decoupling experiments and analytical services.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Chemisch dissoziierte Zellen des KieselschwammesGeodia cydonium reaggregieren aufgrund zweier verschiedenr Reaggregationsprinzipien. Der Aggnegationsfaktor, auf den die Primäraggregation zurückgeht, ist membrangebunden und wird durch Proteasen nicht inaktiviert. Der sekundäre Aggregationsfaktor wurde 500fach angereichert. Das Molekulargewicht dieses Aggregationsfaktors beträgt etwa 20000 Daltons; er ist mit einem ringförmigen Makromolekül (2×109 Daltons) assoziiert.

Acknowledgments. We wish to thank Mrs.V. Pondeljak, Mrs.U. Müller-Berger, Mr. R. Beyer andMr. M. Srecec for their excellent technical assistance. We gratefully acknowledge the advice of dipl. Chem.J. Obermeier for the carbodiimide coupling method. This work is supported by Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and by the Landesversicherungsantalt Rheinland-Pfalz, Speyer/Rh.  相似文献   

Résumé L'examen cytologique de la descendance de 2Xenopus borealis révéla 50% d'individus dotés de noyaux à 1 et 2 nucléoles (situation normale) et 50% à 1, 2 et 3 nucléoles. Le caryotype de ces derniers démontra la présence de 3 organisateurs nucléolaires, au lieu de 2, l'origine de l'élément supplémentaire relevant d'une translocation réciproque entre 4 et 7.

Supported by a grant (No. 3.60.68) from the Fonds national suisse de la Recherche Scientifique and the George and Antoine Claraz donation.

Unpublished research in this laboratory has shown thatXenopus laevis borealis (Parker) is a species on its own right and we propose to name itXenopus borealis (Parker).

Material collected byFischberg andKobel, who express their gratitude to the Fisheries and Game Dept. of Kenya for permission to collect frogs of the genusXenopus.

Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank Mrs.J. Tymowska and MissE. Ackermann for their technical advice; they are grateful to Mr.J. Jackson, MissM. C. Payot, MissL. Ricard and Mr.P. Grutter for their assistance and useful help.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es gelang, die intraspezifische Protoplastfusion vonAspergillus flavus, A. nidulans, A. niger, Penicillium frequentans undP. ramigena mit grosser H?ufigkeit zu verwirklichen. Die Fusionsh?ufigkeit wurde durch Komplementation von Mangelmutanten festgestellt.

The authors thank Dr.M. Czakó, Dr.M. Pesti and Mr.L. Manczinger for producing and characterizing some of the required mutants, andéva Sziráki andMagdolna Romvári for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Erster Bericht über die Vervielfältigung von Sporidien durch binare Spaltung beiRavenelia hobsoni.

Author is grateful to Prof.M. N. Kamat, Head of Mycology Division, M.A.C.S. Laboratory, Poona 4, for his deep interest and guidance, Dr.S. R. Sarvotham, Quality Control Laboratory, Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, for the laboratory facilities and encouragement given. Thanks are also due to Dr.A. V. Sathe for several suggestions and to Mr.D. N. Nagpure for drawings.  相似文献   

Summary Using an assay for sulfoiduronate sulfatase based on the degradation of35S mucopolysaccharides in a cellfree system, two clonal populations have been demonstrated in fibroblasts of heterozygotes for Hunter's syndrome. The locus responsible for sulfoiduronate sulfatase deficiency in thisX-linked mucopolysaccharidosis is therefore subjected to dosage compensation in females.Acknowledgments. The technical assistance of Mr.Antonio De Falco and Mrs.Carmela Salzano is gratefully acknowledged. The authors are indebted to Dr.H. Kresse (Münster, BRD) for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Résumé On décrit une méthode pour l'établissement d'une culture de cellules du crapaud a griffes sudafricain,Xenopus laevis, afin de l'infecter avec des arbovirus. Les cellules (XTC-2) ont subi une culture continue pendant 3 ans. Elles ont un nombre diploïde de chromosomes. Elles furent cultivées aux températures de 22°C et de 28°C dans un milieu de culture dilué de NCTC 109 avec 10% de sérum de veau foetal.

We thank ProfessorD. S. Bertram, Director of the Department of Entomology at the School, for his continued interest; Mr.A. O. Langi for technical assistance and Dr.L. Hamilton, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, for supplying theXenopus tadpoles. We are especially grateful to the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, for supplying medium NCTC 109, and to Mr.D. J. Richmond of the Laboratories for responding to our request for medium promptly and willingly. The work is supported in part by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Acetonextrakt aus Wurzeln und Rhizomen vonIris ensata hemmen die Metamorphose vonDysdercus koenigii. Adultoide sind schwach fortpflanzungsfähig.

Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful to Dr.K. Ganapathi, Director, and Dr.A. Husain, Chairman, Discipline of Agricultural Sciences, Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu-Tawi, for the facilities provided for this work. Thanks are also due to Mr.Y. K. Sarin, Incharge, Plant Collection Unit, of the same laboratory for she identification and collection of the plant material.  相似文献   

Summary l-Valyl-l-proline (I),l-leucyl-l-proline (II),l-phenylalanyl-l-proline (III) andl-isoleucyl-l-proline (IV) anhydrides were isolated from the cultures ofStreptomyces lavendulae No. 314 and, on the basis of13C-NMR and CD spectra, their stereochemistry in solution is described.Acknowledgments. The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to Prof. H. Ogura, Kitasato University, for kind supply of the authenticl-valyl-l-proline anhydride and to Mr. A. Takakuwa, JASCO, for measuring the CD curves with J-40 automatic recording spectropolarimeter.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis an Lebermikrosomen der Ratte, dass Sulfhydryl Reagenzienp-Chloromercuribenzoat (pCMB) undp-Chloromercuribenzol Sulfonat (pCMBS) die Bindung von Magnesium und Calcium ungefähr um 20% vermindern.

I wish to thank Dr.George L. Ellman for several of the sulfhydryl reagents and for discussions relating to the present study. I also wish to thank Mr.Thian Vui Mark Lee for his capable assistance during the course of this investigation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die ultrastruktuelle Untersuchung des Haftorgans vonCardiocephaloides physalis (Trematoda) lässt eine mit Aushöhlungen versehene zellplasmatische Oberfläche erkennen, die mit der lamina propria der Wirtsdarmzotte (Phalacrocorax bougainvillei) in engstem Kontakt steht und möglicherweise Plazenta-funktion besitzt.

I am extremely grateful to Prof.Baer for his interest and generosity in sending me the specimens, and to Mr. T.Davies for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde Aneuploidie bis zu drei Chromosomen in den männlichen Körperzellen vonRana tigrina (Ranidae: Anura: Amphibia) beobachtet. Die Variationen betreffen:2n–3, 2n–2, 2n–1, 2n, 2n+1, 2n+2 und2n+3.

Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks are due to Dr.S. P. Sharma, Zoology Department, for facilities; to Mr.R. K. Pillai and MissMadhu for technical assistance with preparations and Drs.K. K. Rishi andL. K. Vats for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Infektion von Schimmelpilzen,C. albicans, durch Polyomavirus mit isolierter Polyoma-DNS und die aktivierende Wirkung von DMSO werden beschrieben.

Supported by a grant of the National Cancer Institute of Canada.

The assistance of Mr. G.Kolompár and B.Bucz during these assays is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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