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锯齿型闪耀光栅的衍射光强   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用波动光学原理导出了锯齿型闪耀光栅的衍射光强公式,并对结果进行了讨论,发现闪耀光栅的衍射规律与非闪耀光栅衍射规律显不同,衍射光只有一个主极大,闪耀角的变化可以改变衍射最大光强和最小光强的位置,这对于制作光栅阵列照明器件和光栅减透膜有一定的实际意义,对于普通物理的教学也具有指导意义。  相似文献   

用贝赛尔函数积分得出圆缝衍射的光强分布公式可用两个贝赛尔函数之差表示 ,并用此公式讨论了三种情况下衍射斑的各级极值光强位置 ,进而着重研究爱里斑的收缩规律是和 ε值接近 1有关。  相似文献   

论述由两个贝塞尔函数之差表示的圆缝衍射的光强分布公式,并以此分析三种情况的衍射斑的各级极值光强位置,进而讨论艾里斑随ε的值接近于1而收缩的规律。  相似文献   

位相光栅的衍射光强   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用波动光学方法导出了位相光栅的夫琅和费衍射光强公式,并对结果进行了讨论.发现位相光栅的衍射光强比非相位线光栅衍射光强大4倍,位相的变化对衍射光强起调制作用.  相似文献   

利用光散射方法理论分析了二维反射式正弦光栅衍射场,得到了衍射极大光点的佗置坐标,并讨论了衍射极大光点位置的性质与畸变问题.对于与人射而垂直方向变化的栅线衍射极大光点,给出了畸变的坐标曲线并其进行了数值计算.实验测量正弦反射光栅衍射的光强分布,各级衍射极大光点的位置分布与理论结果很好地符合.  相似文献   

采用严格的矢量衍射理论,研究了平面光波垂直入射微小的圆孔光阑后的近场衍射光强的空间分布,模拟计算了衍射光强的空间分布.Matlab仿真结果表明,近场衍射既属于菲涅耳衍射,又接近于夫朗和费衍射.  相似文献   

偏振光衍射现象中的光强变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了线偏振光的单缝衍射现象,发现线偏振光的衍射光强分布受偏振方向与狭缝间相对取向的制约.发现起偏方向平行于狭缝时,衍射零级光强最大,起偏方向垂直于狭缝时,衍射零级光强最小,拟合出了光强随相对偏振化方向变化的I-φ函数分布曲线及光强分布图像,分析讨论了可能影响I-φ(线偏振光的衍射光强分布随偏振方向与狭缝间相对夹角变化)分布的一些因素.为进一步研究光与物质相互作用的机理提供一定的实验数据和线索.  相似文献   

本文导出了普遍情况下的菲涅尔圆孔衍射的精确积分表达式,从而实现对菲涅尔辅圃孔衍射整个衍射空间的光场和衍射光强分布的理论计算,在某些情况下,这个积分表达式可得出积分结果。  相似文献   

本文导出了普遍情况下的菲涅尔圆孔衍射的精确积分表达式,从而实现对菲涅尔圆孔衍射整个衍射空间的光场和衍射光强分布的理论计算。在某些情况下,这个积分表达式可得出积分结果。  相似文献   

现行的光学教材在介绍单缝夫琅和费衍射时,均在特殊情况下导出单缝夫琅和费衍射的光强分布。本文给出一种在一般情况下导出单缝夫琅和费衍射光强表达式的方法。  相似文献   

MATLAB软件具有强大的计算和可视化功能,可以较为精确地模拟光学实验的结果,使复杂、抽象的光学现象变得具体、直观。基于MATLAB编程,模拟了菲涅耳圆孔衍射的光强分布。结果表明:衍射花样由一系列明暗相间的同心圆环组成,衍射花样结构(亮暗环数目及排列顺序)由观察屏中心点所对应的半波带数k决定。k相同,则衍射亮暗环的半径由圆孔半径唯一决定。无论k为奇数或偶数,圆孔衍射花样的中心光斑半径均符合夫琅和费圆孔衍射的爱里斑半径公式。  相似文献   

提出了一个特殊菲涅尔圆孔衍射实验,核心由正常金属/绝缘层/超导体多层膜构成,用来精确探测超导配对对称性.理论分析表明,对于超导层是s波配对,△(-k)=△(k),且满足k·r=nπ的情况下,那么衍射图样的零阶为暗纹,其中k为波矢,n为整数.反之,如果△(-k)=-△(k),且在其他条件不变的情况下,那么零阶衍射图样为明纹.从而可以利用这种简单易行的实验途径,对超导电子的配对对称性进行无模棱两可的判定.最后把这套装置应用到最近发现的AFeSe三元化合物超导体,给出了可能的具体实验方案,来探测这种多费米面复杂的电子配对对称性.  相似文献   

X-ray powder diffraction is an indispensable technique to study material structure, phase transition and so on. It is necessary for high quality diffraction data to get high-precision diffraction angle. This work proposed four corrected functions of X-ray powder diffraction angle. Two methods, linearization method and modified Levenberg-Marquardt iteration method, are given to solve the function parameters, and the modified Levenberg-Marquardt method has fast convergent speed and stable solution. Two methods can give closed parameters, including those of Lu, Liu, and Chu functions and polynomial. New-corrected functions were used to fit the diffraction angle error of the tetragonal rutile polycrystalline TiO2 mixed with Gd0.45Y2.55Sc2Ga3O12 as a standard sample, and the computation result indicates that these functions can characterize the diffraction error very well. In some cases, the new-corrected functions can describe the diffraction angle error better than the reported corrected functions. At the same time, the lattice parameter of Gdo.45Y2.55Sc2Ga3O12 was computed with two methods. When the corrected function parameters and lattice parameters were solved by the least square method, the interaction of the function parameters and lattice parameters would result in great error. However, when the X-ray diffraction angles were corrected by corrected functions using a standard sample, the authentic lattice parameters can be obtained by the least square fitting.  相似文献   

用X射线衍射法研究散射能力弱的生物膜时,缩短衍射时间并能获得可靠的数据是本研究的目的。用小角X射线衍射相机及位置灵敏探测器两种实验装置对用二棕榈酰磷脂酰胆碱(DPPC)制备的多层脂质体进行小角X射线衍射研究,文中简要叙述仪器工作原理,样品制备方法及实验结果,由得到的五级衍射环和四级衍射峰,计算出相应的重复周期为 6.3nm和6.4 nm。  相似文献   

利用Monte-Carlo方法编写了劈尖和牛顿环的干涉以及单缝和光栅的衍射现象的计算机实现程序。可以调整参数,观察各种实验结果。特别是可以观察到劈尖用来检验带有凹痕的平面时出现弯曲的干涉条纹现象,以及做牛顿环实验当平凸透镜离开平面玻璃时干涉条纹变化情况。  相似文献   

用CCD摄像头与图像数据采集系统进行尺寸测量是CCD应用最广泛的领域。本文将通过探究He—Ne激光器对待测物件的衍射形成光斑的原理出发.研究CCD对光斑的接受和处理.最终识别需要的衍射条纹,从而测得精密仪器中的缝宽和精密的圆孔直径。  相似文献   

Many industrially important materials, ranging from ceramics to catalysts to pharmaceuticals, are polycrystalline and cannot be grown as single crystals. This means that non-conventional methods of structure analysis must be applied to obtain the structural information that is fundamental to the understanding of the properties of these materials. Electron microscopy might appear to be a natural approach, but only relatively simple structures have been solved by this route. Powder diffraction is another obvious option, but the overlap of reflections with similar diffraction angles causes an ambiguity in the relative intensities of those reflections. Various ways of overcoming or circumventing this problem have been developed, and several of these involve incorporating chemical information into the structure determination process. For complex zeolite structures, the FOCUS algorithm has proved to be effective. Because it operates in both real and reciprocal space, phase information obtained from high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images can be incorporated directly into this algorithm in a simple way. Here we show that by doing so, the complexity limit can be extended much further. The power of this approach has been demonstrated with the solution of the structure of the zeolite TNU-9 (|H9.3|[Al9.3Si182.7O384]; ref. 10) with 24 topologically distinct (Si,Al) atoms and 52 such O atoms. For comparison, ITQ-22 (ref. 11), the most complex zeolite known to date, has 16 topologically distinct (Si,Ge) atoms.  相似文献   

生物膜样品X射线小角衍射狭缝畸变效应的消除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小角衍射仪的狭缝效应造成衍射图象的强度畸变,从而使后续的结构计算更加困难。 为此,对小角衍射仪的狭缝系统作了改进,并采用位置灵敏探测技术,使得用一般功率的X光 机,即可对部分有序的生物膜长周期样品获得基本无狭缝效应的衍射图象。同时可比一般点状 聚焦照相技术的测量时间缩短。用这一技术获得了蟾蜍坐骨神经髓鞘膜、鼠肌腱等的衍射图。  相似文献   

根据惠更斯一菲涅耳原理,应用MATLAB软件编程,模拟了白光通过单缝、双缝、多缝、光栅以及圆孔的干涉或衍射的光强分布图形,通过改变缝宽、缝间距、光强以及圆孔的大小,观察到干涉衍射条纹的相应变化,这与光学理论相符合.这种方法作为辅助教学手段,使抽象而复杂的物理现象变得直观、简单,有助于学生的理解,尤其是对于教学具有非常直观的作用.  相似文献   

Synchrotron radiation is an advanced collimated light source with high intensity. It has particular advantages in structural characterization of materials on the atomic or molecular scale. Synchrotron radiation X-ray powder diffraction (SR-XRPD) has been successfully exploited to various areas of hydrogen storage materials. In the paper, we will give a brief introduction on hydrogen storage materials, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), and synchrotron radiation light source. The applications of ex situ and in situ time-resolved SR-XRPD in hydrogen storage materials, are reviewed in detail. Future trends and proposals in the applications of the advanced XRPD techniques in hydrogen storage materials are also discussed.  相似文献   

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