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0 IntroductionJooipner partoorcess ,sihnags ,rebceeiinvged o nreen oefw tehdei nmtoersets tex dpueen stiovein qfiuneirteymemory requirements from stream-oriented applications .Symmetric HashJoin(SHJ)[1 ,2]which was originally designedto allowa high degree of pipeliningintraditional parallel data-base systems ,is an optional approach because both ofitsinputmust be kept in bounded memory during query execution.Butit leads into thrashing on larger inputs . To rectify the situa-tion,XJoinis pro…  相似文献   

This paper presents two one-pass algorithms for dynamically computing frequency counts in sliding window over a data stream-computing frequency counts exceeding user-specified threshold ε. The first algorithm constructs subwindows and deletes expired sub-windows periodically in sliding window, and each sub-window maintains a summary data structure. The first algorithm outputs at most 1/ε + 1 elements for frequency queries over the most recent N elements. The second algorithm adapts multiple levels method to deal with data stream. Once the sketch of the most recent N elements has been constructed, the second algorithm can provides the answers to the frequency queries over the most recent n ( n≤N) elements. The second algorithm outputs at most 1/ε + 2 elements. The analytical and experimental results show that our algorithms are accurate and effective.  相似文献   

Join operation is a critical problem when dealing with sliding window over data streams. There have been many optimization strategies for sliding window join in the literature, but a simple heuristic is always used for selecting the join sequence of many sliding windows, which is ineffectively. The graphbased approach is proposed to process the problem. The sliding window join model is introduced primarily. In this model vertex represent join operator and edge indicated the join relationship among sliding windows. Vertex weight and edge weight represent the cost of join and the reciprocity of join operators respectively. Then good query plan with minimal cost can be found in the model. Thus a complete join algorithm combining setting up model, finding optimal query plan and executing query plan is shown. Experiments show that the graphbased approach is feasible and can work better in above environment  相似文献   

Join operation is a critical problem when dealing with sliding window over data streams. There have been many optimization strategies for sliding window join in the literature, but a simple heuristic is always used for selecting the join sequence of many sliding windows, which is ineffectively. The graph-based approach is proposed to process the problem. The sliding window join model is introduced primarily. In this model vertex represent join operator and edge indicated the join relationship among sliding windows. Vertex weight and edge weight represent the cost of join and the reciprocity of join operators respectively. Then good query plan with minimal cost can be found in the model. Thus a complete join algorithm combining setting up model, finding optimal query plan and executing query plan is shown. Experiments show that the graph-based approach is feasible and can work better in above environment.  相似文献   

滑动窗口是数据流中一种关注近期数据的近似方法,提出一种采用滑动窗口处理数据的优化算法SWStream。在线阶段利用滑动窗口树存储概要结构,动态调整窗口大小。优化后的算法能及时淘汰过期元组,同时对新到达的元组不断进行实时处理,可以获得更准确的分析结果。而在离线阶段对上一阶段的结果进行宏聚类,得到最后的结果。与聚类算法CluStream相比,此算法处理数据的效率更高,也相对节约内存。  相似文献   

随着电能质量监测点不断扩大,产生海量具有时序特性的多维电能质量数据,当前的诸多数据查询方法不能适应电网电能质量监测数据的交互式多维聚合查询需求。研究提出时序数据多维聚合服务的实现方法,为内存中预聚合后的任务结果建立哈希存储结构,对实时数据建立位图索引存储结构,将历史数据的预聚合数据尽量存储于内存中,改进随机读写的低性能问题,提升查询效率,解决交互式查询问题。同时运用最优聚合任务算法选择出尽量多的预聚合任务数,提高交互式查询命中率。实验验证了该算法的可行性,与分组二维背包算法相比,在预聚合任务数量选择方面具有一定优势。  相似文献   

针对基于数据块的集成算法,存在数据块大小影响分类效果,且不能及时应对完整式概念漂移的问题,提出了一种考虑数据流局部特征的和能应对多种类型概念漂移的集成分类算法.用滑动窗口作为概念漂移检测器,当检测到概念漂移时,则建立新的分类器并加入到集成分类器中.本文提出的算法在人工合成和真实数据集上与经典算法进行了广泛的对比实验.结果表明:提出的算法在分类准确率上具有明显优势,消耗更少的内存,更适合多种类型概念漂移的环境.  相似文献   

随着交通、网络流量监控等应用的涌现,不确定数据流频繁项集挖掘成为近年来的研究热点。通常在不确定数据流中,频繁项集所占的比例较小,导致挖掘中无效操作较多。基于这种情况,提出了一种基于预裁剪的不确定数据流频繁项集挖掘算法Prep-UF-Streaming;该算法,不仅能裁剪掉大部分非频繁项集,提高了算法的平均运行时间;而且能够检测到非频繁项集成为频繁项集的可能性,尽量不丢失频繁项集,从而尽可能地提高算法的性能。  相似文献   

数据流滑动窗口上的一种多聚集查询共享策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于如何提高多个聚集查询的查询效率,提出了一种共享链树结构的多查询聚集计算共享策略.利用每个滑动窗口逻辑地将链树划分成若干子树,它们各自根节点中的聚集值恰好就是每个查询对应的结果值.数据流上多个查询可以在同一棵链树上并发执行,避免了每个查询的重复建树.同时,利用链树本身可降低无用的重复比较的性质,使得多个查询在同一棵链树上只需进行少量更新比较就可求得每个查询的新聚集值.实验证明,多个查询共用同一链树结构,可以最大程度地共享资源,减小内存使用量,因此大大提高了数据流上的查询处理效率,加大了数据流上的任务吞吐量,改善了系统性能.  相似文献   

针对不同时间段的数据流对当前数据流分类影响程度不同,在滑动窗口技术基础上提出了时间窗口权值的频繁模式(TWWFP)分类算法.首先,对滑动窗口中的每个基本窗口赋予一个与时间有关的窗口权值;然后,采用TWWFP-Tree结构存储当前滑动窗口中每个基本窗口中的频繁数据属性,实时更新TWWFP-Tree结构;最后,检测相邻3个滑动窗口中权值属性的平均分类误差,发现突变后及时减少下一个滑动窗口的长度可适应数据流的变化.实验证明该分类算法比没有时间窗口权值分类算法的精确度最大提高3%.  相似文献   

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