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用三维模拟计算的方法对大型环形高温气冷堆的自由氙振荡特性进行了研究。引入简化的温度反馈模型。研究温度反馈对氙振荡的阻尼效应。并讨论分析了本方法的有效性和结论的可靠性。结果表明,本文所研究的大型环形高温气冷堆中实际上不存在氙振荡,因为强烈的温度反馈效应阻止了氙振荡的产生和发展。  相似文献   

该在线测控系统采用高精度L-C恒流充电机对储能电容器进行充电、实现了电压重复精度高和实时通信功能;采用量化传输模式对信号进行检测,降低了干扰和失真;同时采用多线程工作模式的计算机控制系统,实现了实时控制与监测。系统结构简单、工作安全可靠,测量精度高。  相似文献   

针对暗物质探测器中降低介质液氙中放射性氪-85含量可获得高纯度氙的问题,通过McCabe-Thiele(M T)法及质量、能量守恒,设计并研制出一种将氪从氙中提取出且可获得高纯度氙气的高效低温精馏系统.该精馏系统中的主要结构精馏塔采用填料塔形式,填料为高效新型规整填料PACK-13C,塔高4 m,直径80 mm,其中精馏段1.9 m,提馏段2.1 m.该精馏系统可以在回收率为99%的情况下,以5 kg/h(15SLPM)的速率将氙中氪的含量从10-9降低到10-12,这对要求高精度、高灵敏度、低本底的大型暗物质探测器的研制至关重要.  相似文献   

Stable isotope of autogenous oceanic carbonate (e.g., calcite of foraminiferal shells) has become a basic tracer in paleoceanography. Oxygen isotope composi-tion (δ 18O) is generally controlled by factors, such as ice volume and water temperature, and is…  相似文献   

Lyons JR  Young ED 《Nature》2005,435(7040):317-320
The abundances of oxygen isotopes in the most refractory mineral phases (calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions, CAIs) in meteorites have hitherto defied explanation. Most processes fractionate isotopes by nuclear mass; that is, 18O is twice as fractionated as 17O, relative to 16O. In CAIs 17O and 18O are nearly equally fractionated, implying a fundamentally different mechanism. The CAI data were originally interpreted as evidence for supernova input of pure 16O into the solar nebula, but the lack of a similar isotope trend in other elements argues against this explanation. A symmetry-dependent fractionation mechanism may have occurred in the inner solar nebula, but experimental evidence is lacking. Isotope-selective photodissociation of CO in the innermost solar nebula might explain the CAI data, but the high temperatures in this region would have rapidly erased the signature. Here we report time-dependent calculations of CO photodissociation in the cooler surface region of a turbulent nebula. If the surface were irradiated by a far-ultraviolet flux approximately 10(3) times that of the local interstellar medium (for example, owing to an O or B star within approximately 1 pc of the protosun), then substantial fractionation of the oxygen isotopes was possible on a timescale of approximately 10(5) years. We predict that similarly irradiated protoplanetary disks will have H2O enriched in 17O and 18O by several tens of per cent relative to CO.  相似文献   

从原子间相互作用出发,提出收缩因子的新概念,并利用它提出了适用于高密度气体的状态方程,系统地计算了氙气在临界区的等温压缩线.在缺乏实验数据的情况下,这些理论计算结果对实验有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

本文介绍了RJW-1型染料激光微光束仪电能激励系统——氙灯泵浦的火花隙强脉冲电流源系统的工作原理和几个组成部分的选择,并提供一种染料激光微光束仪电源的实际方案。  相似文献   

Palaeoproterozoic global glaciation (~2.3 Ga) may have been the first “snowball” Earth event in Earth history. North China has well-exposed sedimentary deposits of this time period with minimal postdepositional alteration. Sedimentary evidence of a glaciation event has been lacking, however. Here we analyzed carbon isotope composition of the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group (2.5–2.2 Ga) in the Wutai Mountain area, Shanxi Province, North China. Our data show, in an older to younger chronostratigraphic order, (1) positive δ 13Ccarb values in the Dashiling Formation of the Doucun Subgroup (3.2‰ to 1.0‰, VPDB); (2) a decrease in δ 13Ccarb values from the Wenshan Formation to the middle Daguandong Formation (from 2.0‰ to–1.2‰), during which time the occurrence of stromatolites declined; (3) a pronounced negative excursion in the upper Daguandong Formation, at the boundary of the Daguandong and Huaiyincun formations (from 1.4‰ to ?3.3‰), where stromatolites disappeared; and (4) a gradual increase of δ 13Ccarb values in the Beidaxing and Tianpengnao formations (from ?1.2‰ to 1.4‰), during which time stromatolites returned. We argue that the negative carbon isotope excursion recorded from the Jian’ancun Formation to the middle Daguandong Formation of the Hutuo Group may have been North China’s response to the Palaeoproterozoic global glaciation.  相似文献   

Fossils from sections at Germig in the Tibetan Himalayas allow the establishment of ammonoid assemblages ranging from uppermost Triassic to basal Jurassic. The carbon isotope profile from these sections shows a majority of positive values in the Rhaetian, and negative values within the Hettangian intervals. Pronounced negative excursions between the Triassic and Jurassic boundary corresponds to the end-Triassic extinction. A stepwise pattern of the end-Triassic extinction is demonstrated by the bivalves and ammonoids. However, the warm episode persisting throughout from late Triassic to basal Hettangian in the Tibetan Himalayas, indicated by subtropic and tropic forms remains to be interpreted.  相似文献   

Fossils from sections at Germig in the Tibetan Himalayas allow the establishment of ammonoid assemblages ranging from uppermost Triassic to basal Jurassic. The carbon isotope profile from these sections shows a majority of positive values in the Rhaetian, and negative values within the Hettangian intervals. Pronounced negative excursions between the Triassic and Jurassic boundary corresponds to the end-Triassic extinction. A stepwise pattern of the end-Triassic extinction is demonstrated by the bivalves and ammonoids. However, the warm episode persisting throughout from late Triassic to basal Hettangian in the Tibetan Himalayas, indicated by subtropic and tropic forms remains to be interpreted.  相似文献   

采用新的s-过程核合成模型和分叉s-过程反应通道,计算了太阳金属丰度3MTP-AGB星He壳层内重元素核合成,结果表明,中子辐照量小于标准情况时,丰度不能达到渐近分布,中子辐射量子大于标准情况时,达到渐近分布所需的脉冲数为5-10个,中子辐射量参数的合理取值范围为标准情况的0.5-2.5倍。  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope ratios of whole-rock, common rock-forming minerals and zircon from Mesozoic A-type granitic pluton at Nianzishan in northeastern China were analyzed by the conventional BrF5 method and the laser-probe technique, respectively. Both whole-rock and rock-forming minerals show large δ18O variations up to 5.5%. with significant oxygen isotope disequilibrium between zircon and the other minerals, whereas the δ18O values of zircon are tightly clustered between 3.12%. and 4.19%. and thus lower than the normal-mantle δ18O values. These results indicate that the Nianzishan A-type granite experienced two-stage water-rock interactions subsequentially. The remarkably low zircon δ18O values are genetically due to sea-water exchange with granite protolith in the first stage, and the oxygen isotope disequilibrium fractionations between zircon and rock-forming minerals are caused by meteoric-hydro thermal alteration in the second stage. It is inferred that the 18O-depleted A-type granitic magma was derived from partial melting of subducted lower oceanic crust which was isotopically exchanged with seawater at high temperatures. In the process of granite emplacement into the upper crust, meteoric-hydrothermal circulation was triggered to overprint crystallizing granite under subsolidus conditions.  相似文献   

An understanding of natural climatic variability is essential for evaluating anthropogenic impacts on recent and future climate[1—3]. Due to the lack of lengthy instrumental records, such an understanding must be gained from natural archives of climate change. Palaeolimnological indicators of past lake levels may provide a sensitive record of changes in effective precipitation in closed basins. This approach is particularly relevant on the Tibetan Plateau, where instrumental records are very…  相似文献   

Barium (Ba) isotopes can be used as potential tracers for crustal material recycling in the mantle. Determination of the Ba isotope composition of the depleted mantle is essential for such applications. However, Ba isotope data for mantle-derived basalts are still rare. In this study, we reported high-precision Ba isotope data of 30 oceanic basalts including 25 mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from geochemically and geologically diverse mid-ocean ridge segments and five back-arc basin basalts. The δ138/134Ba values of these samples varied from ?0.06‰ to +0.11‰, with no systematic cross-region variation. Together with published data, we constrained the average δ138/134Ba of global MORBs to +0.05‰±0.09‰ (2 standard deviation, n = 51). Based on depleted MORBs that have (La/Sm)N < 0.8, low 87Sr/86Sr (< 0.70263), and low Ba/Th < 71.3, we estimated the average δ138/134Ba of the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) as + 0.05‰ ± 0.05‰ (2SD, n = 16) that is significantly lower than the DMM (≈ 0.14‰) reported previously. If a new estimation of the DMM is applied, it is unreasonable to infer that the Ba isotope signatures of the “enriched-type” MORBs (E-MORBs) could be attributed to pervasive sediment recycling in the upper mantle. We, therefore, conclude that the Ba isotope compositions of the E-MORBs could be sourced from the incorporation of subducted altered oceanic crust and/or sediments depending on the Ba isotope composition and other geochemical information of the local mantle.  相似文献   

Re, Os concentrations and Os isotopic compositions of the Dongling ⅢCD iron meteorite were determined by N-TIMS technique. The result was compared with that of the other irons and chondrites. The Re and Os concentrations of the Dongling iron meteorite were plotted on the trends of the group ⅢA and ⅣA irons. The Pt-Os relation of the Dongling iron meteorite is similar to that of the group ⅡA irons. That suggests a higher fractionation for the Dongling iron meteorite.  相似文献   

The paleo oceanenvironmentalchangeduringthePrecambrian Cambriantransitionisakeyissuere latedtothecausesforanexplosiveradiationofdiffer entmetazoanphyladuringtheEarlyCambrianera .Thechemicalandisotopiccompositionsofmarinesed iments (carbonates ,phosphorites ,siliceousrocks ,andblackshales)recordthechangingcompositionandphysicalconditionsoftheseawaterinwhichtheserocksaccumulated .Organiccarbon richblackshalesfrommarineenvironmentsarecommonlyenrichedinanumberoftraceelementssuchasNi,Mo ,V ,Co ,…  相似文献   

A ca. 4000a decadal-resolution climate proxy record of the mean grain-size from a lake (or mash) sediment at the southern margin of the Tarim Basin, correlates visually with the atmospheric 14C record from tree ring (residual △^14C, solar proxy) and the GISP2 ice core δ^18O record (temperature proxy). In general, △^14C maxima (solar minima) are coincident with cold (wet) periods in the study area and cold periods in the Greenland ice core. Power spectrum analysis revealed statistically significant periodicities of 196a, 121a, 97a, 62a, 45a and 33--30a, which are similar to those principal solar-oscillation periods as inferred from the atmospheric radiocarbon and other proxy records. Possible solar forcing is addressed to be the main driving forcing of climate change in the southern margin of Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

 在已经发现的距今约4000~8000年前的新石器时代中国史前文化中,曾经出现过一次八角星图案的"暴发"。在这个时期的多达20余处的文化遗址中,都发现了八角星图案。这些遗址分布广泛,北至内蒙古,南至湖南,东至山东半岛,西至青海;已发现的最早的八角星图案出现在距今约7800年前,在湖南洪江的高庙遗址。鉴于生活在新石器时代不同地域的古人类之间,没有或者极少有通用的文字、语言等文化交流的媒介,而在他们的文化遗存中却都出现了八角星图案,这是非常值得研究的现象。考虑这样一种可能性,八角星图案是对一种发生在新石器时代、生活在广大地域的人类都能看到的非常引人瞩目天象的写照和反映。与同时代出现的类太阳图案比较表明,八角星图案很可能与一次史前的超新星爆发事件有关,是对超新星爆发后一段时间内的该天体形状的摹写和记录。结合现代天文学中银河系内超新星遗迹的观测资料,考虑超新星遗迹的距离、年龄和方位等因素,认为船帆座超新星或天鹅圈超新星的二者之一,可作为与新石器时代八角星图案有关的超新星爆发事件的候选者。  相似文献   

We report a combined internal and whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron age, and Nd and Pb isotopic data for gabbro dikes of the Luobusha ophiolite in Tibet. The Sm-Nd isochron of data for two whole rocks and plagioclase and clinopyroxene separates from one of the rocks yields a Middle Jurassic age of (177±31) Ma (with an initial εNd(t) = +8), which provides a significant bound on the time of formation of the Luobusha ophiolite. The Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics of the dike indicate an Indian-Ocean-type isotopic affinity, and we conclude that the Luobusha ophiolite formed in an oceanic setting during the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

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