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Sometimes a larger dataset needs to be reduced to just a few points, and it is desirable that these points be representative of the whole dataset. If the future uses of these points are not fully specified in advance, standard decision-theoretic approaches will not work. We present here methodology for choosing a small representative sample based on a mixture modeling approach.  相似文献   

从恩格斯的《自然辩证法》一书的出版、传播和研究,到1956年新中国第一个科学技术发展远景规划把自然辩证法定位为"哲学和自然科学之间"的一门科学,便成为一门学科在建设和发展中。今天,自然辩证法在中国已成为马克思主义学说的一个组成部分和马克思主义中国化的一门学科。  相似文献   

runt pruning , a new clustering method that attempts to find modes of a density by analyzing the minimal spanning tree of a sample. The method exploits the connection between the minimal spanning tree and nearest neighbor density (e.g. normal mixture) or about the geometric shapes of the clusters, and is computationally feasible for large data sets.  相似文献   

I offer a theory of art that is based on science. I maintain that, as any other human activity, art can be studied with the tools of science. This does not mean that art is scientific, but aesthetics, the theory of art, can be formulated in accord with our scientific knowledge. I present elucidations of the concepts of aesthetic experience, art, work of art, artistic movement, and I discuss the ontological status of artworks from the point of view of scientific philosophy.  相似文献   

microRNAs(miRNAs)是长约22nt的非编码RNA,它可通过降解mRNA或抑制其翻译来调控基因。本文简要介绍了miRNAs的研究背景,阐述了通过比较近缘物种中非保守的miRNA基因来研究miRNAs分子进化的理由。我们的研究结果证实miRNA基因会受到达尔文正选择的影响,发生快速的进化。这一结果将为我们了解非蛋白编码基因的功能与进化提供崭新的视角。  相似文献   

In this paper, I assume, perhaps controversially, that translation into a language of formal logic is not the method by which mathematicians assess mathematical reasoning. Instead, I argue that the actual practice of analyzing, evaluating and critiquing mathematical reasoning resembles, and perhaps equates with, the practice of informal logic or argumentation theory. It doesn’t matter whether the reasoning is a full-fledged mathematical proof or merely some non-deductive mathematical justification: in either case, the methodology of assessment overlaps to a large extent with argument assessment in non-mathematical contexts. I demonstrate this claim by considering the assessment of axiomatic or deductive proofs, probabilistic evidence, computer-aided proofs, and the acceptance of axioms. I also consider Jody Azzouni’s ‘derivation indicator’ view of proofs because it places derivations—which may be thought to invoke formal logic—at the center of mathematical justificatory practice. However, when the notion of ‘derivation’ at work in Azzouni’s view is clarified, it is seen to accord with, rather than to count against, the informal logical view I support. Finally, I pose several open questions for the development of a theory of mathematical argument.  相似文献   

When a dissimilarity matrix cannot be represented in a Euclidean space, it is possible to make it Euclidean by means of suitable transformations of the original dissimilarity values. In this paper we discuss some interesting properties of a class of transformations based on adding a specific squared Euclidean distance to the initial dissimilarity. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at combining both the properties of factorial subspaces and those of the Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm (MST) to obtain a reference structure (the Maximum Path) in which the statistical units are in reduced subordering. The coordinates (factor scores) of the statistical units in a multi-factorial subspace through Principal Component Analysis are the basis for the Minimum Spanning Tree. In the MST, we single out a path of maximum length. On the Maximum Path each graduation obtained for the unit can be used as a Synthetic Index of the phenomenon analyzed. Two distinct strategies lead to the choice of the subspace in which we have the best representation of the units in the Maximum Path. The validity of the method is confirmed by results achieved in various applications to real data.  相似文献   

毕勋磊 《自然辩证法通讯》2012,(5):84-88,100,127
如何认识技术标准是有关技术标准研究的最基本问题,已有研究主要从经济学、社会学等视角来认识技术标准,往往忽略技术发展规律对技术标准的影响。本文从技术知识论角度,将技术标准看作一种技术知识,具体探讨技术标准作为编码化知识的特征以及技术标准与人工制品之间的关系,从而开拓对技术标准认识的全新视角,为解决技术标准研究领域的问题提供新的思路。  相似文献   

X is the automatic hierarchical classification of one mode (units or variables or occasions) of X on the basis of the other two. In this paper the case of OMC of units according to variables and occasions is discussed. OMC is the synthesis of a set of hierarchical classifications Delta obtained from X; e.g., the OMC of units is the consensus (synthesis) among the set of dendograms individually defined by clustering units on the basis of variables, separately for each given occasion of X. However, because Delta is often formed by a large number of classifications, it may be unrealistic that a single synthesis is representative of the entire set. In this case, subsets of similar (homegeneous) dendograms may be found in Delta so that a consensus representative of each subset may be identified. This paper proposes, PARtition and Least Squares Consensus cLassifications Analysis (PARLSCLA) of a set of r hierarchical classifications Delta. PARLSCLA identifies the best least-squares partition of Delta into m (1 <= m <= r) subsets of homogeneous dendograms and simultaneously detects the closest consensus classification (a median classification called Least Squares Consensus Dendogram (LSCD) for each subset. PARLSCLA is a generalization of the problem to find a least-squares consensus dendogram for Delta. PARLSCLA is formalized as a mixed-integer programming problem and solved with an iterative, two-step algorithm. The method proposed is applied to an empirical data set.  相似文献   

Constructivism is the idea thatwe construct our own world rather than it beingdetermined by an outside reality. Its mostconsistent form, Radical Constructivism (RC),claims that we cannot transcend ourexperiences. Thus it doesn't make sense to saythat our constructions gradually approach thestructure of an external reality. The mind isnecessarily an epistemological solipsist, incontrast to being an ontological solipsist whomaintains that this is all there is, namely asingle mind within which the only world exists.RC recognizes the impossibility of the claimthat the world does not exist. Yet, RC has thepotential to go much further. I claim that RCprovides the foundation of a new world-view inwhich we can overcome hard scientific problems.Thus, the paper is urging us to carry RCfurther, not just on philosophical grounds, butalso into the domain of science.  相似文献   

The author deals with the operational core oflogic, i.e. its diverse procedures ofinference, in order to show that logicallyfalse inferences may in fact be right because –in contrast to logical rationality – theyactually enlarge our knowledge of the world.This does not only mean that logically trueinferences say nothing about the world, butalso that all our inferences are inventedhypotheses the adequacy of which cannot beproved within logic but only pragmatically. Inconclusion the author demonstrates, through therelationship between rule-following andrationality, that it is most irrational to wantto exclude the irrational: it may, at times, bemost rational to think and infer irrationally.Focussing on the operational aspects of knowingas inferring does away with the hiatus betweenlogic and life, cognition and the world(reality) – or whatever other dualism one wantsto invoke –: knowing means inferring, inferringmeans rule-governed interpreting, interpretingis a constructive, synthetic act, and aconstruction that proves adequate (viable) inthe ``world of experience', in life, in thepraxis of living, is, to the constructivistmind, knowledge. It is the practice of livingwhich provides the orienting standards forconstructivist thinking and its judgments ofviability. The question of truth is replaced bythe question of viability, and viabilitydepends on the (right) kind of experiential fit.  相似文献   

It is common practice to perform a principal component analysis (PCA) on a correlation matrix to represent graphically the relations among numerous variables. In such a situation, the variables may be considered as points on the unit hypersphere of an Euclidean space, and PCA provides a sort of best fit of these points within a subspace. Taking into account their particular position, this paper suggests to represent the variables on an optimal three-dimensional unit sphere.
Résumé Il est classique d'utiliser une analyse en composantes principales pour représenter graphiquement une matrice de corrélation. Dans une telle situation, les variables peuvent être considérées comme des points sur l'hypersphère unité d'un espace Euclidien, et l'analyse en composantes principales permet d'obtenir une bonne approximation de ces points à l'aide d'un sous-espace Euclidien. Prenant en compte une telle situation géométrique, le présent article suggère de représenter les variables sur une sphère tri-dimensionelle optimale.

术语学在国际上是一门新兴学科,世界上一些发达国家对它的研究已达到相当高的水平,而我国在术语学的研究方面还十分薄弱,专门从事这方面研究的人员非常之少,研究领域的学术成果也十分贫乏,术语学的研究还没有引起学术界和有关方面的重视。因此,在这种情况下召开中国术语学建设研讨会,无疑是非常及时的,相信这次研讨会对我国汉语术语学理论建设将起到积极的促进作用。1985年,经国务院批准正式成立了全国科学技术名词审定委员会,专职开展科技名词审定工作,它标志着我国科技术语的统一和规范工作进入了新的历史时期。全国科技名词委自成立以来,已按学科组建了60个分委员会,有2000多位高水平的科学家参加名词审定工作,审定公布了天文学等63种名词,包括了理、工、农、医、技术科学和交叉学科,初步建立起了较完整的科技名词体系。但是,每当我们回顾科技名词工作的成绩时,心中总感到有种缺憾,那就是对术语学理论的研究存在着严重不足。全国科技名词委虽然在这方面也做了一些工作,比如:参与制定了国家标准《确立术语的一般原则与方法》(GB1087-88);结合我国科技名词审定工作实践,制定了《科技名词审定工作的原则与方法》,用于指导科技名词的规范化与统一工作;为了给术语学理论研究工作提供平台和阵地,我们创办了《科技术语研究》杂志,选登了众多术语学理论方面的文章,但从总体要求来看,与世界先进水平相比,我们的理论研究还不太系统,可以说十分薄弱。我国的汉语文化博大精深,词汇丰富,无论现代科学技术有多么深奥和抽象,我们都能够用非常简洁和贴切的语言和词汇加以表达,这可以同世界上任何最优秀的文字相比美。为了继承和弘扬这一祖国优秀文化传统,我们在术语学研究领域也应该当仁不让,独树一帜,在国际上占有一席之地。我国有着独特的语言文字,与世界上多数国家使用的拼音文字有很大区别,对国际上的术语学理论只能是借鉴,汉语术语学必然会有自己鲜明的特色。这是一片待开垦的处女地,我们应积极地去研究、去开发。值得鼓舞和高兴的是,国内已有一些学者进行了有益的尝试和开拓,我们应该对他们的勇气和精神表达我们深深的敬意。在此,我们也呼吁,更多的专家、学者加入到这个队伍中来,为创立中国特色的汉语术语学理论做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   

We describe a new wavelet transform, for use on hierarchies or binary rooted trees. The theoretical framework of this approach to data analysis is described. Case studies are used to further exemplify this approach. A first set of application studies deals with data array smoothing, or filtering. A second set of application studies relates to hierarchical tree condensation. Finally, a third study explores the wavelet decomposition, and the reproducibility of data sets such as text, including a new perspective on the generation or computability of such data objects.  相似文献   

当代知识论学者对理解的探究热情日益高涨。其中涉及理解是否是一种知识的争论。理解知识说的主要代表人物格林姆指出,理解是一种know-how,是一种因果知识。这一主张遭到了来自普理查德、扎格泽伯斯基、卡凡维格等人的质疑。尽管格林姆对这些质疑作出了回应,但其主张仍有一些不足。"理解的融贯知识论"认为理解是各类知识的融贯混合体,这一理论不仅有足够的理论张力,还能为行动提供好的向导。  相似文献   

In two-class discriminant problems, objects are allocated to one of the two classes by means of threshold rules based on discriminant functions. In this paper we propose to examine the quality of a discriminant functiong in terms of its performance curve. This curve is the plot of the two misclassification probabilities as the thresholdt assumes various real values. The role of such performance curves in evaluating and ordering discriminant functions and solving discriminant problems is presented. In particular, it is shown that: (i) the convexity of such a curve is a sufficient condition for optimal use of the information contained in the data reduced byg, and (ii)g with non-convex performance curve should be corrected by an explicitly obtained transformation.  相似文献   

作为文化工具的心理治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 0世纪 80年代中后期以来兴起的文化心理学和文化建构主义心理学是心理学中一个较新的理论视角。尤其是后者对心理学的现代叙事进行了彻底的解构。本文试从这一角度重新审视心理治疗 ,通过一个具体案例 ,把心理治疗置于社会文化和意识形态的背景框架中进行分析 ,视其为执行文化问询、社会控制和建构新世界功能的文化工具。最后 ,本文对这一角度的地位和作用作了简单的评价。  相似文献   

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