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为适应大规模光伏出力接入乌江流域与梯级水电站联合调度、打捆送出的新要求,基于流域实际蓄能控制方式提出了水光互补模式下梯级水电站分期发电策略,确定了汛初、年末关键时间节点的蓄能合理范围,据此绘制了水光互补梯级蓄能调度图,以指导中长期水光互补调度。实例验证结果表明,与流域梯级水电站实际发电量相比,水光互补梯级蓄能调度图能够提高系统发电量0.7亿~2.1亿kW·h;水光互补梯级蓄能调度图编制过程简单、合理,优化调度结果符合实际,可用于乌江流域中长期水光互补优化调度。  相似文献   

To determine the impact of damming on the geochemical behavior of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Wujiang River basin, field measurements and samples were collected semimonthly for a year. The surface waters of the reservoirs contained concentrations of chlo- rophyll a up to 5.6 times higher than the upstream river. Compared with the entering waters, the contributions of HCO3- and dissolved CO2 to DIC decreased, and the contribution of CO32- to DIC and the carbon isotopic composition of DIC (δ13CDIc) increased in the surface waters of the reservoirs, while in the waters released, the DIC species showed reverse geochemical behaviors. The δ13CDIc ranged from -10.2 %o to 2.5 %0, indicating that significant contributions were from carbonate weathering, photosynthesis, and respiration. After the damming of a river, the bioactivity of phytoplankton was enhanced, and this affected the geochemistry of DIC compared to an unimpacted river and δ13CDIC can be used to discern these changes. High-frequency monitoring of river-reservoir systems is necessary to evaluate the efflux of CO2 and provide a better understanding of the carbon sinks and sources in the impounded river.  相似文献   

乌江梯级水库碳氮耦合的生物地球化学循环   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以乌江梯级水库及相关河段为研究对象, 对溶解CO2和NO3 含量的时空变化特征进行了研究. 溶解CO2平均值为(113.6±105.7) μmol·L−1, 变化为1.6934.6 μmol·L−1; NO3 平均值为(163.0±104.9) μmol·L−1, 变化为0.4632.0 μmol·L−1. 水库采样点溶解CO2和 NO3 的含量以及振幅均小于相应河流采样点. 由于来源及影响因素不同, 河流采样点CO2和 NO3不存在显著性相关. 筑坝建库后, 水库浮游植物生物作用增强, 成为影响物质循环的重要因素. 光合作用和呼吸作用将C和N的生物地球化学循环耦合在一起, 致使水库CO2和 NO3 表现出显著性相关. 研究结果表明, 梯级水电开发显著改变了原始河流C和N的生物地球化学循环特征.  相似文献   

飞仙关组作为川东主力气层,陆续已经发现了普光、毛坝、东岳寨、渡口河等一系列大中型气藏,展示了极其重要的战略地位。目前常规的组成分析方法已经不能满足该层天然气类型及成因的判别要求。通过分析烷烃气碳同位素特征,判识天然气类型、分析其成因机制。实验分析显示部分样品C_1~C_3烷烃气的碳同位素比值呈δ~(13)C_1δ~(13)C_2δ~(13)C_3分布(倒转),显示为多源、多期天然气混入。同时根据C_1/C_2+C_3与δ~(13)C_1及ln(C_1/C_2)与In(C_2/C_3)的值域变化特征,最终判断川东大多气藏以原油裂解气为主,混入一定的煤型气。川东飞仙关组古油藏于晚侏罗世沉积期,其埋藏深度介于5 300~8 200 m之间,油藏温度普遍超过150℃,油发生热裂解,生成烷烃气及沥青,持续时间大于30 Ma。  相似文献   

图像的恰可察觉失真(just noticeable distortion, JND)阈值是指人眼能够察觉的最小失真, 通常被用于去除图像/视频压缩中的视觉冗余. 针对 JND 模型对颜色和结构特征利用不充分的问题, 提出了一种基于颜色复杂度和结构张量的 JND 模型. 首先, 计算图像的颜色复杂度, 将其转换为与视觉敏感度相关的权值, 和对比掩蔽模型结合以提升模型的准确性; 然后, 利用结构张量对局部特征进行表示, 建立基于局部结构特征的调制因子, 估计结构不规则区域的视觉冗余程度; 最后, 将基于颜色复杂度的 JND 模型和基于结构张量的调制因子结合, 建立基于颜色复杂度和结构张量的 JND(complexity structure tensor based JND, CSJND)模型. 实验结果表明, 相比于已有的模型, 该模型在主观感知质量相同的前提下, 能使 PSNR 值明显降低; 该模型更加符合人眼的视觉特性, 能更准确地估计出 JND 阈值.  相似文献   

以嘉陵江流域及其梯级开发河段为研究对象, 通过在2008 年8 月(雨季) 及2009 年2 月(旱季) 进行密集采样, 分析测定了河水中溶解无机碳(dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC)含量及其同位素组成, 探讨了河水中DIC的来源及其季节与空间变化特征. 结果表明: 嘉陵江河水DIC 及其同位素13CDIC 组成的平均值, 雨季时为2 018 μmol/L 和−8.6‰, 旱季时为3 150 μmol/L 和−6.0‰, 二者均存在显著的季节变化; 嘉陵江水体13CDIC 的值旱季(枯水期) 高于雨季(丰水期), 与自然河流的季节变化特征相似, 而与水库、湖泊不同, 表明嘉陵江梯级水库群水体“湖沼学反应”并不明显.  相似文献   

浅水型水库活性区沉积物氮磷释放特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了了解浅型水库活性反应区底泥中氮磷的释放特征,对某小型水库活性区0-30cm沉积物柱芯分层进行氮、磷快速释放试验研究。研究结果表明:在厌氧条件下,可溶性无机磷(PO4-P)的释放速率显著比好氧状态下的高,最大释放速率为75.52μg/(h·g);在不同沉积深度的垂直剖面上,PO4-P释放量由大至小依次为中层(ML,14~16cm)、表层(SL,0~2cm)和底层(BL,28~30cm),较高的水温环境可促进可溶性磷释放;水库沉积物聚集了大量NH4-N在好氧条件下,沉积物释放的NH4-N质量浓度逐渐降低,同时伴随着NO3-N质量浓度大幅度增加;在厌氧条件下,NO3-N和NO2-N质量浓度无明显变化;不同沉积深度底泥层硝化作用存在显著差异,表层沉积底泥NO3-N转化速度最大;可通过曝气措施削减水库水中氮磷含量,抑制藻类过度繁殖,进而改善水库水环境质量和出水水质。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, the papers and data involved withthe South China Sea (SCS) have been emerging in largenumbers in the world as people pay more attention to thepaleoceanography of the SCS. There have been more than100 cores mentioned in papers containing p…  相似文献   

本文选择典型的无烟煤基活性炭(TX-AC)和烟煤基活性炭(XP-AC)为研究对象,采用常规加热酸碱法和微波加热酸碱法进行活性炭脱灰的研究。结果表明,微波加热较常规加热耗时少,处理后样品碘吸附值、亚甲基蓝值高于常规法;TX-AC微波脱灰处理后的BET比表面积由621m~2/g增大到810.1m~2/g,平均孔径由2.19nm增大到2.818nm,XP-AC微波处理后的平均孔径由2.17nm增大到3.064nm。  相似文献   

【目的】海水中溶解有机碳(DOC)的研究对于碳的生物地球化学循环具有重要意义。通过对南黄海及长江口邻近海域夏季溶解有机碳的分布特征及其影响因素的研究,为进一步丰富我国陆架边缘海碳循环的研究提供数据支持和参考依据。【方法】利用高温燃烧氧化法对2013年夏季南黄海及长江口邻近海域水体中的DOC进行测定,初步分析夏季南黄海DOC的分布特征,并结合水文、化学、生物同步观测参数,探讨影响DOC分布的主要因素。【结果】2013年夏季南黄海及长江口邻近海域DOC的含量为0.24~2.37mg/L,平均值为(1.34±0.42)mg/L。整体而言,调查海区平面分布呈现北部浓度高,向南部逐渐降低,近岸浓度高远岸浓度低的分布趋势。DOC的垂直分布呈现表层高,逐渐向底层减小,在底层又有所增加的趋势。【结论】研究海区DOC的分布受水团物理混合控制作用十分明显,近岸DOC高值区的分布主要受鲁北沿岸流和陆源输入影响,南部的低值区主要受黑潮表层水及台湾暖流的稀释作用影响,而生物作用对DOC的分布影响较弱。  相似文献   

二氧化碳在油藏中的波及范围是评价致密油藏二氧化碳吞吐采收率的关键参数。如何计算吞吐过程中二氧化碳的波及范围已成为新的研究热点。基于二氧化碳对流扩散机理,建立二氧化碳吞吐的理论模型,通过Laplace变换方法得到理论模型的解析解,绘制二氧化碳浓度分布图版,形成一种合理计算吞吐过程中二氧化碳波及范围的新方法。在此基础上,定义二氧化碳极限作用浓度,提出二氧化碳有效作用半径的概念,并分析弥散度、分子扩散系数和注入速度对有效作用半径的影响。研究结果表明:影响致密油藏二氧化碳吞吐有效作用半径的主要因素是注入速度和分子扩散系数,弥散度对有效作用半径的影响较小。  相似文献   

5ka B.P.鄱阳湖地区古气候演化的有机碳稳定同位素记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据鄱阳湖沉积岩芯ZK01有机碳同位素以及沉积特征等环境指标的综合分析,并同鄱阳湖湖口地区孢粉组合特征相结合,重建鄱阳湖地区5kaB.P.以来的古气候演变。结果表明:5.0-4.2kaB.P.,气候以暖湿为主;4.2-3.9kaB.P.。以冷湿为主;3.9-3.2kaB.P.,气候转温和,以温偏干气候为主;3.2-3.0kaB.P.,气候凉偏干;3.0-2.8kaB.P.暖偏干气候为主;2.8-2.2kaB.P.,以凉偏湿为主;2.2-1.2kaB.P.,较长时期的温暖湿润气候;1.2-0.2kaB.P.,对应的冷湿气候特征;0.2kaB.P.到现在,气候又开始变得越来越温暖,可能是人类活动的影响所致。  相似文献   

Various branched and cyclic hydrocarbons are isolated from the Fushun oil shale and their carbon isotopes are determined. The analytical results show that the branched and cyclic hydrocarbons are fully separated from n-alkanes by 5 A molecular-sieve adduction using long time and cold solvent. The branched and cyclic hydrocarbon fraction obtained by this method is able to satisfy the analytic requests of GC-IRMS. The carbon isotopic compositions of these branched and cyclic hydrocarbons obtained from the sample indicate that they are derived from photoautotrophic algae, chemoautotrophic bacteria (-33.4‰— -39.0‰) and methanotrophic bacteria (-38.4‰— -46.3‰). However the long-chain 2-methyl-branched alkanes indicate that their carbon isotopic compositions reflect biological origin from higher plants. The carbon isotopic composition of C30 4-methyl sterane (-22.1‰) is the heaviest in all studied steranes, showing that the carbon source or growth condition for its precursor, dinoflageilate, may be different from that of regular steranes. The variation trend of δ^13C ValUes between isomers of hopanes shows that ^13C-enriched precursors take precedence in process of their epimerization. Methanotrophic hopanes presented reveal the processes of strong transformation of organic matter and cycling of organic carbon in the water column and early diagenesis of oil shale.  相似文献   

再建气候环境演化历史的碳同位素技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳定碳同位素是再建气候环境变化历史最重要手段。简要回顾了碳同位素分馏的主要影响因素。介绍了碳同位素变化与生态环境变迁的可能关系 ;重点探讨了利用碳同位素再建古大气CO2 的原理和方法  相似文献   

To date, questions remain as to how to differentiate between coaland interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. Based on the hypothesis that δ13C value of sedimentary organic matter is controlled by the depositional environment and productivities of biota grown in such depositional setting, this note examines compound specific carbon isotopic profiles from coal and interbedded shale extracts using the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry technique (GC/IRMS). The results show that compound specific carbon isotope values from coal extracts are enriched in13C relative to that of interbedded shale extracts, and provide useful information in characterizing coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures. An example for its successful application from the Turpan Basin, Northwestern China is presented.  相似文献   

海水中溶解态磷酸盐的氧同位素组成(δ18Op)是海洋磷循环研究的有效示踪剂之一.海水中溶解态磷酸盐的富集、分离与纯化研究是测定海水磷酸盐氧同位素组成的基础.通过对国内外海水中磷酸盐氧同位素组成的测定方法进行查阅,选择改进后的MAGIC-CePO4沉淀-阳离子交换树脂法对海水中溶解态磷酸盐进行富集、分离与纯化,并对实验条件进行了探讨.实验结果表明,所采用的方法对于3种不同溶液体系3个步骤的磷酸盐平均回收率分别为92.8%,88.2%和98.3%,全流程磷酸盐回收率达到80%以上,因此可作为海水磷酸盐氧同位素测定的重要前提.  相似文献   

对X射线衍射数据计算程序进行改进,并运用改进的XRD程序对本实验室近期合成的几种化合物及文献报道的巯基乙酸锑配合物的X射线衍射数据进行了计算,结果满意.同时,简要介绍运用X射线衍射分析判断新相生成并对其进行表征,探讨制备条件对组成结构的影响,推测反应机理及解决生产中的问题,为制备合格材料提供依据.  相似文献   

梯级水库建设对乌江径流累积效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域梯级开发是我国一项较大的流域开发系统工程,诸多梯级电站所在河流存在径流量大,径流时空分布不均的特点,而梯级电站的规划与兴建,对当地流域水文情势具有明显的影响效果。以乌江干流为例,运用率定结果合理的水环境数学模型对乌江流域不同方案下水动力环境的模拟,对比分析了乌江梯级开发区域内天然情况、单库运行和梯级水库联合调度对于乌江沿程干流径流调节作用的影响效应及差异度,结果显示:1河流水库的建立削弱了洪季流量,提高了枯季流量,具有径流调节及均化作用;2水库的均化径流效应会随着沿程水库的联合运行呈现逐步增强状态,即水库对径流的调节作用会随梯级水库的联合运行产生沿程累积叠加效应,进而逐步使得河段沿程的年径流量分配更加均匀。  相似文献   

测定了祁连山一棵千年圆柏不同方位上树木稳定碳同位素比率 (δ13 C值 )和光合作用色素 .结果显示 ,树木中 δ13 C值具有明显的方位差异 :北面的 δ13 C值相对较高 ,西面的 δ13 C值相对较低 .树叶中叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量和类黄酮含量的方位变化趋势与δ13 C值类似 .分析表明 ,后者的方位变化是树木对局部环境的光辐射差异长期适应的结果 ,而树木中δ13 C值的方位差异可归咎于光同时引起光合作用和呼吸作用变化的缘故  相似文献   

The amount and biodegradability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in forest floors can contribute to carbon sequestration in soils and the release of CO 2-C from soil to the atmosphere.There is only limited knowledge about the biodegradation of DOC in soil extracts and leachates due to the limitations inherent in degradation experiments.Differences in the biodegradation of DOC were studied in forest soil extracts using cold and hot water and 4 mmol/L CaCl 2 solution and in soil leachates sampled under different conditions over a wide range of DOC concentrations.From these results,we developed a simple and rapid method for determining the biodegradable organic C in forest floors.The hot water extracts and CaCl 2 extracts after CH 3 Cl fumigation contained higher concentrations of biodegradable organic C than the cold water extracts and CaCl 2 extracts before fumigation,with rapid DOC degradation occurring 24-48 h after incubation with an inoculum,followed by slow DOC degradation till 120-168 h into the incubation.During a 7-d incubation with an inoculum,the variation in DOC degradation in the different soil extracts was consistent with the change in special UV absorbance at 254 nm.Relatively higher levels of biodegradable organic C were detected in soil leachates from the forest canopy than in forest gaps between April and October 2008 (P <0.05).Relatively lower concentrations of DOC and biodegradable organic C were observed in soil leachates from N-fertilized plots during the growing season compared with the control,with the exception of the plot treated with KNO 3 at a rate of 45 kg N ha 1 a 1.Around 77.4% to 96.3% of the variability in the biodegradable organic C concentrations in the forest floors could be accounted for by the initial DOC concentration and UV absorbance at 254 nm.Compared with the conventional inoculum incubation method,the method of analyzing UV absorbance at 254 nm is less time consuming and requires a much smaller sample volume.The results suggest that the regression models obtained using the initial DOC concentration and UV absorbance can provide a rapid,simple and reliable method for determining the biodegradable organic C content,especially in field studies involving relatively large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

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