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The analysis of a three-way data set using three-mode principal components analysis yields component matrices for all three modes of the data, and a three-way array called the core, which relates the components for the different modes to each other. To exploit rotational freedom in the model, one may rotate the core array (over all three modes) to an optimally simple form, for instance by three-mode orthomax rotation. However, such a rotation of the core may inadvertently detract from the simplicity of the component matrices. One remedy is to rotate the core only over those modes in which no simple solution for the component matrices is desired or available, but this approach may in turn reduce the simplicity of the core to an unacceptable extent. In the present paper, a general approach is developed, in which a criterion is optimized that not only takes into account the simplicity of the core, but also, to any desired degree, the simplicity of the component matrices. This method (in contrast to methods for either core or component matrix rotation) can be used to find solutions in which the core and the component matrices are all reasonably simple.  相似文献   

Models for the representation of proximity data (similarities/dissimilarities) can be categorized into one of three groups of models: continuous spatial models, discrete nonspatial models, and hybrid models (which combine aspects of both spatial and discrete models). Multidimensional scaling models and associated methods, used for thespatial representation of such proximity data, have been devised to accommodate two, three, and higher-way arrays. At least one model/method for overlapping (but generally non-hierarchical) clustering called INDCLUS (Carroll and Arabie 1983) has been devised for the case of three-way arrays of proximity data. Tree-fitting methods, used for thediscrete network representation of such proximity data, have only thus far been devised to handle two-way arrays. This paper develops a new methodology called INDTREES (for INdividual Differences in TREE Structures) for fitting various(discrete) tree structures to three-way proximity data. This individual differences generalization is one in which different individuals, for example, are assumed to base their judgments on the same family of trees, but are allowed to have different node heights and/or branch lengths.We initially present an introductory overview focussing on existing two-way models. The INDTREES model and algorithm are then described in detail. Monte Carlo results for the INDTREES fitting of four different three-way data sets are presented. In the application, a single ultrametric tree is fitted to three-way proximity data derived from intention-to-buy-data for various brands of over-the-counter pain relievers for relieving three common types of maladies. Finally, we briefly describe how the INDTREES procedure can be extended to accommodate hybrid modelling, as well as to handle other types of applications.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a maximum clustering similarity (MCS) method for determining the number of clusters in a data set by studying the behavior of similarity indices comparing two (of several) clustering methods. The similarity between the two clusterings is calculated at the same number of clusters, using the indices of Rand (R), Fowlkes and Mallows (FM), and Kulczynski (K) each corrected for chance agreement. The number of clusters at which the index attains its maximum is a candidate for the optimal number of clusters. The proposed method is applied to simulated bivariate normal data, and further extended for use in circular data. Its performance is compared to the criteria discussed in Tibshirani, Walther, and Hastie (2001). The proposed method is not based on any distributional or data assumption which makes it widely applicable to any type of data that can be clustered using at least two clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

Finite mixture modeling is a popular statistical technique capable of accounting for various shapes in data. One popular application of mixture models is model-based clustering. This paper considers the problem of clustering regression autoregressive moving average time series. Two novel estimation procedures for the considered framework are developed. The first one yields the conditional maximum likelihood estimates which can be used in cases when the length of times series is substantial. Simple analytical expressions make fast parameter estimation possible. The second method incorporates the Kalman filter and yields the exact maximum likelihood estimates. The procedure for assessing variability in obtained estimates is discussed. We also show that the Bayesian information criterion can be successfully used to choose the optimal number of mixture components and correctly assess time series orders. The performance of the developed methodology is evaluated on simulation studies. An application to the analysis of tree ring data is thoroughly considered. The results are very promising as the proposed approach overcomes the limitations of other methods developed so far.  相似文献   

The Self-Organizing Feature Maps (SOFM; Kohonen 1984) algorithm is a well-known example of unsupervised learning in connectionism and is a clustering method closely related to the k-means. Generally the data set is available before running the algorithm and the clustering problem can be approached by an inertia criterion optimization. In this paper we consider the probabilistic approach to this problem. We propose a new algorithm based on the Expectation Maximization principle (EM; Dempster, Laird, and Rubin 1977). The new method can be viewed as a Kohonen type of EM and gives a better insight into the SOFM according to constrained clustering. We perform numerical experiments and compare our results with the standard Kohonen approach.  相似文献   

We propose a non-negative real-valued model of hierarchical classes (HICLAS) for two-way two-mode data. Like the other members of the HICLAS family, the non-negative real-valued model (NNRV-HICLAS) implies simultaneous hierarchically organized classifications of all modes involved in the data. A distinctive feature of the novel model is that it yields continuous, non-negative real-valued reconstructed data, which considerably expands the application range of the HICLAS family. The expansion implies a major algorithmic challenge as it involves a move from the typical discrete optimization problems in HICLAS to a mixed discrete-continuous one. To solve this mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem, a two-stage algorithm combining a simulated annealing and an alternating local descent stage is proposed. Subsequently it is evaluated in a simulation study. Finally, the NNRVHICLAS model is applied to an empirical data set on anger.  相似文献   

A permutation-based algorithm for block clustering   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Hartigan (1972) discusses the direct clustering of a matrix of data into homogeneous blocks. He introduces a stepwise divisive method for block clustering within a certain class of block structures which induce clustering trees for both row and column margins. While this class of structures is appealing, the stopping criterion for his method, which is based on asymptotic theory and the assumption that the individual elements of the data matrix are normally distributed, is quite restrictive. In this paper we propose a permutation-based algorithm for block clustering within the same class of block structures. By using permutation arguments to decide where to split and when to stop, our algorithm becomes applicable in a wide variety of cases, including matrices of categorical data and matrices of small-to-moderate size. In addition, our algorithm offers considerable flexibility in how block homogeneity is defined. The algorithm is studied in a series of simulation experiments on matrices of known structure, and illustrated in examples drawn from the fields of taxonomy, political science, and data architecture.  相似文献   

ADditive CLUStering (ADCLUS) is a tool for overlapping clustering of two-way proximity matrices (objects?×?objects). In Simple Additive Fuzzy Clustering (SAFC), a variant of ADCLUS is introduced providing a fuzzy partition of the objects, that is the objects belong to the clusters with the so-called membership degrees ranging from zero (complete non-membership) to one (complete membership). INDCLUS (INdividual Differences CLUStering) is a generalization of ADCLUS for handling three-way proximity arrays (objects?×?objects?×?subjects). Here, we propose a fuzzified alternative to INDCLUS capable to offer a fuzzy partition of the objects by generalizing in a three-way context the idea behind SAFC. This new model is called Fuzzy INdividual Differences CLUStering (FINDCLUS). An algorithm is provided for fitting the FINDCLUS model to the data. Finally, the results of a simulation experiment and some applications to synthetic and real data are discussed.  相似文献   

Variable Selection for Clustering and Classification   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
As data sets continue to grow in size and complexity, effective and efficient techniques are needed to target important features in the variable space. Many of the variable selection techniques that are commonly used alongside clustering algorithms are based upon determining the best variable subspace according to model fitting in a stepwise manner. These techniques are often computationally intensive and can require extended periods of time to run; in fact, some are prohibitively computationally expensive for high-dimensional data. In this paper, a novel variable selection technique is introduced for use in clustering and classification analyses that is both intuitive and computationally efficient. We focus largely on applications in mixture model-based learning, but the technique could be adapted for use with various other clustering/classification methods. Our approach is illustrated on both simulated and real data, highlighted by contrasting its performance with that of other comparable variable selection techniques on the real data sets.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in the size of data sets makes clustering all the more important to capture and summarize the information, at the same time making clustering more difficult to accomplish. If model-based clustering is applied directly to a large data set, it can be too slow for practical application. A simple and common approach is to first cluster a random sample of moderate size, and then use the clustering model found in this way to classify the remainder of the objects. We show that, in its simplest form, this method may lead to unstable results. Our experiments suggest that a stable method with better performance can be obtained with two straightforward modifications to the simple sampling method: several tentative models are identified from the sample instead of just one, and several EM steps are used rather than just one E step to classify the full data set. We find that there are significant gains from increasing the size of the sample up to about 2,000, but not from further increases. These conclusions are based on the application of several alternative strategies to the segmentation of three different multispectral images, and to several simulated data sets.  相似文献   

Functional data sets appear in many areas of science. Although each data point may be seen as a large finite-dimensional vector it is preferable to think of them as functions, and many classical multivariate techniques have been generalized for this kind of data. A widely used technique for dealing with functional data is to choose a finite-dimensional basis and find the best projection of each curve onto this basis. Therefore, given a functional basis, an approach for doing curve clustering relies on applying the k-means methodology to the fitted basis coefficients corresponding to all the curves in the data set. Unfortunately, a serious drawback follows from the lack of robustness of k-means. Trimmed k-means clustering (Cuesta-Albertos, Gordaliza, and Matran 1997) provides a robust alternative to the use of k-means and, consequently, it may be successfully used in this functional framework. The proposed approach will be exemplified by considering cubic B-splines bases, but other bases can be applied analogously depending on the application at hand.  相似文献   

Free-sorting data are obtained when subjects are given a set of objects and are asked to divide them into subsets. Such data are usually reduced by counting for each pair of objects, how many subjects placed both of them into the same subset. The present study examines the utility of a group of additional statistics. the cooccurrences of sets of three objects. Because there are dependencies among the pair and triple cooccurrences, adjusted triple similarity statistics are developed. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis — which usually use pair similarities as their input data — can be modified to operate on three-way similarities to create representations of the set of objects. Such methods are applied to a set of empirical sorting data: Rosenberg and Kim's (1975) fifteen kinship terms.The author thanks Phipps Arabie, Lawrence Hubert, Lawrence Jones, Ed Shoben, and Stanley Wasserman for their considerable contributions to this paper.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is the study of clustering dependent data by means of copula functions. Copulas are popular multivariate tools whose importance within clustering methods has not been investigated yet in detail. We propose a new algorithm (CoClust in brief) that allows to cluster dependent data according to the multivariate structure of the generating process without any assumption on the margins. Moreover, the approach does not require either to choose a starting classification or to set a priori the number of clusters; in fact, the CoClust selects them by using a criterion based on the log–likelihood of a copula fit. We test our proposal on simulated data for different dependence scenarios and compare it with a model–based clustering technique. Finally, we show applications of the CoClust to real microarray data of breast-cancer patients.  相似文献   

Assume that a dissimilarity measure between elements and subsets of the set being clustered is given. We define the transformation of the set of subsets under which each subset is transformed into the set of all elements whose dissimilarity to it is not greater than a given threshold. Then a cluster is defined as a fixed point of this transformation. Three well-known clustering strategies are considered from this point of view: hierarchical clustering, graph-theoretic methods, and conceptual clustering. For hierarchical clustering generalizations are obtained that allow for overlapping clusters and/or clusters not forming a cover. Three properties of dissimilarity are introduced which guarantee the existence of fixed points for each threshold. We develop the relation to the theory of quasi-concave set functions, to help give an additional interpretation of clusters.  相似文献   

X is the automatic hierarchical classification of one mode (units or variables or occasions) of X on the basis of the other two. In this paper the case of OMC of units according to variables and occasions is discussed. OMC is the synthesis of a set of hierarchical classifications Delta obtained from X; e.g., the OMC of units is the consensus (synthesis) among the set of dendograms individually defined by clustering units on the basis of variables, separately for each given occasion of X. However, because Delta is often formed by a large number of classifications, it may be unrealistic that a single synthesis is representative of the entire set. In this case, subsets of similar (homegeneous) dendograms may be found in Delta so that a consensus representative of each subset may be identified. This paper proposes, PARtition and Least Squares Consensus cLassifications Analysis (PARLSCLA) of a set of r hierarchical classifications Delta. PARLSCLA identifies the best least-squares partition of Delta into m (1 <= m <= r) subsets of homogeneous dendograms and simultaneously detects the closest consensus classification (a median classification called Least Squares Consensus Dendogram (LSCD) for each subset. PARLSCLA is a generalization of the problem to find a least-squares consensus dendogram for Delta. PARLSCLA is formalized as a mixed-integer programming problem and solved with an iterative, two-step algorithm. The method proposed is applied to an empirical data set.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new procedure for simultaneously performing multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis on two-way compositional data of proportions. The objective of the proposed procedure is to delineate patterns of variability in compositions across subjects by simultaneously clustering subjects into latent classes or groups and estimating a joint space of stimulus coordinates and class-specific vectors in a multidimensional space. We use a conditional mixture, maximum likelihood framework with an E-M algorithm for parameter estimation. The proposed procedure is illustrated using a compositional data set reflecting proportions of viewing time across television networks for an area sample of households.  相似文献   

A new set of derived variables is proposed for exhibiting grouped multivariate data in a small number of dimensions, in such a way as to highlight `extremeness' of one or more groups relative to the rest of the data. Such display can provide a useful exploratory tool in multivariate ranking and selection problems. We explore four possible measures of `extremeness', and suggest which one is best for practical application. We show that the technique can be used to derive either orthogonal or uncorrelated dimensions for any type of input data, and we give an illustrative example of its use.  相似文献   

The paper presents methodology for analyzing a set of partitions of the same set of objects, by dividing them into classes of partitions that are similar to one another. Two different definitions are given for the consensus partition which summarizes each class of partitions. The classes are obtained using either constrained or unconstrained clustering algorithms. Two applications of the methodology are described.  相似文献   

The paper contains a proposal of interval data clustering related to given social and economic objects characterized by many interval variables. This multivariate approach is based on an original conception of interval quantiles constructed using a special definition derived from the notion of the Hausdorff distance. In order to improve the quality of classification, the obtained interval quantile classes can be next aggregated into larger merged classes. The efficiency of our method can be assessed using especially defined indices of entropy and volume coefficients. The second notion replaces the classical concept of area, which is not applicable in this case.  相似文献   

A clustering that consists of a nested set of clusters may be represented graphically by a tree. In contrast, a clustering that includes non-nested overlapping clusters (sometimes termed a “nonhierarchical” clustering) cannot be represented by a tree. Graphical representations of such non-nested overlapping clusterings are usually complex and difficult to interpret. Carroll and Pruzansky (1975, 1980) suggested representing non-nested clusterings with multiple ultrametric or additive trees. Corter and Tversky (1986) introduced the extended tree (EXTREE) model, which represents a non-nested structure as a tree plus overlapping clusters that are represented by marked segments in the tree. We show here that the problem of finding a nested (i.e., tree-structured) set of clusters in an overlapping clustering can be reformulated as the problem of finding a clique in a graph. Thus, clique-finding algorithms can be used to identify sets of clusters in the solution that can be represented by trees. This formulation provides a means of automatically constructing a multiple tree or extended tree representation of any non-nested clustering. The method, called “clustrees”, is applied to several non-nested overlapping clusterings derived using the MAPCLUS program (Arabie and Carroll 1980).  相似文献   

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