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For weighted sums of the form where {a nj , 1 ⩽jk n ↑∞,n⩾1} is a real constant array and {X aj , 1≤jk n, n≥1} is a rowwise independent, zero mean, random element array in a real separable Banach space of typep, we establishL r convergence theorem and a general weak law of large numbers respectively, conversely, we characterize Banach spaces of typep in terms of convergence inr-th mean and probability for such weighted sums. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10071058) Biography: Gan Shi-xin (1939-), male, Professor, research direction: martingale theory, probability limiting theory and Banach space geometry theory.  相似文献   

1 PreliminariesLet(Ω ,F ,P)beaprobabilityspace .Let{Xn ,t,n ,t≥1} denoteanarrayofrandomvariableson (Ω ,F ,P) .Let{Fn,t,-∞ 0 ,‖X‖qisdefinedas(E|X|q) 1q ,whereXisanLqintegrablerandomvariable .AnLqintegrablearray{Xn,t,Fn ,t}iscalledanLq mixin galearrayifthereexistnonnegativeconstants{Cn ,t,n ,t≥ 1}and { ψ(m) ,m≥ 0 } suchthatψ(m) ↓ 0asm→∞andforallt≥ 1andm ≥ 0 wehave‖ (X…  相似文献   

Let {Xn, n≥1} be a martingale difference sequence and {a nk , 1⩽kn,n⩾1} an array of constant real numbers. The limiting behavior of weighted partial sums ∑ k=1 n a nk X k is investigated and some new results are obtained. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Sciene Foundation of China (No. 10071058 and No. 10071019) Biography: Gan Shi-xin (1939-), male, Prof lessor, research direction: martingale theory, probability limiting theory and Banach space geometry theory.  相似文献   

We give some theorems of strong law of large numbers and complete convergence for sequences of φ-mixing random variables. In particular, Wittmann's strong law of large numbers and Teicher's strong law of large nnumbers for independent random variables are generalized to the case of φ -minxing random variables.  相似文献   

This paper investigates some conditions which imply the strong laws of large numbers for Banach space valued random variable sequences. Some generalizations of the Marcinkiewicz- Zygmund theorem and the HoffmannJφrgensen and Pisier theorem are obtained.  相似文献   

Echo canceller generally needs a double-talk detector which is used to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the appearance of near-end speech. In this paper we adopt a new double-talk detection algorithm based on ι2 norm to detect the existence of near-end speech in an acoustic echo canceller. We analyze this algorithm from the point of view of functional analysis and point out that the proposed double-talk detection algorithm has the same performance as the classic one in a finite Banach space. The remarkable feature of this algorithm is its higher accuracy and better computation complexity. The fine properties of this algorithm are confirmed by computer simulation and the application in a multimedia communication system.  相似文献   

The purpose to this paper is to study the existence problem of solutions to the vector quasivariational inequality for vector-valued functions inH-space. Foundation item: Supported by the Science Research Foundation of Xianning Teacher’s College (No. K9911) Biography: Mao Jian-feng (1960-), male, Lecturer, research direction: nonlinear functional analysis.  相似文献   

By using an LKB-2277 bioactivity monitor and ampoule method, the fundamental thermogenesis curves of the metabolic process of liver mitochondria fromCarassius auratus hybrid carps and the toxic effect of Na2SeO3 on it were studied at 28°C. From the thermogenesis curves, the thermokinetic equations were established under different condition. The kinetics show that Na2SeO3 has toxic action on the metabolism process ofCarassius auratus hybrid carps liver mitochondria. Foundation item: Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (29973030, 30170010 and 5020310), Chenguang Project of Wuhan and National Postdoctor Foundation of China Biography: Li Xi (1968-), female, Associate pofessor, research direction: biothermochemistry and biomaterials.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism between (Me)3CO· radical and trans-3-hexene in benzene was studied for the first time at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d)+ZPVE level. Two distinct elementary channels were identified as: (1) abstraction-addition; (2) addition-addition-elimination. Analysis of the potential energy surface demonstrates that for the title reaction, channels (1) and (2) have the major and minor contribution, respectively. Our calculated results can well explain the recently observed product distribution by Coseri et al. (J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 4629). However, we found that the addition-abstraction channel proposed by Coseri et al. is kinetically infeasible.  相似文献   

To study the modulation mechanism of the middle brain of the Gekko to the locomotion, we introduced a stereotaxic method first in literature and developed an apparatus suitable for Gekko gecko, the biggest wall and ceiling climber in nature. We defined the bregma and nasal points as reference points, selected the bilateral infraorbital margin and top point of the maxillary tooth for locating and fixing, and set up the line passing through the bregma and paralleling to a line connecting the bilateral infraorbital margin as x axis. Then, we defined a horizontal plane in the stereotaxic instrument, passing through x axis and the certain point which is 4.8 mm exactly above the nasal point, as the XOY plane; the sagittal plane, i.e. the YOZplane, is the plane which is perpendicular to x axis and passes through the bregma; the plane, i.e. the XOZ plane, which passes through x axis and is perpendicular to the horizontal plane is the coronal plane. We designed a set of head holder which includes three parts: bilateral infraorbital margin clamps, a gecko adaptor holding the rostral side of the upper jaw. The allocation and operation of the head holder is accurate and simple, and the device is low in cost and compatible with standard stereotaxic instrument.  相似文献   

This paper introduces some concepts such as q-process in random environment, Laplace transformation, ergodic potential kernel, error function and some basic lemmas.We study the continuity and Laplace transformation of random transition function. Finally, we give the sufficient condition for the existence of ergodic potential kernel for homogeneous q-processes in random environments.  相似文献   

Oryza sativa and O. latifolia belong to the AA and CCDD genomes of Oryza, respectively. In this study, interspecific hybrids of these species were obtained using the embryo rescue technique. Hybrid panicle traits, such as long awns, small grain, exoteric large purple stigma, grain shattering and dispersed panicles, resemble that of the paternal parent, O. latifolia, whereas there is obvious heterosis in such respects as plant height, tillering ability and vegetative vigor. Chromosome pairing and the genomic components of the hybrid were subsequently investigated using genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. Based on the mitotic metaphase chromosome numbers of the root tips investigated, the hybrid is a triploid with 36 chromosomes. The genomic constitution of the hybrid is ACD. In the meiotic metaphase Ⅰ of the hybrid pollen mother cell, poor chromosome pairing was identified and most of the chromosomes were univalent, which resulted in complete male sterility in the hybrid.  相似文献   

A new compressibility modification k-ε model, including shock unsteadiness effect and the previous compressibility modification of pressure dilatation and dilatational dissipation rate, was developed with a simple formulation for numerical simulation in supersonic complex turbulent flows. The shock unsteadiness effect was modeled by inhibiting turbulent kinetic energy production in the governing equations of turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. Sarkar's correction models were employed accounting for the dilatational compressibility effects in the new model. Two types of flows, the free supersonic mixing layers and complex supersonic flow with transverse injection were simulated with different flow conditions. Comparisons with experimental data of the free supersonic mixing layers showed that the new compressibility modification k-ε model significantly inhibited the excessive growth of turbulent kinetic energy and improved predictions. On the supersonic mixing layer flows, prediction results with the new model were in close agreement with experimental data, accurately predicting the decreasing trend of the mixing layer spreading rate with the increase of the convective Mach number. Due to the complicated flow field with flow separation, shock unsteadi- ness modification inhibited excessive growth of the turbulent kinetic energy in shock regions and wider shock regions are predicted, thereby significantly improving results of the flow with a strong separation forecast. The flow separation was stronger, which was the primary modification effect of the new model. Predictions accord with experimental results even in strong separation flows.  相似文献   

In this study, a recombinant pET28c-gBTB/POZ was constructed by cloning the sequence of the BTB/POZ domain of the zebrafish gcl (germ cell-less) into the expression vector pET28c, and pET28c-gBTB/POZ was transformed into BL21(DE3) pLysS strain to express the fusion protein for the preparation of antibody. Polyclonal-antibody against the GCL-BTB/POZ domain was prepared by immunizing rabbit with the fusion protein, and the Western Blot and immuno-histochemical analysis were performed to detect the quantity of the polyclonal-antibody. The result indicates that the polyclonal-antibodies were of good quantity and specification. Further studies will be performed to demonstrate the function and expression pattern of the GCL protein during the development process of zebrafish with the polyclonal-antibody.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTPIB) plays an important role as a negative regulator In insulin signaling pathways. PTPIB is an effective target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Four bromophenol derivatives from red algae Rhodomela confervoides, 2,2',3,3'-tetrabromo-4,4',5,5'-tetrahydroxydiphenyl methane (1), 3-bormo-4,5-bis(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) pyrocatechol (2), bis(2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl) ether (3) and 2,2',3-tribromo-3',4,4',5-tetrahydroxy-6'-ethyloxymethyldiphenylmethane (4) showed significant inhibitory activity against PTPIB (IC50 were 2.4, 1.7, 1.5 and 0.84 μmol/L, respectively) as potential therapeutical agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The anti-hyperglycemic effects of the ethanol extracts from If. confervoides on streptozotocin-induced diabetes (STZ-diabetes) in male Wistsr rats fed with high fat diet were investigated. The STZ-diabetic rats treated with medium-dose and high-dose alga extracts showed remarkable reductions in fasting blood glucose (FBG) as compared with the STZ-diabetic control. The results indicate that the in vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity of the R. confervoides extracts can be partially attributed to the inhibitory actions against PTPIB of the bromophenol derivatives and that may be of clinical Importance in improving the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Thermal segregations of LLDPE were treated with successive self-nucleation/annealing (SSA) on dif-ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Information on molecular heterogeneity of LLDPE was obtained. After SSA was treated, the multiple endothermic peaks were observed in the DSC thermograms during heating experiment. It is obtained that the thickness of different lamellas formed by segments of vari-ous lengths was 4―10 nm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the crystallites dimensions of various reflections were about several dozens of nanometers. The ethylene/α-olefin copolymers and the copolymer via in-situ copolymerization were similar to each other for molecular heterogeneity and XRD characteristics, which revealed that it was possible to use the ethylene/α-olefin copolymers to simulate the copolymer via in-situ copolymerization of ethylene to simplify the complexity of the structure of the ethylene in-situ copolymer.  相似文献   

The purposes of this research were to study the stable expression of exogenous gene encoding therapeutic protein in attenuated Salmonella typhimurium, observe the metabolism of oral gene vaccine carried by attenuated Salmonella typhimurium in BALB/c mouse, and investigate the feasibility of prevention and treatment of tumors by the recombinant bacteria. Recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1+ VEGFR2(n1-7) was transformed into competent attenuated Salmonella typhimuriurn SL3261 to develop oral DNA vaccine SL3261-pcDNA3.1+VEGFR2(n1-7). To observe whether the exogenous gene can be expressed in the recombinant bacteria, PCR was performed to amplify the CMV promoter of the eukaryotic expression vector as the proof of stable expression of exogenous protein; transmission elec- tron microscopy (TEM) was applied to observe the morphology of the recombinant bacteria to confirm that the exogenous gene has no impact on the growth of the bacteria, and then BALB/c mice were immunized with the gene vaccine. After inoculation of the gene vaccine, the recombinant bacteria SL3261 could be detected in the tissues such as small intestine, colon, liver and spleen. And then, mice in each group were challenged with tumor cells. The results of animal experiment showed that tumor growth of the mice in experimental group was inhibited and survival time of immunized mice was prolonged compared with control groups. A higher lymphocyte infiltration in tumors from animals treated with DNA vaccine was observed. Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor samples revealed an enhanced accumulation of CD8^+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes, as well as an increase in CD4^+ cells in the tumore of animals treated with the oral gene vaccine compared to tumors from control group mice. UI- trestructure of the tumor tissue showed that tumor cells in the samples of the immunized mice were well-differentiated. Our research confirmed that the exogenous gene can be stably expressed in the attenuated Salmonella typhimurium and has no impact on the growth of the r  相似文献   

The inclusion behavior of 4, 4' -Thiodiphenol (TDP), a typical bisphenol and endocrine disruptor, reacts with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in aqueous solutions has been investigated by means of UV absorption spectrum and quantum-chemical calculation with Gaussian 98 software. The results show that the inclusion behavior of TDP is quite different in acidic solutions (pH 5.9) from that in alkaline solutions (pH 10.0). This behavior difference is attributed to the different formula structures in aqueous solutions at acidic and alkaline pH values that are demonstrated by quantum- chemical modeling and calculation. TDP forms a 1 : 1 fl-CD inclusion complex in aqueous solutions. The equiiibrium constant K was calculated to be 553.49 L/mol at pH 5.9 and 1 318.20 L/mol at pH 10.0 respectively for the inclusion complex reaction by using the modified Benesi-Heldbrand equation. After inclusion TDP's structure is changed especially at the inclusion part with the bond order becoming larger, which results in inhibitive photodegradation during direct photooxidation and H2O2 assisted photooxidation.  相似文献   

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