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Summary By a quantitative study of pleochroic haloes in biotite, the haloe age of the Lausitz granodiorite, in comparison with the granite age of the Elba Isle, was estimated to 280±150 M.Y. The granodiorite is either caledonian or hercynian.

Attachée à l'Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucléaires.  相似文献   

Summary In this preliminary work, the possibility of dating crystalline rocks by pleochroic haloes has been studied.Halo-microphotometry has been combined with measurement of the alpha-activity of the inclusions by the photographic method.Standard thin sections of well dated granites have been used for calibration purposes. The reciprocity law is shown to be valid within the limit of error. The resolving power of this method depends essentially on the age ratio. Tertiary and primary rocks are easily separated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein vorläufiger Maximalwert (60 Millionen Jahre) für das Alter der pleochroitischen Höfe des alpinmetamorphen Medelser-Granites (Gotthardmassiv) mitgeteilt. Das so bestimmte Alter dürfte demjenigen der alpinen Metamorphose entsprechen, welche die Biotite (mit ihren pleochroitischen Höfen) des wohl herzynischen Granites rekristallisieren liess.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung der pleochroitischen Höfe der Biotite in Orthogneisen, Paragneisen und Bündnerschiefern des südlichen Gotthardmassives ergab durchwegs ein ähnliches Alter, nämlich < 60 Millionen Jahre. Es bedeutet dies, dass eventuell vorhandene vortertiäre Höfe in prätriadischen Biotiten der Gneise während der alpinen Metamorphose fast oder ganz durch Rekristallisation zerstört worden sind.  相似文献   

Summary The endoveinous injection to newborn mice of homologous hemafopoietic cells either adult or embryonnic, may result in a lasting and functional graft.The former statement can be demonstrated by use of starch gel electrophoresis which shows the specific hemoglobin of the donors.In both uses this graft can induce a runt disease.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 90 Tage nach einer in der Gegend der Pfortader erfolgten Autotransplantation der Schilddrüse bei weiblichen Albinoratten zeigt die histologische Untersuchung der Transplantate alle Zeichen einer gesteigerten Tätigkeit. Dem entgegengesetzt befinden sich Nebenniere, Leber und Hypophysis in dem als Folge der Schilddrüsenextirpation beschriebenen Zustand. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch stützt die Annahme einer Inaktivierung des Schilddrüsenhormons durch die Leber.  相似文献   

Summary A method is described that allows blood samples to be taken repeatedly from the suprarenal vein, without changing the circulation in the adrenal glands or eliciting reflexes which could interfere with the adrenalin secretion. The vasoconstrictor properties of the blood samples are tested on an isolated blood vessel preparation.  相似文献   

Summary In intact guinea-pigs fed with glucose solutions of different concentrations, the main limiting factor of absorption is not the gastric emptying but the hyperglycaemia.  相似文献   

Summary In order to test the possibility for microsomes to multiply like viruses, microsomes of chick liver were inoculated on chorioallantoïc membranes. The glucose-6-phosphatase activity, an enzyme located in the liver microsomes, was determined in the treated membranes. The activity decreased during the first 24 h after inoculation. It reached, after 48 h, from two to six times the value attained after 24 h.A suspension of heated granules, or of heatedTétrahymèna géléii, though producing the same lesions of the membrane, did not increase the phosphatase activity of the microsome fraction after 48 h.The present results are compatible with the idea that liver microsomes multiply by autoduplication.  相似文献   

Summary The 21-sulfates of the six following corticosteroids: desoxycorticosterone (DOC), corticosterone (B), 11-dehydrocorticosterone (A), cortisol (F), cortisone (E), and 17 hydroxy-11-desoxycorticosterone (S), were prepared. Their separation by four different paper chromatographic systems was investigated. A method for detection of the spots is described.  相似文献   

Sans résuméD'après une conférence faite à la Semaine médicale francosuisse à Genève, du 1er au 6 octobre 1945.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed for dosage of serum procainesterase by differential spectrophotometry, based on the decrease of the optical density at 295 mµ in the course of the hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Summary The concept, that viscous metamorphosis of platelets and clot retraction is initiated by thrombin and a dialyzable factor was confirmed. Under certain circumstances glucose acts as dialyzable factor. Clot retraction seems to depend upon the catabolism of glucose.  相似文献   

Summary The radiations coming from Blanc Brillant de Luxe' fluorescent stimulate the growth and ramification of protonema ofCeratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. This stimulation is caused by red light (660 nm). Multidirectional lightening is more favorable than unidirectional exposition.  相似文献   

Summary We noticed the formation of a precipitate on adding salmine to dilute aqueous protein solution at pH 6–7. Human and bovine serum albumin, human -globulin, and the perchloro- and sulfosalicylosoluble mucoides do not precipitate in this condition. - and -lipoproteins prepared by floatation and by Sandor's technique gave S-shaped nephelometric titration curves, as did haptoglobin, a mixture of the types Hp II-Hp II and Hp II-Hp I. In sera incubated 24 h at 37°C with protamin, the dextran sulphate test and the cetavlon test show a diminished value for -lipo- and -glucoprotein. Lipoprotein degradation is probably enzymatic in nature.  相似文献   

Summary The proteinic material corresponding toDubuisson's electrophoretic gradient has been prepared by a new method. This fraction migrates as a single peak in the U-tube, but is heterogeneous in the ultra-centrifugation.  相似文献   

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