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In wheat, plant height is an important agronomic trait, and a number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling plant height have been located. In this study, using the conditional and unconditional QTL mapping methods, combined with data from five different growth stages over two years of field trials, the developmental behavior for plant height in wheat was dissected. Nine unconditional QTLs and 8 conditional QTLs were identified, of which 6 were detected by both methods. None of the 11 QTLs was detected at all of the 5 investigated developmental stages, but 7 QTLs were detected at certain stages in both years. Further analysis identified 9 unconditional QTLs at different stages, which could explain the phenotypic variation from 4.81% to 17.35%. It was noteworthy that one major QTL designated QHt-4B-2, which was located on chromosome 4B, was detected on May 18 and 25 in both years, and its genetic contributions to plant height ranged from 13.42% to 16.13%. Moreover, of the 8 conditional QTLs identified, six were detected in both years, in the order of QHt-3BQHt-4B-1QHt-4B-2QHt-4DQHt-5A and QHt-2B expressed at the same developmental stage. The results indicate that QTL expression during plant height development is selective and in a temporal order.  相似文献   

WRKY proteins are involved in various physiological processes, including biotic and abiotic stress responses, hormone responses and development. However, no systematic identification, expression and function analysis of WRKY genes in wheat were reported. In this study, we isolated 15 wheat cDNAs with complete open reading frame (ORF) encoding putative WRKY proteins using in silico cloning. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the 15 wheat WRKY genes belonged to three major WRKY groups. Expression analysis revealed that most genes expressed drastically in leaf, except Ta WRKYIO which expressed in crown intensively. Four genes were strongly up-regulated with the senescence of leaves. Eight genes were responsive to low temperature, high temperature, NaCl or PEG treatment. Moreover, differential expression patterns were also observed between wheat hybrid and its parents, and some genes were more responsive to PEG treatment in the hybrid. These results demonstrated that wheat WRKY genes are involved in leaf senescing and abiotic stresses. And the changed expression of these WRKY genes in hybrid might contribute to the heterosis by improving the stress tolerance in hybrids.  相似文献   

经笔者八年研究发现的四个普通小麦(T.aestivum)胞质不育系,属核——质互作孢子体不育类型。异季、异地种植观察,育性稳定,受环境条件影响较小,已实现三系配套。从细胞学、遗传学、生理生化、恢保关系诸方面鉴定看,均不同于目前国内外广泛研究的T型胞质不育系。测交表明,恢复源多,杂种F_1优势大,无不良的细胞质效应。对克服目前小麦杂优研究中T型恢复源奇缺,优势不显著的障碍,避免类似于杂交玉米单一胞质应用,病害盛行的潜在威胁及在杂种优势利用中可能具有较大的价值。  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated a vernalization-related gene, VER2, from winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its expression was restricted in the immature leaves of vernalized wheat seedlings. To further investigate the regulation of VER2 expression and the function of its promoter, we isolated a 41.7 kb genomic clone containing VER2 gene from atransformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) library of wheat (Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa). The sequence analysis showed that there were eleven predicted genes in the TAC. The exons of gene 3 corresponded to the cDNA sequence of VER2 gene. Analysis of VER2 promoter structure showed that there were three small repeat sequences divided by two large repeat sequences. The putative response elements, such as abscisic acid response elements (ABRE), MeJA-response elements (Me-JARE), low-temperature response elements (LTR), endosperm expression elements, MYB binding sites and similar elements to GA response elements (GARE), were involved in the VER2 promoter region. Construct containing the VER2 promoter (-5895 to 73) driving GFP reporter gene was bombarded into vernalized or non-verualized immature leaves in wheat. The vernalized immature leaves showed bright green fluorescence after incubation for 24 h, however, the green fluorescence was not observed in the non-vernalization leaves under the same condition. These results suggested that vernalization was essential for the function of VER2 promoter in the immature leaves of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Shannong 551, a T. aestivum-E, elongatum alien substitution line with resistance to powdery mildew, was inoculated with pathogenic spores of powdery mildew. The leaf samples were prepared 48 h after inoculation for scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that germination of spores and growth of young mycelia on leaves of Shannong 551 were suppressed at the early stage of infection. At the same time, RNAs were prepared from the leaves for the cloning of WRP1 and RPW2 by cDNA RDA and RACE technology. BLAST analysis of the sequences indicated that both WRP1 and RPW2 were novel genes. WRPI contains no complete ORE RPW2 contains the conserved structure domain of aminotransferase, and its DNA sequence shares high homology with genes of phosphateserine aminotransferase in many organisms. Therefore, it is speculated as a novel phosphateserine aminotransferase gene. The results of Northern blot suggested that expression of RPW2 occurred at the early stage of infection by powdery mildew. Southern blot using the probe of RPW2, in which there was strong hybridizing signals in both genome of Shannong 551 and E. elongatum, but not in those of Jinan 13 and Lumai No.5, indicated that RPW2 derived from the genome of E. elongatum.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a new actin gene from Oryza sativa L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using Rho family member osRACD as bait, a new member of actin gene family -Act was isolated from Oryza sativa by yeast two-hybrid system. The full-length cDNA was cloned with 5' RACE technology, which contains an open reading frame of 1134 bp with a predicted protein of 377 amino acids. Sequence alignment revealed 96% to 81.8% identities with some known actin proteins in plants. The method of bioinformatics was used to analyze the protein modification sites, structure and evolution of the gene. Southern blot analysis showed that Act is a single-copy gene in the genome. The result of RT-PCR showed it is ubiquitously expressed in root, shoot, callus and panicle in a temporal fashion. The relationship between Rho family and actin family in evolution and function was also studied.  相似文献   

Biological properties were studied to appropriate pathogenic bacteria which were isolated from diseased (or dead) stone flounder (Kareius bicoloratus L. ) which expressed bacterial septicaemia, including morphological characteristics, colony characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics and serum homology of isolates, the results showed that the isolates belonged to a new subspecies of A. salmonicida. In addition, the representative strains have been re-checked and detected the mol% G C ratio of the DNA by China Center for Type Culture Collection (CCTCC), the examined strains were also regarded as a new subspecies of A. salmonicida, and designated as Aeromonas salmonicida subsp, flounderac/da subsp, nov. by its isolated fish (Kareius bicoloratus ). Molecular identification of analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene were applied, the results showed high similarity (99%) with the 16S rRNA gene of Aeromonas salmonicida from GenBank database. Cluster analysis of phylogenetic tree revealed that the representative strain formed separately bootstrap-supported cluster.  相似文献   

A rice initiation-type lesion mimic mutant (lmi) was identified, which was isolated from an indica rice Zhongxian 3037 through γ radiation mutagenesis. Trypan blue staining and sterile culture revealed that the mutant spontaneously developed lesions on the leaves in a developmentally regulated and light-dependent manner. Genetic analysis indicated that the lesion mimic trait was controlled by a single resessive locus. Using public molecular markers and an F2 population derived from lmi and 93-11, we mapped the lmi locus to the short arm of chromosome 8, nearby the centromere, between two SSR markers RM547 and RM331. The genetic distance was 1.2 and 3.2 cM, respectively. Then according to the public rice genomic sequence between the two SSR markers, lmi was further finely tagged by three CAPS markers: C4135-8, C4135-9 and C4135-10. And lmi locus was a co-segregated with marker C4135-10, providing a starting point for lmi gene cloning.  相似文献   

Fine mapping of a semidwarf gene sd-g in indica rice(Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The semidwarf gene sd-g which has been usedin indiea rice breeding in southern China is a new one, non-allelic to sd-1. To map sd-g, an F2 population derived fromthe cross between Xinguiaishuangai and 02428 was con-structed. The sd-g was roughly mapped between two mi-crosatellite markers RM440 and RM163, with genetic dis-tances of 0.5 and 2.5 cM, respectively. Then nine new poly-morphic microsatellite markers were developed in this region.The sd-g was further mapped between two microsatellitemarkers SSR5-1 and SSR5-51, with genetic distances of 0.1and 0.3 cM, respectively, while cosegregated with SSR418. ABAC contig was found to span the sd-g locus, the region be-ing delimited to 85 kb. This result was very useful for cloningof the sd-g gene.  相似文献   

A MoFe protein (△nifE Av1) with a purity of ~80% was purified from a nifE-deleted mutant of Azotobacter vinelandii DJ35. Compared with MoFe protein purified from wild-type strain OP (OP Av1), △nifE Av1 had the same subunits composition, and had immune reaction with antibody to OP Av1, but its relative mobility in anaerobic native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was a little larger than that of OP Av1. Metal analysis showed that Mo and Fe contents of △nifE Av1 both apparently decreased. When complemented with OP Fe protein, △nifE Av1 had no C2H2-reduction activity, but it could be in vitro activated by FeMoco extracted from OP Av1. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of △nifE Av1 at ~450 nm was similar to that of OP Av1, while the EPR signal at g≈3.7 was absolutely silent, and the signal intensities at g≈4.3 and 2.0 decreased by 75% and 50%, respectively. The results indicated that △nifE Av1 purified from DJ35 was a FeMoco-deficient but P-cluster-containing MoFe protein.  相似文献   

水稻蔗糖转化酶基因的克隆及其功能的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据抑制消减杂交(suppression subtractive hybridization,SSH)方法分离到在水稻叶片中高表达的蔗糖转化酶基因片段,根据水稻基因组顺序设计引物分离到全长cDNA.测序结果表明该cDNA长度为1937bp,推测编码一个627个氨基酸的中性/碱性蔗糖转化酶.Alignment分析显示该推测蛋白质与已知的多个蔗糖转化酶具有很高的同源性.半定量PCR检测证实它在叶中的表达强于在根、花药和幼穗等组织中的表达,胁迫处理(盐和低温)使其表达上调.  相似文献   

为进一步研究菜芙蓉多糖(AMP)的体内生物学作用,系统探究其抗氧化机理,以秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)为模型,分析了正常生长条件及氧化应激条件下,空白对照组(0 mg/mL)、低剂量组(25 mg/mL)、中剂量组(50 mg/mL)、高剂量组(100 mg/mL)AMP对线虫生理指标、生化指标及细胞凋亡的影响。结果表明,正常生长条件下AMP可延长线虫寿命、降低生殖能力、提高运动能力,降低线虫体内MDA和ROS含量、提高SOD,CAT和GSH-Px 的酶活性。在200 μmol/L胡桃醌氧化应激条件下,AMP可提高线虫存活率,并能有效清除体内ROS、降低MDA含量,提高线虫体内SOD,CAT和GSH-Px 的酶活性,抑制细胞凋亡。AMP可通过提高线虫体内抗氧化防御系统酶活性及清除自由基提高氧化应激抵抗力,因此AMP有潜力成为一种新的抗氧化天然多糖。  相似文献   

A narrow leaf mutant was obtained after T-DNA transformation conducted on a rice variety Zhonghua 11. Several abnormal morphological characteristics, including semi-dwarf, delayed flowering time, narrow and inward rolling leaves, and lower seed-setting, were observed. The rate of net photosynthesis (under saturate light) of flag leaves in the mutant was significantly lower than that of the wild type. Moreover, the leaf transpiration rate and stomatal conductance in the mutant flag leaf were lower than those of the wild type at the grain filling stage. It was found that the mutant phenotype was not caused by the T-DNA insertion. Genetic analysis showed that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene, designated as nal3(t). A genetic linkage map was constructed using a large F2 mapping population derived from a cross between nal3(t) and an indica variety Longtefu B with 6 polymorphic markers on chromosome 12 identified from 366 SSR markers by the BAS method. Gene nal3(t) was mapped between the markers RM7018 and RM3331. Fine mapping of nal3(t) locus was conducted with 22 newly developed STS markers based on the sequence diversity around the region harboring nal3(t) between Nipponbare and 93–11, and nal3(t) was finally mapped to a 136-kb region between the STS markers NS10 and RH12-8. Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2006AA10A102), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30600349) and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Grant No. Y306149)  相似文献   

经60Coγ诱变处理粳稻"嘉花1号"得到一个稳定遗传苗期白化致死突变体asl6(albino seedling lethality 6).与野生型(WT)相比,该突变体从发芽出苗起一直表现白化,四叶期逐渐死亡,叶合色素含量几乎没有且没有完整的叶绿体结构.通过qRT-PCR分析发现,与叶绿体发育、叶绿素合成及光合作用相关的基因表达量明显下调.对利用asl6突变体与"培矮64S"杂交获得的F2代分离群体进行遗传分析,发现该突变表型受单个隐性核基因控制.利用图位克隆技术将该asl6基因定位于第2号染色体的InDel分子标记ID31982与SSR分子标记MM5712之间约293 kb的区域内.目前,该范围内没有叶色相关基因的报道,可能为一新的调控水稻叶绿体发育的基因.  相似文献   

Rice plant architecture is an important agronomic trait that affects the grain yield. To understand the molecular mechanism that controls plant architecture, a tillering dwarf mutant with darker-green leaves derived from an indica cultivar IR64 treated with EMS is characterized. The mutant, designated as tddl(t), is nonallelic to the known tiilering dwarf mutants. It is controlled by one recessive nuclear gene, TDDL(T), and grouped into the dn-type dwarfism according to Takeda's definition. The dwarfism of the mutant is independent of gibberellic acid based on the analyses of two GA-mediated processes. The independence of brassinosteroid (BR) and naphthal-3-acetic acid (NAA) of the tddl(t) mutant, together with the decreased size of parenchyma cells in the vascular bundle, indicates that the TDDL(7) gene might participate in another hormone pathway. TDDL(T) is fine mapped within an 85.51 kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4, where 20 ORFs are predicted by RiceGAAS (http://ricegaas.dna.affrc. go.jp/rgadb/). Further cloning of TDDL(T) will benefit both marker assisted selection (MAS) of plant architecture and dissection of the molecular mechanism underlying tillering dwarf in rice.  相似文献   

To test the resistant spectrum of the Xa-min(t) gene introgressed from Oryza minuta, thirty-four isolates of different bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), from 11 countries were used to inoculate the Xa-min(t) introgression line 78-15. Four rice cultivars, IR24, C64 (IRBB21), Nipponbare and Zhonghua 11 were used as controls. The results showed that the Xa-min(t) gene was broad-spectrum and highly resistant to diverse Xoo isolates. The methods of bulk segregant analysis (BSA), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) were used to analyze F2 individuals of the hybrid IR24×78-15 and molecular genetic markers linked to Xa-min(t) gene were identified. A total of 800 arbitrary decamer oligonucleotide primers were used for RAPD analysis. Two RAPD markers, BE05300 and BE061400, produced by primers BE05 and BE06 respectively, were closely linked to the Xa-min(t) gene. Based on the sequences of these two markers, sequence specific primers were designed and used to screen all F2 plants. One RAPD marker, BE05300, was converted into a stable SCAR marker (ScBE05300). Linkage analysis was carried out using markers ScBE05300 and BE061400 on 948 and 719 F2 individuals of the hybrid IR24×78-15. Our results indicate that the genetic distances from Xa-min(t) to ScBE05300 and BE061400 are 2.2 cM and 3.7 cM respectively on the same side. This study may facilitate the construction of the fine physical map of the Xa-min(t) gene.  相似文献   

A rice psl1 (presenescing leaf) mutant was obtained from a japonica variety Zhonghua 11 via radiation of ^60Co-γ in M2 generation. Every leaf of the mutant began to wither after it reached the biggest length, while the leaves of the wild variety could keep green for 25--35 d. In this study, genetic analysis and gene mapping were carried out for the mutant identified. The SSR marker analysis showed that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene (psl1) located on chromosome 2. Fine mapping of the psl1 locus was conducted with 34 new STS markers developed around psl1 anchored region based on the sequence diversity between Nipponbare and 93-11. The psl1 was further mapped between two STS markers, STS2-19 and STS2-26, with genetic distances of 0.43 and 0.11 cM, respectively, while cosegregated with STS2-25. A BAC contig was found to span the psl1 locus, the region being delimited to 48 kb. This result was very useful for cloning of the psl1 gene.  相似文献   

A rice psl1 (presenescing leaf) mutant was obtained from a japonica variety Zhonghua 11 via radiation of 60Co-γ in M2 generation. Every leaf of the mutant began to wither after it reached the big-gest length,while the leaves of the wild variety could keep green for 25―35 d. In this study,genetic analysis and gene mapping were carried out for the mutant identified. The SSR marker analysis showed that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene (psl1) located on chromosome 2. Fine mapping of the psl1 locus was conducted with 34 new STS markers developed around psl1 anchored region based on the sequence diversity between Nippon-bare and 93-11. The psl1 was further mapped be-tween two STS markers,STS2-19 and STS2-26,with genetic distances of 0.43 and 0.11 cM,respectively,while cosegregated with STS2-25. A BAC contig was found to span the psl1 locus,the region being delim-ited to 48 kb. This result was very useful for cloning of the psl1 gene.  相似文献   

以兰香草为研究对象,建立兰香草高效液相色谱(HPLC)指纹图谱分析方法,为今后的质量标准研究提供科学依据。采用高效液相色谱法对不同产地的兰香草进行指纹图谱分析,建立兰香草的HPLC指纹图谱。检测波长为300nm,梯度洗脱,在100min内记录药材的指纹图谱。HPLC指纹图谱标定了8个共有峰。10批兰香草指纹图谱相似度较好,各批药材与对照指纹图谱间的相似度均在0.9以上。HPLC指纹图谱的建立,初步为兰香草的质量标准的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

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