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为贯彻《中共中央国务院关于加速科学技术进步的决定》,加速国家科技攻关计划的研究、开发、产业化的“一体化”进程,促进科技与金融的结合,中央财政自1997年起实施对国家科技攻关计划项目试行贷款贴息。并出台了国家科技攻关计划项目贷款贴息管理试行办法  相似文献   

<正>《科技导报》2015年第4期第97~103页发表的张立国等的"核电厂营运单位应急响应能力评估软件平台"论文中,"基金项目:国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目(NY20120202)"更正为"基金项目:国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目(NY20111003-1)"。  相似文献   

<正>近日,科技部连续发布了《国家重点研发计划"大科学装置前沿研究"重点专项2019年度定向项目申报指南的通知》和《关于发布国家重点研发计划"干细胞及转化研究"等重点专项2019年度项目申报指南的通知》等通知。通知严格依据国务院印发的《关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革的方案》的总体部署  相似文献   

关于发布《南方地区雨雪冰冻灾后重建实用技术手册》的通知;关于2008年国家科学技术学术著作出版基金项目申请的通知;关于发布重大科学研究计划2008年度项目申报指南的通知;关于发布国家重点基础研究发展计划2008年度项目申报指南的通知;关于举办2008年科技活动周的通知  相似文献   

人工智能开启新一轮科技革命 近年来,从国际到国内,从国家到城市,各大经济体紧盯智能经济发展机遇,抢占未来产业制高点,发展智能经济已成为先发国家和城市的战略选择. 从国际上看,美国政府出台《国家人工智能研发规划》,提出七大重点战略方向,为国家资助的AI(Artificial Intelligence, 人工智能)研究和发展划定策略;德国提出"工业4.0";英国提出"数字国家"框架;日本早年连续发布"u-Japan"、"i-Japan2015"、《面向数字时代的新战略——三年紧急计划》,近年来更将人工智能研究作为国家增长战略的优先领域,将推进人工智能研究纳入了《第5期科学技术基本计划》和《科学技术创新综合战略2016》.  相似文献   

正第一章总则第一条为有效支撑和服务国家创新驱动发展战略实施,促进政府职能转变,加强科技评估管理,建立健全科技评估体系,推动我国科技评估工作科学化、规范化,依据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》、《国务院关于改进加强中央财政科研项目和资金管理的若干意见》(国发[2014]11号)和《国务院印发关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革方案的通知》(国发[2014]64号),  相似文献   

<正>二○一五年四月十三日第一章总则第一条为加强对国家科学技术奖励(以下简称国家科技奖)评审活动的监督检查,规范评审过程中有关组织和个人的行为,保证评审活动公平、公正、廉洁高效、依法进行,根据《国家科学技术奖励条例》(以下简称《条例》)及其实施细则的规定,并参照科技部发布的《国家科技计划项目评估评审行为准则与督查办法》,制定本规定。第二条国家科技奖评审是指国家科学  相似文献   

《国家科技计划实施中科研不端行为处理办法(试行)》已于2006年9月14日经科学技术部第25次部务会议审议通过,现予发布,自2007年1月1日起施行。部长徐冠华二零零六年十一月七日国家科技计划实施中科研不端行为处理办法(试行)第一条为了加强国家科技计划实施中的科研诚信建设,根据《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》的有关规定,制定本办法。第二条对科学技术部归口管理的国家科技计划项目的申请者、推荐者、承担者在科技计划项目申请、评估评审、检查、项目执行、验收等过程中发生的科研不端行为(以下称科研不端行为)的查处,适用本办法。第三条…  相似文献   

广州市海格通信有限公司研究所总体部主任罗智勇:将加速军用技术民用化步伐《条例》的颁布无疑是激动人心的。对转向民用通信研发的老牌军工企业而言,"支持企业、高等学校和科学技术研究开发机构参与承担国防科学技术计划任务,鼓励军用科学技术研究开发机构承担民用科学技术项目"的论述,与海格通信的发展方向非常相契合,我们很拥护,也很期待,同时更希望相关配套政策能尽快出台和实施。  相似文献   

 国家重点研发计划是按照国家深化科技体制改革的总体要求和《国务院关于改进加强中央财政科研项目和资金管理的若干意见》(国发[2014]11号)精神、《关于深化中央财政科技计划(专项、基金等)管理改革方案的通知》(国发[2014]64号文)要求,由原有国家科技计划优化整合形成的五类计划项目之一。它是将科技部管理的“973计划”、“863计划”、国家科技支撑计划、国际科技合作与交流专项、公益性行业科研专项、产业技术研究与开发资金等24个科技计划和专项等归并形成。  相似文献   

 制定、发布科学计划,对重要科学领域、重大前瞻问题的超前研判、提前部署、重点支持、集中研发具有重要的促进作用.本文遴选、报道国际组织、科技大国2013 年发布、启动的28 项重大科学计划.这28 项科学计划涉及航空航天、生命科学、地球环境、能源材料、综合研发5 个重要科技领域,分别是:①航空航天:"2013-2020 年俄罗斯航天行动"国家计划,中国"2013 年航天计划",英国"国家航天技术计划",日本新版"宇宙基本计划",美国"战略太空技术投资计划",印度"火星探测计划",韩国"2040 宇宙远景"计划,美国"小行星捕获计划","2013-2015 年俄罗斯航空工业发展计划",美国"XS-1 空天飞机计划";②生命科学:欧盟"人脑工程计划",美国"推进创新神经技术脑研究计划",世界卫生组织"2013-2020 年预防控制非传染性疾病行动计划";③地球环境:中国"天气研究计划(2013-2020 年)",中国"气候研究计划(2013-2020 年)",美国"北极研究5 年计划",中国"应用气象研究计划(2013-2020 年)",中国"综合气象观测研究计划(2013-2020 年)",日本"海洋基本计划(2013-2017)",中国"大气污染防治行动计划","国际海洋发现计划(2013-2023)";④能源材料:欧盟"石墨烯计划",美国"清洁能源制造计划";⑤综合研发:中国"循环经济发展战略及近期行动计划",韩国"第三次科学技术基本计划",法国"未来10 年投资计划(PIA)",中国"信息化和工业化深度融合专项行动计划(2013-2018)",欧盟"地平线2020".  相似文献   

Process modeling of fuel cell vehicle power system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constructed here is a mathematic model of PEM Fuel Cell Vehicle Power System which is composed of fuel supply model, fuel cell stack model and water-heat management model. The model was developed by Matlab/Simulink to evaluate how the major operating variables affect the output performances. It shows that the constructed model can represent characteristics of the power system closely by comparing modeling results with experimental data, and it can be used in the study and design of fuel cell vehicle power system. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2007AA05Z145), State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2007cb209707) and Shanghai Science and Technology Project (Grant Nos. 06SN07115 and 07JC14024)  相似文献   

Nano-compounding of polyolefins, an economical yet very effective route to high-performance polyolefin materials, has received considerable attention in recent years. Unlike most of the other polymers, polyolefins are chemically inert, which dictates that nano-compounding of polyolefins has to be conducted via in situ polymerization. In this review, a technological progress of the nano-compounding of polyolefins via in situ polymerization technique was summarized thoroughly, with emphasis laid on the current research status of polyolefin/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites. A clear perspective for future researches on this specific family of materials was envisaged. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50373048) and State Key Development Program of Basic Research Program of Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. G2003CB615600)  相似文献   

The program structure designing and optimizing tests of GRAPES physics   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
According to the modularization and standardization of program structure in Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES), the plug-compatible and transplantable regional meso-scale and global middle-range physics software package is established. The package's component integrality is comparative with the other advanced models physics. A three-level structure of connecting GRAPES physics and dynamic frame has been constructed. The friendly interface is designed for users to plug in their own physics packages. Phenomenon of grid-point storm rainfall in numerical prediction is analyzed with the numerical tests. The scheme of air vertical velocity calculation is improved. Opti- mizing tests of physics schemes are performed with the correlative parameters adjusting. The results show that the false grid-point storm rainfall is removed by precipitation scheme improving. Then the score of precipitation forecast is enhanced.  相似文献   

Arctic dipole anomaly and summer rainfall in Northeast China   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A dipole structure anomaly in summer Arctic atmospheric variability is identified in this study, which is characterized by the second mode of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of summer monthly mean sea level pressure (SLP) north of 70°N, accounting for 12.94% of the variance. The dipole anomaly shows a quasi-barotropic structure with opposite anomalous centers over the Canadian Arctic and the Beaufort Sea and between the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The dipole anomaly reflects alternating variations in location of the polar vortex between the western and eastern Arctic regions. The positive phase of the dipole anomaly corresponds to the center of the polar vortex over the western Arctic, leading to an increase in summer mean rainfall in Northeast China. The dipole anomaly has a predominant 6-year periodicity, and shows interdecadal variations in recent decades.  相似文献   

Gyrotrons are the most powerful terahertz sources and have potential applications in many areas. A terahertz gyrotron oscillator with a pulsed solenoid producing up to an 8 T magnetic field has been designed, constructed and tested. In a 7.96 T magnetic field, 3 kW output power radiations at 0.22 THz frequency have been generated. Supported by the State Key Development Program of Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2007CB310400) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 1067611)  相似文献   

盛刚  陈淑珍 《天津科技》2014,41(8):30-31
就2013年在津实施的973计划、863计划、国家科技支撑计划、星火计划项目等国家科技计划项目的执行情况进行了统计调查,根据项目资金投入、人员投入及产出情况进行了分析。其中,对人才培养和引进、获得专利、发表论文等情况进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) with ultrahigh axial resolution was achieved by the super-continuum generated by coupling femtosecond pulses from a commercial Ti:sapphire laser into an air-silica microstructure fiber. The visible spectrum of the super-continuum from 450 to 700 nm centered at 540 nm can be generated. A free-space axial OCT resolution of 0.64 pm was achieved. The sensitivity of OCT system was 108 dB with incident light power 3 mW at sample, only 7dB below the theoretical limit. Subcellular OCT imaging was also demonstrated, showing great potential for biomedical application.  相似文献   

In the 1910s, TiO2 began to be used in building materials as pigments and opacifier due to its excellent optical property. Since the photocatalytic property of TiO2 was observed in 1972, its application field was expanded to air cleaning and sterilization. Thereafter, people added TiO2 into building materials to develop novel and facile building materials. These materials were widely used for air cleaning, sterilization, self-cleaning, anti-fogging, decoration, and building cooling. The combination of building and other functions can serve simultaneously. Although TiO2-based building materials have bright prospects, some aspects such as improving the stability and enhancing photoactive performance of the materials are of importance for future research. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program (“863” Program) of China (Grant No. 2007AA061402), Chinese Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Eleventh Five-year Plan (Grant No. 2006BAJ02A08), Hangzhou Science & Technology Development Program (Grant No. 20061133B27) and Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 20070335197)  相似文献   

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