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Obese postmenopausal female volunteers were given timed daily oral dosages of bromocriptine, and tested for reduction of body fat stores. This dopamine agonist has been shown to reset circadian rhythms that are altered in obese animals and to reduce body fat levels in several animal models. The participants were instructed not to alter their existing exercise and eating behavior during treatment. Skinfold measurements were taken on 33 subjects as indices of body fat. The measurements (e.g., suprailiac) were reduced after six weeks by about 25%, which represents a reduction of 11.7% of the total body fat. These dramatic decreases in body fat, which are equivalent to that produced by severe caloric restriction, were accompanied by more modest reductions of body weight (2.5%), indicating a possible conservation of protein that is usually lost as a consequence of such caloric restriction. The effects of bromocriptine treatment on body fat and hyperglycemia were also examined in non-insulin dependent diabetics being treated with oral hypoglycemics (7 subjects) or insulin (7 subjects). Total body fat was reduced by 10.7% and 5.1% in diabetics on oral hypoglycemics and insulin, respectively, without any significant reductions in body weight.Hyperglycemia was reduced in most of the 15 diabetic subjects treated leading to euglycemia and even cessation of hypoglycemic drugs in 3 of the 7 subjects during 4–8 weeks of bromocriptine treatment. These findings support the hypothesis that obesity and type II diabetes may be treated effectively with bromocriptine when administered at the proper times and dosages.This is a process patented by Louisiana State University and licensed to Ergo, Inc., Newport, Rhode island. A. H. Meier and A. H. Cincotta have financial interest in the process.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify candidate genes for visceral obesity by screening for genes strongly differentially expressed between human subcutaneous and visceral adipose depots. A cDNA microarray with human adipose-derived cDNAs was used as an initial screening to identify genes that are potentially differentially expressed between human subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat tissues. For the two best candidates, carboxypeptidase E (CPE) and thrombospondin-1 (THBS1) (EST N72406), real-time RT-PCR was performed to confirm their depot specific expression in extremely obese individuals. Both genes appeared to be strongly differentially expressed, having a higher expression in the visceral depot than in the subcutaneous one. For THBS1, the difference in expression between the depots was greater in women than in men. The involvement of CPE and THBS1 in obesity allows us to suggest that the physiological processes controlled by these genes contribute to depot and gender-related differences in the metabolic complications of obesity. Received 7 August 2002; received after revision 19 Septemer 2002; accepted 24 September 2002  相似文献   

Riassunto Frammenti di cute di due soggetti affetti da glicogenosi tipo II e dei loro genitori e fratelli sono stati coltivati in vitro. Sia nelle culture dei pazienti che dei loro familiari si è osservata la presenza di materiale metacromatico dopo colorazione con blu di toluidina 0. Nei leucociti di tutti i familiari esaminati l'attività della -1,4-glucosidasi è risultata ridotta.  相似文献   

Summary Zinc levels in seminal plasma of normal subjects are compared with those of oligospermic, asthenospermic and azoospermic. A linear direct relationship seems to exist between zinc in seminal plasma and motility of spermatozoans. The possible implications of this are discussed.Acknowledgment. Authors are thankful to Mr P. Gopinath, Assistant Professor in Physiology, for valuable criticism on the article and to Mr N.T. Pabani for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary During the pharate pupal stage a massive accumulation of kynurenine and 3-OH-kynurenine is observed in the fat body ofEphestia kühniella. By injection it can be demonstrated that this organ is capable of sequestering at least 3-OH-kynurenine, the dominating tryptophan metabolite inEphestia. It is suggested that the fat body reduces a possibly harmfull excess of tryptophan metabolites at the beginning of metamorphosis. These sequestered metabolites provide a precursor depot for ommochrome synthesis in later development.  相似文献   

Concentration of copper in seminal plasma was found to be less than that of normal in cases of oligospermia and azoospermia. It was more in oligoasthenospermia and asthenospermia when compared with that of normal. Chances of initiation of sperm motility by copper is discussed alongwith the inhibitory role it plays.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden die Veränderungen des Trehalasegehaltes, der Trehalaseaktivität im Darmgewebe, Fettkörper und Hämolymphe des SeidenspinnersPhilosamia ricini während der Metamorphose und deren Rolle in der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels und der Glykogensynthese im Fettkörper untersucht.  相似文献   

Type II carbonic anhydrase (CAII) in the cytoplasm of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) may contribute to the transport of water and solutes across the RPE. The activity of this enzyme in RPE during its response to damage, e.g., during regeneration, is therefore of interest in understanding retinal disease. Immuno-histochemistry was used to compare CAII activity of normal RPE and RPE experimentally induced to regenerate. In normal rabbits, the RPE stained intensely with a peroxidase-linked antibody specific for human CAII. Regenerating RPE stained less intensely. Within the regenerating epithelium, staining appeared more intense in mature cells than in immature ones, suggesting that CAII activity gradually returns during RPE regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Infusion of 1 g thyroxine into the left cerebral ventricle of the dog did not change body temperature at rest, but it caused significantly higher increases in Tre during physical exercise.  相似文献   

The plasma obtained from fed and starved lean, normal and obese women was estimated, by a radio-immunoassay method, for prostaglandins, owing to their implication in the regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis and the development of obesity. No significant differences were found due to nutritional status or body-build. However, a significantly higher plasma concentration of prostaglandins of the E-type than of the F-type, was found consistently. The very low levels of prostaglandins observed (a range of 0.10--0.15 ng ml-1 for E-type and a range of 0.05--0.07 ng ml-1 for the F-type) may be due, in part, to the activity of a plasmatic prostaglandin metabolizing system.  相似文献   

The effects of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and age on sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency in human lymphocytes were assessed by means of multiple linear regression. An increase in SCE rates was associated with alcohol consumption (p = 0.0001), smoking (p = 0.0231), and, to a small extent (p = 0.057), age. These three confounding factors explain 48% of the inter-personal variation in SCE rates among subjects studied.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verschiedene Untersuchungen im Zusammenhang mit Fettsucht wurden bei Ratten mit hypothalamischer Fettsucht, erzeugt durch Läsionen im Bereich des ventromedialen Teiles des Hypothalamus durchgeführt. Es konnten wertvolle Korrelationen zwischen Körperfett, Körperwasser und fettfreier Körpermasse errechnet werden.

This investigation was supported in part by USPHS Grant No. HD03331, NIH.  相似文献   

The present results, using isolated rat aortic strips and portal vein segments, demonstrate that ethanol (170--430 mM) significantly inhibits calcium uptake in these 2 different types of vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

For 13 years polyarthritis with specific synovial involvement was observed in a case of type II hyperlipoproteinemia. Microcrystals similar to those described in Gaucher's and Fabry's disease were seen in synovial cytoplasm and mitochondria. These data suggest a microcrystalline pathogenesis for type II hyperlipoproteinemia arthritis as in gout and chondrocalcinosis.  相似文献   

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