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Riassunto Dae polimeri reticolati di nuova sintesi, contenenti gruppi amminici terziari, sono in grado di assorbire selettivamente eparina dal sangue. Essi non sono emolitici e non interferiscono con i fattori della coagulazione.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the Programma Speciale Technologie Biomediche of the Italian National Council of Researches.  相似文献   

Riassunto II 3', 5'-AMP dibutirrato (5 g) iniettato nel ventricolo laterale del cervello di ratto, provoca una spiccata liberazione deH'ormone somatotropo soltanto in animali pretrattati con teofillina (50 mg/kg s.c). La teofillina per via s.c. (50 mg/kg) si dimostra inattiva, ma libera ormone somatotropo quando e iniettata per via endoventricolare (5 g). Uno stimolo usualmente incapace di liberare somatotropo (formalina) provoca deplezione dell'ormone dall'ipofisi in ratti pretrattati s.c. con teofillina. I risultati sono in favore di una partecipazione del 3', 5-AMP nel meccanismo di liberazione di ormone somatotropo.

Supported by USPHS Research Grant No. HD 01109-03.  相似文献   

Citellus (s. str.) relictus, C. dauricus C. pygmaeus (2=36, NF=72). . (Colobotis) erythrogenys . fulvus -. . (Urocitellus) undulatus (2n=32, NF=64) . columbianus. Citellus, , Citellus, . , .  相似文献   

Summary In this note we claim that the two words and , which were used in Greece to indicate the geometrical point, had both been introduced in the scientific language in the first half of the IVth century B.C., and that they became popular independently of each other in two different cultural circles, those of philosophy and of mathematics, respectively.We propose therefore, in contrast to a conjecture by Heiberg, a new explanation for the predominance of during the golden age of Greek mathematics and for the resurgence of during the period of decadence.

Memoria presentata da A. Seidenberg  相似文献   

Conclusion (1) The maximal reactions of cerebral resistance vessels arise at the stimulation frequency of 30 cps, the maximal reactions of capacitance vessels at the frequency of 10 cps. (2) Reactions of resistance vessels in the pulmonary lobe increase in the range of stimulation frequencies from 11–50 cps, maximal reactions of pulmonary capacitance vessels are observed at the frequency of 30–40 cps. (3) Reactions of resistance vessels situated below the abdominal aorta bifurcation increase progressively in the range of frequencies from 6–50 cps, the magnitude of capacitance vessel reaction reaching its maximum value at 20 cps.
30 /, — 10 /. 50 /. 30–40 /, 20 /.

Summary The relation between the homecoming-speed of carrier-pigeons and the influence of sexhormones and prolaktin is reported.It is further examined whether the influence of prolaktin (breeding on 10–15 days old eggs) or psychological factors (feeding of young individuals of more than 15 days) are the factors, accelerating the homecoming-speed. Best results are obtained by combining breeding 1–6 days old eggs and feeding young pigeons of 2–3 weeks.

In memoriam Heinz Knieriem zu seinem 15. Todestage  相似文献   

Summary (–)--Fenchol, a compound occurring in plants but not heretofore reported to occur in an animal product, was isolated from volatiles released by adult male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, with the male's previously identified sex pheromones. It neither attracts females nor synergizes the pheromones, and its function remains unknown.The editors do not hold themselves responsible for the opinions expressed in the authors' brief reports. — Les auteurs sont seuls responsables des opinions exprimées dans ces brèves communications. — Für die Kurzmitteilungen ist ausschliesslich der Autor verantwortlich.—Per le brevi comunicazioni è responsabile solo l'autore. — . — Solo los autores son responsables de las opiniones expresadas en estas communicationes breves.Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation or an endorsement of the product by the US Department of Agriculture.Acknowledgments. We thank C. Harding for assistance with extractions and fractionations, R.M. Waters for spectral analyses, M.S. Fujimoto and H. Higa for collecting the volatiles and conducting laboratory and cage bioassays, and T. Urago and S. Nakagawa for conducting the field tests.  相似文献   

Riassunto Durante la germinazione diPinus pinea i livelli di fosfato libero sono risultati essere correlati a quelli della fosfatasi acida, anche in differenti parti della plantula. I valori di fosfato totale sono costanti in tale periodo.

This research was supported by a grant from the Impresa Enzimologica of the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and from Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione.  相似文献   

Summary Intensain causes in vitro a significant and apparently competitive inhibition of phosphodiesterase, which transforms the 3,5-AMP to 5-AMP. These results explain some intensain effects, especially the period of latency to reach the maximum effect, the inotropic action and its reaction under the influence of-blocking and-stimulating agents10–13.

3-(-Diäthylamino-äthyl)-4-methyl-7-carbäthoxy-methoxy-2-oxo-(1,2-chromen), Carbochromen.  相似文献   

Resumen La extirpacion de la medula suprarrenal no provoca alteraciones de la hemodinamia en ratas estudiadas en condiciones basales, mientras que durante el shock hipovolemico las ratas meduloprivas presentan un volumen minuto cardiaco menor, y un aumento de la presion arterial media y de la resistencia periferica total, en relacion a los testigos normales sometidos al mismo tipo de shock.

This work has been partially supported with a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas. The isotopes were obtained through the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atomica.

Established Investigator. Carrera del Investigador Científico del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina.  相似文献   

Riassunto I cromosomi diNasalis larvatus presentano un numero diploide di 2n=48. Il cariotipo presenta moite similitudini con quello delle altreColobinae e con leHylobatinae.

Supported in part by a grant from the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche No. 7854/H.  相似文献   

Conclusions The decrease of circulating blood volume, resulting in oligemic hypotension, may evoke in anaesthetized cat the active constrictory coronary vessel responses of 2 types, one occuring immediately after start of the hypotension and the other having a significantly prolonged latency.
, , , , ( 4 ), ( 45 ).

Riassunto I livelli plasmatici e l'eliminazione urinaria del methopholine immodificato sono molto bassi nell'uomo, in confronto alle varie dosi orali somministrate. Anche il trattamento trisettimanale non ha causato concentrazioni plasmatiche diverse da quelle ottenute con somministrazione singola o ripetuta. La sostanza è ampiamente trasformata nell'organismo ed escreta sotto forma di metaboliti vari.

Methopholine is the proposed generic name for the active substance of the preparation Versidyne.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Zwanzigstufenumwandlung von Isocholesterol (rohes Lanosterol) zu 14-Methyltestosteron wurde ausgeführt und die Reaktionsfolge von 3-Hydroxy-4,4,14-trimethyl-20-oxo-5-pregnan zu 14-Methyltestosteron beschrieben.

Part XIV. Part XIII,G. P. Mueller andG. R. Pettit, Exper.18, 404 (1962).

A preliminary report of this study was presented (August 27, 1962) at The Second International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Prague (Czechoslovakia).

This investigation was supported by PHS Research Grants CY-4074(C3) and CA 04074-05 from the National Cancer Institute, Public Health Service.  相似文献   

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