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人才科技 浙江省第十三次党代会报告指出,今后五年浙江要深入实施科教兴省战略,制定和实施人才强省发展纲要,大力推进科技创新,优先发展教育,全力打造人才高地,以创新引领现代化建设。强化创新引领,加快建设科教人才强省。促进经济社会又好又快发展,科技是关键、教育是基础、人才是核心。  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志在庆祝清华大学建校100周年大会上提出,推动经济社会又好又快发展,实现中华民族伟大复兴,科技是关键,人才是核心,教育是基础.当前,创新已经成为经济社会发展的主要驱动力,知识创新成为国家竞争力的核心要素.提高创新能力,建设现代化强国,必须有高质量的高等教育支撑.作为科技第一生产力和人才第一资源的重要结合点,高等教育如何适应经济社会的发展需要,是高等教育改革发展的重大课题,对于发挥高等教育在全球经济社会发展中的引领作用具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

正作为杭州唯一的综合性人才管理改革试验区,江干区始终坚持把创新作为引领发展的第一动力,把人才作为支撑发展的第一资源,走出了一条人才引领产业发展之路。2011年,江干区正式实施面向海内外高层次人才的招才引智计划——"百人计划",自此拉开了招才引智的大幕。经过2016年和2017年两次的修改,"百人计划"在引进带项目、带技术、带资金到江干的高层次创业团队和人才上发挥了更加重要的作用。2019年,江干区  相似文献   

<正>人才资源是第一资源,是引领创新发展的关键。2021年中央人才工作会议上,习近平总书记发表《深入实施新时代人才强国战略加快建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地》重要讲话,提出了新时代人才工作的重要战略目标——建设世界重要人才中心和创新高地。杭州市“十四五”人才发展规划的目标是打造人才生态最优城市、构筑全国人才高地、建设全球人才蓄水池。  相似文献   

正"十三五"规划建议把创新发展排在新发展理念之首,并提出创新是引领发展的第一动力。创新归根到底是人才创新,创新驱动归根到底是人才驱动,人才是支撑创新发展的第一资源。中国科协最大的资源就是科技人才,我们整个工作,就是要全面贯彻落实党中央关于科协系统深化改革实施方案,围绕新的发展理念,服务创新发展大局,释放科技人才的创新活力和能量,把我国的自主创新能力搞上去。——中国科学技术协会党组书记中国科学技术协会党组书记、常务副主席常务副主席、书记处第一书记尚勇  相似文献   

章春华 《今日科技》2007,(11):23-24
科技是第一生产力,人才是第一资源,要在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,实现县域经济又好又快发展,没有一大批高素质人才,特别是创新人才的支撑,显然是不可想象的。加快人才的培养与开发,既是站在新的历史起点,推进创新型社会建设的内在要  相似文献   

夏辑 《安徽科技》2014,(3):16-17
正习近平总书记指出:人才是兴国之本、富民之基、发展之源。要深刻认识人才在我国经济社会发展中的重要作用,牢固树立人才资源是第一资源的理念,坚持解放思想、解放人才、解放科技生产力,以改革创新精神推进人才队伍建设,以人才发展促进经济社会又好又快发展。按照这一要求,近年来,安徽省委省政府高度重视创新创业人才的培养和引进,强力推进合芜蚌试验区人才特区建设,有  相似文献   

周一富 《今日科技》2023,(11):18-19
<正>党的二十大报告提出,科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力。近年来,温州湾新区(高新区、经开区)、温州市龙湾区坚持把科技自立自强作为引领高质量发展的战略支撑,聚焦浙南科创新城、科创高地建设,大力实施科技创新和人才强区首位战略,努力开辟创新驱动发展新境界,不断塑造发展新动能新优势。2022年,温州高新区排名进入全国前40%,创新指数位列全省第八、  相似文献   

科技是第一生产力,科技创新是引领发展的第一动力.近年来,江山深入践行企业主体导向,聚力平台、聚焦主体、聚心服务,做到院校不足平台补、活力不足政策补、人才不足合作补、创新不足服务补,创新环境不断优化,创新驱动成效显著,科技创新已成为江山经济社会实现高质量发展的第一动力.  相似文献   

<正>党的二十大报告将教育、科技、人才列为专章进行部署,强调“必须坚持科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力,深入实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略,开辟发展新领域新赛道,不断塑造发展新动能新优势”。随着经济社会的快速发展,各行业对实践动手能力强的产业创新人才的需求十分旺盛。然而由于学科设置、课程设置等原因,高等院校的学科体制不能完全适应快速变化的产业技术发展需求。为贯彻落实党的二十大精神,切实解决产业创新人才供给与需求的矛盾,破解产业创新人才培养难题,浙江省充分发挥省级新型研发机构行业技术引领、高层次人才集聚以及体制机制灵活等优势,联合省属高校和职业技术学校,积极探索“科教融合”培养产业创新人才新模式。  相似文献   

The microstructure of bainite ferrite in NANOBAIN steel transformed at different temperatures was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron back-scattered diffraction, and vickers hardness tester in detail. It is found that the average width of bainitic ferrite (BF) plates can be refined to be thinner with the reduction of temperature (473–573 K), and the bainitic ferrite plates can reach up to 20–74 nm at 473 K. Crystallographic analysis reveals that the bainitic ferrite laths are close to the Nishiyama-Wasserman orientation relationship with their parent austenite. Temperature shows a significant effect on the variant selection, and a decrease in temperature generally weakens the variant selection. Thermodynamic analyses indicates that the Lacher, Fowler and Guggenheim (LFG) model is more suitable than the Kaufman, Radcliffe and Cohen (KRC) model dealing with NANOBAIN steel at a low temperature range. The free energy change ΔGγ→BF is about ?1500 J·mol?1 at 473 K, which indicates that nucleation in NANOBAIN steel is the shear mechanism. Finally, the formation of carbon poor regions is thermodynamically possible, and the existence of carbon poor regions can greatly increase the possibility of the shear mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of basicity and MgO content on the viscosity of SiO2-CaO-MgO-9wt%Al2O3 slags with basicity from 0.4 to 1.0 and MgO content from 13wt%to 19wt%were investigated using the rotating cylinder method. A correlation between the viscosity and the slag structure was determined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It is indicated that the complex network structure of the slag melt is depolymerized into simpler network units with increasing basicity or MgO content, resulting in a continuous decrease in viscosity of the slag. The viscosity is strongly dependent on the combined action of basic oxide components in the slag. Under the present experimental conditions, increasing the basicity is found to be more effective than increasing the MgO content in decreasing the viscosity of the slag. At higher temperatures, the increase of basicity or MgO content does not appreciably decrease the viscosity of the slag, as it does at lower tem-peratures. The calculated activation energy of viscous flow is between 154 and 200 kJ&#183;mol-1, which decreases with an increase in basicity from 0.4 to 1.0 at a fixed MgO content in the range of 13wt%to 19wt%.  相似文献   

Stoichiometric pure and tellurium (Te) doped indium bismuthide (InBi) were grown using the directional freezing technique in a fabricated furnace. The X-ray diffraction profiles identified the crystallinity and phase composition. The surface topographical features were observed by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The energy dispersive analysis by X-rays was performed to identify the atomic proportion of elements. Studies on the temperature dependence of dielectric constant (?), loss tangent (tanδ), and AC conductivity (σac) reveal the existence of a ferroelectric phase transition in the doped material at 403 K. When InBi is doped with tellurium (4.04 at%), a band gap of 0.20 eV can be achieved, and this is confirmed using Fourier transform infrared studies. The results thus show the conversion of semimetallic InBi to a semiconductor with the optical properties suitable for use in infrared detectors.  相似文献   

Subsurface macro-inclusions and hooks are detrimental to the surface quality of deep-drawing steel sheets. However, little is known about the relationship between macro-inclusions and hooks. Thus, in this work, two ultralow carbon (ULC) steel slabs and two low carbon (LC) aluminum-killed steel slabs were sampled to study the relationship between hooks and subsurface macro-inclusions, which were detected on the cross-sections of steel samples with an area of 56058 mm2 using an automated scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system. Results show that subsurface inclusions larger than 200 μm were almost entrapped by hook structures, whereas the location of other inclusions smaller than 200 μm had no obvious dependence on the location of solidified hooks. Furthermore, the number density (ND) of subsurface inclusions larger than 200 μm decreased from 0.02 to 0 cm-2 in ULC steel as the mean hook depth decreased from 1.57 to 1.01 mm. Similar trends were also observed in LC steel. In addition, the detected inclusions larger than 200 μm were concentrated in the region near the slab center (3/8 width-5/8 width), where hook depths were also larger than those at any other locations. Therefore, minimizing the hook depth is an effective way to reduce inclusion-induced sliver defects in deep-drawing steels.  相似文献   

In order to solve effectively the problems of deep mining with safety and high efficiency, the multi- pie factors influencing the stability of deep rock roadway and technical problems are analyzed in the light of the severe situation of effective mining for deep coal resource, and the stability control methods for deep rock road- way are provided, which are based on the idea of combined support with separated steps and integral control of surrounding rock of deep rock roadway. The suggested methods were applied to a deep rock roadway with -648 m depth in Gubei coal mine of Huainan area. The field test was carried out and the in-situ monitoring was imple- mented, and the support scheme was optimized and adjusted to improve the stability of the surrounding rock of the roadway based on the feedback analysis. The results showed that the stability can be improved greatly by the provided control methods tbr deep roadway. The present methods lbr stability control of deep rock roadway can be used to other deep rock roadways with the similar conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, experimental and numerical simulation methods were combined to simulate the changing course of the temperature and velocity fields in nine different fire scenes. The characteristics of smoke movement in shafts with different fire source position factors (h/H) were quantitatively investigated, and the non-dimensional fitting function between the fire source position factors and the maximum temperature was deduced. The results showed that the location of the neutral plane moved upward as the fire source rose, and all the generated smoke spread to the upper areas; however, there was barely any smoke in the lower areas. The maximum temperature was inversely proportional to the fire source position factor; the higher the source position is, i.e. the higher the ra- tio factor is, the lower the maximum temperature is in the shaft. The experimental verification of the fire dynamics simulator (FDS) showed good results.  相似文献   

Many factors, such as deck motion and air wave, influence the determination of the approach speed which has an important effect on landing safety. Until recently, there are no design criteria about approach speed of carrier aircraft in the current standards and available publications. Therefore, the requirements of stall margin, longitudinal acceleration ability, altitude correction and field-of-view on approach speed were researched. Based on the flight dynamics model, the flight simulations were conducted to study the effect of the response time of en- gine, wave off requirements, elevator efficiency and deflection rate on the approach speed. The results presented that the approach longitudinal acceleration and altitude correction ability had crucial influence on the approach speed envelope of the aircraft. The limitations of the control requirements, field-of-view requirements and gear were also given through the simulation and analysis. Based on the above results, the approach speed envelope were determined.  相似文献   

The research and application on small denture machining equipment are great breakthrough for modern dental restoration technology.In this paper,a small denture machining equipment made of two spindles with four-axis was designed based on machining characteristics and functional analysis.Position accuracy and re-position accuracy were measured by accuracy instrument.In order to test its machining capacity,some typical microstructure parts,such as straight channel,hemispherical surface,and molars coronal,were selected for high speed milling.It was obtained that the denture machining equipment met the machining requirements with high quality and efficiency,according to the acquisition and analysis of form and position errors,surface roughness,and 3-D profile.  相似文献   

Reservoir regulation process in the Yangtze River basin is mainly divided into two types of flood regulation and initiating benefit regulation. The present reservoir management system and operation mode are mainly for dealing with or coordinating of flood control and benefit initiation as well as benefit distribution among various beneficial functions. From the view point of river ecosystem protection, the current regulation mode has two kinds of problems : firstly, most of the reservoir regulation plans do not consider ecosystem protection at downstream of dams and needs of environment protection in reservoir areas; secondly, integrated regulation or management of water resources is ignored. It is very necessary to improve reservoir regulation mode, bearing problems faced by regulation of the Three Gorges reservoir and issues related to cascade development and regulation in Tuojiang and Minjiang River basins in mind. In accordance with the concept of scientific development, and the philosophy of "ensuring a healthy Yangtze River and promoting the harmony between human and water", taking flood control, benefit initiation and eco-system as a whole, this paper put forward the basic consideration to improve reservoir regulation as follows : on the basis of requirements of ecosystem protection at downstream of dams and needs of environment protection in reservoir areas, we should bring the functions of reservoir such as flood control and benefit initiation into full play, control the negative influence to the ecosystem at downstream of dams and the environment in reservoir areas in an endurable scope, and restore the ecosystem and the environment step by step. This paper put forward the relevant regulation process aiming at the idiographic problems such as protection of ecosystem at downstream of dams and environment in reservoir areas, protection of aquatic wildlife species and fish species, regulation of sediment and protection of wetland.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how to optimize the cache performance of sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM).It classifies the cache misses into two categories:one is caused by the irregular distribution pattern of the multiplier-matrix,and the other is caused by the multiplicand.For each of them,the paper puts forward an optimization method respectively.The first hash based method removes cache misses of the 1 st category effectively,and improves the performance by a factor of 6 on an Intel 8-core CPU for the best cases.For cache misses of the 2nd category,it proposes a new cache replacement algorithm,which achieves a cache hit rate much higher than other historical knowledge based algorithms,and the algorithm is applicable on CELL and GPU.To further verify the effectiveness of our methods,we implement our algorithm on GPU,and the performance perfectly scales with the size of on-chip storage.  相似文献   

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