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Fluid inclusions are the samples of metamorphic fluids trapped during the formation and/or later fractur-ing-resealing processes of metamorphic minerals. The composition and properties of fluid incluisons can reflect the physico-chemical conditions of the fluids during plate subduction and exhuamtion[1]. Ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks commonly experienced considerable decompression in the course of exhumation process. This has caused departure of the retrograde P-T path of the ro…  相似文献   

An ultrahigh pressure ductile shear mélange crops out on the beach of Yangkou Bay near Qingdao City. The mélange is composed of weakly deformed blocks in a highly ductilly flow mylonites. Ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) tectonite includes strongly deformed eclogite and mylonitized eclogite. Coesite occurs in the tectonite as both interstitial mineral and inclusions in garnet and omphacite, indicating that the deformation took place in the stability field of coesite (800—850℃, >30 GPa) in the upper mantle. Coesite is rounded or short prismatic grains with undulatory extinction, and often fractured, suggesting brittle deformation. Garnet is also characterized by brittle fractures and sometimes necked and slightly elongated. Omphacite is elongated, with long axis preferred orientation. Undulatory extinction, subgrains and dynamically recrystallized grains suggest plastic flow of omphacite. Ultrahigh pressure metamorphic tectonite was probably formed in the ductile shear zone during the early stage of exhumation of the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks. Its kinematic indicators point to the transport direction of the UHPM slab during the early stage of exhumation.  相似文献   

Fluidinclusionstudiesarepowerfultoolsfordeci-pheringthefluidevolutionandfluid-rockinteractionin-volvingultrahigh-pressure(UHP)metamorphismofcrustalrocksatmantledepths.Thecompositionandprop-ertiesoffluidinclusionscanreflectthephysico-chemicalconditionsofthefluidsduringplatesubduction,UHPmetamorphismandexhumation.However,UHPmeta-morphicrockscommonlyexperiencedconsiderablede-compressionrelatedtotherapidexhumationprocess.Thishascausedtheinternalpressureoftheinclusionstrappedinthemetamorphicmin…  相似文献   

Fluid activity during exhumation of deep-subducted continental plate   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
It is well known that a great deal of fluid wasreleased during subduction of oceanic crust, resulting in arcmagmatism, quartz veining and metamorphic mineralizationof syn-subduction. In contrast, the process of continentalsubduction is characterized by the relative lack of fluid andthus no arc magmatism has been found so far. During exhu-mation of deep-subducted continental crust, nevertheless,significant amounts of aqueous fluid became available fromthe decomposition of hydrous minerals, the decrepitation ofprimary fluid inclusions, and the exsolution of structuralhydroxyls. This kind of metamorphic fluid has recently at-tracted widespread interests and thus been one of the mostimportant targets in deciphering the geological processesconcerning metamorphism, magmatism and mineralizationin collisional orogens. A large number of studies inlvolvingstable isotopes, fluid inclusions and petrological phase rela-tionships have been accomplished in past a few years withrespect to the mobility and amount of met  相似文献   

High-pressure (HP) metamorphic terrane in the Tongbai orogen comprises two HP slices (I and II) and a tectonic m61ange zone in the northeast and a blueschist-greenschist zone in the southwest. HP slice I is represented by the northern and southern eclogite zones on the two sides of the Tongbaishan antiform. HP slice II is represented by retrograded eclogite-bearing metamorphic en- claves in Cretaceous gneissic granites in the Tongbai Complex. U-Pb, Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr and 4Ar/39Ar multichronometric data indi- cate that the peak metamorphism of HP slice I took place at -255 Ma, whereas the metamorphic ages of HP slice II are as young as 232-220 Ma. By contrast, the tectonic melange zone near the suture was metamorphosed at -256 Ma. Such a diachroneity of dif- ferent slices across the direction of the orogen in the Hong'an-Dabie-Sulu HP/UHP terrane is ubiquitous, and it can be interpreted by a syn-subduction detachment/exhumation model. Furthermore, the metamorphic age of HP slice I in the Tongbai orogen is older than that of the equivalent HP slice in the Hong'an orogen by ~15 Ma, suggesting that the diachroneity may have also ex- isted along the direction of the orogen. A seesaw-type subduction/exhumation model is proposed to explain this age disparity and the subduction of the South China Block becomimg shallower towards the west.  相似文献   

Abundantbasic-ultrabasicbodiescropoutintheDabie-Suluultrahighpressure(UHP)metamorphicbeltandoccurasgroupandband.Muchresearchworkhasbeencarriedoutonthebasic-ultrabasicbodiesandmadeagreatprogressespeciallyonmineralogy.ThediscoveryofmineralassemblagesofUHPmetamorphismandexsolvedlamellaesuggestthattherocksmaycomefromthedeepmantleorwasonceemplacedintotheshallowlevelofthecrustandthensubductedtothemantledepthsduringsub-ductionofthecrust[1—13].However,theiroriginandtec-tonicsettingarestillacontrov…  相似文献   

Although tectonic models were presented for exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks during the continental collision, there is increasing evidence for the decoupling between crustal slices at various depths within deeply subducted continental crust. This lends support to the multi-slice successive exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu orogen. The available evidence is summarized as follows: (1) the low-grade metamorphic slices, which have geotectonic affinity to the South China Block and part of them records the Triassic metamorphism, occur in the northern margin of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic zone, suggesting decoupling of the upper crust from the underlying basement during the initial stages of continental subduction; (2) the Dabie and Sulu HP to UHP metamorphic zones comprise several HP to UHP slices, which have an increased trend of metamorphic grade from south to north but a decreased trend of peak metamorphic ages correspondingly; and (3) the Chinese Continental Science Drilling (CCSD) project at Donghai in the Sulu orogen reveals that the UHP metamorphic zone is composed of several stacked slices, which display distinctive high and low radiogenic Pb from upper to lower parts in the profile, suggesting that these UHP crustal slices were derived from the subducted upper and middle crusts, respectively. Detachment surfaces within the deeply subducted crust may occur either along an ancient fault as a channel of fluid flow, which resulted in weakening of mechanic strength of the rocks adjacent to the fault due to fluid-rock interaction, or along the low-viscosity zones which resulted from variations of geotherms and lithospheric compositions at different depths. The multi-slice successive exhumation model is different from the traditional exhumation model of the UHP metamorphic rocks in that the latter assumes the detachment of the entire subducted continental crust from the underlying mantle lithosphere and its subsequent exhumation as a whol  相似文献   

Review of Researches on Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Methods recently advanced for discrimination on the genesis of metamorphic zircon, such as analysis of mineral inclusions and trace elements, provide us powerful means to distinguish zircon overgrowth during high-pressure metamorphism. Zircons in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite from Qinglongshan in the Sulu terrane were studied by the SHRIMP U-Pb method in combining with trace element and mineral inclusion analyses. No inherited core was identified in the analyzed zircons by means of cathodoluminescence images. The occurrence of high-pressure metamorphic mineral inclusions in zircon, such as garnet, omphacite, rutile, and the flat HREE pattern in zircon indicate that the zircon formed at high-pressure metamorphic conditions. Therefore, a weighted average U-Pb age of 227.4±3.5 Ma obtained from such a kind of zircon is interpreted to represent the timing of peak nietamorphism for the Qinglongshan eclogite.  相似文献   

Hualiangting whiteschist in the Dabie Shan ultrahigh-pressure eclogite complex is a specific Mg-Al- rich metamorphic rock. Its protolith was a felsic dyke, which suffered replacement by high-pressure fluids during eclogite-facies metamorphism. Based on fluid inclusion results in whiteschist, primary high-pressure fluids are CO2-bearing aqueous solutions. Those prove that there exists CO2-H2O fluid during the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Pseudosecondary H2O inclusions were trapped during ultrahigh-pressure exhumation, whereas secondary H2O inclusions were related to the latest evolutionary stage of the ultrahigh-pressure exhumation.  相似文献   

Adakite[1] is an igneous rock generated by the partial melting of subducting ocean slab in an island arc setting. Meanwhile, residuals of the slab-melting are transformed to eclogite or garnet-amphibolite during a slab subduction process. This note reports the adakite-type grey gneisses discovered in the North Dabie Mountain. These adakitic rocks are characterized by high Al2O3 (14.97%-17.56%), Sr (545-941 μg/g), Sr/Y (44.71-218.98), La/Yb (16.70-97.50), and low Y (3.32-12.19?μg/g), Yb (0.31-1.34 μg/g), Sc (0.92-4.2 μg/g), as well as positive Sr anomaly but absent or positive Eu anomaly. They are different from the low aluminum grey gneisses with low Al2O3 (13.73%-14.38%), Sr (262-409μg/g), Sr/Y (6.46-15.97) and La/Yb (1.90-22.60), high Y(21.79- 36.24 μg/g), Yb (2.00-5.59 μg/g) , Sc (8.30%-12.70%), and negative Sr, Eu anomaly in the North Dabie Mountain. The adakite-type grey gneisses in the North Dabie Mountain were most probably formed by the partial melting of subducting ocean slab before the Indo-Chinese epoch. We suggest that the subducting of an ocean slab took place prior to the incorporation between the Yangtze and North China plates in the Indo-Chinese epoch, resulting in formation of adakite-type igneous rocks and some ultrahigh pressure eclogites related to the subducted ocean slab. Therefore, besides the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism of the Indo-Chinese epoch, some ultrahigh pressure ecoglits were most likely formed prior to the Indo-Chinese epoch in the Dabie Mountain. In addition, the adakite-type grey gneisses with arc origin occur in the North Dabie Mountain, inferring that the Yangtze plate subducted down below the North China plate and the main suture zone between the two plates was likely along the southern side to the North Dabie Mountain.  相似文献   

Eclogite cobbles were discovered by Wang et al. (2001) in the Fenghuangtai Formation of the northern margin of Dabie Mountains in the Dushan area of Anhui Province, China[1]. They proposed that after the formation during the Triassic, the high-pressure (HP) and ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks reached the sur-face through exhumation and uplifting before the late Ju-rassic. However, they have not provided any evidence about isotopic ages. One kind of cobbles of HP-UHP rocks w…  相似文献   

The Xiaotian-Mozitan fault (XMF) located north of Dabie orogenic belt separates the North Dabie complex to the south from the Beihuaiyang low-grade metamorphic rocks to the north. It comprises several NW-striking ductile shear zones and brittle faults. The brittle faults obviously overprinted on the ductile shear zones and promoted the development of the volcanic basins in early Cretaceous to the north, which suggests that the brittle faults were normal faults formed in early Cretaceous during doming of Dabie orogenic belt. The ductile shear zone superposed on the north Dabie grey gneiss, and it is an important channel where the Dabie HP-UHP rocks exhumed. For obtaining new structural constraint on exhumation of the HP-UHP rocks, we present here experimental results on the microstructure, quartz C-axis fabrics and the microprobe analyses of phengite. The ductile shear zone was determined to be formed at temperature of 600-650℃ and pressure of 1.1 GPa by the mineral deformation, microprobe analyses and geobarometry of Si-in-phengite of the mylonite, the results suggest that the mylonite now exposed on the surface experienced an upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism in the lower crust. The mineral stretching lineation varies from horizontal in the east segment to sub-dip in the west. Shear sense indicators from outcrop and thin sections of orientated specimen and quartz C-axis fabrics suggest that the XMF is a sinistral normal fault. The kinematics analysis of the ductile shear zone indicates that the exhumation of Dabie HP-UHP rocks is the results of a SE-directed extrusion and an anticlockwise rotation around its eastern pivot simultaneously.  相似文献   

在利用共聚焦显微镜和PVTsim软件对鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界储层山西组砂岩中次生包裹体进行模拟计算的基础上,通过建立起利用液态烃包裹体和同期的盐水包裹体的二元一次等容线方程联立求解包裹体捕获温度和压力的方法.结果表明,包裹体的捕获压力220~280Pa,对于均一温度在100℃~110℃范围的盐水包裹体,其最小捕获压力比捕获压力低60~70Pa;包裹体的捕获压力有从南向北逐渐减小的趋势;包裹体的捕获压力远小于深盆气藏形成时的静水压力,这一特征与深盆气藏形成的地质地球化学条件相一致.图3,表7,参9.  相似文献   

对垂直于水平流向的气液两相流压差信号进行了实际测量,对采集的信号提取其功率谱熵值.结果表明:压差信号的功率谱熵受外界压力变化影响较小,对两相流流型变化是敏感的,通过分析功率谱熵值随气液两相流气相流速变化趋势,能够较好地揭示水平管道气液两相流流动特性,为两相流流型的准确识别方法提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

Abundant occurrences of quartz vein within eclogites in the Dabie-Sulu orogen provide us an opportunity to study metamorphic fluid flow during subduction and exhumation of continental crust. It is, however, usually short of petrological constraints on pressure and temperature of vein formation. This study focuses on kyanite-quartz veins within Iow-T/high-P eclogite in the Dabie terrane that contain unique polycrystalline aggregates, interpreted as pseudomorphs after porphyroblasts of lawsonite. Coesite pseudomorphs were found for the first time in garnet from eclogite, resulting in a revised estimate of peak P-T conditions at 670℃ and 3.3 GPa for the eclogite. This indicates a stability field at graphite/diamond transition, thus upgrading the HP unit to a UHP unit. Neither foliation texture, undulose extinction of quartz nor coesite were observed in quartz veins,although the peak P-T conditions were estimated the same as that in host eclogite in light of thermodynamic calculation based on mineral assemblage in kyanite-quartz veins.Therefore, the formation of the kyanite-quartz veins as wellas the breakdown of lawsonlte into the kyanite-quartz-zoisite assemblage took place during exhumation subsequent to the peak UHP conditions. In this regard, the continental subduction not only brought the water of water-bearing mineral such as lawsonite into the deep mantle, but also released the water from the mineral during exhumation.  相似文献   

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