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Observations of rapid shifts in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants between generations prompted the creation of the bottleneck theory. A prevalent hypothesis is that a massive reduction in mtDNA content during early oogenesis leads to the bottleneck. To test this, we estimated the mtDNA copy number in single germline cells and in single somatic cells of early embryos in mice. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) show consistent, moderate mtDNA copy numbers across developmental stages, whereas primary oocytes demonstrate substantial mtDNA expansion during early oocyte maturation. Some somatic cells possess a very low mtDNA copy number. We also demonstrated that PGCs have more than 100 mitochondria per cell. We conclude that the mitochondrial bottleneck is not due to a drastic decline in mtDNA copy number in early oogenesis but rather to a small effective number of segregation units for mtDNA in mouse germ cells. These results provide new information for mtDNA segregation models and for understanding the recurrence risks for mtDNA diseases.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic disorders of children and adults. Several reports have suggested an increased incidence of maternal transmission in some forms of DM. Therefore, we tested a pedigree with maternally transmitted DM and deafness for mitochondrial DNA mutations and discovered a 10.4 kilobase (kb) mtDNA deletion. This deletion is unique because it is maternally inherited, removes the light strand origin (OL) of mtDNA replication, inhibits mitochondrial protein synthesis, and is not associated with the hallmarks of mtDNA deletion syndromes. This discovery demonstrates that DM can be caused by mtDNA mutations and suggests that some of the heterogeneity of this disease results from the novel features of mtDNA genetics.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic modification that results in expression from only one of the two parental copies of a gene. Differences in methylation between the two parental chromosomes are often observed at or near imprinted genes. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS), which predisposes to cancer and excessive growth, results from a disruption of imprinted gene expression in chromosome band 11p15.5. One third of individuals with BWS lose maternal-specific methylation at KvDMR1, a putative imprinting control region within intron 10 of the KCNQ1 gene, and it has been proposed that this epimutation results in aberrant imprinting and, consequently, BWS1, 2. Here we show that paternal inheritance of a deletion of KvDMR1 results in the de-repression in cis of six genes, including Cdkn1c, which encodes cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C. Furthermore, fetuses and adult mice that inherited the deletion from their fathers were 20-25% smaller than their wildtype littermates. By contrast, maternal inheritance of this deletion had no effect on imprinted gene expression or growth. Thus, the unmethylated paternal KvDMR1 allele regulates imprinted expression by silencing genes on the paternal chromosome. These findings support the hypothesis that loss of methylation in BWS patients activates the repressive function of KvDMR1 on the maternal chromosome, resulting in abnormal silencing of CDKN1C and the development of BWS.  相似文献   

Telomere shortening limits the proliferative lifespan of human cells by activation of DNA damage pathways, including upregulation of the cell cycle inhibitor p21 (encoded by Cdkn1a, also known as Cip1 and Waf1)) (refs. 1-5). Telomere shortening in response to mutation of the gene encoding telomerase is associated with impaired organ maintenance and shortened lifespan in humans and in mice. The in vivo function of p21 in the context of telomere dysfunction is unknown. Here we show that deletion of p21 prolongs the lifespan of telomerase-deficient mice with dysfunctional telomeres. p21 deletion improved hematolymphopoiesis and the maintenance of intestinal epithelia without rescuing telomere function. Moreover, deletion of p21 rescued proliferation of intestinal progenitor cells and improved the repopulation capacity and self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells from mice with dysfunctional telomeres. In these mice, apoptotic responses remained intact, and p21 deletion did not accelerate chromosomal instability or cancer formation. This study provides experimental evidence that telomere dysfunction induces p21-dependent checkpoints in vivo that can limit longevity at the organismal level.  相似文献   

Extensive complementation between fused mitochondria is indicated by recombination of 'parental' mitochondrial (mt) DNA (ref. 1,2) of yeast and plant cells. It has been difficult, however, to demonstrate the occurrence of complementation between fused mitochondria in mammalian species through the presence of recombinant mtDNA molecules, because sequence of mtDNA throughout an individual tends to be uniform owing to its strictly maternal inheritance. We isolated two types of respiration-deficient cell lines, with pathogenic mutations in mitochondrial tRNAIle or tRNALeu(UUR) genes from patients with mitochondrial diseases. The coexistence of their mitochondria within hybrids restored their normal morphology and respiratory enzyme activity by 10-14 days after fusion, indicating the presence of an extensive and continuous exchange of genetic contents between the mitochondria. This complementation between fused mitochondria may represent a defence of highly oxidative organelles against mitochondrial dysfunction caused by the accumulation of mtDNA lesions with age.  相似文献   

Progressive external ophthalmoplegias (PEO) characterized by accumulation of large-scale mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions are rare human diseases. We mapped a new locus for dominant PEO at 15q22-q26 in a Belgian pedigree and identified a heterozygous mutation (Y955C) in the polymerase motif B of the mtDNA polymerase gamma (POLG). We identified three additional POLG missense mutations compatible with recessive PEO In two nuclear families. POLG is the only DNA polymerase responsible for mtDNA replication.  相似文献   

Experiments involving overexpression of Ski have suggested that this gene is involved in neural tube development and muscle differentiation. In agreement with these findings, Ski-/- mice display a cranial neural tube defect that results in exencephaly and a marked reduction in skeletal muscle mass. Here we show that the penetrance and expressivity of the phenotype changes when the null mutation is backcrossed into the C57BL6/J background, with the principal change involving a switch from a neural tube defect to midline facial clefting. Other defects, including depressed nasal bridge, eye abnormalities, skeletal muscle defects and digit abnormalities, show increased penetrance in the C57BL6/J background. These phenotypes are interesting because they resemble some of the features observed in individuals diagnosed with 1p36 deletion syndrome, a disorder caused by monosomy of the short arm of human chromosome 1p (refs. 6-9). These similarities prompted us to re-examine the chromosomal location of human SKI and to determine whether SKI is included in the deletions of 1p36. We found that human SKI is located at distal 1p36.3 and is deleted in all of the individuals tested so far who have this syndrome. Thus, SKI may contribute to some of the phenotypes common in 1p36 deletion syndrome, and particularly to facial clefting.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process in which the activity of a gene is determined by its parent of origin. Mechanisms governing genomic imprinting are just beginning to be understood. However, the tendency of imprinted genes to exist in chromosomal clusters suggests a sharing of regulatory elements. To better understand imprinted gene clustering, we disrupted a cluster of imprinted genes on mouse distal chromosome 7 using the Cre/loxP recombination system. In mice carrying a site-specific translocation separating Cdkn1c and Kcnq1, imprinting of the genes retained on chromosome 7, including Kcnq1, Kcnq1ot1, Ascl2, H19 and Igf2, is unaffected, demonstrating that these genes are not regulated by elements near or telomeric to Cdkn1c. In contrast, expression and imprinting of the translocated Cdkn1c, Slc22a1l and Tssc3 on chromosome 11 are affected, consistent with the hypothesis that elements regulating both expression and imprinting of these genes lie within or proximal to Kcnq1. These data support the proposal that chromosomal abnormalities, including translocations, within KCNQ1 that are associated with the human disease Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) may disrupt CDKN1C expression. These results underscore the importance of gene clustering for the proper regulation of imprinted genes.  相似文献   

A T-->G transversion at nt 8993 in mitochondrial DNA of MTATP6 (encoding ATPase 6 of complex V of the respiratory chain) causes impaired mitochondrial ATP synthesis in two related mitochondrial disorders: neuropathy, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa and maternally inherited Leigh syndrome. To overcome the biochemical defect, we expressed wildtype ATPase 6 protein allotopically from nucleus-transfected constructs encoding an amino-terminal mitochondrial targeting signal appended to a recoded ATPase 6 gene (made compatible with the universal genetic code) that also contained a carboxy-terminal FLAG epitope tag. After transfection of human cells, the precursor polypeptide was expressed, imported into and processed within mitochondria, and incorporated into complex V. Allotopic expression of stably transfected constructs in cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrids) homoplasmic with respect to the 8993T-->G mutation showed a significantly improved recovery after growth in selective medium as well as a significant increase in ATP synthesis. This is the first successful demonstration of allotopic expression of an mtDNA-encoded polypeptide in mammalian cells and could form the basis of a genetic approach to treat a number of human mitochondrial disorders.  相似文献   

We present here a Sleeping Beauty-based transposition system that offers a simple and efficient way to investigate the regulatory architecture of mammalian chromosomes in vivo. With this system, we generated several hundred mice and embryos, each with a regulatory sensor inserted at a random genomic position. This large sampling of the genome revealed the widespread presence of long-range regulatory activities along chromosomes, forming overlapping blocks with distinct tissue-specific expression potentials. The presence of tissue-restricted regulatory activities around genes with widespread expression patterns challenges the gene-centric view of genome regulation and suggests that most genes are modulated in a tissue-specific manner. The local hopping property of Sleeping Beauty provides a dynamic approach to map these regulatory domains at high resolution and, combined with Cre-mediated recombination, allows for the determination of their functions by engineering mice with specific chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

The neuroepithelia of the inner ear contain hair cells that function as mechanoreceptors to transduce sound and motion signals. Mutations affecting these neuroepithelia cause deafness and vestibular dysfuction in humans. Ames waltzer (av) is a recessive mutation found in mice that causes deafness and a balance disorder associated with the degeneration of inner ear neuroepithelia. Here we report that the gene that harbours the av mutation encodes a novel protocadherin. Cochlear hair cells in the av mutants show abnormal stereocilia by 10 days after birth (P10). This is the first evidence for the requirement of a protocadherin for normal function of the mammalian inner ear.  相似文献   

The relationship between the neurosensory photoreceptors and the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) controls not only normal retinal function, but also the pathogenesis of hereditary retinal degenerations. The molecular bases for both primary photoreceptor and RPE diseases that cause blindness have been identified. Gene therapy has been used successfully to slow degeneration in rodent models of primary photoreceptor diseases, but efficacy of gene therapy directed at photoreceptors and RPE in a large-animal model of human disease has not been reported. Here we study one of the most clinically severe retinal degenerations, Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). LCA causes near total blindness in infancy and can result from mutations in RPE65 (LCA, type II; MIM 180069 and 204100). A naturally occurring animal model, the RPE65-/- dog, suffers from early and severe visual impairment similar to that seen in human LCA. We used a recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying wild-type RPE65 (AAV-RPE65) to test the efficacy of gene therapy in this model. Our results indicate that visual function was restored in this large animal model of childhood blindness.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperones and ER stress have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, but their contribution to neuron death remains uncertain. In this study, we establish a direct in vivo link between ER dysfunction and neurodegeneration. Mice homozygous with respect to the woozy (wz) mutation develop adult-onset ataxia with cerebellar Purkinje cell loss. Affected cells have intracellular protein accumulations reminiscent of protein inclusions in both the ER and the nucleus. In addition, upregulation of the unfolded protein response, suggestive of ER stress, occurs in mutant Purkinje cells. We report that the wz mutation disrupts the gene Sil1 that encodes an adenine nucleotide exchange factor of BiP, a crucial ER chaperone. These findings provide evidence that perturbation of ER chaperone function in terminally differentiated neurons leads to protein accumulation, ER stress and subsequent neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Wang E  Wang J  Zhu X  Hao W  Wang L  Li Q  Zhang L  He W  Lu B  Lin H  Ma H  Zhang G  He Z 《Nature genetics》2008,40(11):1370-1374
Grain-filling, an important trait that contributes greatly to grain weight, is regulated by quantitative trait loci and is associated with crop domestication syndrome. However, the genes and underlying molecular mechanisms controlling crop grain-filling remain elusive. Here we report the isolation and functional analysis of the rice GIF1 (GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1) gene that encodes a cell-wall invertase required for carbon partitioning during early grain-filling. The cultivated GIF1 gene shows a restricted expression pattern during grain-filling compared to the wild rice allele, probably a result of accumulated mutations in the gene's regulatory sequence through domestication. Fine mapping with introgression lines revealed that the wild rice GIF1 is responsible for grain weight reduction. Ectopic expression of the cultivated GIF1 gene with the 35S or rice Waxy promoter resulted in smaller grains, whereas overexpression of GIF1 driven by its native promoter increased grain production. These findings, together with the domestication signature that we identified by comparing nucleotide diversity of the GIF1 loci between cultivated and wild rice, strongly suggest that GIF1 is a potential domestication gene and that such a domestication-selected gene can be used for further crop improvement.  相似文献   

Experimental infection with mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) has been used to elucidate the intricate host-pathogen mechanisms that determine innate resistance to infection. Linkage analyses in F(2) progeny from MCMV-resistant MA/My (H2 (k)) and MCMV-susceptible BALB/c (H2 (d)) and BALB.K (H2 (k)) mouse strains indicated that only the combination of alleles encoded by a gene in the Klra (also called Ly49) cluster on chromosome 6, and one in the major histocompatibility complex (H2) on chromosome 17, is associated with virus resistance. We found that natural killer cell-activating receptor Ly49P specifically recognized MCMV-infected cells, dependent on the presence of the H2 (k) haplotype. This binding was blocked using antibodies to H-2D(k) but not antibodies to H-2K(k). These results are suggestive of a new natural killer cell mechanism implicated in MCMV resistance, which depends on the functional interaction of the Ly49P receptor and the major histocompatibility complex class I molecule H-2D(k) on MCMV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Magnesium is an essential ion involved in many biochemical and physiological processes. Homeostasis of magnesium levels is tightly regulated and depends on the balance between intestinal absorption and renal excretion. However, little is known about specific proteins mediating transepithelial magnesium transport. Using a positional candidate gene approach, we identified mutations in TRPM6 (also known as CHAK2), encoding TRPM6, in autosomal-recessive hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia (HSH, OMIM 602014), previously mapped to chromosome 9q22 (ref. 3). The TRPM6 protein is a new member of the long transient receptor potential channel (TRPM) family and is highly similar to TRPM7 (also known as TRP-PLIK), a bifunctional protein that combines calcium- and magnesium-permeable cation channel properties with protein kinase activity. TRPM6 is expressed in intestinal epithelia and kidney tubules. These findings indicate that TRPM6 is crucial for magnesium homeostasis and implicate a TRPM family member in human disease.  相似文献   

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